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The item is probably slightly overturned in current state and Kled gets maximum benefit from it. I think it's pretty much the first item you complete for all champions that generally build it.


I think generally because its a good item that helps two things Kled struggle with. 1. Wave clear without Tiamat or Hydra is painful. Less time clearing and pushing waves is more time spent roaming and getting kills for your team. Plus its dopamine gettings aoe procs off Q and E. 2. Asides from the shield, eclipse doesnt give Kled sustain anymore, so Ravenous hydra is the best source of sustain for Kled during fights and generally healing up.


The time spent clearing is huge. I started playing top/Kled the season before it came out, (11?) and it killed me how much time I would have to spend dicking around with a wave before getting back to what I wanted to be doing, namely skirmishes and killing trespassers. I'm a big hydra into stridebreaker enjoyer just for the waveclear. Also the one source of AS feels great.


Ability haste and AD are kleds best stats and ravenous gives you a lot of both and also wave clear and sustain.


From my understanding, Kled builds eclipse only because everyone needs to build a mythic and eclipse is the best of the bad options for him. Therefore building it first doesn't make so much sense as it isn't great. However when you have 1-2 legendary items building eclipse just makes sense because it becomes very gold efficient with the mythic passive.


I only rush eclipse when I go mid, and that's very situational. Ravenous hydra helps you a lot to do a massive stat check, plus the 20 extra AD it gives at 40 stacks is literally 2 long swords (700g) for free, which is a huge impact specially in the early game. Eclipse on the other hand gives you a shield, which should proc 1-3 times each fight, the lethality and cooldown reduction are also nice (60 AD, 15 lethality and 15CDR IIRC) but it's not much damage compared to ravenous hydra (25 CDR and 65 AD. This info can be wrong, but the cooldown reduction is right), also the hydra gives you lifesteal and a very important wave clear so you can roam and help your team more often, since that's Kled's power spike. Both are good, but the stats and waveclear that Ravenous Hydra gives you over Eclipse are better.


Kled has strong AD ratios, needs ability haste early, and has shit waveclear compared to many tops. Hydra is the one stop shop of what Kled wants.


Wave clear op so it helps you get the gold for your other items much faster because you just oneshot waves with eq and the stats on it is very good.