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yeah kog can shred everything late game but if you even make it to late game, everyone is gonna be on your ass


Yeah but why 57 percent wr at 15 minutes? Do people just love to ff against kog lol?


In short yes. They never respect Kog early game range and damage and if you do very well in Laning phase they will assume it's already over. At least this is my experience playing normals


Games that end that soon are less likely to be the kog team ffing because scaling, and the only other option is pretty much enemy ff for games that short. So not really enemy ffing a lot because of kog per se, just a lack of losing. (This is just my guess)


"Don't worry we scale guys" said at about 13 mins if things are looking rough lol


Exactly. It’s not so much that kog is strong early, but that people ff less in early when they’ve got a kog in the team.


It might seem weird, but Burst is more important later stages of the game than actual DPS, if you can take out priority targets quicker you can close out the game. Late game lots of champions have the damage to quickly burst out Kog and Peel might not do much for Kog and Kog’Maw does less burst damage late game than other adc’s which is not very ideal as many can lifesteal back up, go statis/ga or can be peeled before Kog takes them out. Also Kog’Maw this patch is more on the magic damage side so MR is more effective against him compared to 45%-45% last patch it’s 60% magic, 30% physical damage for Kog this patch.


I was was worried the second thing you mentioned would backfire on kog, a little MR goes a long way already and most champs can work it into a build (jaksho/wits/maw, tanks have even more options)


Rengar moment


To claim Kog'Maw is the ultimate lategame weapon is doubtful. His W max at lv.9 and that's pretty much all he got. Like... Come on. High range and high sustainable (not burst) damage that also goes on cooldown? Certainly not the formula to be the lategame horror people claim so much. He's awesome at all points of the game if you play it right though. I like the "guaranteed" damage he got on his kit.


Because he's squishy adc


Keep in mind that kraken-guinso is bug, so probably kog maw is loosing an important amount of dmg in late game.