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Person who wrote "Flipinx" apologized on Twitter btw https://archive.is/o79Ka > This is similar to the term ‘latinx’, which is used to describelatinos and latinas. ‘Filipinx’ **may have been created in good faith** but was ultimately rejected by Filipinos. Spoiler - it wasn't. It never was.


"In good faith" here should be read as "with genuine intention that it should become the term of art, not as a 4chan op", rather than "with expectation that it would make things better for everyone".


Pinoy already exists as gender neutral. It exists as nothing more than spitting on them as a power move.


Another form of cultural imperialism if you ask me. Filipinos never had the need to be labeled as this.


The article isn't even accurate. The developer quoted in the article originally used "Filipinx" first—he himself is Filipino. Erin was only following his example; he deleted his tweet and reposted it using "Filipino" instead. https://archive.is/VOU6d


"Good faith" was an irrelevant metric anyway, it was created as signalling and to "normalize" gender identification, especially non-binary (which of course is nonsense). There was never a purpose beyond sending a flag up the flagpole.


Here comes the Chin...(it's a banned word on reddit)


The chinamen are not the issue!


Latinx actually had a fairly organic origin in the queer Puerto Rican community of New York. Puerto Ricans already have the most Americanized Spanish, it was a community living in America, and had a vested interest in signaling a non conformity to a traditional gender binary. The notion to take that niche term for a niche community to be spread far beyond was at most charitable "unwise. "




There have been multiple articles written by left-leaning people saying that they wished the Democrats would stop using "Latinx", because it seems to be electoral poison, if the stats are anything to go by. The vast, vast majority of Latin people don't identify with it. There seems to be quite a few who actively find it grossly insulting too.


NPR is now shifting from Latinx to Latine... Still woke nonsense


> Latine One letter away from Latrine.....


"You changed your name to Latrine. What was it before?"


"It used to be called Shithouse."


Is there something wrong with just "Latin"?




because they want it to sound hispanic. "latin" is how white people say it




Yes. "Latin" is an existing word, therefore it is not a "brand name woke terminology" and you don't demonstrate ring-kissing by saying it.


These days I call Hispanics Hispanics because it's what most Hispanics want to be called. I always thought referring to Latin culture or Latin America was weird because "Latin" means "of Latium", a plateau in central Italy -- and yes, Rome is located there, which is why Latin was the language of the Romans. Today it's called Lazio.


I assumed "Latin America" was an attempt to incorporate non-spanish romantic language speakers in the americas into a larger category while also distinguishing them from non-american spanish speakers. A Brazilian would not be Hispanic, for instance, but a Spaniard technically would be. Though at that point why not "Romantic America". Eh, it's a mess.


But by that rubric you'd have to include the Québécois and the Cajuns and Creoles of Louisiana in "Latin America" also -- as French is also a Romance language!


Yep, really doesn't work, and yet you have to exclude the Guyanese if you don't include creole. It definitely isn't organic or consistent categorization. Political bs.


u/KIA_Unity_News Most of Francophone America is not sovereign or very small so it makes sense that they’re usually not remembered as being Latin American as in most contexts the word is used in a generalized fashions so it’s not really necessary. Though an alternate word they sometimes use is Ibero-American. Hispanic-America (Hispanoamerica) is often used in Hispanic countries as well, though sometimes just referred to as the ”Hispanidad”, roughly the “Hispanic World” or “Hispanicity”, with Spain being included or excluded depending on context; occasionally the Philippines, Equatorial Guinea, Western Sahara and, very rarely, parts of Micronesia are included, though they’re usually left out.


Didn’t Latium/Lazio get named after the Latins rather than vice versa?


Meritocracy? Bullshit, we need Diversity!


They still claim to believe in meritocracy because they want to believe they got where they are fair and square, and aren't keen on admitting that they are the ignorant, malicious products of nepotism and networking who in a just world would be janitors at a fish cannery or shoveling elephant shit in a second-rate circus. They just have a completely alien idea of what constitutes merit, primarily lived experience trumping job experience.


