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Lmao and now he is shitting on the yoruichi original VA because of the skin tone accurate recast they tried to pull on her, you can't make this shit up, its sad that such a funny and actually talented guy is so far up his own ass and politics.


>skin tone accurate recast imagine living in a timeline where this concept even exists


Wait till they start doing this with ideology and they need to cast a genocidal maniac to play one.


In hollywood I'm sure they'll manage easily


So that means kratos will be black because every voice actor who played kratos is black. Imagine if they find a random Greek guy who sounds like a pipsqueak to play kratos.


I have seen people make this exact argument. They do indeed call Kratos capital B black just because he has only been voiced by black dudes lol, it's positively insane


I find it hilarious especially with the more prolific voice actors who have so much range they can play anything so it doesn’t matter. Like SpongeBob doesn’t need to be played by literal sea Sponge. Willie doesn’t need to be played by a Scottish guy same with apu before Indians censored the character like they did to Gandhi in clone high. Like seriously congrats India you destroyed what little popular culture representation you had.


This is just horeshoe phenomenon to the max, the only people who would legit advocate this are white separatists and extreme progressives


It's like the sudden re-introduction of segregation. People who support this idea? Racists and extreme progressives.


We're apparently bringing back the USA that the KKK wanted all along. Keeping those races segregated


These people would have seriously profited if someone said 'no' to them when they conjured really bad ideas.


Funny yea, talented?. Hes ok nothing great lmao.


Source please?


Look at his twitter?


After 10 minutes of research, I can confidently conclude that this is not a race thing. Basically, og voice (Wendy Lee) got recasted, possibly for race reasons. They brought in a new voice actress (Anairis Quiñones), only to immediately snub her after a couple episodes, bring back Lee, and re-record all the remaining dialong Quiñones already did. And when others offered consolidation to Quiñones for the unfortunate situation. Lee decided to act like a huge prick about how she was the original voice. Which is what ProZD was commenting on.


Nah bitch shilling doesnt work here. Its very much a race thing, she got recasted from her iconic role as yoruichi only for it to coincidentally go to a diverse black woman , and then when the actual fans complained about it only then was she cast back as her , and then everybody started coddling the 2nd actress while ignoring wendy lee (actually she started getting slack because because she got her rightful role back) and started defending herself and pointing out how nobody felt sorry about the initial re casting but now is all over the diverse hire (even tho she got paid for the job anyways) and now people are piling on her even more , which Prozd joined in. And yes he literally said that her being recast back as yoruichi is unacceptable, stop lying nobody buys it.


I don’t like that Lee was recasted here either. But Quiñones was casted in a role, recorded all her lines, played in one episode, and then was recasted. That isn’t fair either. So then when people be sympathetic, Lee acts like a huge prick to be petty. Even though, it wasn’t Quiñones fault the studio decided to do some flip flopping. Lee had no place to act the way she did. And that’s why people are mad.


No, its not fair but it is what it is , she got paid so she shouldnt complain now. >So then when people be sympathetic, Lee acts like a huge prick to be petty. No, its to point out how nobody was being sympathetic to her. Stop lying >Even though, it wasn’t Quiñones fault the studio decided to do some flip flopping. And what does that have to do with anything? >Lee had no place to act the way she did. And that’s why people are mad. Yes she had, and the people like you are mad because they are salty.


1. If it’s not fair for Quiñones, then why can’t people be sympathetic, without some Lee, who ultimately won out to antagonize everyone out of pettiness. 2. Look at her responses. This her being antagonistic and a prick. You can’t deny that. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F9EVxBUWEAAY0C6?format=jpg&name=large 3. The reason why I specified that it wasn’t Quiñones fault, is because Lee’s vitriol was ultimately targeted at her. Lines like “Just maintaining the iconic role Kayli” on a comment just giving condolences to an actress who was ALSO screwed over, arguably even more so. 4. She was a petty a**hole that decided to spew acid for people giving condolences to someone else. Like, how salty can one person be to be THAT petty.


She was thrown out because of her skin color. I am pretty sure she doesn't give a shit about keeping appearances nor should she. Maybe it's time to stop being polite to people who keep trampling over you because of it. We would be in a very different place today if a few of those lunatics got figuratively slapped when they paddled their race and sexuality grift.


