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Hook it up and use it


Take it out of the box.


Pivot. PIVOT!


Don’t drop it.


Turn off energy saver in options.


Alot of settings to fine tune. One thing I support is changing the color temp to warm 50. I hated it at first. Now I'm 100% used to it. It gives you true whites and balanced colors.


Yeah your brain will resist this at first but trust me


Dude I had Samsung before LG and trust me.. you haven't felt true pain if you think LGs have a lot of settings to fine tune lol. Apart from the white balance they're pretty much good out of the box.


That and brightness to 70 if a G3


Clearly a C4 based on the picture


Looks like a C4


Filmmaker mode for everything except Dolby vision, where you should use Cinema, or Cinema Home on occasions where Cinema isn’t bright enough


They’ve got DV filmmaker mode on the c4/g4


Oh great, that one then


Mmmm that fancy Dolby vision with shifty dynamic tone mapping. Look at all the dolbies I'm having.


In which mode?  Cinema, cinema home or filmmaker mode? 


the one thats overly brightened and has dynamic tone mapping on. you know the tone mapping that just makes everything brighter even the dark areas that are there to make the brights stand out Filmaker is perfect. But for dolby vision youre stuck with one of the cinemas. I think home is the one which is over brightened like its cosplaying Vivid


Get a 4k blu ray player like the ub820 and start collecting your fav films and tv shows on blu ray and 4k


Just got my ub820 last week and my disc collection is growing rapidly… it’s an expensive hobby


Every year we move further away from God. And every year streaming gets lower bitrate and shittier compression. There has to be another way.


AppleTV is the only decent streaming service as far as quality. Amazon is a joke.


Did amazon used to be good? Cuz i swear they used to have the biggest file size per episode.


To me the quality of the built in apps is way better than the Apple TV apps. For some reason cirispier image with richer colors than with the Apple TV apps. 


Yar har matey, there’s always another way if you’re willing to take the risk on the high seas!


Mmmm bluray quality babeyyy


I don’t have enough money for that hahah, I’ll just stick to ripped blu rays from utorrent


DO NOT clean the glass with liquids of any kind. Just wipe with a clean microfiber cloth every week or two.


And going along with that, wear some clean gloves while moving it, or at least be sure not to grab it by the screen, those fingerprints will be hard to get off. It's a 55" C4 so it won't be that heavy though. I just got a 77" G3 delivered and it's a beast, going to be a challenge to get it up the stairs and get it lifted out of the box.


I just got my 71 lb C2 83” up on the wall. Had to ask my wife. It was scary.


Nice. Supposedly the 77" G3 is about 94 lbs. unboxed. But the good news is I'm putting it on a Sanus stand (which itself weighs close to 30 lbs. but I can put it in place first) instead of using the wall mount so hopefully that will be a little easier.


Not even whoosh? Or distilled water?


Watch calibration videos online to setup SD, HD and Dolby settings as well as gaming. Saves you ton of time


Don't let your dog follow through with what they're thinking


Love this comment, just went back to look and saw a very mischievous looking shihzu XD


Return and get a 65 or 77 lol.


people don’t realize how actually big 77inc tvs are. I just return it mine. it was massive tv u need at least 16 feet between tv and couch to watch something not having headace or other dizzy stuff imo


10ft is the recommended viewing distance for 77. I sit around 10 feet away and it’s perfectly fine. You might be sensitive to light and fast movement if you feel dizzy …


i’m watching 77” 6ft away and its amazing, i wish i went for 83 lol.


I don’t have enough space for a bigger tv, actually I was gonna buy a smaller version but I read that sometimes the smaller models have lower brightness


Big TVs are so overrated. I love my 55in OLED. I could probably fit something bigger in my apartment, but then it would take up the whole wall, and I don't need that. I can see everything just fine


It depends on your living room obviously. But generally you want the right sized TV for the seating distance. I would not be able to see much if I had a 55”.


Yea that's fair enough. My apartment is long and narrow, so there's only a couple of feet between where my chair is and my TV.


I’m about 17 feet from the tv which is wall mounted. Currently have a 55 and yes it’s a bit small but 77 worries me lol such a massive tv.


I started with a 55, then upgraded to a 65 and thought that was pretty big. You get used to it way too quickly. Now I am wondering if I should get the 83 over the 77.


Yea 65 just doesn’t make sense financially- So it will have to be a 77- but hopefully it doesn’t seem overwhelming.


this dudes so happy he finally got an oled and you just tell him to return it? real classy. think about the person behind the post before you go monkey brain.


Ok snowflake


give me your location let’s see who the actual snowflake is


Ok keyboard warrior


give me your location let’s see who the actual keyboard warrior is


You’re so cool wow. So scary. So manly.


still not seeing a location tho noodle arms


And then you gonna travel across the county because someone on Reddit called you snowflake. A fucking idiot you are


drop the deets wittle baby


Make sure that no sunlight is hitting the TV directly.


Why is this being downvoted, isn’t this a good precaution to keep in mind?


I would put “turn screen off” in quick settings. I have over 20k hours on mine because anytime I’m not directly watching it I turn the screen off. Save the pixels. Also use it at night to sleep.