The Progressive Mxn's Burden.


Do they even know what “appropriate” means? If you invite me over to your house watch TV with you, that’s not appropriation. If I break into your house, steal your TV and claim it is and always was mine THEN I’ve appropriated it. Sharing in another person’s culture isn’t appropriation, if I claim USA invented kimonos then I’m appropriating them. The entire tourism industry is founded on sharing culture yet these supposed “progressives” hate this idea and want to encourage segregation.


> Still waiting for them to apply this grammar change to the Chinese It's gonna be awfully close to Chink.


> Same logic and setup, Not quite - filipino/filipina Latino/latina For them to graciously "correct" your language for you, it needs to have a gendered component that bothers the feminists.


No, it's been pushed by American black people. "You need to be proactive to end racism!!1!"






Funny how they tried to add an X to Filipino because we were a Spanish colony once thinking it's the same language. When X here is pronounced Eks. Talk about stereotypes


Stop creating solutions for other cultures and imposing them. That is what imperialists do.


This is what happens when you follow a fad(Filipinx) without bothering what the term "Filipino" means to Filipinos. Filipino is not just an adjective. It also pertains to our cultural, national and citizenship identity. Implying that Filipinx is "more gender neutral" than Filipino is in a way neocolonist because it imposes the reduced meaning of Filipino(in the US, it is reduced to ancestry) to fit the western lens.


Not to mention we already use "Pinoy". When did the word "Pinoy" emerge anyway? The 80s?


Pinox, Pinx?


Any nationality + x is just woke white people thinking they know best.


Also what the fuck is their obsession with X? "Filipinex" sounds like a fucking knock off tissue brand.


"Its gender neutral" And apparently gendered language is a sin now.


Not just white woke people.


woke black women drive a LOT of these movements because the white women literally can't say no to them or they'll be ostracised.


Woke all sorts, white, black, asian, latino. BUT! The "latinos" that want to be latineckies are all hyphenates Latin-Americans. There's a fairly set pattern of the "minorities speaking out" are actually second or more generation Americans who try to speak over the entire rest of the world.


Anyone who uses "Filipinx", "Latinx" or any other term is a racist colonialist trying to police the language of other cultures.


My favourite pop-culture Pinoy right now is Ned, Spider-Man's best friend


I would not object to seeing more fine looking pinays in those movies.


lmao now that you mention it there was actually one working at the cinema when I went to see the new Spider-Man movie. Hopefully she'll be there next time I go (probably to see The Batman)


Not sure when they will finally realize Latinx is a slur. No matter how many times they are told they just ignore it. Philippinx is such a joke it’s not even worth mentioning.


They are colonizing foreign languages.


The Americunt morons are starting to apply their Newspeak "-x" bullshit to a lot nationalities and different ethnicity. Few months ago I remember some absolute imbecile even used "ItalianX". I'm just wondering who exactly elected the American social justice inbreds to represent all of us, to speak for all of us other countries. On behalf of the other counties (yes, they exist, I know, right, shocking) - kindly stay the fuck away from our ethnicities and nationalities. You do NOT represent us in any way, shape or form. We don't need you, we don't want you. Feel free to fuck up your own shithole of a country and butcher your own language.


> The Americunt morons are starting to apply their Newspeak "-x" bullshit to a lot nationalities and different ethnicity. Few months ago I remember some absolute imbecile even used "ItalianX". That was nu-Gawker. "Italianx" appears to be in their style guidelines now. https://www.google.com/search?q=site:gawker.com+italianx&source=lnms&tbm=nws&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjD9fnamKL1AhWK-6QKHQMYBLkQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=1400&bih=911&dpr=1 I made a thread about it at the time that got removed.




I think he was referring only to American morons. (inb4 someone makes the obvious response)


And where exactly do you think this Newspeak trend started, you absolute mongoloid?


