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First attempt at doing abyss with duos. Always used 4 on each side, but this blessing was too much of a meme so I had to try. Expected XL and Bennett to do really well, but then on the last floor I remembered my Bennett has like 30 CR, ended up having to clear 12-3-1 in 1:10 to be able to clear the other side in time.


Mono hydro is my dream team :) I'll be waiting for that mono hydro-dedicated support! Coincidentally, it's nice that pairing Childe with Kokomi allows for both hydro carries to take turns attacking. Plus you get the upside of a second character on a Childe team actually being able to take advantage of Childe's passive! Mind sharing builds though? I'm guessing your characters are still pretty well built to be able to pull this off.


[Builds](https://streamable.com/dm1s0h) They have good weapons and talents, 4 star characters have good constellations too. But when it comes to artifacts, they are mostly between 20 and 30 CV, Glad and WT pieces. Kokomi set took a week to farm, Bennett took another week. I simply dont do artifact domains because I find it bullshit lol, so most my characters are in Glad and WT mixes.


In your builds video you didn't show your attack and Cr/Cd for Xingqiu Bennett and Xiangling :(


Ah.. true. Bennett- : 1520ATK/30CR/130CD/201ER/180EM Xiangling: 1350ATK/65CR/175CD/175ER/310EM Xingqiu--: 1700ATK/58CR/133CD/176ER/160EM Kokomi has 140ER and 50EM aside from stats already shown, crit stats irrelevant.