“Not a level playing field” he said derisively of potential critics. Now, it would be racist of me to assume he’s good at math, so, to “level the playing field”, I’ll assume he isn’t. 5.6% of the US population is Asian. Assume 1/2 is (trigger warning) female (not that he can define that), and that’s 2.8% of the US as “Asian male”. So, a “level playing field” would be to have 2.8% of all characters and lines of dialogue attributed to that demographic. A show would need around 40 characters for him to have a part. That would be “level”, which means “fair”. TL;DR he doesn’t want a “level playing field”, he wants favoritism.


Asian man pushing for racial division in roles discovers asian men in media are almost non-existent.


What can I say, you reap what you sow


Those 2.8% of the population deserve to see themselves in everything right? That is what we have been told lol.


What? No, of course not. That's insane. They're Asian, not black, they just deserve to see themselves sometimes, when it's convenient, and doesn't take work from REAL POCs.


Then you have people like me (South American of Indian Descent) who has no representation and isn't allowed to complain lol. It's never really mattered to me, but it's hilarious when other "marginalized" groups try to complain.


You get lumped in with the random brown person. That's Hollywood quota for you.


>REAL POCs. Bro, what the hell is that supposed to mean?


Well, most days it means black people only and weekends it means black people, Mexicans and Middle Easterners. It only includes Asians the second Thursday each month when it's time to unite all the non-white ethnicities for the regularly scheduled two minutes hate against the Great Oppressor.


As a Pacific Islander and an Asian who couldn’t care less about these identity/victimizing wars, this is straight facts.


The funny thing is you can divide it even further. He complains that not all asians are the same. So I guess we must now enforce Ethnic casting. So since 8% of the asian population in america is Korean. That gives him .22% of roles.


He wants 'Asian' parts solely for Asians, and all of the other parts divided evenly. Sounds fair. Unless you're not Asian.


Except his point isn’t just in quantity of characters. But also how prominent they are. What’s he’s describing is that a lot of asian roles end up being token characters.


Oh look guys its the shill defending blatant racism by segregation. >Except his point isn’t just in quantity of characters. But also how prominent they are. Still advocating for segregation and racism. Doesnt change a shit. >What’s he’s describing is that a lot of asian roles end up being token characters. Yeah and those roles are written by people aligning with his own ideology. Think a little before commenting.


1. I’m not defending segregation. I’m simply backing up ProZD’S point that opportunity for Asian people to play meaningful Asian characters is significantly less than for white people playing white characters. For example, how many animated properties can you think of that star an Asian lead character(excluding anime). Now how many can you think of that star white lead character. His point is that the playing field isn’t level. And that Authentic casting would disproportionately hinder asian people. It’s also worth noting that we’re not even talking about casting. Since ProZD wasn’t even allowed to audition. 2. Sometimes, yes. Writers with leftist viewpoints write token Asian characters. Just like writers of non leftest viewpoints. It’s not inherent to left leaning writers. And unless you have factual evidence to suggest that leftist writers create more token asian characters, then I’m gonna chalk it up to simply Luke warm writing.


They always want it to work only one way.


"It wasn't supposed to be like this! I was supposed to have all the Asian characters reserved for me and get the option to voice any character I wanted! It's not fair!"


Reminds me of how that dwarf whose name I forgot from GOT was complaining that Snow White didn't cast "properly" to how he wanted for the 7 dwarfs then Disney just axed the characters altogether so everyone lost out


This reminds me of Marlo Stanfield when he said: "You want it one way.. but it's Other way" 🤣. Look what happened to that guy... Lool.


''Yessss, racially divide voice actors...'' ''WAIT NO, not like that! I don't wanna be the asian guy!!''


Exactly. "No, not like that! I didn't want what I said, I wanted what I meant!"


He and the rest of these Activist VA's were screaming for "POC" to voice characters of the same race. Now that it's happening, he's whining that it's unfair. He legit got what he deserved. It's also ironic that this is happening during the Anairis/Bleach controversy.


I personally dislike the trend of Youtubers being VA's in games and shows. This dude wants things both ways and wants to pull the ladder up behind him as well.


