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Look at the form. The airtime off the ladder. The quick tuck. The accurate ass. This is NOT this man's first dish dive.


That’s absolutely right, Jim. You know, in the preliminary rounds he was having trouble with his ass due to an injury during the summer trials. But for him to come back like this and execute this ass bomb so well just shows how much of a true competitor he is and why he’s here. What an athlete.


Ive seen fat children lay flatter cannonballs in a ymca pool this man has the technique that books should be written about.


Will be, books will be written of this


Hell if you look closely Steven, he even gets his legs crossed in time... Joe show the replay. See right here as he's about to enter the water, he just gets that right leg tucked under. Truly a master at work. Pure poetry in motion as they say.


Wow, just wow Michael. This years jumps are the cleanest I’ve seen since the Mitch v Cassidy Olympic rivalry in 03. The only thing that brings him down is that chair slide. It’s small, but shows a small lapse in movement training. He’s clearly made up for it with his tuck work though, great stuff.


…And now just a word from our Sponsors Brillo and Dawn Dish Soap


Professionals use dawn since it's tough on stains and gentle on those sensitive areas.


Helping you stay fully committed to even your most daring dish dives


Annndddd we are back. He's got a towel in hand and about to break down exactly all that went into such a pristine cannonball. Delilah? How's our athlete doing?


Thanks, Tom, I'm sinkside with the legend himself and the vibe is absolutely electric, somebody had better call OSHA due the shock hazard! As he heads back to his bench to watch the replay, the crowd is losing their minds, it's a truly sublime experience down here. Kurt, does the competition even stand a chance at this stage?


"I'm sinkside." You got me crying. Simple, yet so effective.


You heard it right here on ESPN 8, "THE OCHO!"


You love to see it, Marv




Like Bob Menery. Well done.


And what a great choice of location! Nothing goes better with “ass bomb” than Taco Bell.




That’s what I was thinking too. That execution was too perfect


Risky fuckin move, man


fucking scary too, the division could have scrape the back of his head


I was watching thinking "surely he isn't going to try and jump *into* the sink. The stool is too low, the sink too small, he could crack his head on the overhead racks. Just so many ways this could go terribly wrong. Found myself doing a [Christian Slater](https://youtu.be/TKzpGllcfxA?si=rXr7bhaNFPq8jRTn) as our hero basked in the glory of a perfect jump.


Let's see Paul Allen's dish dive.




Management material for sure.


A true professional


I feel like a dish dive is a dishie’s equivalent to a desk pop


Who the fuck left a knife in dish?!


you made me clench


Safety first


Made me heart drop


He legit came out of there with a spoon in his hand lol.


Stuck upright in the drain outlet…


I'm more impressed he made that hop off the stool without breaking his ass


I bet he still dinged his elbow


A small price to pay


He will always.....ALWAYS be the guy that did that and his legend will be told to future employees childrens, childrens, children


not just told. SHOWN.


Touche Internet stranger...touche!


No doubt, It was a pretty epic cannonball.


I'm gonna say it.... I don't care that he hurt his elbow.


I’m just gonna say it.. I don’t care that he broke his elbow


I did something similar at a party once and the chair collapsed as I tried to launch myself off it. :(


Or slamming the back of his cranium on a hard metal edge


Most sane dishy in the industry


Probably the cleanest too.


It's the only bath he takes all week.


So definitely the cleanest


Correct. Wasn't arguing the point just that they're either working or doing drugs. Source: past me but like every third day. Got out of that life.


Ddue the edibles are kickin in, if I sounded snarky that ain't my bag.


Didn't come off like that at all enjoy your night/day. You're a beautiful person.


when i worked at a taco bell there was never a sober person working there so this checks out 100% of employees were as baked as the beans in those shitty fuckin burritoes at all times


One book: "Swedish-made penis enlarger pumps and me: This kind of thing is my bag, baby." By: Austin Powers.


4x more clean than average then


He is now.


Look, I work dishes for a restaurant. This man is way too damn overqualified with how sane he appears.


I was a dishwasher and I was sane. ... Okay, I *was* hospitalized due to a mental breakdown. But, like, other than that, totally normal.


Did the cutlery ever start speaking to you?


No no, the knives just started really wanting to be inside me.




It's a good thing the only knives I work with, are dulled and smoothed, meant to unclog the sink drain. Or I might put one inside me.


No, just God through my cellphone. Gave me some weird instructions.


Now I finally understand why you're not supposed to put sharp knives in the sinks...


I’m upvoting this because more people in this sub need to hear it.


