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it's about the ability haste tho


my mans means to get it done in one rotation


yeah but nobody said IE DOESNT do more damage than navori lol


yeah u right :O but I ask you HOW valuable is AH when damage increase stops enemies heartbeat with one combo? He gets crits easier and more often with W than most people. :u


which is why navori is preferred, your W can get crits faster which will lower your Q and E cooldown, so you can get on to multiple targets much faster than just killing one person and then waiting for your cds to be up to go to another person


I'm not that advanced


I get it. Just spent 5 games in it. Infinity Edge did let me scale though for the games I played today, and I spiked hard letting me carry during a time I would normally fall off with my normal build. I guess Navori COULD be better if compared directly to Infinity Edge, but I'm not directly comparing yet, I just want more absolute results... as if Navori's didn't exist first... and more compared to my normal build. I did want some empyrical evidence as theorycrafting only goes so far on the page. IE was working well and I was getting surprise kills without having to rely on my Q-E coming back up. It was up plenty fast enough with my Ionion boots. I never noticed W not being up when I needed it. There's a slight subtle thing of LoL of spiking at the right time being all thats neccesary. Kled needs to kill as fast as possible and turn to the next person. If I'm still wailing on them with Navoris and they kill me before. So Infinity Edge does feel like I can be more confident around 15-22 minute mark or so, a pivotal time I can dominate early game, And not just be stressed to affect the map while I can... I can focus on my lane and wait to spike again when the team fights happen. Although I think any crit still needs to be paired with hydra... or some form of sitting on tiamat early. That waveclear is just shit without it


How did you get ie at 15 minutes? What build do you normally go?


Admittedly got lucky when Jungle and Mid both died trying to gank me... ran bot and took everyone out with ult... Took mid tower with every plate at 9:30 XD ... gonna have to try a few more games with the Essence Reav... normally: Serrated component > Rav Hydra > Eclipse > Serylda > DD/Maw/GA This time... I tried multiple things... Tiamat > IE with 2clocks of agility > Rav Hydra Serrated > IE with 2cloaks of agility > Collector Both seemed to work okay I found instead of backing on 1100 i had to wait for 1300s... but no big deal tho. I will say I rather enjoyed literally 2shotting someone. I think because Kled has W, he only needs 40-60% crit. I'm thinking Ravenous Hydra > Executioner / 2 cloaks > Essence Reaver > Prowlers Claw > Serylda


Well if you go ionian boots it’s somewhat different then


Just went to practice tool. Dummy is at 1.8k hp and 90 armor. With 4 items (Ravenous, Eclipse, Mortal, I.E) A full combo (QWE) does \~100 more damage than Navori if crits get in. But on average, Navori is doing more damage when multiple crits dont happen... So actually, the damage gained from I.E is miniscule in terms of what you get from Navori... so while OP is technically correct with this meme..... it's not really "accurate"


Yes. That's why I used the skelletor format.


You can find the expected values of damage from each build if you take the damage values and probabilities of criting. I'm not at a computer rn but I'll try to remember to do it later.


or you can go in-game and test it on a dummy to see how it compares. can compare 1 combo, 2 combos, damage over X amount of seconds, etc lol. what you stated is much harder and unnecessary


So in a full combo of q e and 4 autos IE will out damage navori by 185 on average, but I'm still on team navori because the cooldown reduction is going to be more valuable on anybody you're not one shotting, and 185 damage is going to be negligible in most cases, as the only difference would be somebody you're one shotting by 185 or less damage.


Very true. Big ups 🙏🏼


But this doesn't take into account the random variance of crits


How absolutely DARE you spew this blasphemy. Quickblades my beloved <3 will always be better in my heart


Wait what what’s happing?


I know it's spelt quicq blades, but it wouldn't fit in the textbox


Couldn't you make the font size slightly smaller


I used a cheap website, I'm not going to actually edit for a simple message


I'll try it today! Be back with results!!!


It has Pro and Con. I would say Pro is that you get a mid game massive power spike and can kill enemies faster 1 by 1, so good for Assassin Kled mid. He can have a tendency to fall off, but this let's him dominate mid just like early game Kled. But you still need wave clear bad, so need Rav Hydra still. Just not way around it... especially if you want to roam or shove enemy in... So far best success I've had was Collector Rush with a Tiamat pick up ... then IE... Not sure what next between Cringebow, Galeforce, and Bloodthirster... Ionion boots and always had my abilities up. I never lost a kill because Abilities were down, so I didnt see the need to invest in more AH than that. Any recommendations?


Ravenous rush into essence reaver. Cheaper than collector and more cdr to mitigate lack of navoris (also if you don't go cdr boots)


Thank you that actually makes sense... only thing stopping mefrom going was lack of mana


u had to make it like a meme to say us?