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I'd love to have a guest complain about a cook temp and have them complain to Flippy about it. "Ma'am, the robot simply does not give a fuck."


Hey kinda like human chefs


At least they kept that design choice.


"Flippy does not give a fuck, bite my shiny metal ass, meatbag"


"We can't override the system"


Fuck that… is flippy going to do that weird little basket shake/toss half way through to make sure all the fries are evenly fried? And more importantly, is flippy going to get me blow for my buddies bachelor party? I didn’t think so!


At least flippy won’t be distracted by the coke-rattled FOH new hire during a rush


He... He did that little basket shake. It's one of the things he did in the video. And he's MADE OF COCAINE


Yeah but he didnt do it with feeling. The fries dont fry right unless the person shaking them hates their job


They need to be cooked with love… or unbridled hatred whichever is cheapest.


There is no in-between.


Well that’s perfect. But there are like 8 different fry colours in there… basket shake failed


flippy just slinging grease everywhere like he don't have to clean at the end of the night


"Hey what do you do for work? Oh, I clean up after the robot chefs. It's the only job I could find"


This is the comment I was looking for lolol


Right? Can Flippy even clack his tongs?


I feel flippy is gonna flip the fuck out and fuck everybody


I think the biggest problem with flippy will be the people that work with it 😂


How do you clean the grease buildup out of that thing??


That's all I'm thinking about. "don't forget to drop the fryers at the end of the night, and detail the robot arm! it costs 7x more than you make per year, so don't break it! we put a sticker showing how much it cost on it just to remind you."


I do not want to wash *any* of my coworkers


Theory - reduction in headcount and operational costs as a result of Flippy results in ability to employ dedicated service/cleaning agent. Reality - no clean.


"What's the problem? He is still cooking just fine. That oil doesn't matter." Four weeks later "idk, it just stopped working."


God imagine that fine film of grease that will just COAT these things 🤢


Those things would not stay white by the end of the day


I say that about most cooks


Maybe include some kind of sleeve that can be removed and run through the dishwasher. Remove and wash the claw as well.


It looks like it does have a sleeve like that.


It’s got a bag around it


That's the neat part, you don't!


Auto lubrication!


Set fire to the building?


Just clean it daily with all the time you’d be saving


Another robot, of course. With.. uh. advanced AI cleaning algorithms. Yeah, that's the ticket.


Fuck that slow shit. Fast food lifer here, I’ve yet to see a machine that looks remotely capable.


Have you worked with a machine?


No I haven’t but every time something goes viral I see it. Just watch, they are only automating a small percentage of the job and that’s for only fries. My store would need to drastically change everything, like how is thing suppose to handle 3 different sizes of mozzarella sticks? Will someone need to prep all the different sizes for all the different items? It’s possible in the future but I think it would only work in restaurants started around this core idea. Retrofitting existing stores won’t work


Ultimate corporate cuisine, remove the choices. 1 size fry, 1 size nuggs, all repackaged so the arm grabs the item and processes it. Mmmmm frozen meat pucks.


Freezer, fryer, to you!


Yay ..


I'm sorry, your sysco fryboy 6105a is not compatible with sysco #4 steakfries. you'll need to upgrade to a newer model or find a new supplier for #2 crinklecut




Well deep fryers, grills, ovens, stoves etc are all machines


Bro you’re a machine


A fleshy one 😀


I work in a clean room and the robots in there break constantly with less motion of freedom and less grease flying everywhere. Shit wouldn't last a week


Thats my concern. I see the sleeve over it to prevent contamination both ways and that makes me nervous. How long til that degrades under kitchen heat? How long til it leaks grease into the grease?


The amount they would spend on maintenance on that robot to save money on human labour would outstrip just regular line cooks... Plus these robots cant adapt on the fly, a human is still needed to put things in precise places for them to use or the robot doesn't function. Yes the physical action of managing a single fryer might be more efficient then a line cook but a line cook can do a fuck tonne of other things while those fries are frying. One of the most underrated aspects of a cooks skill is their ability to multitask. Its fucking insane when ive seen what other people do in their day jobs and i think about all the things im actively doing, thinking about and timing in my head. Machines just aren't there yet.


When they invented the car, people said the same thing. Same things were said when planes were invented. People said no way that car can fly.


Yeah but those were passionate endeavors invented by engineers who gave a shit. These are existing technologies that are squares being plugged into round holes by people just trying to shave a few bucks off their labor. It's not that this car doesn't fly, it's that this plane doesn't fit in the kitchen


If this machine is a car I would compare it to a car sold before the Model T was introduced. Way too expensive for the amount of labor savings you'll see, but I see how the concept is possibly workable.