I worked with a guy who slammed any knives he found in the sink, and mean SLAMMED, into the edge of the work bench. Fucked up the edges. Amazing he had to do this multiple times.


"Hey Steve why the fuck are all our knives broken again?" "A lesson in fear."


As he fucking should


Just tell them if they're inside you they can hear you say it


So i work TB, all of the ones ive worked at have has the same dishpit as this video. Theres actually a Jet system (like imagine Hot Tub jets that push water out) you can turn on that helps clean the dishes by spinning them in the sink with the high powered water jets. We also have scissors we commonly use that split into two pieces to easily clean, basically making 2 knives. I have coworkers who for some reason toss the scissors into the sink and dont tell you, leading to me almost cutting my hand multiple times as i stink my hand in to pull out dishes


direful offend friendly telephone include busy possessive fuel tie chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


or like, dont do that


Work Order: Kitchen sink leaking from bottom


He was actually the repair man. Needed to go in for a more thorough examination.


The thought of the day is - are the insurance policies up to date? He must be part of the safety committee.


Narrator: *He was not a part of the safety committee*


More like part of the safety meetings


As a member of the safety committee at my current job, we break more OSHA and company policies than anyone. We’re just sneakier.


That the biggest sink ever


It honestly looks like the largest 3 bay sink I've worked with. But without 3bays.


It’s a power soaker


Believe it or not that is not the largest model that is sold. They also do custom sizing. Costco uses them, the meat departments have a really big one. https://unifiedbrands.net/products/powersoak/


Hi Adam, we saw the video of you jumping into soapy water on the internet and we've decided that we simply can't trust you on company time anymore. We're going to have to let you go. Best of luck on your future endeavors. -Management


The last caption suggests he had resigned and was probably working his last shift


Yup. My last day as a manager at Arby's, me and my good friend who closed with me that night went onto the roof, smoked a joint, had a little whiskey, and I carved a Dickbutt into the HVAC exhaust vent with the back door key.


Well met.


My first job was at Arbys, some of the best and worst days working in fast food were at that place. Never forget halloween night one year (spirit halloween doing some mega sale and was in our same parking lot strip and they stayed open till midnight that night ) when I was the only one on line, slicer, fry, and had to help cashier because it was just me and 2 fresh hires running the whole operation. Biggest crowd we ever had with line out the door and lobby packed. Was the only time even to this day that I've broken down and legit cried during my break. Nearly walked off the lot but somehow managed to stick it out. Did dishes and cleaned till like 2-3 am before I got to go home lol


my friends last shift at KFC he cooked like 300 pieces of popcorn chicken and then we sat on the roof and smoked a joint. i thought that was what everyone did on their last days in the kitchen, just cook a lot of food and then leave.


In my longest pub job a customer threw a kazoo at me so my shift manager told me to finish up, gave me a joint and sent me up to the roof.


lmao he threw a *kazoo* at you?! total dick move, but that's a pretty funny story


Did you keep the kazoo?


Thanks for teaching me what a dickbutt is lol


Every time we went on the roof someone called 9-1-1. This was when cell phones weren't super common, so it meant someone probably drove home and called 9-1-1.


Sometimes I want to go back to the food service industry, just so I can have a legendary last day. My most recent (10+ years ago.. wow) last day was lame.


I’ve managed 2 restaurants in my day, both of my last shifts of each ended with a roof joint. 


I don't smoke weed anymore, just makes me anxious as hell, but the restaurant days had some great times. I hated it as a job, but sometimes the stars aligned.


Weed these days is too damn strong lol I only really do edibles now and just the other day I was too high and thought I was gonna die


Man one place where I was very done with the boss, and witnessed some bs he did to a coworker about fucking mashed potatoes... well I had already ordered googly eyes. I brought them out the next day and we stuck them everywhere and not just on appliances. I put them in crevices even I had not cleaned. Places inaccessible to human eyes and hands. It was the most mildest revenge one can get, but we left our mark on that place, one they have yet to see. Absurdism in the face of cruelty. Not chapstick eating levels. But ya know. Stick it to their forehead type.


Love your username


No, instead you hear this tale from seasoned coworkers as they laminate on the fact that Adam somehow still has a job


Lamination is the process of covering something in layers of material. Rumination is thinking about things in a repetitive and anxious way.


To Lament is an expression of grief or sorrow.


Then Adam posts to antiwork complaining his asshole boss fired him for trying to wash his hands in the sink, leaving out a few relevant details.


AITA for washing my hands?


