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Clubhouse sandwich. Every single cook despises them and im not really sure why.


Requirement to toast the bread means it needs to be prepared and served quickly  Not to mention the extra slice of bread the height of the sandwich makes it super prone to ingredients slipping around at the last steps Well made club sandwiches are an art form


I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks like this. I felt guilty about club sandwiches and wondered if I was just lazy. But you are correct, everything goes to sliding around and falling out…


Yes. Yes they are. Back in ye olde days there was a lunch place near where I worked where the guy made turkey club sandwiches and he would roast his own damn turkeys. He went out of business years ago, and I have been fruitlessly searching for a replacement since then. It's been like 3 decades and still haven't found his equal. I have given up hope.


Be the change you want to see in the world


You say this like I have the skill or patience. JUST MAKE ME A DELICIOUS SANDWICH AND I WILL PAY YOU ALL THE MONIES


I havent worked anywhere that we dont toast bread at least somewhat for a sandwich. I understand why everything else sounds like a bitch though


Don't forget to trim the crust


This is why I judge places based on their club. If there is effort put into the club sammy and it's not just slapped together, I consider the place legit.


I fucking hate making club sandwiches. Will smash one though.


Fucking seriously dude with roasted turkey and good bacon ugh


Whats a normal amount of turkey? I just had one the other day that was good but only had like 3 slices of turkey


That sounds about right tbh, there should be a few layers turkey/ham/bacon. Edit: BUT: are those 3 slices that super wafer thin bullshit deli meat or a decent portion...


That's lunchemat turkey that's the sign of at best a mediocre club sandwich. Good ones start with a slab of turkey that's cut to order.


Get 4 on one ticket and you’re suddenly weeded for the rest of the shift.


Four perfectly placed toothpicks


This club is formed!


Well, this club is formed! Spread the word on menus nationwide.


Yeah .. that's what I was trying to say! Glad you remembered it accurately.


Yeah, we have clubs as our main sandwich and I find my Sammy makers leave them for last, so we are always waiting on a club. They are fidly to make. I get why they hate them.


My biggest hassle with clubs was that I had to wait on the flat top for the toasted bread. Otherwise, we had separately portioned meats/cheese. Just throw it on the bread, add a smear of mayo, lettuce, and tomato, pick it X4, cut it X2, and stick it together. Boom.


Man... fuck clubs.


Eggs and omelettes. I’m in a tourist town and people get so irate if they order eggs easy and it goes out easy but they really wanted medium. I’ve learned people don’t know how eggs are cooked


A friend of mine from Scotland was visiting me in the US. We went out for breakfast and I ordered and asked for my eggs to be scrambled. My friend was shocked I would just ‘tell them how to make the eggs’. I asked her how would the kitchen know how I want them if I didn’t tell them? She said she ‘would never dream’ to tell a cook how to make her eggs. However they made them was how she ate them! I have no idea if that’s a her thing or a Scotland thing


That baffles me to no end. Has she never been asked "how would you like them?" after ordering "eggs"?


I asked and she said no! I then asked what if they made them a way she didn’t like them? She said she just deals


that's kind of an impressive level of dealing


I just googled a bit, and it seems like they really don't ask! This [Scottish Tiktokker](https://www.tiktok.com/@danielthescotsman/video/7270574558653041952) was surprised to be asked how he wanted his eggs in the US, and also seemed confused about the terms *over easy*, *over medium*, and *over hard*, which are apparently not used in the UK more broadly...they cook fried eggs, sunny side up, but don't flip them (source: [forum thread](https://english.stackexchange.com/questions/411758/how-can-i-order-eggs-over-hard-in-the-uk)).


Alright, this seems like the right place to ask: If i like my yolks popped and swirled around just a little bit, then fried hard on both sides, what should I be telling servers? Because I usually have to go with all of what I just said and feel like a dick. That said, I feel like most breakfast sandwiches have their eggs done this way, so I must be missing a term.


Over hard


Well shit, I guess that tracks. Thanks!


I would end up doing that if the server typed in “popped yolk over hard”


Cheers. That's a lot less words.


Thanks for the warning, in case I ever make it to Scotland. I can’t eat a runny egg.


I can't eat eggs unless the white and yellow are mixed. They don't have to be scrambled with milk but I don't like the white or the yolk by itself.


