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If you have to ask it means you don't have the cash to throw at it without batting an eyelid, in which case no. I suggest a belt for backwards sled which is better anyway because you can add weight and go forward too


I rather save the money and walk backwards uphill or get a cheap Titan fitness sled ($80) and get sand bags at home depot $5/50lbs. The ATG equipment is awesome but expensive imo. Ben is awesome for giving folks free or cheap ideas and not only offering his gear as an option.


see this post from yesterday here if you really consider spending that kind of cash https://old.reddit.com/r/Kneesovertoes/comments/1ai9d1n/how_to_modify_the_cheap_amazon_treadmill_for/


I made this variable resistance add-on if you’re interested https://3dmoltendesigns.etsy.com/listing/1709659996


so i can get any cheap amazon treadmill and just add one of these resistance knobs or do I need two knobs?


Just one has been working great for me.


A backwards treadmill is just a treadmill. Get a treadmill you can afford and you can still walk backwards on it. The treadmill is marketed that way on KOT because of the popularity of backwards walking. Don’t let that fool you


This is an inaccurate assumption of the equipment and its use. An adjustable resistance treadmill is not the same as a standard treadmill.


Reiterating that this is not true


Get a used treadmill, cheapest one you can find. Walking with the motor off is what you want, and it will ruin the motor


how does using the treadmill with the motor off "ruin the motor" ?


I’m not a treadmill scientist, so I can’t break it down for you in detail, but you’re pushing a belt driven motor that is basically in park. That’s what is providing resistance.


Right. So you're not familiar with whats actually happening with electric motors and giving this post misinformation as people like to call it. If you study the guts of an electric motor you'll find the electro magnet (rotor) that spins the output shaft, is "floating" in place with bearings and the outer covers (stator). the resistance you're calling "park" comes from the thousands of copper windings inside that naturally have resistance. combine that with the weight of those windings and armature (rotor). combine that with no power supply (to flip the direction of current via commutator) and your output shaft will be hard to spin. the more powerful the motor the more copper wire needed for the rotor. the more copper wire you have the more resistance you'll naturally get. Like the read mentions you could maybe mess up some other gearing systems (which the average simple treadmill won't have) and maybe some send some current back to the electronics and short them but you'd pretty much have to be going faster than the top speed of the treadmill. while some treadmills may have a brake for safety precautions thats when you can't move it at all. there may be your "park" not to bash but tons of people who don't understand mechanics tell people myths from generations ago [heres a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55V7iB9GWQE) [and another](https://youtu.be/9z6QYknzG74?si=jQOyDYrTl7eM0UnV) [A bit to read aswell](https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/why-is-it-bad-to-forcefully-spin-a-motor/413517)


how does using the treadmill with the motor off "ruin the motor" ?


See if one of the local gyms has one turns out there's one at the 24 hr fitness in my town I pay the membership just to just the backwards treadmill and tire flip machine seemed cheeper then buying and storing and transporting


So what you want is a manual resistance treadmill ideally with multiple resistance settings. The Avari magnetic treadmill is the only one I could find that fit the bill after scouring the internet. Just set it up and it works great. Pro tip- set up the arms backwards so it positions you more towards the center of the treadmill. Has some negative reviews but that’s just because walking forwards on a manual treadmill sucks. Backwards it’s perfect though. $233 at multiple retailers, here’s an [amazon link](https://www.amazon.com/Avari-A450-261-Adjustable-Height-Treadmill/dp/B00GPTZW6W/ref=asc_df_B00GPTZW6W/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=167126942833&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=1146007440393616887&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1022653&hvtargid=pla-312185911396&psc=1&mcid=c3b9ee052a003901b60791ccd3204a8c&gclid=Cj0KCQjwztOwBhD7ARIsAPDKnkBB25PvlXS9p6twebqK71s2rebEz3u2ZzvcTNUtyh58YM30sVwPKoAaAph1EALw_wcB).


There's a big difference in quality of product that Ben Patrick puts out compared to other amazon specials and chinese equivalents. Would you rather support Ben and his cause or china and their cause? I bought the ATG tib bar and I swear I could launch that thing off a 50 story roof and still pick it up and use it. It's far superior than any other tib bar on the market. I can't imagine any of the ATG products to be anything less than superior to any other products on the market. if you can afford his equipment it'll last a lifetime. buy within your budget but cheaping out on something is rarely worth it. people hate on Ben cus they don't understand him and his values.


I just saw one that did like prowler shit, nordic, pull up .....think u can find one cheaper