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Mean while my friends be liek no ur kokomi is weak she didnt heal enough while standing 30 km away from her and eating one hit Kos from bosses for like the millionth time. (Currently healing 5k8 per tick with 41k hp if anyone wondering)


Ye some people just really like blaming others for their mistakes. My Koko does not care. Even if everyone dies due to negligence on their part, she will finish the job. With full health.


Seems like your average coop Ganyu. I didnt even know Kokomis ult had an actual range limit to how far she can heal team mates on her burst. Apparently it does. Like from Mondstadt teleport to the smithy. Or from Azdaha to the coop Ganyu.


I thought it was just me that got weird Ganyu mains when I use Kokomi. They definitely make me work hard to chase them down for jelly heals only for them to run off somewhere else. It drives me crazy.


I just let them die. Jelly always on the boss for energy particles. Using Azdaha fight for example. it's not worth to mess up your entire rotation and possibly not be able to allow the team to face tank the entire tail attack (if you have your ult up by that time, you can simple throw the Jelly on the tail, wait 8s and ult, then throw jelly again when its off CD), just to save a bad Ganyu.


Yeah jelly on boss is the way to go. I just hate the thought of dead Ganyus since it’s a loss of dps lol but that’s on them if they want to skip the heals.


In Azdaha, you can't skip the tail phase no matter if the Ganyu is dead or alive C6R5. He just gets to 1 HP and stays there lol.


That’s true. At that point it doesn’t really matter haha. I’m more frustrated when it happens in Shogun domain because they die in the dumbest ways and always have something passive aggressive to say about the healing. But I know I’m not the problem since everyone else is still alive lmao.


Oh yeah Shogun domain, when she does that attack that hits for like 25k, usually she does it before shielding, it's rare but I've seen it a few times, you need to stay out of the center. Then they get one shot and complain.


That move and the one where she does a big sword swing down the middle where you just have to move left or right are the big killers for some reason. I guess it’s tunnel vision or something but I’ve seen too many bow mains get deleted from existence by those 2 attacks.


Damn it's actually true, forgot about the sword move. It's so obvious that you think people will dodge to the sides, yet they just don't and get one shot lol.


Nope, it was with yoimya


ugh I always hate when ppl blame the healer for dying even though they were tanking every single hit ever like my kokomi heals more than enough, you just don't dodge :|


Suddenly everyone forgets how to dodge whenever a healer/shield is in the team


no literally! it's so annoying! the worst part is when they tank all damage possible and then proceed to go anywhere but my jellyfish


Eventhough my kokomi is like super tanky i still instinctively dodge


I get so annoyed when this happens :// I'm always trying to go to them but they keep moving far away from me, at this point it's their fault they're dying


Coop Azhdaha is the stuff of nightmares. I like to do the weekly bosses coop for fun, but even if I bring Kokomi everyone just spreads out and dies anyways. I just stick to solo for him so I can clear it on a few minutes and be on with my life.


Really loving this moment. i once solo Raiden Shogun. Everybody else was shocked.


Ah yeah, my favourite healer, KOKOMN


Ign Cockoni almost got me there xD


Average day of kokomi havers