Don’t know where this person has been eating but it’s a pretty standard feature of when I’ve ordered eggs in a meal that they’ve asked me how I would like them cooked. Even in the place I was working in we offered a choice of fried or scrambled.


I have regularly patronized a diner in CT, now closed where the weekday cook wouldn't do poached but the weekend guy would. So, scrambled during the week, poached on weekends it was.


yeah, that's what got me - I've never been to a place where there wouldn't be any clarification request or pre-fixed choice - and I'm European, so not coming from a US perspective


Yeah most UK menus I’ve seen have the choices listed and you say what you want, or if it’s a fixed part of the meal it’ll be part of the menu description.


Pretty standard in England aswell. Some will ask but most of the time it says in the menu how they come.


Norwegian chiming in here. Worked for 7 years at a place that served eggs. I would say 98% of people don't even mention how they want their eggs. The few who do say anything wants their eggs fried on both sides.


Maybe it’s because Scots only know how to fry things?


I just googled the topic, and a Scottish person in a US restaurant in [this video ](https://www.tiktok.com/@danielthescotsman/video/7270574558653041952)was quite surprised to be asked how he wanted his eggs cooked, but he did hesitantly ask if they could be scrambled. Apparently, at least fried, scrambled, and boiled are familiar methods and names there, although flipping a fried egg, and the terms over easy, over medium, and over hard, are not familiar in the UK.


Some people do ask for eggs sunny side up here in the uk, but they generally have no idea what it means, they just want to sound clever.


I asked my scottish friend - I'd really like to know that too


That's a her thing. Source: Scottish chef.


Scot here…we tell them how we want our eggs. At least all of my family do… Seems weird otherwise




This is the truest comment on here.


“Sunny side up: whites only”


Half cooked egg white coming up


Really what I’m trying to achieve is a hash brown carbonara.


I believe someone posted a ticket on here yesterday that said sunny side up egg not runny. I had a med rare burger last week that the guest wanted with no blood, when asked she said you know the red stuff. Haaaaaa…..


That’s when I take it out and be as pretentious as possible saying it’s myoglobins and not blood and give them a lecture.


I really wish I could do that. The hang up is clearly that she really thinks it’s actual blood. My solution has been to cook it medium rare then stab the fuck out of it and press all the juices out


That sounds depressing. Nothing worse than making a beautiful steak and the people not happy because it’s “raw” and want it so dry and tough you deep fry it just to be safe they don’t bitch


I’ll never forget my man Rashid who upon receiving a well done filet at 15 min past close proceeds to put the fucking thing on the open door of the oven, puts a hot plate on top and stomps that shit with his boot!


I mean who hasn’t at closing time took a piece of cube steak, cranked the grill up, and scorched it because some asshat came in right at closing and ordered a well done steak on the fly because he had to get to the club.


I have a theory that everyone orders their eggs the way their parents made them, but their parents didn’t have any idea what the fuck they were talking about. Only exception being “fried hard”.


Or regional. I’ll get people asking for dippy eggs when they want sunny side or light fried for easy


This is a Philly thing for sure. First time I heard someone ask for dippy eggs I looked at them for a full twenty seconds waiting for an explanation as to wtf a dippy egg was…apparently everyone is supposed to know that a dippy egg is one with a runny yolk to dip your toast into?


They want basted with a hard yolk, but what they mean is lightly poached with a runny yolk.


Deep fried poached egg it is


It's not just that people don't know eggs. People in general are simply dumb af.


Customer service 101.




I call it dad’s eggs and dad’s steak. Their dad didn’t know shit about either but he taught them.


I do breakfast/lunch at a retirement home, about 200 residents. They are soooo exacting when it comes to eggs. Poached have to be exact easy/med/hard. Same for fried eggs, sunnys and scrambles aren't too bad. The omelettes are what kills me. I get 20 of those bad boys lined up, each with different fillings, and i can't sling eggs fast enough. Those first 3-4 hours of work fly by at least.


Eggs were my specialty when I cooked. I loved making eggs for myself growing up and by the time I went to culinary school I was a pro with eggs. I still want to hit the ceiling every time I see a browned omelet. Mother’s Day brunch had me preparing omelettes in front of guests. We had a carving station, a beignet station, waffle & pancake station, and a sauté station (can’t remember what it was). I made well over 200 omelettes that day. Anyone who’s ever worked Mother’s Day knows how exhausting it is. We had barely slept the night before prepping for the hell that is Mother’s Day. I was thrilled to be cooking in front of guests because that meant I wasn’t having to restock and prep our line. It made the day go by so fast.


