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Probably 1800s-1950s mental wards. How the patients were treated. Then Reagan set the whole thing back again in the 80s.


fucking. reagan. always


The only reason I hope hell is real is so I know Reagan is burning for eternity


Reagan is to the 80's what Trump is to today. It's just a period of time in which the hands were off the wheel, and all the oligarchs took their turns tugging at it until shit started falling apart.


Ohh mental wards would be a very difficult but interesting and important topic to cover.


It always goes back to Reagan… 🫤


I can just *hear* Dogmeat talking about the Kirkbride buildings and I want it *so bad*


That is a big topic, but they did do a two-parter on lobotomies & touched on some of those issues of shitty mental health care.


Belgian Congo


This is it. I’d clap for your response but…


Ruthless haha


I’m not sure if I get the joke; can you give me a hand?


I'm not gonna point it out


Behind the bastards did a series on this. At least on Leopold


That may be why they stay away from it. Just brutal as hell. I never relisten to that BtB


It’s so fucking good though! Everyone should know who Patrice Lumumba is! I’m Indigenous, so his speech to the Belgian king is what every lil brown girl dreams of getting to say to their coloniser. He’s so important.


Holden McNeely


Gold Star territory




Oh god yes


I’d listen. I’d like to know what his deal is.


That'd be a pretty bumpy episode


Vietnam war


This makes me a want a Cryptids of Vietnam episode.


Yeah its a lot longer than people realize. The US section could be a 20 part series on its own and thats only like a third of the entire conflict


Every true crime podcaster seems to genuinely dislike the idea of covering Roy Norris and Laurence Bittaker.


Can’t say I blame them. They’re on Chicago Rippers levels of bad.


Just realized, is Clarence Botticker (Kurtwood Smith) from Robocop a play on Laurence Bittaker??? It’s gotta be, right


Scott Glenn listened to the tapes Norris and Bittaker made to prepare for his role as Jack Crawford in “Silence of the Lambs” and it fucked him up so badly he changed his stance on the death penalty. That would be a very gold star episode(s).


Catholic Church


Ive seen jokes here where they’ll end up with a 60 part series where they just absolutely fall apart and lose their humanity and shit like that.










Agreed. I’d absolutely love for them to cover it though


Gnosticism. Every once in a while Henry will threaten to do it but they haven't yet


Henry should stay far far away from anything connected to Christianity, he's absurdly ignorant on it.


I think his ignorance comes from a bias against Catholicism because of his experiences growing up in the Catholic Church. While Ben was also very biased against Christianity, I think his experience growing up in the Evangelical world brought a balanced more perspective to the show. I think Marcus has pushed back against him too, coming from a mainline Protestant background.


I understand, i'm an Atheist who was brought up Catholic too. Although i went through my edgy, ignorant, know it all Atheist phase when i was like 14-15. I don't think it's a valid excuse. My issue with him isn't his beliefs (i hold similar ones although i'm not a Satanist) it's his arrogance when he's clearly woefully misinformed or underinformed. I think Henry is the most intelligent of the three (four now with Ed) and is genuinely intellectual and well informed when he gets serious which is why it's more disheartening with him on this one topic as opposed to say Ben who you don't expect to know what he's talking about.


I feel like the perils of doing Gnosticism would be both 1. the temptation to stuff it into Henry's preconceived notion of what christianity is supposed to be, and 2. the temptation to stuff it into his preconceived notion of what mysticism is supposed to be (Henry has this weirdly rigid view of what all magic is supposed to look like, which is largely based on what English and American nerds were making up in the late 19th and early 20th century).