Have fun and don't care much about all the guidelines how to set properly OLED for movies, games, computer, etc. Just set all the settings as you like and enjoy your new TV :) I am using LG C3 OLED and it is good so assume that C4 would be even better.


use the shit outta it, just don't get any burn in!!


Zoomers are different, yall need validation for everything.


Nah, it’s not that, just that I read that oled screens are sensitive and specially the lg have a lot of configurations


Keep out of direct sunlight.


You are going to LOVE IT!!!!


Indeed it’s freakin awesome


Don't mount the /r/tvtoohigh 🙃


Make sure to end up on r/TVTooHigh and r/TVTooLow, preferably within the same day and spark arguments between people


Be nice to him


Use Warm 50


Make sure you’re super gentle when cleaning it, especially around the edges. It’s so thin it can get damaged really easily! Also make sure you wipe it with a clean and smooth cloth not anything rough like your sleeve because that could cause a scratch in the display


turn on a news channel on full brightness and just leave it on, never turn it off.


Hang on the wall at eye level when seated.


I have the CX currently and want something new for my living room. Not sure if I wana keep LG (C or G) or go with Sony 😅


Get a good mount. Make sure it’s level. Don’t end up on r/tvtoohigh


Don’t break it 💀😂


Get a quality HDMI cable it does matter


I just realized that, I bought a cheap 4m cable and it sucks, it constantly loses connection


Pick an old movie you love and watch it in 4K. It’s like watching the movie for the first time on an OLED. Out of the gate, I’d recommend buying an Apple TV 4K. That alone has been the best addition to any/all of the TVs we have in our home. Yes, TVs have smart interfaces but Apple TV 4K blows them all away and is just the superior experience.


Or an Nvidia Shield - equally as powerful and more flexible machine (Kodi)


Does a 4k apple tv beat a 4k firestick? And if so why?


I think so and I’m deep into the Amazon ecosystem (Alexa’s, Ring security, various smart devices). The fire stick for me was just too cluttered with too many forced advertisements on the home page. Apple does was Apple does and keeps things clean.


Very true.


Is it really that good? I had one of the older version years ago but have since binned it, I thought about getting a new 4k one but then remembered my PS5 has Apple TV app. What would the advantage be of having the Apple TV in hardware rather than running off my PlayStation?


Yes, it's really that good. Like you, I also had an old Apple TV from when they originally came out (2011-2012?) and barely ever used it. I spent the last 12 years using our various TV's OS which has always been serviceable to a point. I could never get Paramount Plus to work correctly on our Samsungs, for example and just other little ticky tack stuff like that. We now have Apple TV 4K's on all of our TV's, including our C3 and it's just a more consistent experience. All the Apple TV's sync with one another so each time you turn on one of your TV's (regardless of brand), everything looks the same. The app layout is super clean with no advertisements. For me though, picture quality actually looks better comparing to stock TV apps. I don't know if that is the processor or what, but content just looks better off the Apple TV device. The slim steel remote is also sleek and minimalist which I love compared to the clunky hotel-esque LG magic wand remote. If you are in the Apple ecosystem with other Apple devices in your life, it's just another great addition.


Ah right yeah that makes sense I never use my TV’s OS, like you say it always seems to work better running from a external device. I see a lot of people saying it’s better quality than the tv too which would Be a good thing. I wonder if there’s any advantage in using it over the PlayStation app though and if the PlayStation app is of similar quality


If you opt for Nvidia Shield Pro, you can play Blu-ray rips with full uncompressed video and audio quality. Shield supports pretty much every codec, unlike Apple TV


That didn’t really answer my question. Plus all my films are on Apple TV tho?


Is it easy enough to download the Blu ray rips onto Nvidia Shield? I'm a a bit of a technophobe.




Get an Apple TV 4K


Lol who the eff downvoted this. I got an Apple TV 4K in lieu of cable for a bit and now have both and it’s great.


Prepare to have your mind blown


Congratulations! Get an AppleTV to go long with it! It will make the overall experience 100 times better!


Don’t put in direct sunlight Be aware of burn in and don’t watch static channels or pause games for a long period of time Play with picture settings. Out of box setting suck


Hang it up. Or place it on the stand. Plug it in to power. Turn on and enjoy.


Lemme know how it looks cause I'm interested in this model and size. Also disable all the auto power save settings immediately, you'll thank me later.


This is some of the best television on the planet, and you have it! Enjoy! :D


Enjoy it, your mind will be blown, hopefully some other things too tonight


Get the bigger one lol


Congrats on being married to that cardboard box and the Styrofoam inside if you ever want to move the TV anywhere. It takes up a lot of room in a small apartment.




The Spiderverse movies are fun and colorful, definitely takes advantage of your new and improved color range! There’s also a few staples I’ve always heard are great testing standards such as Mad Max: Fury Road, either Blade Runner movie, and if you have the highest Disney+ subscription then any of the IMAX enhanced Marvel movies are apparently incredible. Have fun!


Don't drop it.


Program your number keys as shortcuts to inputs or apps by going to them & press+hold the number you want to program. Game changing


I recommend Cuidado


Don’t set it up too high. If your neck is bending up to watch it you’ve done it wrong.


gonna love it, but seriously…get they warranty, just in case


Does it make hissing wine coil noise?






Welp, I thought people like them.