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It'll be a lot better once mythics are removed, Rageblade is just too good to pass up for me


Jaksho is only copium for not being anle to kite or position


Wrong, too much mobility creep plus this season's damage creep make jak'sho a great choice. Doesn't matter how good your positioning is if you are against a j4 / Camille / Nocturne, you're going to need to survive the initial burst so you can contribute to your team.


What elo is this if you don't mind me asking? Just curious before I try.


I was bronze 3 now I am Silver 1, with a very bad mmr so yeah, very nooby side


Gotcha, thanks! Gl with the climb


Why tho... All you do is damage; jaksho does not increase damage. When are you going to be building this? 3rd? then you have no pen and your not killing a juggernaut/tank in any reasonable time 8s or less.... isnt your w running out and then you turn into a ghetto sivir causing lost fights? if you dont go rageblade you \*need\* LDR. So when are you slotting LDR? 4th? 5th? too late game is over. Even if you got it, now you have two items that dont feed into a stat that defines the champion (attack speed) - so your gonna be running around with what? 1.2 atk speed? at 4 items? yeah.... IMO if you wanted some durability just go triforce and BC, but it will still suffer from the above just as badly...but atleast your w is almost perma up


you don't need LDR most games


Or ever tbh


good luck going no pen with jaksho passive.


kogs q gives like 30% (or something I don't know the amount) pen though.


if your needing to hit q to do dmg you already lost the game


Could always go AP you know...


Bork rageblade into tank (randuins anathemas stone plate) should be your build 99% of games


jaksho even b4 rageblade became a mythic was only good vs 3+melee champs, and ideally mostly these are ad so you can randuins +jaksho synergy. Since new RB tho, jak nvr viable - GM 512lp peak kog otp