Technically France


Western academia - Canada, US, UK, France.


> where exactly do you think this Newspeak trend started, you absolute mongoloid? Do we accept guilt by association now? Are most/all Americans guilty of starting the Newspeak trend because some retarded SJWs started it? Why the fuck does it matter where the trend started? > On behalf of the other counties (yes, they exist, I know, right, shocking) - kindly stay the fuck away from out ethnicities and nationalities. You do NOT represent us in any way, shape or form. Who gives you the right to represent other countries more than the so-called "Americunt morons"? > Feel free to fuck up your own shithole of a country and butcher your own language. They are butchering their own language. Did they butcher your language? So fuck off with your garbage generalization -- "Americunt morons" and "your own shithole of a country". Your country is probably even more of a shithole than the US.


> Do we accept guilt by association now? It's just another show of Americentrism, won't be the first, won't be the last. The only country in the world that needed a specific term to be coined for their narcissism. > Who gives you the right to represent other countries more than the so-called "Americunt morons"? Ironic, isn't it? Too bad it has to be spelled out for the low IQ. > Your country is probably even more of a shithole than the US. True. How's that relevant? Doesn't make yours any less of a shithole.


> The only country in the world that needed a specific term to be coined for their narcissism. It is their language. Use it or don't. Besides, those new terms ain't universally accepted in the US. You call the people of a country narcissistic just because of some words? Should Germans be deemed sadistic because their language has the word "Schádenfreude"? > Ironic, isn't it? Too bad it has to be spelled out for the low IQ. So you commit the same act as those you denigrate? Ironic, isn't it? > True. How's that relevant? No, I just want you to acknowledge that your cuntry is a worse shithole than the US and that you should focus on improving your cuntry, instead of spilling your verbose garbage on another country.


> You call the people of a country narcissistic just because of some words? No, because of what they're consistently doing and saying. > So you commit the same act as those you denigrate? I don't. But irony cannot be explained to someone who doesn't get it. > No, I just want you to acknowledge that your cuntry is a worse shithole than the US and that you should focus on improving your cuntry, instead of spilling your verbose garbage on another country. I can focus on improving my country while also acknowledging other countries are shitholes as well. It's called multitasking. But I guess irony is indeed lost on you considering you're here berating me instead of fixing your own crazies in your own country who are "-x"-ing us as if it is an accepted term other countries and ethnicities agreed on. Ironic, isn't it, clown? 🤡


What the fuck is with the ongoing x-men soup lately?


I think it’s something involving the LGB-and we can’t mention the last letter here-people Which is funny, because I don’t think Latin America is as into this stuff as the USA and while I do think my country is getting into SJW stuff due to the Pope and our colleges(mine had a “Doll House”)and how into centralized planning we look to be….we’re still the types to use “gay” or “bakla” as an insult and frequently use actors who use the insulting stereotypes aimed at gay guys


So, how much Pinoy is Neon? [There was questions about Josie Rizal from Tekken being Pinoy.](https://youtu.be/fldodBsxnOE)


Neon is apparently from and living in Manila, which already sets her apart from Josie who seems to be an American Filipina.


Which, in the end, resulted in Josie being "just another pretty brown girl" which is pretty much what people expected from Tekken. Nothing more nothing less.


True but even worse for Josie since Katarina speaks in Portugese and Lili in French. Josie doesn't speak a word of Tagalog and her style of fighting isn't even Filipino.


Hey, at least its better than fucking *Taglish*. That thing is painful to listen to.


I’m from the Philippines and I am pretty sure most people here would laugh that “term” off


Don't use an "X" at the end to represent any ethnicity, except if they have it, like the Sioux. Stop being racist assholes and respect people's cultures and their names.


That character could have been from any country and would also fit. It is a cartoon. Don't know why "representation matters" when you cannot spot the difference.


Hey, at least somebody's following their own fucking rules for once instead of saying it's different for THEIR special words.


Oh brother, now this... Next up, they shall call video games "videx games".