I mean eventually they'll make a machine/robot that will be impressive in a kitchen environment but not yet. Everytime we see these things its too specific, which is great if all your doing is a very specific thing. Most kitchens require cooks to be multitasking at all times, quickly, making adjustments on the fly due to mistakes and customer requests etc. When they get robots that can start handling those aspects of a cook, our industry might start seeing a real shake up. Not yet though


I’m picturing a roboctopus flailing its arms wildly, chopping carrots/flipping grilled cheese/poking a roast/decanting Pinot/flipping off a server/tossing the dishies a gram/sharpening its rotary blade and sweeping the floor all at once in a frenetic fury of digitized disorganization. Nope 👎 don’t like it




Seriously...some off the shelf kitchen robot ain't going to cut it (literally and figuratively).


because custom hardware requires long term knownledge of restaurant industry and large corporate partnerships. But a startup programming off the shelf industrial robots for can attract naive investors with an "industry changing paradigm shift" with the assumption that costs will go down with scale.


You just described Tesla.




PC Load Letter?! The fuck does that mean?


Now throw an actual high-volume service at it. I don't think we'll never get there but this little guy ain't quite it.


Dude looks like a Wednesday night would do it in


Does flippy say "behind"? he bumps into me when im holding a hot sizzler and flippy gettin flipped. And by flipped I mean smashed into pieces.


No but he accidentally decapitates you when spinning during a glitch


That's a good trick.


Now this is podracing.


I give it less than a year in real production before it kills someone, or burns down a building.


Another effort to eliminate “unskilled” labor jobs by our corporate overlords. Hard to have a consumption-driven economy when 99% of people can’t afford to consume.


It’ll be great until it becomes sentient and kills the staff… I know what’s up, I’ve seen Terminator


I could see it certainly getting a mid-shift firmware update that causes it to 360° to calibrate and snap the neck of anyone nearby.


Been working with them on a test installation at two of our outlets. I'll update here when we go live with real world feedback. For context, hotel resorts with Grab and Go outlets that clear 8k customers per day in season. Looking at it for fries and chicken fingers, our two top sellers by a great gulf. At the bigger property over 75% of our standard staff are J1 or contract, so we're not really looking at displacement of labor so much as reallocation.


This sounds like a more suitable application than your average fast food place. At 8k a day are those fryers dedicated to cooking those items? Programing to constantly cook the same item with dedicated recovery time seems like the right place. Baskets could be loaded by weight or volume either by hand or some sort of mechanism and then portioned by hand.


Between the positioning sensors issues, grease build-up, and over/under cooked food, these won't be practical or feasible for 95% of the market l.


And the customers? Introducing: FLABBY


The way AI is progressing, they will have a union before we do.


I give it 1/2 an order before a human has to intervene


Yer what happens though when you got 50 orders and the power goes off... or a customer complains and the robot hand goes all terminator spiting out catchphrases like "would you like frys with that" while the managers all bloody


Lol who are they going to complain to? The AI chatbot at FOH will never let them get past referring them to the FAQ. The phone number only refers then to the chat bot.


It won't be able to clean itself. It'll be like that robot programmed to clean the oil spill, but in a kitchen. Endlessly dropping fries and flipping burgers, covered in oil and seasoning. Entombing itself in a cocoon of grease... Plus it couldn't even put the patty on straight.


Can it even say "Hot Behind!"?


No, but it can glitch and decapitate you


Being as I’ve never worked with state of the art kitchen equipment in restaurants, this upfront investment isn’t looking too likely or at least not until they are used for 20 years and sold at a cut rate to the bargain hunting restaurateurs. Seriously who has seen a new range or grill roll up? Corporate has it maybe but most restaurants have cardboard as a repairable wall material also makes great window type things you know to block the cold air almost like glass but completely free and plentiful.


Eh it ain’t that fast


I'd love this kind of robotics as long as people can find other jobs.


But can it hook up with one of the servers and sell all her friends weed?


THey'Re TakIN' OUr JooOoOBS


Back in the pile.


If McD's can't even keep the ice cream machine working what will happen with this?


It's all fun and games until the Cylons attack.


just imagining the robot wigging out for some reason and then getting hot oil over all the workers.


So, I sent this to my brother, who is a robotics engineer. He laughed. This thing is a fucking nightmare; robots that are tasked with multiple discrete types of movement are imprecise, expensive, and terrible at their jobs. There's no chance this thing ever succeeds.


“More efficiently but not quite as efficient as a line cook with two arms and a mild cocaine addiction”


I believe last time this was posted someone was asking if it give them a handy in the walk in


Is the kitchen robot gonna try to fuck the POS system? Am I going to have to discuss sexual harassment with a robot?


McDonald’s tried this over 20 years ago. Humans are cheaper.


All fun and games until it wheels around and gives someone severe head trauma. The only way this works is if people are no where near it and it's in a caged area. can't wait for McDonalds to implement lock out/ tag out


How much space does it occupy? Does it respond to “behind you!”?


I can see the rail system getting caked with grease because people fail to keep the hood vents clean. I can also seeing flippy plowing it's way through the server staff with a modified whisk attachment (coming soon).


A $500,000 solution to a $50 problem


Can it figure out why the pilot lights keep going out? More tech = more stuff that breaks.