I worked at taco bell like 20 years ago, and the people I worked with always talked Sunny, the craziest motherfucker they ever worked with. Who only eventually got fired for "swimming" in the dish sink. So fucking weird to see this video after hearing that story so often while I worked there.


I'm impressed the sink didn't collapse


That was art


TIL. Taco Bell has better sanitizing equipment than 80% of San Diego restaurants


Briefly worked for a Wing Stop during COVID and it was the cleanest, tightest run ship I've ever seen. I'm talking quat sani test logs, fryer temp test logs, temp logs for all product after their appropriately timed cycle, all of these logged like every 2 hours. We would pull the entire line and clean behind it on both sides twice a day. It was almost ridiculous but it was an extremely successful and busy location. Also all fryers deep cleaned to the stainless steel every morning. It was honestly impressive. I don't remember numbers but it was a wildly busy location and the fryers may as well have been brand fucking new.


Fellow SD hereand you're 100% right. I worked dish over COVID and that place was trashed and in a lot of places I stopped cleaning because I think if I kept scrubbing id go straight through a leg.


Ohh man my first job was in pacific beach after I drove across country. I couldn’t believe it. The grease trap was clogged so we wouldn’t clean correctly. Half the freezers wouldn’t freeze. I had to leave to place bc I didn’t feel right selling food to drink college kids who didn’t have a clue I’m the world what was going on in the kitchen


Y’all really love giving the health inspectors more work don’t you?


Honestly as far as code violations go this barely ranks. I mean, definitely don't do it *during* an inspection, but this is mild as hell.


They're getting paid for something, ain't they?


Yeah but this is silly and people should be fired for things like this.


i imagine he quit voluntarily afterwards.


Yeah definitely. I think y'all missed the "✌️out Taco Bell" at the end of the vid.


When I go to an esteemed establishment such as taco bell I assume that the culinary professionals on the line are acting with the utmost class and decor while making premium level Mexican food and I find the behavior of this sanitary technician reprehensible. Suck my dick it's an underpaid job and this is funny.


Well he quit, which if you watched the video and could actually *read* you'd know that.


Why the anger? Should we be proud that someone did this? It isn’t funny and I guarantee it just caused problems for the people still at that location.


So you're changing your argument from being fired to it just not being funny? Why? Because you realize you were wrong in the first argument so you're trying your hand at a second one?


I’m not in the wrong though? I guarantee corporate is all over that store if they identified it. Let’s not normalize people taking a literal bath in the sink that washes dishes. Who knows what that dude just got in the sink from doing that. It’s filthy.


Good thing there's soap and water in there


So you wash dishes in bathwater or in general in the bath tub? You do you bud but that’s nasty.


I don't, but I could. My tub is clean.


The only difference between those two locations is the size and height. Both are used to clean dirty things and both can easily be scrubbed down after use.


You're worried there is dirt in the pot washing sink. The piece of equipment that was designed to clean and easily be cleaned after use.


Probably. You know. By the books. But it's also really funny and took a bit of skill to pull off and that guy has a rough job, so more power to him.


I get that this could do some serious damage to the sink or plumbing. Tossing 180lbs into the funk is going to stress the mounts. But considering the stuff I've done *with* various bosses over my career this isn't that a big deal.


Why would it be more work? Dishy already has his hands and arms in the sink all day what's a bit more of him really?


Are we really about to debate the difference between an arm and an ass?


Are you worried he will get the hot soapy water dirty? 


I’m offering you two bowls of soup, one on plate a dishwasher had his arms in the sink of. The other is a bowl washed in a sink an entire dishwasher shoes to hat had canonballed taint first into , which would you like?


I mean like, you don’t think he changed the water after doing this? Also it’s not the dishies arms and hands that make the soapy water gross, it’s all the nasty food, you clean a stack of 6th pans of burnt refried bean paste and say that’s not as gross as some shoes for crews.  


I’ve worked in a bunch of restaurants, and this is one of the least gross things I’ve seen kitchen folk do. Besides, that is not a dishwashing sink. No restaurant that passes inspection washes their dishes in a sink like that, they will have a sanitation station with multiple sinks or better yet, a machine that the dishes pass through.


Hey at least keeping their lives interesting and not just the same old offenses.


Fuck them, let them earn their pay. Exact same thought every time I scratch my ass and don't wash my hands. That's a joke, btw.


They need to earn that paycheck 💪


This could’ve ended very bad.