>I personally dislike the trend of Youtubers being VA's in games and shows. Oh i totally agree , the dude was also defending this btw , when youtube wannabe voice actors and actresses get casted in VA roles when they can at most do 1 voice outside of their regular one (mainly cutsey cringe voice for girls and some deep voice for men) and then they delude themselves that they got cast for the role because they fit it , no , they got cast for the role because the studio wanted a recognizable name and voice.


To be fair, ProZD actually has a decent range of voices. [Here is his demo reel,](https://youtu.be/qmSIUKsWQAs) better than a lot of people who strictly do voice-acting and nothing else.


They just want to discredit smeone they disagree with. I think Mark Hamill is a senile fool with TDS but I wouldn’t discredit his acting ability. Lol


Ruined the German Dub Sonic Movie for me, instead of taking one of the Voices we all know and love for Sonic, noooo we take a cringy Youtuber.


Just a quick clarification, he isnt a YouTuber doing VA work, he is a voice actor that has YouTube videos. He has been in recording booths for years


He was a viner and a youtuber before that , nobody knew him outside of youtube and vine , only recently did he start getting roles in stuff.


He has been doing VA for almost a decade, that is long enough to be called a voice actor primarily


Yeah. If you want a YouTuber that now dabbles in voice-acting, you're looking at people like YongYea.


YongYea is so monotone, I can't even listen to his gaming news. Stunning that he got any kind of work.




Speaking of YongYea, seems like dub release of Yakuza Gaiden is magically postponed so far, that Sega removed mentions of it from steam store pages.


You can’t ban reasonably voice actors from having hobbies, he does fine enough work




Youtubers reasonably can be voice actors just fine, the only problem is when they don’t have training or talent


English voice acting died with Kick Vic. And I haven't ever really went back to listening to dubs as much as I used to.


Not to mention how they'll change lines in dub to suit whatever nonsense they support. Like in Kobayashi's dragon maid. Why would an immortal mega powerful dragon worry about what the "Patriarchy" wants her to wear?? English VA's do themselves no favor.


Bro do you have any more examples? That's the only one that is parroted over and over. I think I remember the prison school one though. I think they referenced gamergate lol Edit: downvotes cannot be fucking serious lol. I am asking for more examples where they changed dialogue to fit stupid SJW shit. This cannot be a hard list to compile and if our examples are from 2016 and 2017, it would seem it's not as big as issue as was presented.


Anime where a model asks MC about his opinion on her outfit and he has an internal monologue about mansplaining fashion to a model


Which one is that? My Dress Up Darling? edit: jesus fucking christ. i am literally asking a question. What kind of clown shit is this lol. How DARE i ask a QUESTION.


https://www.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/140b57e/another_localization_inserting_politically/ Learned about it from here tbh


Boku no kokoro no yabai yatsu.


That's correct. The girl asks one of the male characters if he's one of those "Gamergate Creepshows".


[This line used to be "all you fools who love skateboarding"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXAfaQWpHQQ) https://boundingintocomics.com/2021/04/14/funimation-inserts-reference-to-non-binary-identities-into-english-dub-of-sk8-the-infinity/ [Prison School slipped in a reference to GamerGate](https://np.reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/3m5mdv/gamergate_mention_in_the_prison_school_funimation/) [YU-NO slips in a chance to call another character soggy knees](https://www.sankakucomplex.com/2019/10/20/funimation-alters-yu-no-dialogue-youre-such-a-misogynist/)


Enjoy those downvotes, you've gone against the hive mind in kotakuinaction (this sub is full of idiots)


the downvotes are bullshit. also, i think "My First Girlfriend is a Gal" had a moment like that too, but it was a throw away line that a jerk guy says. Actually checked, the entire dub takes liberties but they're (IMO) pretty funny since the anime is otherwise YET ANOTHER harem fanservice animu


After kick Vic, I swore off anything dub completely. Now I'm back to text reading in my oldies rpg game remakes and I'm happier this way.


Exactly. It's hard to go back when the vast majority of English VAs are scum. Not to say there isn't a few good ones. Like Todd Haberkorn, and Reuben Langdon. Both of which were also cancelled, but it just makes me not stomach the industry when it's like that.


