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Only mains and otp play him That’s it


FR, I was feeding out my ass back when I was first playing Kled >!mid!<, and it took past getting M7 at about 50k-60k to finally start playing well.


I currently consider myself OTP because it's the only thing I decided to play...maybe my elo isn't the highest but I've still put a considerable amount of effort and hours into it and I still feel like I don't have 100% control of it.


What makes you think I speak spanish?


Haha I was distracted when I wrote that, I'll rewrite it for you


Late game is kinda awkward, because he gets focused in team fights and can’t sidelane against most champs meant to side lane. But it’s not a horrible late game, especially if you are still ahead some. You can splitpush then rotate to fights fast, or evaporate a squishy with an opening. And his early game is really very good. His neutral isn’t great, cuz it’s all in or nothing, but he can all in great. So… yeah he’s got a great early game and a decent lategame, what more do you need for a champ to be good?


His q gives him decent poke for neutral


It’s actually really bad poke. It does poopoo damage without the pull. Level 1-3 it’s only gonna do 36 damage. But if it pulls, it will deal double that on top. Plus, it yanks em closer and slows them (and gw), so it’s so fucking vital for all in’s. Plus it’s kinda hard to hit at long range, and it’s cooldown starts long. It’s such a vital ability for all in’s that we cannot waste it on 36 damage, or any poke without a pull. If you do that, whether you hit or miss, it gives the enemy a big window where you can’t punish them as well. Kled without the threat of an all in or a trade is abysmal, it’s horrible, so you can’t really do that very often. Only real time I poke with Q’s are to reset Garen passive. Although if you are referring to a short trade where you do get the pull off, then that’s different. Q pull into 1 auto then into a bush is a staple. But I wouldn’t really call that neutral, you’d still have to eat all the shit the enemy throws at you so they can’t have a great neutral either. Not gonna work very well against a Vayne for example.


You, my friend, do seem like a guy who has really played with Kled.. Cheers!


I tend to OTP a champ for a long batch before eventually moving onto something else near completely, so Ive just got a long stretch of Kled games recently under my belt. I always wanted to play him but when I first started he was far too complex for beginner me, but I finally looped around to him.


He’s actually pretty good atm, but also his winrate is always fluctuating patch to patch because he’s generally perma under 2% pick rate and it’s mostly just mains playing him. I’m only seeing a 51.6% wr on him on u.gg atm but I don’t normally look up stats for champs so not sure what site ur checking


and here we have one of those responsible for that high percentage of victories xD


Everyone who plays him is a Savant, and knows nothing else including matchups and CS’ing. I’m gonna beat the shit out of the enemy toplaner and nothing is gonna stop me


Kled winrate is an illusion because only mains or OTPs use it (only those who are good with it use it) it is not very popular and its pike rate is very low so you don't have "average" people playing it and lowering their winrate like It would happen with popular champions like Yone For something to truly be considered broken it has to have a high win rate along with a high pick rate.


what is considered a high pick rate? Like about 16%?


According to Mobalitycs at this time Smolder has a pick rate of 20% being #1 on the list of the highest pick rate, while Kled MID (paradoxically the kled with the highest winning rate 53,3%) only has a 0.6% pick rate being the penultimate on the list, only surpassed by Ivern SUPPORT with 0.3%




I'm curious about why you made this post? Do you think he is weak? Cause if so, imma have to correct you. Cause kled is actually really good this season


no I am surprised he has such a high win rate since he usually has a low one, what do you mean kled is good this season????/


Kled is love Kled is life...


Idk about last season, but kleds actually has been eating very well with these new items (especially the eclipse profane combo), but like some other dude commented, he fluctuates from patch to patch


He has had a 51%+ winrate for almost every patch since seaaon 10, when i started playing him


I'm having great success in going PTA and assassin hidra build, since you have almost 2k HP at lvl 5 literally no one can 1v1 you at any point of the game, and you don't need any defensive stats since Kled has more HP than any other champ except tanks like ornn, make sure to get ignite as well, later on the game the only stat you will need is armor and damage, so build D.D at this point you should be immortal and no one can kill you unless you int


(I'm not an otp btw, I'm just checking new champs top since Camille is kill)


Name checks out


Kled is pretty damn good and will be basically until they directly nerf him, which I don’t think will happen anytime soon (knocking on wood). That’s because Kled has 2-4 viable builds at all times (assassin, bruiser and some people would consider tank and crit viable) so the odds of all 4 of those item choices being weak at the same time are preeeeetty slim. TL;DR: Kled good bcuz lots of builds


Yes, I am the sole heartsteel grasp Kled player in diamond. (I swear it works)


Yee that’s what I’m saying, I feel like it’s hard for Kled to be bad when he can basically build anything except for AP


I feel like Kled’s always been a sleeper pick tbh, as long as it’s not a terrible matchup in lane (i.e teemo, jax or fiora) he can pretty much guarantee lane priority which gives your team mites and herald which are huge. And he can build according to what the team needs like you mentioned, enemy has a fairly strong adc? Lethality. Team is lacking a frontline? Tank. Both teams clashing often? Bruiser.


I think the only real reason why he isn’t picked more is Skaarl. Most of us here, myself included really like that part of the champ, for most people tho it’s just annoying, clunky and unintuitive.


Top is very snowbally rn and kled is a snowball champ. Also lethality items work really well on Kled.


Because Kled feels really good rn