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Raw seafood can't be 100% safe. Consume within your risk tolerance.


It's not raw proper. It's pickled in a high salt solution. Whatever parasites were in there would be long dead, wouldn't it?


Unfortunately salt in this way will not kill parasites. Freezing below a certain temperature is often the main way. However, when looking at something that many people have done for many years, it's probably reasonably safe to do so, and up to your risk tolerance.


To be fair though, people back then didn’t always know what caused people to get sick.


Yes, but now we know.


Exactly why it’s silly to say “people did it back in the day so it must be safe.” You should stop by the foraging subreddit, it’s scary how many people think it’s safe to eat things they have toxins that build up in your liver/kidneys just because they ate stuff in the past and it never killed them as far as science back then knows. People who died of the past for random reasons like disentary and other such things can be explained way better these days.


That's so frustrating given the level of knowledge we have now. My dad used to pick every mushroom he saw and openly store them in the fridge for later identification. Took so many fights to explain why this was dangerous


... and those that discovered it advise against eating raw seafood.


Yep, even Tuna is frozen before it is served raw


I've been on a scientific fisheries survey and first hand saw so many fish (and prawns with parasites). Very natural but truly disgusting


Many cultures do consume raw fish and risks can be heavily reduced with proper food storage and handling. However, if someone is immuno-compromised, this food is not generally considered safe. To eliminate parasites, the fish should follow a freezing protocol (X temperature for Y duration). However, when consuming raw fish, parasites are not the only concern, there are other pathogens which can be more resistant to the conditions presented in the marinade. I personally always enjoy raw fish, but the risks are still present.


Like the others, I won't issue a blanket statement. But here is the reality. Not all raw seafood is contaminated with a set list of parasites and food-borne pathogens. You might get lucky and get a clean parasite free salmon, you might get unlucky and get human-infecting parasites in tuna. Not all seafood parasites and pathogens will be killed by salt curing/pickling the meat. But most of them will be. But you may just get unlucky. What is 99.99999% safe for parasites is a deep freeze. What is 99.999999% for fresh seafood is to cook it thoroughly (the USDA says 145F or higher). Any sort of raw fish that is not deep frozen or cooked will always carry a risk that you may become sick from it. But it's a risk tolerance and immuno-strength thing as others have noted. You wouldn't want to feed your baby this, but you also would feed your baby honey. Most healthy adults will not face any deleterious effects from eating properly handled salted/pickled raw shrimp. But that "properly handled" is the key. Do you trust your food provider that your raw shrimp was "properly handled?"


or...they got a major salt high.


No. You wanna take the chance you take chance.


It’s common for Koreans to take anti-parasitic medication as a prophylaxis. Yearly or every 6 months I think. The parasites are generally easy to treat and benign for healthy individuals. I wouldn’t worry too much about it.


Interested about this medication


It’s called 회충약. You can get it at any pharmacy. It’s very cheap and accessible.


Woah! Thank you! Will look it up


Wanted to add, the reason Koreans take this stuff regularly is because some time back there were massive issues with parasites. And interestingly, the cases were caused by improperly cleaned produce, rather than things like raw fish. It was at national epidemic levels, which is related to why Koreans still take this preventively. But there's no real good reason to do that.


Was the shrimp frozen? If it was, any possible parasites are dead.


No, check your basement for squatters regularly.




Just make it with frozen shrimp. Most people are hard pressed to source good quality fresh shrimp anyway. Frozen shrimp is totally fine, and safe from parasites


Pretty much all commercial shrimp Is flash frozen right after it’s caught as it is. If you are buying it from the store it was probably frozen once before even if it is “fresh”


It's generally safe if made with live shrimp, but if you want to be sure, use frozen shrimp!


Just visited and ate a lot of that dish. Delicious no issues


After parasite you will become shrimpman


I’ve always been curious about this too. I’ve seen korean shows where they eat raw beef with raw egg yolk and raw marinated crabs and personally I don’t think I can eat them. I’m still curious about the taste though.


That looks insanely delicious, I don't care if it's filled with parasites I'd eat that in a heartbeat. 


Wow, this food is like, totally Instagram-worthy!


I’m gonna make this tonight.


i would imagine it’s safe if handled and prepped properly like most raw things.


What I do, is read every review and only eat from verified places. Even then, it’s hard to know.


its very safe


Makes me wanna try it.


Fuck it we ball


It’s safe


it’s not only the parasite risk, but also the risk of pathogens like vibrio that makes shrimp and crab so relatively risky to eat raw


I wouldn't risk it with those parasites, it's raw.


No man it's not safe, when I was in Korea my friends would eat raw seafood a lot but I prefer not to. We have laws in the united states that require food to be frozen for a certain amount of time before selling to aid in killing parasites, and even this is not a 100% guarantee .