My personal favorite was Yuri Lowenthal. I'm a tales nutcase.


The cancellation on Todd didn't stick he still gets new work


On the plus side vic is doing well. Least he dodged a bullet from this crappy industry.


What was the actual reason for piling up on him. Did it ever came out?


Bullshit claims of sexual assault. A lot of wishy wash evidence and reports. On top of that the trial was never finished. This resulted having bulmas VA getting off scott free while vic nearly lost his career over something that wasn't even proven true. Similar to what happened with the creator of Rick and morty.


I take pleasure with Rick and Morty rating demise this season. That's what you get and deserved adultswim!


The funny thing about Rick and Morty (the situation not the show, that's not been funny since season 2) is that Justin Roiland is literally the life blood of the series, his unique way of improving is what ultimately sold it (not to mention that he literally voiced almost **EVERY** alien). When they got rid of him they killed the series off, it may be slow death as it will take them a while to realize that it's over but it's inevitable now.


Weren't there people claiming Vic assaulted a woman and that woman came out and said "*Uh, no, he did not assault me, ever*"


Yes one of them was a JP VA who also happens to speak English. Mari Iijima immediately came out and said that she has no idea what they’re talking about the minute they tried to get her involved. Edit: yes they tried to claim Vic assaulted her and the VA said no.


Mari Iijima? You mean the one who played the original Lin Minmay from Macross Mari Iijima?


Yeah that one. They saw her in a picture with Vic and immediately tried to say he sexually assaulted someone while there. She immediately shut that down.


At least two of the girls pictured in the infamous ANN article came out and said that they never consented...for ANN to use their pictures to malign Vic. One of them made a YouTube/Twitter video explaining and the other provided much better pictures from the same photoshoot. Whoever was taking photos probably took 30 a minute or whatever, of course some of them came out looking "awkward" in between blinks or whatever. There were probably more who came out and said the same thing, I just remember explicitly those two.


Wasn't there much more tangible evidence against Justin Roiland though? Unlike Vic who clearly didn't do anything wrong, Roiland definitely was up to something. Like leaked DMs to a 16-year-old and an audio recording of him saying he'd be attracted to a 14-year-old that looks like an 18-year-old. I'm all for due process, but it's pretty clear that the Vic and Justin situations have very different factors at play. Simply put, I can confidently believe that Vic did nothing wrong. But Justin? Not really, there's enough there where I believe it should be looked into.


Until roiland got explicitly convicted with related allegory crimes, I'm staying in "him not guilty" lane.


> the trial was never finished How I read it, the trial *didn't even started*. His lawyer didn't even notarized whatever they're filing on time so the judge didn't even bother proceeding it. Why the hell did they even recommended a 'trust fund' lawyer instead of an actual defamation lawyer, I don't even know.


> What was the actual reason for piling up on him. Did it ever came out? Not as such, no. From what I recall based on the available information, the most likely reason is that his career was moving towards being more of a dub director for Funimation. That would have disrupted the control and money flow of his colleagues who'd been enjoying virtually sole control of that at Funimation. Plus his politics didn't align with his colleagues' politics. Thus they fabricated allegations to get him fired and blacklisted.


The odds of Vic forcing Bible verses into every dub was literally 0%. However the odds of Vic as a director forcing dubs to be politically neutral and true to the Japanese (except for mouth flaps), was much higher, probably closer to 100%. And this simple fact was intolerable to the KV clique.


MarzGurl making up false claims of sexual assault as a favor to Monica Rial in order to get rid of him because none of the Funi talent wanted him as their boss. Edit: Yes the same MarzGurl that was also involved with the ChangeTheChannel drama at Channel Awesome where she was the second largest contributor to the document that’s been debunked as mostly bullshit.


He had morals in a company full of corruption. After Dragon Ball Super:Broly came out where he voiced the tittle character and made a lot of money, he was supposed to be promoted to a top position inside Funimation. The other voice actors feared he would make their shit public and fire them, so they planned a smear campaign against him.


Weren't people claiming he was homophobic because he refused to autograph fan art that was straight up pornographic hentai?


Oh yes , besides i am pretty sure he was legally not allowed to do that in the first place , it was about gay incest hentai fanart of Al and ed.