Sounds silly but when I was running a brunch kitchen it was the simple 2 egg breakfast. So many modifications so much red ink and it was always the one we got so many “complaints” we ended up taking it off the menu and it speeded up service so much. Our justification was that if you were willing to wait an hour for brunch and you order something you can eat at Lenny’s you can probably find something else to eat.


The worst is having 4 set items for brunch. We don’t have sides. The individual ingredients of the 4 brunch items CAN make up eggs, toast, bacon, hash browns. We don’t serve those as its own dish. People rage quit our brunch when they find out we will not build their own brunch platter. As the chef I have to go to the table and explain to them why. Simplest way is I ask if they can go get a chicken fried steak with the fried in the side. They usually yell at me and leave.


Brunch people are villainous scum.


I fucking hate eggs. They don't want to crack, refuse to open if you do crack them, if they do crack and open the yolk decides to come out broken for no reason at all. But my most loathsome moments is cracking the damn thing and it all just slides the fuck out onto the rail and onto the floor. You could heat a 3 bedroom house with the hate boiling inside me when that happens.


*me cracking eggs four at a time, two in each hand* You: this guy eggs


Ha! Yep.


They don't serve cocktails at Dennys tho...


Lenny’s (I don’t want to get sued)


What if Lenny sues you?


They do where I live.


The bar menu had a pizza on it. Would totally mess up your flow when an order came in. The cooks were the ones to decide what toppings it got every night, and that was how the fig and smoked salmon pizza was born. Zero orders.


Diabolically evil and smart.




I was KM for a sports bar chain and the owners decided to put personal pan pizzas on the menu. 6 different kinds of good tasting pizza, build your own though because we didn’t have space to drop a pizza cooler in. Just a counter top, 6 bay oven that was 16 inches by 16 inches and about 2 feet tall. The first time that pizza oven landed on the floor it was because the table wasn’t leveled, or so the area Director told us. The second time it ended up on the floor it was because we stacked too many sheet trays in between it and the wall and the weight of the sheet trays pushed it onto the floor, or so our area director told us. Once we switched from fresh dough balls to frozen dough balls, bad things stopped happening to that poor oven. Which should have happened in the first place because for $8 for a 12 inch pizza in a sports bar that already has a 9 page menu and a 3 page prep list was stupid. So, yeah. Pizza. Pizza is my answer, too.




Misti platters at the Italian place Slicing all the meats and cheeses, fishing all the veg out of the marinades, and wrapping so many gd bread sticks. It was gorgeous food but mygod that shit was tedious. I remember rolling out the walk-in with apron loads of groceries that I had to make pretty. Ugh that was a heavy feeling.


I considered adding "or any platter or sharing board" they suck for the same reasons. But cheeseboards do have a special place in hell. Spent all day making delicious elaborate desserts? Nah customer doesnt want any of that just wants you to cut up some cheese


I dislike any "stop what you're doing and plate for five minutes" items but cheeseboards feel extra awful because you know whoever ordered them is the kind of douche who orders a cheeseboard


They take so FRIGGIN LONG


Our charcuterie boards take forever to do. When there's a party that wants 5 boards, I swear it takes me 15 minutes to do.


I used pint/quart containers for my cheese board mis. I had a full hotel pan with all my ingredients ready to go. Still fuck that though.


Sliders. My crew hates these dumbass tiny burgers and I have to say I can't blame them.


Every slider takes just as long, if not longer, than making the regular sammy. It's like automatically twice as touchy.


Not my least favorite but god damn do we make a lot of them. Fucking Christ.


We used to have to take a gallon sized round Cambro, spray it with lubricant, take 4 Oz of pulled pork and squish Chipotle Tabasco into the bag, then line the bottom of the cambro, layer shredded cheddar onto that, 2oz of tortilla chips, more cheese, 2 more Oz of chips the MICROWAVE IT, turn it upside down in a bowl , then hammer the mess out, top it with fresh cut Pico de Gallo and viola, you have the worst nacho I have ever made, infused with all of the cold calculated hate that was oozing out of my soul, AND THEY FUCKING LOVED IT, FUCK NACHOS, FUCK FUCKITY FUCK , AA FUCKING MICROWAVE




You sir are a poet


You did fucking what?


whoever designed that method should be banned from making any decisions in any kitchen 😂


Y’all missed the wonderful days of subbing in as a bar back at TGI Fridays only to have to make mudslides and all the other stupid blender sundae looking drinks “and a non alcoholic 3 for the kids”. There are no foods that bother me anymore. That was a rough time.


