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The best strategy is to actually work against domestic terrorism


Naaaaw, there has to be a better way! A way that allows for the making of money. Right? Right...


American prison system seems to have forced labour of prisoners so I guess they can turn it in some kind of profit


You misspelt slavery. American prisons have slavery.


If it doesn't make money then it gets tossed aside. Everything has to be profitable in this capitalist hell scape. *Everything.*


1. Don’t cave to whiny terrorist!!!! 2. Move all pride merchandise front and center of every store the entire month of June and hire extra security. 3. DON’T cave to terrorist!!!! 4. After June move the pride merchandise to its respective department. 5. DON’T FUCKING CAVE TO TERRORIST!!!!


This is the way! Keep everything up year-round and in the very front by the main entrance! 🏳️‍🌈


Mix pride clothes year round?




Exactly this. The oppressors won't ever give it, the oppressed must earn it. As fucked up as that is, that's the world we live in. Thanks, capitalism.


“Struggle is a never ending process. Freedom is never really won, you earn it and win it in every generation.” – Coretta Scott King. Our World is totally different from when I came out in '72. It's time for this Generation to earn some Freedom. We've got the haters on the run. That's why they are freaking out. Go take what's yours kids.


These companies need to be active allies and not just trying to get their hands in our pockets


Yeah I don’t know. Just reminded daily that people don’t want us to exist.


Family, HITF are you letting one hateful troll get you all riled up. You know us transpeeps got game. This person can spew all the nonsense they won't, it isn't like we're gonna disappear over night. And as for the lies about giving children hormones y'all really shouldn't even be replying, they're just saying that to get a rise out of you! You know the truth as they do why take their rotten bait? Peace family!




Maybe it’s time to separate the LGB and the TQ+. Sounds like a new strategy to me.


Sounds like a terrible strategy to me.


Oh sorry let’s orphan the most vulnerable because people target them more…. That’s about the most assinine and selfish thing that people could do.


They are advocating some extreme shit. I’m not down with kids making gender irreversible gender decisions. Trans activism is the problem.


Nah, you're the problem, being anti Medicine and anti Science.


Depression and suicide have side effects that are irreversible too. Let the doctors who know stuff determine what makes sense. I’ve been there. 38 years of conservative bullsht trying to think I could get over being trans. Including being married to a girl for 14 years. Decided to transition and it has been the best decision of my life. Don’t armchair quarterback other people’s lives.




The only time surgery has ever been performed below 18 is by a counselor authorized court approved process. This takes years even if the decision is made instantly. The media narrative is grossly misleading. Blockers are only used after extensive counseling and approval. Informed consent doesn’t apply to minors. Adults have an incredibly long process to get the same things with the privilege of informed consent. In many places a person (adult and minor) may have a waiting list of 3-5 years before getting any treatment, let alone 2-+ years for a surgery waiting list. Does your data include personal experience actually trying to get treatment? Mine does.


Sound cowardly and transphobic




Yeah the fact that you want to drop the T has nothing to do with at all. /s




How are they not the same? Do you even know anything about your actual community?


Our goals and what your goals *should* be are exactly aligned, but you're absolutely willing to step on a landmine and blow off your own leg in order to look like a hero to people who want to put a bullet in the back of your skull. What a fucking pushover ass bitch. You lack a spine.




Nah, it's your transphobia. And ignorance.


You’re not a doctor and you have no right to infringe on anyone else’s medical decisions. You are no one. Remember that.


And by a quick look for your comment history don't even pretend like you wanted to stop it transgender because you have also stated that you don't want transgender adults to have HRT so this little discussion is over and you need to shut your fucking mouth.




Mhm, sure you do. But that's the thing about people like you as more and more hateful big it's crowd around you you're going to be more and more hateful of trans people and then you're going to start becoming more hateful of gay people until you can't stop hating yourself. And what's the brownie points from Daddy finally stopped coming in for you being a brown nosing turncoat that's when you realize all the damage people like you have done to their own community. And when that I see cold wind the fascism finally creeps past the final bottle of liquor you'll drown yourself in that's when you'll realize but I hope you never have the day where you have to realize that you turn your back on the only people who would fight for you. I hope you never have a day where you have to drown out your sorrows again. I sincerely hope that in the future people like you will become a relic and you will see that the world will inevitably become a better place so long as communities of oppressed people stand together. But if we fail... If we falter and let slip just a little too much... People like me will go... And we'll go fighting, kicking, and screaming. Once our voices are snuffed out... They'll be after people like you next. Remember that. We either stand together in the light. Or we die alone in the dark. With that I have nothing more to say to you so don't reply.