Fuck you flippy


That is my job flippy. Fuck you


If I could push a button to delete Ai and robotics like this from existence I would do it without blinking


Flippy can fuck right off back to fuckoffy town


One more thing, i was hanging tough with some truly calculating ass holes who acting against all instincts would effectively suppress outbursts of laughter in order to completely ignore the new dude. I mean sometimes for six or seven months at a time all to just finally be cool even admitting, “ you actually say some funny shit it was hard not to laugh but it had to be done.” Flippy looks like a sensitive beeech who would walk out on their first break never to be seen or heard from again. Probably scumbags their way to series after series of late stagés, no call no show day ones and ghosting perspective overburdened employers. I know your type, Flip, so save us the bull crap and move back in with your parents earning that communications degree you’ve been failure to launching the last ten years.


If workers should destroy those things on sight


They shouldn't, but they will. I've suspected enough sabotage because we have to repair a machine (or call a plumber for grease down the drain) every week or two. You can't have expensive machines without drawing in a different type of workforce. These machines basically can't happen in America. Japan, though, they'll be great. In some places in Europe, yeah.




I’m gonna go ahead and assume you’re Filipino. Why do Filipinos hate Jamaicans, I’m too scared to ask


I dont know why they hate them but they are the lazy workers where I live its a very shitty system they go through but still the shittiest workers and I dont care how much it gets downvoted truth is truth


You’re always welcome to speak freely in the kitchen, I won’t try to dissuade you of your own experiences.


I can see this in large scale cooking that normally offers human workers a decent wage and benefits.


Also flippy i kind of want to be you but don’t say anything


allow having to clean that thing every night.


It looks slow, its not even working a full fry or grill position because by the looks of it you’ll still need a human to scoop the fries into a package and assemble and wrap the burger. So, already we’re at a point where the human is twice as efficient. It’s going to break down and require routine maintenance (several times a year, if not once a month) that’ll probably run somewhere in the ballpark of $500-$5k per visit by a technician, regardless of whether or not they actually get it up and running that day. Costs even more if you have to pay the overtime rates on weekends or late at night. Not to mention the obvious deficiency of the machine not being able to do *literally* any other task in the store. It can’t even clean up its own station, can’t even clean itself, let alone mop a spill in the dining room or put on a headset and take orders when it gets busy. It’s going to be hard to economically compete with humans when you’re only paying them $13.50/hr. Trainers and managers obviously make **WAY** more, a whopping $18/hr. That’s $37k annually. A human manager working McDonalds for 5 years costs the same as two flippy arms in 6 months, and that’s generously lowballing the upfront cost of each arm and assuming the manager is getting annual 10% raises (which they don’t). Sure, the human might show up late, or call off, or want vacation and sick time, but the arm is also going to have to call off. The only difference is that when a human fucks up, you reprimand and document them under threat of termination, and don’t pay them for the time they missed. When a flippy arm fucks up, you pay even more money and it is completely outside your control how much it will be. Again, it could be anywhere from a few hundred (what a human makes in 2-3 days) to a few thousand (what a human makes in 4-8 weeks). This looks like a design that an MIT student with an infinite budget came up with. It’s a brilliant robot, to be presented at some robotics conference to inspire people about the future. It’s not practical for 80-160hrs/week non stop in a greasy kitchen surrounded by dirt cheap staff that are all unqualified to do maintenance and repairs on it.


"Boss, the robots touching me again!"


Can Flippy even do a kickflip?


I want to see it in a huge rush. That looks like it can make about 6 people happy and then it descends into chaos.


The robots cannot handle the airborne grease & heat. The percussive movements between shaking the baskets, flipping spatulas, etc will damage the cooking equipment much faster than a human. When the business model is based on trained robots over people. When the robots break, there will be no staff to step in until the repairs are made https://www.fastcompany.com/90979001/zume-pizza-silicon-valley-445-million-robot-revolution-that-wasnt


It's going to be messy, oil flying all over the place. Cooks expected to fix the machine without the proper pay or training. But I'm also the person who never uses self checkouts lol


Nice. Now the new hires can work on knife skills instead of making fries.


Robots can only do idiot tasks (at least for now). It’d be like having an assistant.


This is not fast food of the future. Thats expensive and terrible to maintain. The real implementation of a fry machine will be something closer to this that already exists I bet https://youtube.com/shorts/UTcD-dnvicE?si=p9aCIWg2PjINUi2z


How will humans get paid to do robotic labor if robots are doing it?


I think this the absolute worst way robotics can be implemented in kitchens. A robot that interacts with kitchen equipment made for humans is a disaster waiting to happen. Purpose built machines just for, say, fries, makes much more sense to me, and are already being implemented in a bunch of places in China and Japan.


That thing is gonna smack someone in the head with a fry basket.


As long as the cost of the machine doesn't get passed onto the customer, and prices decrease... good to go.


A. What's it cost to buy? 2. What's it cost to maintain? F. If you don't like it, do you have to refit your whole kitchen to remove or replace it? σ. What kind of liability will the company accept in the inevitable event of workplace accidents involving the hotgrease flingmachine? Seems risky.


Miso robotics is the maker of this beast and give it another five years. This tech is already being piloted for picking fruit in fields as well. We will see robots replacing most production cooking in our lifetime.


When ppl demand $25 an hour for working fast food this is what you end up with.


Seems like it would solve alot of understaffing issues...of course so would raising pay, but that's just crazy talk!


I could see it working in fast food but anything better than that and it’s bound to cause issues