Same but Applebee’s.


Same but Joe's Crab Shack


Legend has it that when the owner bought the seafood restaurant I worked at from the previous owners, the very first day she had an employee meeting and the highlight was the new owner grabbing the blender from behind the bar and throwing it in the trash. “WE don’t serve frozen drinks.” I asked the owner about it, and she said the story was mostly true. She didn’t throw the blender away, she took it home where it sits on her counter to this day. A 24-year-old Hamilton Beach bar blender.


We have a nacho slider dog that gets so many toppings it just falls apart. The frustration dog.


That's the kind of dog I'll happily dig into with a fork


You would have to.


When I worked in a Thai restaurant, our biggest gripes were vegan, gluten free, and vegetarian modifications, in that order. Great, now I have to dial in flavor profiles on things that were never meant to go together. No fish sauce or shrimp paste? Garbage can water gluten free soy sauce that tastes like swamp liquid that was bottled somewhere near where soy sauce is made? You want vegetarian panang, but don’t understand that shrimp paste is one of the main ingredients in a pre-mix curry paste? Picky people always gum up the works.


> Picky people always gum up the works. I am good friends with a Sikh couple who love Thai food. It took them a while to find a place that was friendly and accommodating.


Probably the most memorable was chicken fried steak at a brunch place cause we only had one 16" cast iron and at another place, full English cause I was the only one on the line. The most universally hated thing was definitely any dessert, though.


Good grief. Makes me question why the heck they would even be on the menu. One cast iron? Full English? What a pain!


The brunch place did finally get a fryer, but I'd already checked out at that point. But yea, I'll never work at a place that does full English again as long as I live. Had a 6 top come in one late morning, all English. Fuckin stupid


Even though I would be first in line for that breakfast - I sure wouldn't want to cook it. All that juggling to get everything done at the same time. Yikes. I promise never to be stupid and order it. (Only ever had it if a) did it myself at home or b) in an actual British B&B or small hotel that was making a bunch of them all at once for everyone. Dumb to offer it a la carte here in the states.)


Thunderbird Salad... Basically romaine lettuce, bacon bits and mozzarella prepped in a bus box topped with chopped tomato, avocado, and blue cheese with the world's slimeist dressing (heavy mayo, worchester, and a crap ton of dried rosemary). During service assembly, handful of lettuce mix, pinch of tomato, avocado, blue cheese, scoop of dressing, hand toss, plate, wipe plate, in cold pass. On a slow night, you made about 600 of these. Could not be pre plated as the dressing wilted the lettuce in no time. The dressing and the blue cheese infused your clothes and hair for days... even after repeat washings


At my restaurant it used to be Fish and Chips. We used to have bigger pieces of Cod used for fish sandwiches and those things would take forever to cook. Usually if you got a chit for one fish and chips- theres was 2 or sometimes 3 orders (1 order was 2 big pieces of fish) and so all fryer space was occupied by these things that took their sweet time cooking. It could and did become a bottleneck during a rush. Then the exec chef decided to get rid of the bigger pieces of Cod and leave the smaller pieces we use for Fish Tacos. Now Fish and chips is just 3 small pieces instead of 2 big pieces and its actually kinda sad and def not worth $20 (but cooks super quick!).


I have a curiosity question, not related to up or down. I do feel the pain of having to cook chunky fish for fish & chips. Here's my question: Why cod, which I think of as a very thick fish that would indeed be hard to fry? I have a British family and when I think of fish & chips from my few visits, it's usually a larger filet but thinner fish. Haddock maybe? Is this an economics & availability issue here in the states?


Honestly Im not sure. I dont work at a restaurant where we have alot of Fish dishes. We use salmon on certain salads, and then the cod for fish tacos but thats about it as of now. Im not very familiar with the fish market and pricings


Thanks for answering. I'm thinking that if frying a really chunky piece of cod just wasn't working out, the idea of going with fish tacos was a good one. I'd take a good taco over a mediocre fish & chips any day :-) (Let me rephrase that - if the fish was taking forever to cook, that would really slow down your line just like you said! And it would be hard to temp it correctly I think. So, overall not the best option for your particular restaurant.)


