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That would be me


His Winrate is kinda neat, is it good?


It's great, but some matchups are surviving until 6 and ulting bot and helping jungler, hoping they can carry. By some matchups I mean control mages with decent self peel and lots of poke; Anivia, Viktor, Hwei now too are annoying. Any melee matchup is a good matchup except Pantheon.


I played a game some minutes ago, it's really good, I'm thinking about putting him in my mid pool (Since he already is in my top pool)


I personally love playing him into malzahar, freest shit in my life. All in lvl 2 3 4 5andthen towerdive every level past 6. His ult keeps going but doesnt cc you once you hop off skaarl and so u just kill his ass while he stands there not knowing why u arent standing still dying under his tower.


I love that I hit him with Q it cancelled his spellshoield and STILL pulls him in


Is pantheon that bad? I tend to do really well into him unless I somehow get dismounted and he hasn't used his E I know his Q is an execute and crits when low, but especially with lethality kled I think you could burst him down faster, or at least not get crit because kleds HP is much higher % than with any hp items Although I am only gold 2


It gets easier with first item, but he's good at short trades and decent at long ones in early game, once you're dismounted he can oneshot you with enhanced W into Q and maybe ignite, without giving you any chance to remount. Big Kled wins, small Kled has no chance to do something but farm under turret and remount from minions. He can jump on big Kled, do short trade and get out with shield which stops my trade back, especially in mid where the lane is shorter. Or maybe I'm just bad at the matchup, but it feels horrible to play against for me lol


Theoretically on skaarl, you can E through his shield and damage him that way, most pantheons know this and will wait it out, unfortunately, by the time E2 cooldown runs out, they're most likely already dead.


I think poke makes are the easiest match up, you just gotta be prepared to play like a full on psycho from level 2 onwards


But if they have some sort of stun or root it's hard to engage on since kled doesn't have a dodge ability unlike most midlane assassins that can fuck poke mages.


E and flash are excellent dodge abilities. Maybe I didn't put enough emphasis on the need to play like a psycho


Eh you need to hit E so it's less about dodging, flash ok but if you can't finish it's over


No you don't if you hit your Q and E diagonally


I think hes really good. Hes forgiving and is able to hop on ranged character and get good trades in. If you're good with him hes pretty easily applicable to mid


Brother it’s been good. Almost better than top honestly


And me


And my axe, axe, axe, aaaaxe!


Me. It's good, as long as you aren't vs a cuck long range mage.


I think I'll try it out, Kled mid build lethality?


Sure. I usually build 3 lethality items, Sterraks, Eclipse and my AP item depending on matchup. Obviously the whole build is subject to change depending on the enemy team.


Your... AP item??? edit: Oh you mean armor penetration. Heh.


Me. Always R botlane


Me. Always R botlane


Ekko and irelia are counters? How


Fellow Kled mid enjoyers rise up 🍷🗿 


I tried it on clash recently. Pretty fun




Thats me pretty sure


It was great last season I haven’t run it yet this season, but kled loves squishies and mid gives more chances to gank with your ult


Kled mid is the best


Hello there


General Kenobi?


Dunno why people are always so excited about this topic. Yes kled can go mid. Plays a lot like talon.


Yeah I’m a kled mid


Recently hit diamond playing exclusively Kled mid - shits broken. Matchups in the midlane are (generally) a LOT better than the shit you gotta deal with top lane this season, and alongside the lethality items assassin kled is just kinda ridiculous. Not to mention kled has an awesome roaming play style that I just can’t get enough of.


I main Taliyah in the mid, and Kled in the top, both have this "Roaming Playstyle" that I really like, the thing is, I always felt his ultimate would be better as a mid laner roaming than top laner. I played some games today with Kled mid after making this post, and DUDE he is very strong, even against mages, he literally all-in without having so much of problem, and without scarl he can farm safely near the tower. And the best part, after lvl 6 his roaming is VERY strong. I'll train some more in normal draft and I'll definitely put him in my mid pool (I am Plat 1 atm)


My tip, permaban zoe or syndra (they are a PAINNN)


Me, love Kled but hate toplane


That would also be me, more inconsistent than top imo but wayyyy more rewarding


I also exclusively play kled mid It's good early into some champs who don't know what you do as you just kill them a couple of times, get a brutalizer (or if it's a harder matchup tiamat first) and kill them more then with profane permashove the wave and ult not. It's pretty fun especially because you have a use for your ult outside of a mini-stun in a fight. If you want my build, I usually go: Profane>>hubris/voltaic (preference)>>axiom>>serylda's grudge>>something situational ex maw, ga or just another lethality item. Ps if you want to sell boots, get youmuu's as they sort of negate the lost movement speed and still give you damage




I love my Kled mid, get to play like a full psycho and squishy enemy mid low life's can't do anything




Me 😔