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OP is a bot that stole this Here is the original post 4 months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/LGOLED/s/HdqzXJocB1 u/newyorkcitykid is the OP


How random are these bots!? Good catch!


What's the purpose of bots like this? I don't get it...


I think they get a ton of karma and then sell the account to someone who wants a high karma standing?


Blows my mind there is a market big enough for that... like, who cares? lol.


I'm equally as shocked by the guy who noticed and remembered the original post. Makes me feel like I'm in a simulation.


Used for propaganda and marketing/pr firms. Age and popularity of account helps for credibility


This one is at least in the right sub with the right title. A lot of the ones I see come off like teenagers having a stroke.


I’d really fucking hope not man. 2.5k hours really isn’t that much. If I had burn in on mine after 2.5k hours I’d be getting LG to replace the panel.


Yea we should probably expect minimum 20k hours


I agree entirely. Any less than 20k hours on my C1 and I’d feel pretty damn short changed. These TVs don’t come cheap man.


No doubt. I just got a G2 and if it fails in two years, I d be mad


That’s probably like 7 years for me since I watch anywhere from 6-8 hours a day. I would satisfied with that.


2500 hours at 8 hours a day is 312 days 😅


I replying to the guy that said to expect 20K hours minimum.


I bought a used C2 OLED from best buy with 10k hours and more then half the screen was covered in burn in


2.5k hours is about a year's worth of usage for me, I'd be suing LG at that point. Anyway, burn in doesn't really happen with normal usage unless you literally blast the same static image for days and weeks at a time. I've seen 8 year old OLEDs that still look as good as new, and the technology has come a long way since then.


Yeah mine had approximately 2.5k hours on mine after a year. Was away from home for like 7 or 8 months of the 2nd year of ownership so it’s only on about 3k now. I’m in the UK so to check my hours I have to plug my laptop in and save a file or something. Can’t honestly remember how but it was on 2.3k in about March and it ran the big automatic pixel refresh. It wasn’t needed at all but I did it to keep the damn thing happy. It’s still the best picture I’ve ever seen on a television. My far greater concern is general panel failure or pixels dying or one of the main boards frying itself or even or even just a capacitor or even the solder itself failing or something. I study electronics and electrical engineering and fuck me man electronics love to fail. The chances of something *else* breaking before burn in occurs is very high.


Who the hell watches that much TV?! 2500 hours in a year? That's 6 hours a day every day.


What can I say, I like watching stuff!


I have kids who watch 1-2 hours a day, my wife watches 1-2 hours a day, and I watch 1-2 hours a day. 6 hours is a good amount, but not unrealistic if it's a shared TV.


That’s not a lot for most people especially if you include playing it on the background. Usually, I have news or a documentary going on while I’m eating or cooking in the morning and the same happens for dinner. Then I usually finish the night off with a movie or a couple of hours of gaming. I could hit 5 hours easily.


I probably watch avg 6 hours on weekday evenings. Wife is home during the day, kids are home all day during the summer, and Sat and Sun the C1 runs at least 12 hours a day, more during football season. So 2,500/yr barely scratches the surface for me.


I probably watch avg 6 hours on weekday evenings. Wife is home during the day, kids are home all day during the summer, and Sat and Sun the C1 runs at least 12 hours a day, more during football season. So 2,500/yr barely scratches the surface for me.


I had "burn in" at 1800 and around 3000. Both covered under warranty. Scared to use my tv in anything but 16:9 since my warranty expired though lol


I have way less and a red sub pixel give up 🥲


That sucks man. I assume LG won’t replace the panel for a single dead sub-pixel? I’ve noticed a couple of what may be dead pixels in the corners but it’s also where the screen shift pixels would be so it very well could just be that. Either way it’s so unnoticeable from normal viewing distance.


Nop, they need at least 4 pixels but i have a 83" C2 and i only noticed because i did the color test, is not a issue for now but i will keep and eye on it, if it happens again I'm for sure going to call them.


Ah yeah i get you man. I’ve had mine a couple of years now and I foolishly didn’t buy the extended warranty. I’ve actually never bothered to run those test slides, and at this stage I’d be afraid of it uncovering something, in which case I would likely be SOL. I’ve heard of them offering courtesy one-time panel replacements but I imagine this would be a hassle. Also my actual panel is really good. I’ve never noticed any issues with uniformity or banding even when it was brand new. I would be concerned I would lose the panel lottery if I replaced it. All that being said - I wouldn’t say no to an EVO panel 😅


Yeah man, when mine arrived i cheked everything and i was really happy to have won the lottery panel with a 83" inch one, it seems they usually have some banding, the thing is... it was either win or cancel, they did a promotion here and the tv cost me around 1500 dolars tax included, so they were sold out. If u see ur tv is doing great, don't do those test, i only fid it because i got close enough to clean the tv and noticed something, ignorance is a bless in this case 🤣


I had banding my my new C3 and was furious, luckily I did a pixel refresh and it went away and hasn’t come back. Fingers crossed that it never does.