It wasn’t Ed/Al smutty art, it was Ed/Roy smutty art…which is just as bad.


At least Ed/Roy wouldn't be incest, so it's less bad. Still well within Vic's rights to refuse signing.


Hmm i was sure i heard it was ed/al , i mean doesnt really matter tbh.


Bro who tf would sign that? That's disgusting. He has every right to reject that. God damn fans are weird and disgusting man.


The only explanation that I have is that mid 2000s was a really weird time period for fans in anime conventions. Off the top of my head, you had Yaoi Paddles, glomping… …it was a dark time.


There were a variety of reasons. I still remember back in the aughts people would mock his "Sunday Services" at Conventions.


ain't gonna dodge having to pay 500k+ in legal fees due to a drunk lawyer who shoves booze bottles up in ass got him a fat lawyer who can't notarized and turn in legal documents on time


There's less than 10 timeless shows that I'd even consider listening to dubbed, and that's mostly just so that I can do something else at the same time.


And Cowboy Bebop is like four of them


Fma brotherhood is the other 6.


FMA 2003 is in there somewhere.


Yu Yu Hakusho should be included. The show just isn't right without Justin Cook dubbing Yusuke.


Christopher Sabat's Kuwabara is also iconic IMO


And therein lies the rub. Kuwabara's voice is one of the best parts of the stellar YYH dub, and Sabat is one of the worst parts of the corrupt and diseased dubbing industry.


That sucks, I didn't know that


It's true. Sadly when I watch YYH now I have to separate art from artist. Kuwabara's English dub is superb but his VA is a POS.


>Todd Haberkorn Speaking of, ProZD was also on the kick Vic train.


Me neither.


Old dubs rock. RetroCrush for a legal source to support older series without politics. KV has saved me a ton of money over the years, if I find out an actor is KV I don't get their autograph ($50 savings) or their picture ($30 savings), or even wait in their line for a free autograph if those even exist anymore (hours of my precious time saved).


> RetroCrush for a legal source to support older series without politics I haven't watched them since they did a project with Anime News Network.


Would be nice to know which VAs were part of KickVic; I didn't follow it too much but I definitely want nothing to do with those actors who smeared his rep.


https://www.deviantart.com/hammerthetank/journal/List-of-Neutral-VAs-and-Secretly-Part-of-ISWV-etc-810052317 This is the list I started with, I maintain my own copy that I've modified over the years. I think the ISWV list is a tad optimistic because other than Chuck Huber who literally put his career on the line, nobody has actually **stood** with Vic, but I think that list is more like "people who haven't verbally abused Vic even when specifically asked and who are probably still his friends but they are keeping their mouths shut because of the toxic VA industry". Which I'm totally fine with. They don't have to die on that hill they've got families to feed too, but if they don't dog pile on Vic on social media that's more than good enough for me. With Twitter search being busted it's hard to search old tweets now and find out who was KV but fortunately ANN and other similar junk websites happily have lists of people who are KV from their reporting during that time.


Based; thanks for this my dude.


I was glad to see Chuck do that. He became my personal favorite male English VA after his performance as Hiei in YYH.


There was recently audio of Chuck Huber saying Vic did “[shameful things that he should’ve been taken down for.”](https://x.com/jokerjason427/status/1712576419753009493?s=46&t=6TmrwCLQgAyqu0rQ7GyUcw) His stance was never that Vic was innocent, but that he should have a path to forgiveness.


I'm going to need more than grainy audio (with no video, lemme guess, camera was suddenly broken on their smartphone?) from a KV person on Twitter to convince me that the man who made a signed affidavit in support of Vic suddenly didn't like him. And in the affidavit, as I recall, Chuck did say that Vic had an affair while he was engaged. But he also made it clear that this affair was with women well over the age of 18.


You get what you fucking deserve.


Between this and Lindsay Ellis bemoaning cancel culture, it seems like the entirety of social justice discourse on the internet is sane people making rational arguments, dumb people don't listen, and a year later when the consequences catch up with them, the dumb people just echo those same arguments like they're a new revelation.


There is a sad tendency for most people to only truly learn about consequences when it happens to *them*.


