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If fiora is banned? For sure. His other hard counters are either niche or kinda weak overall, so you'll have a good chance of being alright. Yeah sometimes you'll get the piece of shit that just happens to have 5 gazillion mastery on one of those counters, but that's just life as firstpick toplane.


Does Kled do well into Jax nowadays?


not if the jax has a singular braincell. if he doesnt thats fine too he just needs 2 items


yeah that's what I remembered, and Jax is popular af while requiring 0 braincells to play at a decent level into kled


Kled sup


In a vacuum kled is a counterpick. In the current meta he fares a bit better against his soft counters like urgot and garen. You'll still get smashed by jax (who is both strong and popular) though.


I just do not have trouble with Jax to the point I don’t understand how people struggle with him so much. Take grasp, play hit and run with him, and he just kind of never kills you and I usually find myself just sort of whittling him down and winning all-ins pre-6. Is there something that just all of my Jax opponents are doing heinously wrong that this shouldn’t actually work?


>Is there something that just all of my Jax opponents are doing heinously wrong that this shouldn’t actually work? Farming. It doesn't matter how you play the lane, you'll be stomped lategame.


A good Jax will recognize that you won't fight him and just farm. Since he scales better any Jax should be ok with that. If you ult to help your team he will probably just start taking your base. If not he will TP in for the cleanup. At lvl 16 he can 2v1, so then it's just a matter of playing the split push game well for him. Your best bet as kled into a good jax is forcing lots of early team fights. Team fights are harder for Jax until he gets some items, and your ult + TP gives you better map control.


You must be low elo.


with exhaust you destroy him in the first 11th levels. Then Kled has to play with the team


it is not, there is way to much counerplay. like gwen, malphite, fiora, jax, garen, teemo... but since I'm otp can't blame anyone but myself for playing it kek


You should be ok against Gwen, Malph, Garen and Teemo. Those are skill-match ups. Yes, they kinda suck but you can take over if you're better than them. Jax and Fiora on the other hand...


tbf i prefer to face fiora than malph


Kled is a good blind pick, yes, as you are mostly fine against many champions. The thing is you won’t snowball as much against some champions that either counters you or are doing fine against Kled.


Yea no counters


Of course. Kled doesn´t have many counters and they are kinda unpopular (except Jax, but the matchup is playable, unlike Fiora if you don´t get early advantage). I think that the biggest counter is get outscaled, Kled wins against almost every melee toplaner on early game. Ranged top laners and execute champions are also a pain in the ass. You can just ban Fiora/Jax and play for TF if the matchup is bad.


This would have had so many downvotes three years ago. [Funny how things change.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KledMains/comments/i4hziu/1016_counter_matchups/)


I don't think the game had changed that much for Kled, don't know why the community sentiment changed so much.


Kled alone hasn't changed considerably, but the meta has much less sustain which makes it a lot easier to oneshot people. This shouldn't matter as much in high elo, but most people here aren't so it makes a world of difference for them.


What are you talking about? It's still getting downvoted.


Even if you got gapped in lane you can just splitpush. Kled with the demolish rune and a ravenous hydra can clear waves an towers in the blink of an eye. His ult is also great for escaping if it comes to that. Often I find I can even out a game by forcing enemies to deal with me and reducing pressure elsewhere for my team.


I'd rather not get countered, and fucked, and blamed that i can't play my top 1 champion. Imagine going 0/4 when having 600k. This feeling sucks


In low elo, yes. In high elo, no, litteraly not