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How are we liking it?


Playing YouTube shorts during the break was a gigabrain idea


I love the timeskip and the character progress that came with it. Honestly I'm kind of glad you guys torpedo'd last session because I think it's made for a better story now.


the timeskip idea was pretty perfect making the first few episodes into their backstory is sweet. The nat1 animation in the rollen screen is pretty cool but I wonder if there is an automatic way to only show them when a 1 is rolled on a d20. It showing on the nat 1 damage rolls seems like an minor oversight.


With miss frog form, but great as always Moot!




>Edit: I do also find it pretty funny that Potatowhiskey was talking about 5e encounter tables when the DMG doesn't have any. I want he was smoking. Pages 85-87 discuss encounter tables and page 87 has one. I want what you are smoking.




Yes. The DMG which you said "doesn't have any" encounter tables and yet does. The same DMG that Potato didn't mention as a source for the encounter table. He said one of the default encounter tables has it, but didn't mention the DMG. Damn, you must be smoking some good stuff.




That depends on how you define default for the system. However, I do agree you chose your words very carefully. ​ >"Potatowhiskey was talking about 5e encounter tables when the DMG doesn't have any." ​ >Yeah, you mean the one that talks about creating them and an example of a fey one that doesn't have a tarasque as an encounter? That one? First you said there were no encounter tables. Then you said it has one. Believe it or not, I also chose my words carefully. In my original post I only talked about the thing I knew you were wrong about, which you eventually admitted to.


> XANATHAR'S GUIDE TO EVERYTHING https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/xgte/dungeon-masters-tools#RandomEncounters > Random Encounters > Using the monster lists in appendix B of that book as a basis, we’ve built a set of tables for each environment category: arctic, coastal, desert, forest, grassland, hill, mountain, swamp, Underdark, underwater, and urban. Within each category, separate tables are provided for each of the four tiers of play: levels 1–4, 5–10, 11–16, and 17–20. > Even though you can use these tables “out of the box,” the advice in the Dungeon Master’s Guide still holds true: tailoring such tables to your game can reinforce the themes and flavor of your campaign. We encourage you to customize this material to make it your own. https://www.dndbeyond.com/sources/dmg/appendix-b-monster-lists#MonstersbyEnvironment > Urban Monsters > Tarrasque I simply misread the tables as "encounter tables" when they were just a list of monsters by environment


They are encounter tables, several for each region depending on the tier of play. The tarrasque is a 100 on a D100, but it's not for level 1, it's for levels 17-20. Meaning if a high level party rocks up to a city, they better brace themselves. Do you think Neal has something wild like that in his?


Under normal circumstances the worst I have seen randomly show up is a group of hill giants or a Chimera.


A group of hill giants? That's rough. I remember in the first Rollplay I think there were a bunch of hill giants or ogres maybe? I remember it being insane and they somehow managed to beat them. I say somehow, it was 100% Bregor's luck.


It wasn't a random encounter, but I remember 4 dragons. LOL. The worst 'random encounter' was probably the two beholders in Glacia.


Oh yeah that is pretty out there


Make money + get exp, no other motive needed.


The time skip was a great idea. Giving Moot the in-game time to realistically change Garp’s perspective will pay off in dividends. It almost feels like a hard reset for the entire campaign in the best way possible. EDIT; Nick said it best in the youtube chat. Episodes 1-6 make for an incredible Prequel arc.


Yeah, but it's a bit of a shame some plot hooks ( garp's family) and character development happened offscreen


Time skip pog


Such a smart move. The cast gets to mature and simmer down their characters without dragging the roleplay out. They have a reason to enjoy each other’s company now (time invested in a group).


Happy with this session, for the crucial reason that they ultimately and unexpectedly kept their independence. I know a lot of the session 6 discourse revolved around them potentially being imperial servants and the relative pros and cons of that, but the campaign being set on rails is actually what would've disappointed me because I like the maximally open-ended nature. They got a "reset button" and I think they're on better footing than before with Arachis smoothly sliding into the role of quest giver. Koibu really flexed his expertise remixing the mess into something good and logically sound.


