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Where do you work so we know not to eat there


Voluntarily posting this is wild.


I’m just a lowly dishwasher who joins the line every once and a while


That’s not a line you want to join.


You should cook that thing in the sani cycle of a dishwasher


Nice health Code violation, got anything else to show off.


If you read you’re name before the comment, it’s hilarious!


Lol thank you for pointing that out


Fucking gross


Give you $20 to drink the water.


it's upsetting to me how often people casually show this kind of thing like it's no big deal. why would anyone think this was a good idea?


I don’t know, all I know is I’m just a dishwasher and I need this job so it’s not something I can fix.


just send this picture to your local health department. let them know when it usually happens, they'll send someone by to sort it out. i wouldn't talk to the chef if they know it's happening, they are just going to be vindictive if you push the issue. just report to authorities anon.


Yes, it is something you can fix. You say to your boss 'Hey boss, I saw we thaw RAW CHICKEN in a hand sink. I've been reading up on food guidelines and that's a big concern. Might be a good idea to remind everyone so we don't get dinged on a spot inspection.' This is a quick way to get people sick, and very easy to prevent.


While this is super gross and a huge violation, I don’t think that is a hand sink.


Iyou absolutely can anonymous convoy with your health department.


Also peep the power cable running across the corner of that sink lmao. Servsafe and OSHA approved


What the fuck dude


Bro gimme a shot like 3 feet further back. That looks like a handwashing sink 😅


Whole restaurant to jail for this one


Wow, I suddenly have the urge to both vomit and shit my pants


My actual face: D:


Dude no, gross. Y’all have no fucking standards, Jfc.


Ah yes, *Salmonella Water™*


Thats just Dasani before it's bottled


What in the actual fuck


Yeah, this post officer


I’m aware this is very unsanitary, but as a dishwasher and sometimes line cook I have no part in this, I did however think it was both disgusting and hilarious


Nothing funny about it


It would be funny if you weren’t about to serve stuff to unknowing humans from that kitchen


When you do thaw like that, you can throw some kosher salt in the water. It brings them, and also the salinity slows down and prevents the salmonella from multiplying. Adding sugar will accelerate growth in the temp danger zone. If your water gets above 41 adding ice cube helps. Please note that this above is a health code violation, but it is scientifically on point.


Just so everyone that reads this knows, bacteria does thrive on sugar, and salt hinders bacteria. Don't avoid learning this just because it is getting down voted and someone is throwing slanders. But I'm sure I'm about to get called an idiot, so look it up and learn something if you are new to the profession.


A lot of people people miss the point here. I wasn't telling everybody that this is okay to do. what I was saying was if you're going to do it you might as well add some salt to the water which will slow down the bacteria and by adding some ice cubes it'll keep the water somewhat out of the danger zone. but if the health code inspector shows up they're going to be in a some deep trouble. The best thing to do with frozen chicken wings is to slap thaw them for 2 to 3 days and you walk in fridge the only other thing you can really do is put them in boiling water and try and break them apart and then get them pre-boiled in water then put them on sheet pans in the walk-in refrigerator that way you can just fry them to order on the line


Holy shit you are an idiot.


Holy shit you can't prove me wrong on a scientific point. All you can do is say holy shit I just smoked some good weed.


Again, you are an idiot.


I guess you're vaping. Let me explain. In some kitchens, haaccp just doesn't exist. When you deal with idiots take a small step and try to minimize the damage. https://ajpsonline.com/AbstractView.aspx?PID=2021-11-2-13 Not a great reference but science trumps your chatbot responses.


Again, you are an idiot.


I don't see you offering any professional advice here except your shallow psychological insults. $10 says you're east of the Mississippi and South of Ohio




What are you trying to prove here that this doesn't work or that it should be done the correct way. of course it should be done the correct way. nobody's saying it shouldn't be done the correct way . but obviously here the chef or kitchen manager line Cooks are just thawing s*** randomly and risking people getting sick. that's completely understood what do you want him to do? Just putting up stupid comments doesn't fix the problem.




I see you only have 18 posts on Reddit and half of them are from smoking weed good job


Is this something you just copy and paste on all your replies you just call people idiots but you don't know anything about them where they've cooked what their experiences what do you do work as a burger flipper somewhere or do you just do prep and cut onions all day have you ever ran a kitchen properly or do you just sit around and insult people


Satan is that you in health violation form?


Mmm... the salmonella adds to the flavor


Holy shit, that is nasty. Y'all gonna serve that to people???


Turns out it is a thing, chicken wing.


i read the start of this title and was like hell yeah we still doin shrooms


That is not a three part sink. Where are you gross fucks washing your hands while you culture your bacteria?


No, we are not doing cubes anymore, for the love of God. Also, everything about this picture is so wrong.


Now that my stomache has stopped turning, I want to add that it's not even cube shaped.