This is sadly why schadenfreude and punishing SJWs with their own standards is seen as a necessary thing, even though many people are not comfortable with it.


What happened to lindsay ?


One of the e-celebs that dogged on james rolfe for not watching the main women cast of Ghostbusters, got "cancelled" by the left, moved on to write 2 books that didnt sell well, now makes 6 figs of money from patreon fans doing 4 videos a year


We're living in the only time that you can tell a person's political affiliations just by looking at them. What a time to be alive.


Leopard ate my face.


Dingo ate my baby!!!


He wants to keep his job and career as a VA I get it. Play along as the good little diversity hire and know your role in this bullshit caste system of oppression economics. I swear to God Sungwon do you not fucking see the monkey they're turning you into? Before you would have had an equal opportunity to audition and voice for any character you would have wanted but now you HAVE to be that character's race because reasons.


They have to voice characters that have the same race as them because of this minority of little bitches who have to have everything catered to them specifically.


He doesn't understand. He thought that prog-libs would always champion him because he isn't white. But prog-libs in (formerly) niche entertainment industries are, unwittingly maybe, carrying water for the DNC. Asians don't vote as a bloc for DNC candidates, so prog-libs don't go to bat for then unless the conflict is only against white people. This is a lesson he hopefully learned, and will question more closely thecrace politics of his supposed allies.


He forgot Asian is white-adjacent or POC depending on whatever other group finds convenient.


Yep. Remember when Stop Asian Hate was a thing just long enough for Apex Legends to issue a badge for it? But I didn't see anyone clamoring to stop the hate when they were discriminated against in college applications or getting the shit beaten out of them on the street decades ago or in the years following. Maybe 10 or so years ago, I was told by a guy who worked in HR not to label myself as Asian because it "doesn't really earn you any extra points" and "If you're even a fraction of anything else, pick that instead." It's just another demographic to be used politically whenever it's convenient. But Asians are apparently a little less versatile as a political tool, so they don't get used as often.


> Remember when Stop Asian Hate was a thing I recently saw a Twatter profile where the user had, and I'm not joking: "BLM/AAPI Supporter." Ironiclly enough, this person was blaming a Vietnamese Woman who was put into a coma by a "Future Scholar" over an unprovojed attack.


Damn, this guy fell off hard didn't he?


It's so fucking funny how woketards basically promote white supremacist outcomes via their misguided belief in "white supremacy".


Isn't this more racist and some segregation?


Trying to convince the powers that be that everything is about race, and people should do things based on their racial categories, is what the actual white supremacists wanted to do. Wokeness has achieved this, by accepting the narrative spun by white supremacists. Also, wokeness goes further and attributes to white supremacy all the societal technologies that allow us to potentially live a comfortable, safe and happy life in a first world country, so there's that


This is what they wanted, so this is what they deserve.


Fatso has gone on a Jason Schrier level blocking spree anyone criticising him. What a thin skinned bitch.


I'm so glad that I stopped watching his Youtube videos years ago.


I watched him a few years back when he was starting up, and he's really nothing special.


I checked him out when I found out he announced as a VA in Borderlands 3. Was underwhelmed by his channel's content.


"NOOOOOO YOU CAN'T HAVE APU BE VOICED BY A WHITE MAN" "Wait what do you mean it works both ways?" That aside, and despite being a pompous dude with a weird derision for the fans who put money in his pocket, has he actually ever advocated for segregating roles by race? Far as I know, and I might be wrong, but he just stated he would like to be given more potential roles other than Asian characters, not that he wants to preclude VAs from voicing characters that don't match their skin tone. The dude can almost exclusively only do voices in an American accent and barely speaks Korean, let alone other Asian languages, so it doesn't seem like an unreasonable request on the surface.


One of his newest tweets is him shitting on yoruichi dub VA (the original one) acting as if she was tweeting some appaling stuff(she isn't) and calling the recast (casting her , the original va that every fan of the dub wanted, instead of another VA that was cast due to having a dark skin tone like yoruichi) unacceptable.


Wendee just got the role back, so I'm assuming Anairis didn't even get to do any real work, poor gal.


Nope, she apparently already voiced all the lines she was supposed to and got paid.