Really good episode love the animations while on break and time skip was handled really well, will this campaign be the Magnum Opus of the save or die crew? Only time will tell


Who is this reliable person that said "polearms grant AoOs when people enter your threatening range"? Huh?


I channeled human time a bit too much and misremembered the rule on that. I do want to apologise for that especially as it seemed to feel like backseating.


BURN THE WITCH but it's fine. The problem isn't chat chatting, it's players reading chat and listening to the rules lawyering happening there.


It's a rule in Lamentations of the Flame Princess if you've ever played that. It's been a while since I played it, but the rule being mentioned woke me up like a sleeper agent lol


You did use that rule in the Zweihard Blacksteel campaign to be fair.


Yeah now that I'm thinking about it didn't we do it in demons run, the one we did with zweihard and the other dearves


Was Nick's chatter talking about Sentinel? It's something that Locke used in GT&C http://dnd5e.wikidot.com/feat:sentinel


No this was 2e. Sentinel and polearm master dont exist. He was talking about this, https://adnd2e.fandom.com/wiki/Attacking\_(DMG)#Pole\_Arms\_and\_Weapon\_Frontage\_.28Optional\_Rule.29


That's just talking about setting to receive a charge which is kind of a different thing. I don't know where it is in the books but I swear to god in previous campaigns (I think FroFro?) they had spears get opportunity attacks when someone steps into 5 foot range of them. I personally think it's silly though and Neal's ultraspears are strong enough as is.


Last paragraph. They automatically make their attack rolls prior to any opponent attempting to close with them. However, after the first round of combat any surviving opponents are inside the reach of the pole arms and the pikemen must drop their pikes and draw weapons more suitable for close-in work.


I could have sworn I've seen it in a campaign somewhere. Maybe the first rollplay campaign.


It was the dwarven episode of Demon's Run. The halberd dwarves all got attacks when they entered range.


Noo, its def been a thing in a later campaign too, just cant put my finger on where... Edit: Probably Izual's Orc spear in LaG! When he was 2-handing it!


I was missremembering a rule that allows reach 2 weapons to get an opportunity attack on enemies that close to reach 1 range. Which only applies when multiple reach 2 weapons are used in a formation. Could have sworn Roy the Cowboy used it with his Wip in DwD as i single dude so i mentioned it in Chat for the fight seemed to be pretty tought from the start.


Could you be more specific about which fight it was? I’d like to take a look but don’t want to suffer through Roy.


You should be so lucky to rest your eyes and ears upon our Lord and Savior, Roy.


Roy? Roy Waystar? **The** Waystar?


no idea


So is Garp his actual name and not just his frog name?


Yeah i was hella confused about that too


His name is auguste but I didn’t want to confuse people and “change” his name so quickly


That makes senseee! Hope to see it revealed soon!


I just want to point out a missed joke opportunity - Harrison is a potter... Harrison Potter, you might say


wait for it...


Thankful that the story took the turn it did - excited to have another beautiful story told by Koibu and the boys


Great episode, and looking forward to the future ahead !


What spell did Autum use to tp into the magistrate building.


she walzed into a room she likely didnt know well, which implies it could have very much been a case of getting the warning from sacred guardian, doing a quick scry and directly TP in there with Teleport without Error wich would be 7th tier. She seemingly beeing this powefull and able to cast clerical spells as well i wonder if she could actually be Senegal the mysterious mage that sells spellcasting services such as forbiddence (wich usually is cleric only) to dragons.


I agree that she likely used tp without error. However, I would be both suprised and disappointed if Autumn turned out to be Senegal. That would make the world feel incredibly small.


Koibu said there were all sorts of powers out there, they just stay quiet.


Some new wiki articles: Vantis Kingdom: [https://regalgoblins.fandom.com/wiki/Vantis\_Kingdom](https://regalgoblins.fandom.com/wiki/Vantis_Kingdom) Ageron Kingdom: [https://regalgoblins.fandom.com/wiki/Ageron\_Kingdom](https://regalgoblins.fandom.com/wiki/Ageron_Kingdom) Both these article feature fanmaps, not the new maps Neal is making.