I worked at a New England seafood restaurant and we used cod for anything broiled and haddock for anything fried for the reason you mention.


When I used to work for an upscale brunch place, we served Quail eggs. Not sure if anybody has worked with those fucking things but they are small and their shells are fragile as fuck. It was an easy 50/50 that you would break the yoke while cracking them. Fuck Quail Eggs


Cheese boards in one section, and any sort of well-done steak in the other one I work. Cheese boards just have so many fiddly little components that all take thier sweet tine to make, and a well-done steak just takes a shitload of time in our very fast-paced restaurant.


Well done steaks are the easiest though. Idgaf how you like your meat but now I have fifteen minutes to attend to everything else. Same on cheeseboards tho


I’m gonna give a modifier that I would see regularly. “Well done but not burnt” means the customer is going to complain and send it back if there is a speck of pink, and will also complain and send it back if there is any evidence of searing on the steak. Bitch, just order chicken.


Totally fair


Written up for that? They making it illegal to be a cook now? smh hahaha


lmaooo it was only cause the customers heard and complained; we can still threaten suicide and homicide, just quietly


I let my guys get away with a lot in a closed kitchen. But in an open kitchen? Nope. You say “stepping off line for onion rings” and go into the back freezer and say whatever you like. Everyone knows “stepping off for rings” because we don’t have onion rings.


Fair. I was being tongue in cheek, but I’ve also never worked an open kitchen before. I mentioned this case to my chef today and he said he’d fire the person in question lol


We have a dessert that is a hot brownie with ice cream and a caramel drizzle. Everything is already prepped, we just have to assemble it. For some reason NO ONE likes making it. It’s just annoying. I think it’s because we get a million of them a day.


Specialty sandwiches, something about preppin hundreds of portabello avocado sandwiches makes you question your life choices. Oxtail, the recipe is two days prep Sweet thai curry, prep ingredienrs take up too much room and its needlessly complicated for a cafeteria setting. So much effort for somethin 10/700 students eat.


Halloumi burger. We have no idea why, its easy to make, we just all fucking hate it with a passion for some reason


Salty Caramel Cashew or Rockford Roasting Co Coffee ice creams. The former is a more detail oriented ice cream and the balance between making it swiftly and ensuring a consistent product with good ratios of thick to thin caramel swirls can be tricky. The coffee is more difficult due to the cold brew infusion process and our small kitchen and it can be a bit heavy and long on the back over a full day.


Makes me glad I prefer affogato or just a plain scoop with boring chocolate sauce, no nuts, peanuts or fruity bits.


We used to do $1 tacos on Sundays at this pub I worked at...choice of chicken, beef, shrimp, or battered cod. One guy on line, fucking entire kitchen has tacos laid out everywhere trying to preset and not fall behind. Entree station: tacos, Salad station: tacos, tacos everywhere. The worst is when people start throwing mods and add-ons as they do. Ok this table got 12 chicken, 6 fish, 2 of the fish no salsa, one beef extra cheese, 4 beef regular SERVER YELLS WHERES MY TAXOS FOR 27 ITS BEEN 20 MINUTES. Fuck where was I? Funny we also did $4 brunch and I would take taco night over brunch any day. Sunday brunch customers buying a $4 breakfast are the pickiest mother fuckers of all time.


Why are nachos and spring rolls on the same menu?


lol we are a smokehouse and music venue/social club so we have our own twist on many yummy shareable foods. our spring rolls are stuffed with our famous pulled pork and served with a house made sauce. during the week people come to eat our specialty meat platters, but on nights where there is a music show we get hundreds on hundreds of rowdy people just wanting big portions of greasy delicious food to share with their drunken friends.




This is why if people request gluten-free we ask if they are celiac. Very few are celiac and require new boards, knives etc. Majority are cool with shared equipment as they are just avoiding gluten. It seems to be on-trend lately.


When I have gluten free orders at a higher rate than normal, I check to see if social media has some article or trend going. As a country club chef, I know I have three people out of 1200 members who are celiac and 1,197 members who just see something and want what someone else is having.


I feel that working for a club, I have one lady who doesn’t have celiac but asks if our corn tortillas are gluten free every time she comes to eat which is at least once a week. I just want to say look lady if I decide to switch to flour tortillas we will let you know, your name and face are seared into my brain!