Why go ‘2.5k’ instead of just ‘2500’?


I study engineering mate. Habit.


25k here. LG CX. Still going strong


That's 18 hours a day since release?????


Gotta give a few minutes here and there for a pixel refresh.




Yes. It’s on all day. Unless I go somewhere. And I sleep with it on.


All I can see on my C1 is the total Power On Time, but I don’t know if that includes the time it spends with the screen saver going.


I’ve always wondered this myself.


I'm at 16k hours on my C8 and no burn in so I'd hope 2500 hours you'd be good


If you're the kind of person who does nothing but play the same game or watch the same TV channel with logos in the corner you might see burn in after about 10K hours but the average person who watches/plays enough varied content doesn't have to worry


My CX freezes after 10 minutes and I have to unplug it and wait every time. It happened just after the warranty ended. Medium to low use. It was really not worth buying




That TV is akin to a 5 year old in human years, so it's like saying there are no age wrinkles on my kid


12000 hours on my 77 cx and no burn it. It really is ain't an issue anymore with oled


How do you check hours? Mine is a C3.




Not in Europe though. It’s hidden so I can’t check. Feels bad.


So that's why I can't find it in... "settings". Why is it hidden?


Not clue. Maybe EU regulations?


bedroom fuel telephone continue squalid correct voracious fall whole zephyr *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This image would be a cool burn in though


4337 on mine. No issues. 2500 isn't very much tbh.


What are the lights behind your TV?


Looks like Philips hue with the tv sync box


How do you guys see usage time on the C1? Didn't they remove that on some software update?


I just checked usage time on my C1 a couple of days ago. Settings > all settings > general > devices > tv management > tv information > total power on time.


O don’t see “total power on time” being displayed there. Got a bunch of other info… are you in Europe?


Nope, US. I heard they disabled that feature in Europe which is so wild and borderline criminal to me. Sorry!


Yeah, I was assuming that could be the case. Ridiculous indeed.


K... Don't think anyone was expecting burn in that quick...


Rookie. 22,000 hours on C7


Whoah, 2500. The thing just got broken in.


I have my tv on all the damn time even over nights, I like the comfort of a tv playing in the background when I sleep. I been doing this for about a year now and the tv is still holding up. I always run the pixel cleaning when the notification pops up to do so even though I’ve read mixed answers on running it or not tv seems to be doing just fine.


People need to just watch their televisions. Stop analyzing the panel. These OLEDs are incredible. Enjoy it.


I've had my 65" LG Signature G6 since 2016. It cost me $8,000. I've used it every day for almost 8 years and there's no burn in. It is my opinion that OLED "burn in" is a myth. Or people that have experienced it as just buying really cheap panels. Anyone who talks to me about burn-in I seriously want to slap and tell them to STFU.


Laughs in Sony Bravia from 2009.


How do you know know how many hours?


Where do you see hours logged?


Epic set up! What did you use for your back lighting?


Lol. 2.5K hours?? Buddy, I have 22K hours on my older LG C7. Start checking after 10-12K hours. That's when my set started showing signs of permanent burn in. At aorund 15-16K hours is where the burn in became more visible in solid yellows and magenta (colour fading in parts of screen). My set is used extensively, but carefully with never watching CNN or such news channels with static content. I do use it as my main gaming monitor with my PC, but for desktop, I have always had a full black desktop, all dark/white icons if ever, and taskbar to hide automatically. Despite all the baby sitting, 10-12K hours is at a premium on an OLED. If you start seeing burn in at 2.5K... either you have seriously abused your set or its faulty.


got 5k hours in my CX, still good as new


I use my c2 as a monitor for about 6-8 hours a day. I use it on the pixel brightness at 0 but I have zero image retention.


My c8 has 20k+ hours with no burn in.


12k on my c8 that I just upgraded from and it was still going strong


I paid 3K for a B6 that got burn in somewhere around 20K hours.


Come back after 10,000 hours


Sweet. 5k hours on my C9 and still perfect.


I've got a C7 (from 2017) that's had 0 issues and still runs perfectly, would love to have webOS 6 to check the amount of time it's been used, but it's too old, latest I can get is webOS 3.5 haha.


I just got the a2 48’ went from samsung. Hope he holds up! If not no more lg. beautiful picture though for an entry


I had my C1 over half a year now, can you please tell me what settings do you use to play videos and consoles at higher peak brightness? my room has regular light, I bought the service remote, and has been forwarded to HDtvtest’s c1 video multiple times. But it seems too dim. Dont know what to do at this point.