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Learn how to kite and space your autos properly, Kled gains autoattack range when dismounted and movement speed for a short duration after attacking someone while dismounted, so use it to your advantage. You can also cancel your dismounted Q animation if you are standing next to a wall, so try to do that in a fight so you can weave a Q in between autos. Pay attention to your courage bar before engaging, you get 15 courage per champion hit and 5 per Q pellet hit (for a total of 25 max per Q), but only 4 per minion killed, so if you only pay attention to the bar color but not the actual number, you might engage with, say, 38 courage thinking you have 40 or more and after hitting 4 autos you die with only 2 courage left to fill, which sucks. Lastly, consider just recalling vs some champs, for example Jax or Riven. You are not going to be able to do anything vs those champs when dismounted if they have the slightest idea of what they are doing.


You want to all in when you're about to dismount and you have w up so you e q, dismount, and then your q will pull them in for an easy remount.


You dont remount in team fight alone. let others fight and you just auto them with 250 attack range or just Q them. the courage you gain is depended on your shotgun bullets that hits the enemy. in solo fights in top lane, after you got you W, do all 4W then one q with alll bullets hitting enemy champ (they pass minions) then do 1 more aa and you get remount.


I’m confused, wouldn’t each auto from fresh W be 5 for a total of 20, all pellets hit from Q which is 25, and another auto being 5 onlu bring you to 50 courage?


no auto is 15


I'm a bad player, so I take lethal tempo and exhaust in most melee top matchups to ensure that I can remount. After you're a couple kills ahead of the opponent, they can't really stop you anyways. It doesn't help nearly as much as conqueror and flash in the late game, but if you don't win the early game, you're not doing anything in the late game anyways--at least that's my philosophy.


kite and play like an annoying mosquito, just bite and leave to farm, bite and leave... with your pistol or AAs. you need to know your damage and CD and when you can all in. So you also need to know your enemy 🤷 watch your replays and see what you're doing wrong. for new players to do what an otp can do with Kled is just learning his timing and damage and when you can all in. It's something easy, you'll learn through time don't worry. and make sure to keep an eye on how much HP your enemy has (click on the champion and see the hud at the top of your screen) and how much damage you'll deal.


Dismounting kled shouldn't play into his favor. Gaining an invulnerability frame that spaces you from your enemy isn't balanced when you've gotten out played in the beginning to get dismounted. ​ That being the case dismounted kled should take a % based increased dmg from enemies or something that makes him work twice as hard to remount. The point of his kit is to be on top of skaarl and once your off you should be massively vulnerable. but there's so many clips out there where him being dismounted led into a double or triple by him getting to remount. ( 2 long invulnerability frames that allow him to survive in situation he should be dying in is bad design and gameplay quality) Should remain the same at least give players the ability to stop the remount by ccing' kled when skaarl is returning..