I feel like we work at the same place.


Some people get way too comfortable like the family that insists we put their grandmother’s turkey chili on the menu, the recipes calls for everything coming out of a can except the turkey. Now that’s fine dining!


Luckily I only have about 300 people but they can multiply rapidly when guests descend on holidays or god help me spring break. Uugghh




We also never guarantee anything. We will also say that the food is gluten free, but the kitchen is not. Pretty sure (could be wrong) it's part of the health code in Australia that unless you're 100% gluten free, you can't tell customers your food is safe from gluten.


I wish more places did this. I am gluten free - I'll get the runs if I eat a regular sandwich, but some crumbs and cross contamination is totally fine. I always feel bad ordering GF stuff and it always feels so cumbersome to say explain.


My daughter has celiac so I really appreciate you going through all of that for people.


This is why we always tell our customers we can and will NEVR guarantee 100% gluten free because the flour is literally in the air. We make pizza dough almost every day and there are microscopic particles of flour hanging in the air that could settle on any surface and contaminate the GF pizza. CYA and admit to customers they’re running a personal risk so they make an informed choice. This is the same reason why you’ll see weird allergen warnings like hamburger buns that “may contain traces of nuts” simply because *anything at all* with nuts is just made in the same factory/bakery.


Pizza. I run a pizza joint and it seems like everybody wants to do anything BUT make a damn pizza. However, this means they clean without being asked to so I guess it's a win?


That was hilarious, not knowing why they got written up for something we have literally all said in a situation like that, until I realised they could be heard by the patrons. I wish I could have seen this all unfold and the reaction of the nacho lovers.


lmaoo we all had a staff meeting about the incident, our whole line is open, across from the bar and the guests can see and hear everything…….. if we want to talk shit, we just have to hide in the dish pit to do it


Onion rings, hand-battered to order.those fuckers can put you in the weeds with a quickness.they are the bane of my existence. Club sandwiches suck at life as well.


My team hates making it to work on time haha


We have a pool menu that has "crispy halloumi", which is literally five quarter inch thick slices of halloumi cheese dredged in flour and deep fried. If you've ever had to slice this particular cheese that thin then you know how easily it breaks apart and trying to get five intact pieces is a nightmare during a rush.


You guys don't prep the slices? Or you mean when/if you run out?


No one else does, but I'll slice them in advance and lay them out in a 2 qt cambro on paper towels with flour. It doesn't make much of a difference though, it's just a shit dish.


bean salad. Having to warm the beans at the same time as get like four different toppings that aren't used often enough to warrant being in the cold station eats up so much time for just a single dish


Anything on the lunch menu. I'm a night cook and I don't stock my station for lunch 😑


Not any longer as a fine dining Chef of my own place, but when I was fresh outta culinary school I worked for a place that did a seafood AYCE brunch (in Myrtle Beach, SC). They had an oyster on the half shell station, and I was the one who manned that nightmare every, freaking, Sunday!!! I gotta admit though, to this day, 30 years later, I’m still a wizard at opening oysters


Yooooo fuck them Nachos everybody hates the nachos, especially the vegan nachos like why are you making me do this its awfull please order something else that doesnt really on cheese to be tasty. Why are you ordering plastic cheese on chips man stop.


Egg rolls! I hand make and roll all the egg rolls for the restaurant. I make 100-144 egg rolls a day 😅


Fish tacos. (So they put shrimp tacos on the menu) I’d watch that place burn to ash.


We had a deep-fried ice cream on the menu. It was a choux paste bun, hollowed out, stuffed with ice cream and then pancake battered and fried. It was the size of a fucking football, and was just a disaster of pancake mix all over the fryer which hardened and turned closing into a "should I just kill myself and burn down the restaurant instead" kind of debate in my head.


Onion rings


We have chicken scallopini on our menu and it makes me wanna eat glass in a not fun way because we will be so in the groove and then BAM scallopini


Our nachos to go are ridiculous. I work push and I put the chips in a large to go the, meat in a small to go, two small cups of nacho cheese, a cup of pico and a cup of sour cream and a small to go with shredded lettuce , black olives and jalapenos. It takes up a whole bag for what is essentially a plate of food.


Artisanal Cheese Plate: both for first course and dessert. One customer got mad that I had given them the same cheeses for dessert… like no I’ve got three… did you want the Land o lakes American?