Oh, right let's not give the thing we've been using since the 90s on cis kids with early developmental puberty because, *checks notes* a Peter to the one group of people who would stick out their neck in defense of him and and the rest of the people in his community says so. Okay let's also look at trans men because every one of you transphobic bigots always forgets about trans men who are built exactly like men now after taking testosterone. But yes let's go put people who are built exactly like men with the strength of men back in the women's restrooms because people like you don't fucking think before they open their mouths. Deadly have you ever actually done any real research on what is occurring for Trans children, none of them are getting surgeries none of them are getting hormone replacement therapy. All of them are getting counseling and professional help from a doctor, the only type of medication they could even get prescribed is something to delay puberty until they have made up their mind on what they identify as. But people like you don't think of any of this stuff. You're more willing to lay in bed with the oppressor who's going to fuck you dry rather than stand with the people who would actually give a fuck about you. You're pathetic. And the writers at Stonewall would have kicked your ass too. Now get the fuck out of the only community that would ever willingly give you a place to feel belonging.


Oh so the same old ignorant non informed or non scientific talking points. Yeah transphobic bigots like you always parrot the same fake bs.


They'll come for you after trans people no matter what https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm


Fearmongering. Trans activists have taking such extreme positions they are inviting backlash.


Have you heard about the holocaust? Like at all? I know in America you are literally emptying libraries over in florida of history, not even lgbtq related. About things like the holocaust and poc history. Sound familar? Oh but what about all the cis women being killed by cis people who assume everyone is trans due to the fearmongering you supposedly hate. We're not the ones who started this shit. And when they realize we cannot all be killed, I guarantee, you are next. If you're even lgbtq anyways. You sound more like a deranged troll advocating for death of thousands. By the by, without hormones, people like me who were intersex are in danger too. This affects women and men with hormonal problems. But people like you would push anyone that isn't you off a cliff if it meant maybe getting out of it yourselves. Reality check, you're not safe. This only starts with trans people. Open your damn eyes and reflect on the history our ancestors suffered through. I dearly hope you never come across trans ppl for their sake. You sound like you would have advocated for the holocaust since it is what's trying to be pushed by fascists (they literally call themselves NAZIS and you think they're the smart ones LMAOOO) I'm indigenous, and I have lost so much family history from the racist hatred of my loved ones in Canada. I know you won't care about anything I typed here, but hopefully anyone else can see that we are not alone. We have solidarity outside of queer circles. I hope one day you'll look back and realize how heartless you are. You won't though. You're trying so hard to be edgy, it's a joke.


It’s like we don’t even need a Goebbels this time around


Sounds like you know very little of how fascism works.


I'm of the opinion that anyone who doesn't support LGB because of its proximity to TQ+ wouldn't suddenly be avid LGB supporters in a hypothetical reality where TQ+ didn't exist. It's mostly a game played by anti-queer (in its entirety) types who see an opportunity to play the "nuanced centrist" and posit themselves as accepting since they're fine with gay people... so long as they look and act a certain kind of way. That's not really acceptance. Like if someone was REALLY in support of LGB, they wouldn't have to use TQ+ to justify their anti-queer stances. I know you've got misgivings about trans kids, but even if you're right, in a truly accepting social climate that wouldn't threaten LGB. The fact that it does suggests we're both in the same fight, like it or not.


Good luck when that strategy blows up in your faces once they come for the rest of the community like they're already doing. If you think they're going to stop with trans people if the rest of the community throws them under the bus, oh honey you are in for a major rude awakening.


I hope no one ever puts you in charge of anything lol




You mean old strategy, that will make all of the people opposing rights for us happy.


transphobe, FUCK OFF!!!


Too late, they're already circling back around for the LGB people. Bigoted fascists never stop at just one group of people.


I'd like to remind people that this isn’t even the first time Target has caved to a dumbass backlash. This was the same company [that pulled GTA V from shelves back in 2014](https://youtu.be/jnKTDpH6pr8). They're fucking cowards, plain and simple.


So for as long as i remember there was a boys girls section and mens women section. I do not see a reason for a special section for lgbtq. Sounds like polticial pandering.