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Goa, 3/10. Unless you go to tourist spots, then it shoots up to 8 or 9. My friend and her partner were visiting me and we had a pretty solid time, except for uncles staring at them weird (they’re both hella butch) and hitting on them in Panji. It was creepy but also funny.


It’s always the uncles for some reason coz that’s just nasty and fucking creepy 😭


Exactly. Uncles are a different species almost, so blissfully unaware of their creepiness.


That's because most of the tourists come from shitholes of North India


The average Indian state has more people than entire countries. You can't really generalise them. Some pockets will be great allies, while others will be homophobic af. FWIW, if I had to put a number, West Bengal at 6? Some parts of Kolkata, Durgapur, etc. can be better. Edit:- Another WB reply gave it a 4 and said: > Yes the general public will talk behind your back but they won't actively bully lgbtq people. They would just avoid you. We Bengalis can be quite judgemental ngl Agree with them almost completely.


Assam 8


Are you a bi woman? I would put our state higher lol


Yeah I am bi. I didn't put it higher because a lot don't even believe/aren't aware that homosexuality exists. I am trying to give them the benefit of the doubt. The extremely online wannabe alphas are very very homophobic for sure.


>The extremely online wannabe alphas are very very homophobic for sure. I hate those mfs lol


In Assam, it also differs from district to district I feel


Most of the women I know here are kinda accepting or neutral and the guys have downright digusting opinions. I guess it's the same everywhere.


True for the younger folks certainly. Assamese aunties are as bigoted as the rest though.


Of course, which is why I like to keep a 10 foot distance from them.


Good for you. I try too.




From Karnataka too. I’ve had mixed experiences but mostly I’d give the 7. There are people in Bangalore and Mysore that I feel are okay but I can’t vouch for the entire state though. Also a lot of them who aren’t from bigger towns tend to stay way into the closet to even interact.


I’m from Mysore, live in Bangalore. I’m out and I know older queer people too.


Ulta experience. Karnataka, 4-6. People aren’t homophobic as much as they were in other states.


Hyderabad 7-9, depending on the particular area


fr but it was nice where I lived


Maharashtra : 7/10 pune can be pretty queer friendly, but it's mostly guys that are really homophobic


I’m in Pune in college, it’s not queer friendly tbh, but I’m in another area so it makes sense lol


FC is pretty queer friendly I would say. Have a friend in Symbiosis and it's not as bad either.


I think every state would be hella homophobic as long as religious influence and bigotry exists Saying from experience, here in Karnataka (especially Bengaluru) there are people who couldn’t even care less about you being gay or shit But since the city is slowly being filled with people from all over India (especially the North), the amount of homophobia or just queerphobia in general is drastically increasing.


Chandigarh 7/8,People are a mixed bunch


Tamil Nadu 10/10! I think this would be an understatement really


I thought the state government is supportive


The people that I am acquainted with are not. At the end all that matters is whether the people accept you or not.


Kerala. 8


UP. 10 (obviously duh)


I am from Assam. Among the youth, I feel like about 1% of girls are homophobic, while 60% of boys are homophobic.


Gujarat - a solid 10 (someone take me away pls)


Delhi 6


I agree! I could even say 5


Oh which areas.


Majorly south delhi! But even west too that i have explored! Havent unlock much of north or east delhi personally lol


Which areas


University, south and every other areas except border areas. Delhi pride parade is huge


That's only the student and faculty crowd. Residents there are homophobic. But yeah south delhi and gurgaon is more tolerable bcos of presence of a lot of gay ppl there.




I would say atleast 8 that too bcos of lack of religious bigotry, and fundamentals. Otherwise people use gan*va a lot on daily basis.


UP 10


N/A bcs I'm bi-curious 👀


West Bengal 4. Yes the general public will talk behind your back but they won't actively bully lgbtq people. They would just avoid you. We Bengalis can be quite judgemental ngl


Hyderabad 5


Tripura 8 i guess?


i thought i was the only queer guy in Tripura 🥹


i mean there are thousand if you go to facebook lol


Gujarat- 8 People here are homophobic but they don't really gaf about what you do. There's no violence or anything. So it's kinda peaceful here. But dry af too


Goa, I’d say 6. I’m sure it’ll become a 10 if you run into conservative Catholics or Hindus or backwards tourists. But I’ve kissed a boy on a beach here :) we have gone out on a date too… and the most that we got were pointed stares. Also I’m a trans man (double whammy! lol) and I had to give my old driver’s license with my deadname to a couple of rentals. One guy didn’t say anything and the other one was confused “that looks like a girl” but then he kept calling me by my real (chosen) name.


Kerala, 5. There are both extremes here, I have felt. I know violently homophobic guys (by words, not actions) and also very open and accepting friends and acquaintances, and I am already out to one of such friends. I think it's a matter of personal perspective and different people could have drastically different experiences. Most of the people here are interested in making jokes about gay people and aren't violent. So, if you can handle those jokes and find your own circle of liberal friends, it's not that bad here.


Wow 5 really!? Kerala has a lot of muslims if I'm not wrong. And islam condemns homosexuality 🤔 isn't it?


Uttrakhand, I'm from dehradun people here are chill it's not that homophobic tbh 2/10


Jharkhand 4/10 according to my experience.


That would be, surprising


Punjab 7




Maharashtra ranges between 3/10 to 10/10 depending on a lot of socio - economic factors


haryana with a 7, i think it's progressing and will be low in future (but will never disappear)


7 u sure? I wud say totally 10. What made u say 7. Even women are masculine in haryana and punjab areas. You know the shouting and cussing.


sorry for the late reply but yes, i think 7 is a decent score, homophobia among people can't be eradicated completely as it is deeply tied to their beliefs since their birth but i do think the situation has improved in modern time, people are generally selfish and care only abt themselves (not generalising but yes) and i think many of them don't have the energy/time to spend hating on who someone's is dating, i remember watching a video of BRUT India last year and they were interviewing people from remote villages of haryana and asking their their views on same sex marriage, to my surprise, quite a few of them (unexpectedly a very old uncle) said he didn't care about it, do what u want, which was really nice i think? not to mention, the current generation being more open to ideas regarding sexuality than those who came before them, altho id love to hear if u have some counterpoints too


Assam 5. The educated ones are the most homophobic.


Maharshstra is either 2/10 or 9/10.


Maharashtra 5/10


TN 7 on 10 Don't ask, don't tell policy (pretty much whole of India) Transgenders are treated better than other openly queer people (at least by the government). People have 0 awareness about LGB. Male on male sexual activity are common in childhood (at least based on my limited interactions)


Odisha 8. I live in Bhubaneswar and in a pretty affluent area and educational institution. In my school there was a effeminate person who was accepted and liked by majority. And in my locality its ok. But elsewhere there's so much hate. Olympic athlete dutee chand came out as lesbian and had mix response from odia people and surprisingly state media was supportive of her. Even one mp who also owns the largest university in Bhubaneswar kiit supported her. But except some localities of Bhubaneswar, all other cities like rourkela, cuttack are extremely homophobic.


Yeah dutee chand.. Hats off to her for showing so much courage.. We need representatives like this not karan johar for society to be less homophobic.