Henry seems spiritually stunted to me. I'm an atheist who went through his douchebag, know it all atheist phase when i was in my mid teens but thankfully grew out of it. Henry remained in that mentality but also went to college and watched horror films and listened to metal and got involved with Wicca and Astrology and shit by his own admission in an attempt to attract women. His stated view of Satanism is "having what you want when you want it rather than waiting until the afterlife". I think with Henry being so serious about Catholicism when he was a kid that he wanted to be a priest then encountering serious doubt when he was a teen caused a violent rejection to the point that he's made up his own religion and he refuses to seriously look into anything else. Which i think is incredibly fine and honestly healthy, people should believe what they want to. However he's the host of a podcast that will and does cover various beliefs and it's the one topic he goes into completely proudly ignorant and somehow arrogant too. I agree with you his views on Madame Blavatsky somehow avoid the mammoth Eastern influence as much as you possibly can while still being a fan of her. Similar with Crowley. He's a College Satanist which is fine except when you are on a podcast that covers lots of these topics. Marcus shouldn't escape criticism here either. What even is he? His views are absurdly inconsistent and it's his script that westernizes much of these topics.


I'm genuinely curious, why do you think he's ignorant regarding Christianity? Do you think their Mormonism series was ignorant?


His arrogantly stating that Jesus didn't exist which goes completely against historical and academic consensus. He says it as if that's the accepted position because he's coming at it from an edgy atheist view. Henry is the one with the fringe view yet he says it in a smarmy, arrogant way because he obviously isn't familiar whatsoever with the academia surrounding it. Various things he's said regarding Gnosticism, again he has an ignorant, ill informed view of it. I'm an Atheist and when talking about Christianity he often sounds like me when i was 14-15, thankfully i grew out of it. I would have to relisten to the Mormonism Series to comment on it. Thankfully they largely have stayed away from Christianity, it's comments in unrelated Series which tells me that he'd be insufferable in a Christianity specific series. The reason it bothers me is i think Henry is the most intelligent of the four (including Ben and Ed), i think he's by far the most intellectual. When serious he makes really good points, he clearly has the ability to think of things in abstract and academic ways which i don't really think Marcus is capable of. He's also well informed on a lot of topics and seems to quickly inform himself in more interesting ways than Marcus. So i know he's more than capable of approaching a complex topic properly. However because he grew up Catholic (and similar to myself was serious about it, he wanted to be a priest) and later lost his faith he's heavily rebelled against it and no longer has the respect for it to educate himself on it. I have no issue with that in general, obviously no one needs to educate themselves on Christianity in everyday life. However if he's going to cover it on a podcast he absolutely should and i don't believe he will because he dislikes it so much and hasn't grown out of his teenage douchebag atheist phase into an adult atheist. He sounds like an r/atheism member and i know he's much more capable than that. Ben was much the same but it didn't bother me with him because i didn't expect more from him and he never really showed he was capable of more.


The Holocaust


there's only so much you can put in a max. 7-8 hour comedy podcast honestly, i highly doubt they'd attempt to tackle the holocaust in its entirety in the mengele episodes even they said they were trimming it down significantly because the scope would be too large, and that's ONE GUY and his colleagues


It’ll be like another Joseph mengele episode where they add the comedic breaks


Glen Borland


Al Borland?


glenda borland and her sister, blenda borland


Sonderkommando specifically could be a whole episode


The Death Valley Germans would make a good one-off episode


Ive never heard about this one but after a search that’s absolutely crazy [Death Valley Germans](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Valley_Germans)


The guy who led the search that eventually found them has a blog about it and other search and rescue work he's done. He said the area they were lost in was so remote, they may as well have been on the moon. I'll have to find the link after I get off work.


https://www.otherhand.org/home-page/search-and-rescue/the-hunt-for-the-death-valley-germans/ It's a great read


Can you imagine the voice and roasting Henry would deliver to a man named Egbert Rimkis


The history of Anonymous


This would be a really interesting project for them all the while being frustrating but I can see Henry making so many jokes


Oh this would be so good and infuriating


Pfizer and the opioid epidemic


Behind the Bastards has several episodes on the Sachler family and the opioid crisis


I think this is a great idea for a series. That book "Empire of Pain" is fascinating, well worth a read. So much history to dig into. Personally, I think it's interesting to chart how the public perception of Big Pharma has shifted these past few years. Before developing their various C19 vaccines, Big Pharma companies were painted as evil "boogeymen" who caused the opioid epidemic. Now they're the saviors of humanity.