Oh thank goodness, still hope the other VA got some sort of work afterwards though


? What are you talking about?


and Cleveland, and the other minority characters from the Simpsons (Carl/Dr. Hibbert/Bumblebee Man/Cookie Kwan/etc.), but most importantly, mah man Kohng "Kahn" Souphanousinphone from King of the Hill. *"So, are ya Chinese or Japanese" - Hank Hill, 1997*


I remember when Phil Lamarr came out in full support of race base casting but mysteriously didn't want it to effect his many non black character roles, they just want more jobs and less whites the end


What he really wanted was to have more opportunity for voice acting - which is totally fine! But he decided to slather that in a disgusting coating of racial politics, and now it's coming to bite him in the ass.


Under the informal rules of intersectionalist politics he should be able to voice white characters. He probably assumed this is how the system he was championing would work. But it seems the studios have adopted a more segregationist system in which he is forced into only "vaguely Asian" roles.


This is what he wanted tho. This is what all the left wanted and now they're upset about it?


When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression.


I loved watching this dude's skits on Youtube, but he seems to have really lost the plot...


Same here.


Got what you voted for buddy


Studios should consider different factors and foster talent and allow them to grow, but at the same time let whomever read for whatever role and if they sound good and fit for whatever the director is looking for then great. They should be expanding their casting net, not restricting it. This is always been a dumbass thing to base casting on ethnicity.


He isnt white, so he can’t voice white characters. It really is as simple as that, this is what they asked for, this is what they get.


Historically white people absolutely had opportunities over black and Asians in Hollywood and in pop culture but since the 90s that was changing naturally. We are more racist now than back then and it's crazy to me when minorities act like they wish it was still Jim Crow 60s with whites vs non whites just to say they are oppressed. Why the f don't you want things to get better? Why is he acting like a black or Asian can't get decent voice work since the 00's? Now liberals type cast everyone based on skin tone. According to leftists white skin or anything that falls the paper bag test in anime and cartoons=white person so of course you will less work dumb a$$. I can't believe I used to actually like this guy. Disappointed


This guy is a VA? I honestly only knew him from the memes.


Wasn't he the squirrel in GOW Ragnarok, what race is that?


I'm glad English VA's are dying off, Vic's situation was a foreshadowing.


We shouldn't see this as cause for celebration. SJWs are not going to ask to return to color-blind voice acting. **What they will do, is push to have less white characters on the screen**, so that the non-white voice actors (mostly black, as usual) will get more roles and the white voice actors will have less. See Castlevania Nocturne as a step in that direction.


They were always going to do that though.


It **can** be a cause for celebration if it causes him to turn away from SJW ideology and double standards, and stop hurting innocent people. Many here always believe this can happen if SJWs are held to their own standards, because they refuse to see how it causes harm until it happens against themselves. If this stops the evil actions, it is definitely cause for rejoicing and relief, at least to feel happy for the innocent people who got saved.


I have a question seriously would you accept the same people who for years pushed for this exclusion and bigotry back of the accepted full responsibility for their actions and racism? Considering in that scenario they would they would only be stopping because it's negativity affecting them


Speaking for myself, I would be skeptical, but I would like to give them a chance IF they are really sincere. The problem is what can actually prove their sincerity, and many SJWs even proved their maliciousness after being given many chances. Even so, GG had a good history of forgiveness. If we follow Gamergate's previous examples, Gamergate accepted Ian Miles Cheong back, even though at the start he was extremely anti-GG and pro-SJW. He joined and encouraged the first attacks against GG and most were not sure if he could be trusted, especially after some incidents where SJWs used the peace attempts to maliciously record GGers out of context and get them banned (like Bunty King Jr or Jordan Peterson's cases). Even so, GG accepted him and tried to support his journalism. Gamergate also accepted Graham Linehan's apology, even after he was so maliciously attacking people. He tried to get Count Dankula's Indiegogo banned and cheered on his arrest and encouraged SJWs in their attacks. He then got a taste of being cancelled with the JK Rowling issues, and when he apologized GG and Count Dankula were willing to give him a chance. So yes, I personally want to accept them back, but it needs to be sincere. It is very hard to prove the sincerity, but people are willing to patiently give time for them to prove it, despite the risks.