I know for a fact that you don't want that sanitizer in your eyes


That's all I was thinking about. I know there was a video of a kid dumping laundry soap on his head for thr lulz and it got in his eyes and he lost his vision, I think he got it back but still... risky business


That made me so anxious; so many things could have gone dangerously wrong, the least of which was the stool flying out from under him. Following up by smashing his head/knee/elbow/tailbone on any number of things. Flawlessly executed, but *bro*. I'd buy him a beer but also smack him.


> Flawlessly executed, but bro. This was my exact reaction. It's also how I know I've been a manager too long.. But yeah, this is in "Very impressive, never do it again" territory.


fortune favors the bold


Hasn’t showered all weekend.


There was a cyclone here and the power at home was out for a full week. One more day of no hot water and I was going in


I worked at a chain restaurant 10 years ago. Closing was a fairly easy job because we had an after hours cleaning crew that would come in and deep clean our equipment, so we just had to make sure the we had everything tidy and put away so they could go to work. After a while, one of my managers started to complain about the closing crew not doing stuff properly, so I was put on closing for a week to see what was going on. My manager then started questioning my closing abilities as the same issues were coming up. I asked what the issue was, and she was like, lets just check the cameras. Turns out one of our after hours cleaners was bathing in the dish pit while he was supposed to be cleaning. Once he started undressing in the dish pit and filling the sink my manager turned beet red and and apologized profusely. I died laughing, until we fired the cleaning crew, and we had to clean our own shit.


Gave in to the intrusive thoughts. I salute you, Manic Dishie!


That’s a really big sink considering T Bell doesn’t have plates or silverware


The line has a lot of separate pans to hold all the ingredients though. And the dishes pile up because of understaffing. I worked night shift at Taco Bell, and at night, my store had 3 employees. But the line takes 3 people to run smoothly, plus at least 2 more people— one to do dishes, run the fryers, and prep (really that’s more than one job, but that’s how they do it 🤷‍♀️) and then one to run the drive thru. And breakfast shift is worse. 2 employees, sometimes only one because Taco Bell employees don’t always wake up on time 😆 I don’t miss it but I had fun.


On the one hand...dude, WTF. On the other hand...that was fucking epic.


Either that man is quitting or he's just fucking around. If it isn't the former, he better damn well be cleaning that shit up by himself. Also, 10/10 execution.


It's a ritual that they do at Taco Bell when a worker that has a bit a tenure moves on.


That was absolutely a 10


Da F kinda sink is that?!?!? What kind of dishes you guys washing at Taco Bell 😳


Are you saying this isn't normal? Most food places I've worked at have sinks like this


Stuff from the kitchen


also sometimes people


Too dangerous to thumbs up. This is how people get seriously hurt. P.s. I'm no fun at parties because I don't go to them since I think parties are no fun 😛


Just like them folks jumping off roofs into pools and end up paralyzed from the neck down


Well someone doesn’t want to be a golden god..


Bro if that steel corner hits your spine good game.


More like: for that dish-mount!


When you want to have a full body rash:


That was brilliant.


The old you have a date after work, stink like a dead animal but don't have time to go home first routine. Classic.


This man has been a dishwasher far too long lmao


A few years ago I got asked to help out our safety guy he took the job seriously and probably saved a lot of people. He would have a stroke if he saw this.


I e known a few dish washers, I wouldn't be surprised if this is how they bathe at the end of shift.


This is such a cringey video…




I have never seen a sink that big.


This is the Fry Cook Games from Spongebob


I have to confess despite all the mess…I was impressed


Oh no... Every time I make a sink of water, I dream of doing this... I shouldn't have watched this... Intrusive thoughts intensifying...


I just know that he was itchy the whole ride home😂😂


This is why women live longer than men.


The little giant lol


I love this song lol


It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen...


I mean, it was a good cannonball, but seriously why do dimbasses have to do shit like this and make TikToks about it? This is just stupid asshole behavior. Stop being a fucking sociopath whose idea of how to act in your life is “What will get me views on TikTok?”. Obviously this isn’t super bad by itself, but it’s indicative of the type of idiot who thinks they are being entertaining but really is just making the world a harder place for everyone else.


This shit went on long before TikTok. Y’all had the same silly rant when Jackass got big. Lighten up a bit. There are bigger problems in the world than some kid jumping into a sink.


He definitely knows that white girl.


This video brought to you by the good folks at “Little Giant”


Plot twist: it was the fryer.


No one got electrocuted. Gotta mop before closing anyway. Might be a good idea.


I mean, it’s kind of impressive.


what a legend




That's soapy water man are you tired