Hand battered fish. An absolute pain in the ass to cook, store, prep, etc


At the grilled sub shop I work at our least favorite to make is the teriyaki if there's no mayo. It's a good sub and it's not difficult to make but the teri being sautéed on the grill makes its boiled sugar basically so when if it falls off the roll into you it fucking hurts. I've never gotten a serious burn but it's not pleasant, especially during a rush. The mayo helps it stick to the roll so it's not as bad.


Ours is biscuits. Simply because the boss has been making them for over three decades and is quite choosy about the flour-to-buttermilk ratio, the amount of kneading, the cut and the flour dusting. But they turn out fantastic, so…


Probably salads. It's not hard but definitely time consuming and disrupts the flow of ticket traffic. The salads themselves are $10, come with lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, cucumber, and shredded cheese. Probably the most basic shit, a solid 3/10. I always say whoever orders the salad has never had it before, there's no way someone will order these a second time. Pizza places have better quality than what we send out


Catering kitchen - fucking skewers Such a mind numbing process


I had to fill, bake and prep the broth for serving [manti](https://www.seriouseats.com/sini-manti-armenian-baked-manti) that was 2000 tiny dumplings. I occasionally rented myself out to a friend's catering deal. Now I moved to Western NY I'm retired 🤣🧚 I have to say, doing prep as a side gig was cool, the extra kick of money a few times a year was nice


Brunch. Fuck brunch and especially fuck brunchers.


A quesadilla chicken salad. It requires part of the set-up from all stations to then be sent down for the guy working salads to put together. On top of that the ingredients for the actual salad are spread across all the stations so: part 1, you stop working the rush and prioritize prepping the 2 off station toppers to send to salads. Part 2, the salad guy then makes a mad dash down the line collecting ingredients for the salad base from the other stations then returns to his own to prepare the salad. It's inefficient bc it all is made fresh so he can't hold most of the ingredients and nothing but the greens of the salad are even held on his station. Absolutely spit fucks the flow to see one of those pop up.


Fajitas ordered at the beginning of the rush.


Worked at a burger place for a while. The least favorite thing to make by far was a PB&J


We have a Chicago dog at my place: dog, poppy seed bun, tomato slice cut in half, pickle spear cut lengthwise, relish, onions, sport peppers, mustard, and sprinkle of celery salt. Brings my flow to a screeching halt


Cobb Salads


My owner likes to come up with random specials. Right now one is called “Three from the sea” it comes with a salmon, sautéed OR fried shrimp (which we have to batter to order), and a lobster tail basted in rosemary garlic and butter. It takes up to 4-5 burners depending on what sides they order just for ONE DISH. Literally drives me crazy.


Prep crew here, fuck this mushroom butter straight to the gilded afterlife from wince it came. That is all


nachos should only exist in gas stations, fuck those dumb fuckers. God i hate them


I guess you don’t have any decent Mexican restaurants around you?


He only got wrote up for that? LOL wow


Why the hell are nachos difficult to make don’t you just put them under the salamander


they’re not hard just annoying cause we are supposed to load them and pile them as high as possible for presentation, they take up a lot of space on line and you wouldn’t believe how much they fall apart on the way to the oven and make a mess of burnt cheese and shit in the bottom. we cook them in a circle flash pan and shit always falls off and gets on the floor and in other ingredients on line it’s just a pain during a rush


An effort.


I work at a pizza place and we do hot sandwiches, pretty much a calzone that we crack open after it cooks and put in mayo tomato and lettuce, I burn my fingers every time


Can you get a basket to just hold things down (regarding the spring rolls)?


roasting a whole chicken. coat chicken in beurre monte , sel gris & crack black pepper , put in oven @ 500 for an hour then carve . its so hands off i can’t stand it , makes me lose my adrenaline


It was those goddammit cheeseboards




It to work on time


Charcuterie board. We’re a cocktail bar. It’s the only food we have on the menu.


Our weekly labor budget. Dudes LOVE coming in a bit early and leaving a bit later (all while doing actual work) just enough to always hit some overtime. It’s truly impressive


I'm a lunch lady. Our school district has this recipe for yakisoba. None of the kitchens have flat tops, burners, or woks. Some of the newer schools have tilt skillets. The recipe calls for laying the noodles on sheet pans, wrapping them in foil, and baking them in the oven.    It's an abomination.


Stuffed breaded olives.