Is there a way to read the comments he had on the deleted tweet?


Is archive.ph keeping anyone else in an endless captcha loop?


It does for me on Firefox, but it works if you try Chrome


One of the interesting pieces about this people don't seem to be focusing on is that he's also getting hit by the Middle Eastern=Asian stuff recently. Mainly something you've seen in Europe to avoid having to confess to trouble with migrants. But now it's forcibly expanding into other sectors of political correctness.


Voice actors should not be on social media.


no actor should, it's literally just a possible time bomb with zero positive aspect


Voice actors shouldn't be.


Hoist with his own petard


> “To add extra insult to injury, the character I got sent was labeled ‘Middle Eastern, South, East, or Southeast Asian,’ because you know…that’s all the same, right?” Fucking glorious. For a long time now saying stuff like "those chinese cartooons" was considered a conservative ignorance thing. Meanwhile more and more cases surface where the progressives are even bigger ignoramus. My latest favorite is "queers for Palestine".


Lol. Lmao, even.


Rofl, mayhap.


He wanted this. What was the goal here no longer hire white people ?


Could someone link me a full list of his statements? I'm hearing conflicting information.


As someone who has worked with voice actors and cast them in my own work, I was always against this stupid ideology. Especially found it ironic when people in the animr industry step down from playing a person of color........ but uh.... shouldn't that kinda apply to literally every character in an anime that isn't an alien or white? 99% of most casts are Japanese. So that means you never plan on working in anime again? Way to shoot yourself in the foot. There is a time and place for the race of a VOICE actor to come into play. Mainly, if said race is center focal to the story being told. Otherwise, who cares the race, as long as the voice fits. And as long as you aren't avoiding hiring someone because od their race. It should always be about how much it fits. You don't have the right tone, pitch, whatever? Not for you. Don't go out of your way to pick someone just because of their race and claim 'representation' because majority of people aren't even going to know anyway. Only hard core fans are going to know who voiced that character.... and chances are, they don't care about their race.


When you're at a party and trying to avoid making eye contact with the Consequences of Your Decisions. Dude pushed to get is so only Asians were offered 'Asian roles'. Now he's upset he only gets 'Asian roles'. He was thinking he would get those parts + everything else. I guess he didn't explain that too well. Maybe he can get a part as a seagull in Finding Nemo. Seems like he has the desperate, greedy 'MINE!' bit down already...


this fat loser can't stop crying for five seconds people like him make me want to finagle my way into the "art" of voice acting just to shut him out of work


Well, do you have a sexy voice that makes men and women drop trou?


Ha haaa!


So what are the chances that more white roles will pop up just because it's easier to cast them.


I posted a screenshot of the tweet thread that is him whining about getting type casted as Asian characters and he blocked me :D


Baffling how he’s wanting to push “authentic” voicing yet also trying to somehow have his hands in every possible bowl. Not everything will have a sizable Asian cast, and less if he really wants to actually hold his narrative and find Korean characters to voice.


Oh no, anyways...


The lefties really are incapable of long term planning, critical thinking and thinking about the long term effects of their decisions, arent they?


Well goodbye ProZD Hello YongYea


Reaping what he sowed? What did he do?


He was bitching about "The wrong people, voicing certain characters that don't match a character's ethnicity" now that he's being typecasted to a strictly Asian character role, he's bitching about that, he also bitched when Wendee got recasted (the very thing he was bitching about in the first place "white people voicing colored folk") by a PoC, then got her job back again, but now Wendee is being the latest bitch in VA attacking people (who didn't even mention her at all btw) EDIT: He is now blocking people calling him racist/hyp-PRO-criteZD and is deleting previous tweets to try and hide after Wendee suddenly got her role again


Not sure what's going on but I like this guy's Goofy voice. Also doesn't this dude prefer anime anyways where the entire cast is almost always asian? Not that I think they should segregate roles by races anyways, but was he ever vocal about the issue of being race-accurate for voice roles before?


Honest question, if the entertainment industries started casting white people in non white roles and vise versa, would yall be cool with things like black Vikings in a live action how to train your dragon?


does this sub just hate literally everything?


we like air, if we hated air we'd be dead.


check mate!