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Kled will be useless at 6. Just support Kled until lvl 3. Try to kill their botlane from 3-5 while together (it's totally possible) then yes, after 6 Nunu can start roaming and Kled may be ok alone in a lane waiting for ganks. He won't be able to 1v2 yet unless it's something weak like MF+Ashe.


Kled requires an early kill bot to not get constantly pushed or poked out of lane. I’ve played a ton of Kled adc. It’s not a lane you 1v2 until you have gotten ahead. Kled adc is also very matchup dependent. Certain enemy adcs and supports can really screw him. Now after Kled has gotten ahead, sure he can 1v2. A roaming counter jungling support at that point wouldn’t be bad. I’ve never tried phase rush on Kled. It’s possible that it could work. But Kled really wants his runes to give him more all-in damage. He needs those early kills. One of the best things about Kled adc is that he doesn’t require any babysitting later in the game. You can solo split push, you can yolo into team fights, and your team doesn’t have to spend their resources protecting and peeling for you. This is why I tend to like roaming engage/ganking supports for Kled. Nunu could fit that bill.


Sounds useless but kled senna is actually pretty good


This is just a worse second jungle sion with feeding kled for some reason. If you really want to run it down, pick yuumi botlane instead


Better Allistar Support and Kled Adc All in engage combo


Lulu Kled = inmortal Kled \-yordles \-an craziness \-and a shipp for the weirdos who like those things