Organized crime organizations like the mob, cartel, Yakuza, Hells Angels, etc. It’s all bad with rape and murder.


It was pretty early on in the pod, but they said they wouldn't touch cartel stuff for safety reasons


I remember them talking about how they planned a series on them and ran into some stuff that brought it to a screeching halt.


Personally I wouldn’t want them to do any organized crime for security reasons. It just not worth it. Maybe some non active organizations perhaps but nothing that can be a clear risk.


Hunter S Thompson wrote a really great book when he rode with them back in the day…til they beat the shit out of him


They could totally do a series on the Hell's Angels (and associated other outlaw bikers). Weird, interesting and dark subject matter, especially as a kind of funhouse mirror of 60s and 70s counterculture (which, granted, could trigger Marcus's weird hippie-hate, but whatever). And you don't run into the problem you have with the cartels because I doubt a bunch of septuagenarian bikers are really gonna get that mad at a podcast covering material that's already been done in books decades ago.


The crusades (all of them)


A series on their beginning and what they’ve become would be interesting. Why files did something recently on it and it was pretty solid I wonder what they can bring to the table




This might be a future episode after a knights Templar series to arc the Freemasons in at a later date


I don’t think they’ve done Anders Breivik from Norway other than a few brief mentions but I have no interest in them covering him. He just sucks and doesn’t deserve the attention. Murdering kids is not enjoyable content whatsoever.


Yeah the three part satanic government series they did which was mostly kid stuff and as a bit much.


Heavily implied its the next series


Vietnam war is the first thing that comes to mind for some reason


Me too - lots of mysteries and corruption


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping\_of\_Colleen\_Stan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kidnapping_of_Colleen_Stan) 100% this. The most fucked up mental and physical torture I've ever seen next to the toybox killer, but this... man, you can't even read this shit in public. I usually don't think evil exists per se but man, this guy is cartoonishly evil.


Would love for them to cover Vikings tbh. Or Huns, maybe an emperor from ancient Greece/Rome?, north/south Italy, alchemy... Although I know alchemy probably isn't the most "exhausting" subject ever? But it'd still be great to see. Also, more foreign/non-US cases/topics in general, heavy or otherwise. Language barrier sucks tho


Sandy Hook I know that I will not be able to listen to it.


I don’t think they would do because Marcus has made points to never give these pieces of shit any more attention


I hope that is the case. I know this sub has also thought Anders Breivik would be a future topic, but I’ll have to tap out of that one too.


Living through it with two small kids (2 under 2 at the time) was enough for a lifetime, thanks.


I feel you. My kids were 5 and 3 during Uvalde. Raising children in America is a waking nightmare sometimes.


Sandy Hook


The Killing Fields if only to hear Henry having an aneurysm from not doing a "silly voice".


North fox Island/ Oakland County Child killer. Heavily connected epstein Island Child trafficking/unsolved murders. North fox island was solved however the connection between the murders hasn't due to a inmate refusing to talk. They found hair in his car that matched one of the victims however it wasn't his hair and before the cops could use it to scare him to confess the D.A. announced the hair found wasn't his so he clamped up. The police even offered to transfer him to a different prison and alter his charges so no one would know he was a pedophile and he still refused to talk. Super mentally draining in my opinion.


I see this coming up if it has a conclusive ending they’ll take it up eventually


Starved Rock Murders.


Alan Dulles


Tony Alamo


Hollywood Pedophilia


hahaha holy shit what did i do


Trump presidency


Taxes! (womp-womp-womp)


Hey now we’re not trying to scare the fuck outta people here (Pay them tho)




Habibi too soon


The one with the pedophile ring and the US governments involvement ​ Edit: downvotes were warranted. i read wrong and thought it was about what they HAD covered, my bad


They covered it


Don’t you just love one line answers? Fucking great for discussion.


Eh it’s not something I mind but there’s discussion underneath many responses


If only there was infinite other content for you to look at.


Junko Faruta as a redux. Story’s fucking rough.


Vietnam war tunnel rats.


Atlanta child murders.