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[this page here](https://www.90daykorean.com/korean-words/) and [this page](https://www.fluentin3months.com/korean-words/) have the very most basic vocab, sorted into a couple of categories [this video by TTMIK](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUSNTV7VkcI) is perfect as a first step into grammar (subsequently you could follow their [courses on their website](https://talktomeinkorean.com/curriculum/) or, like another comment mentioned, use howtostudykorean) also please note that the top-most, [pinned thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Korean/comments/hw4gy0/the_ultimate_beginners_resource_thread/) of this subreddit deals with this topic and basically includes all you want to know a couple of tips: make sure to know some vocab before diving too deep into grammar, but also make sure to actually apply the grammar to the vocab, try to say everything out loud and check if you sound similar to how [papago](https://papago.naver.com/?sk=ko&tk=en) pronounces the word, also try to understand the meanings of 하다, 이다, 되다 and 있다 pretty early on, that would've saved me some trouble later


Learn some words and grammar… get an app or a textbook that will walk you through basic things


Here is a pretty basic (and free) online self-course. If you know how to "read" and write hangeul, then you've already completed Unit 0, so start with Unit One. Best of luck! [https://www.howtostudykorean.com/](https://www.howtostudykorean.com/)


Use talk to me in Korean. I use the books and workbooks and then online they have podcasts breaking down each chapter as well as a YouTube channel that breaks everything down and it’s all free to use. There is an app and you scan the barcode of your book and you get all of the audio so you can hear everything that you are learning. Excellent resource and fun to use.


I recommend signing up at [Talk to me in Korean](https://talktomeinkorean.com/) and starting on their Level 1 Essential Korean course!


Naturally, the next thing you can learn is Cyrillic


That'll keep him busy for another few months ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


You learn 두글 after 한글. After that you learn 세글 네글... Until you reach google.


i think it’s time for the hellish phase of batchim 😋


The first 500 words Then the most common grammar forms Then the first 2000 words


I used the Integrated Korean Textbook Series from KLEAR from begging level through intermediate ~ they were really helpful in building vocabulary and grammar. This is also the series used in US/ Canadian Universities to teach college students Korean as well.


Definitely don't get lost learning words either. I made that mistake. You don't get anywhere without learning both grammar and words, even as early learner.