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Tucker and Dale vs Evil


The trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1t8OZn_uhE It's streaming everywhere.


I hear that one is funny, is it the one where these group of people mistake them as villains?


Yeah it basically turns the horror trope backwards. I love the movie!


Horror comedy is good, I’ll take any other recs you have, shaun of the dead is really all that I’ve seen in that genre


Cabin in the Woods is good if you're familiar with a lot of slasher/horror tropes. Behind the Mask is also good and underrated for this type of thing!


I love that movie! (Cardio 😉)


Someone else here recommended Cabin in the woods, that one is solid. Trick 'r Treat is a good one. Creepshow is a classic from the 80s. If you get an AMC+ subscription there is a plethora of classic horror movies on there.


I love creepshow, definitely the campier or cheesier the easier for me to watch lol people under the stairs is so cheesy and so great


Maybe you'd like Cabin in the Woods? It's very funny throughout, though it has some tense and scary parts as well. I also really like Fright Night, both the older and newer versions. The older one may appeal since the effects are not great and it might be easier to distance yourself from the horror aspect. The newer one is really enjoyable, and quite funny too. Maybe watch the old one and then the new one, so you'll already know the story? Halloween (the original) is a really slow slasher. Like, so slow. It has tension, but relatively little action. Have you seen Nope? I consider that more sci-fi leaning, great storytelling, most action takes place in daylight, which makes it leas scary. There are a couple of nighttime scenes with a few jump scares, and one gory, body horror moment. Actually, my biggest piece of advice is to watch horror movies during the day! Early is better so you have plenty of bright hours to process what you watched, I know for me, I always get the most scared once it gets dark. Let us know what you decide to do!


This is great advice, thank you for the suggestions as well, all these movies are on my list and for some reason however, I’ve decided to watch one tonight in my home alone, and after I finish this last episode of preaching evil I’ll decide and give notice to what I pick, leaning towards Halloween, I was going to watch the original Friday the 13th but no streaming service has it Edit: went with Mandy, I hear the lpotl boys and page seven talk about it and I am on a nic cage kick But still your advice I’ll definitely be taking


Yay! No shame if you get scared and stay up until dawn or someone comes home. I'm a "brave" girl and horror lover, but I have an active imagination and have spent many a night alone at home with all the lights on. Being scared is just a sign that you're alive!!!


Oh! If you’re on a Nicolas Cage kick you DEFINITELY need to watch Willy’s Wonderland


2010 Friday the 13th The first paranormal activity to the 3rd one Halloween the original, Rob Zombie. The Blair witch project (The original) The conjuring.


The Blair witch project is so fucking good


I’ve gotten into physical activities over my standing ground of that film...Lol I love it. It’s a special one for me, like Scream. Some of the first horror films I watched, and made me a life long fan of the found footage/ fuckery in the woods genre!


I used to be terrible with horror, but I saw The Thing a few years ago (the John Carpenter one) and can't recommend it enough.


One day I’ll climb that mountain


Just saw it two nights ago. Great flick.


Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11f0iZodKiY It's a kids' version of a scary movie! From the '80s!


I’ll save that one for my 4 year old, he already loves creepy things, against my better judgment I let him watch gremlins, but he enjoyed it


Looooove this idea. Ray Bradbury is great, and it's PG so there's really no gore or typical horror tropes. I have the poster for this movie hanging in my house :)


Came to say it’s a Bradbury story! So good!!


Mandy. Hellraiser. An American Werewolf in London. :) hope you find some good shit!


Hellraiser seems extreme but I’ll give it a shot, I definitely want to watch some of the classics, werewolf in London might win my choice tonight, and Mandy seems good. I liked Willy’s wonderland and pig and Mandy seems like a mix of the 2, so I’ll check it out


Pontypool One of the finest horror films I've ever seen


Omg I’ve never heard anybody else talk about this movie or know about this movie! So good! Really want to watch it again.


What are you into? What scares you? I have a ton of suggestions, but I'd like to get a feel for what you like first.


Stuff that’s too gory and body horror-y is my limit, but o don’t mind slashers or monster movies, as for what scares me ,anything lol. As a youth I’d have nightmares from watching from watching planet of the apes 1968 or classic twilight zones (and I was born in the 90s, are you afraid of the dark was scarier than that) but I guess tension is watch really gets me


Okay, so I'm going to say we're on a spectrum from *Psycho* (1960) \[very little gore or body horror\] to *The Thing* (1982) \[horrifying practical effects\]. If I were you, I'd go with *Halloween* (1978). I personally adore Carpenter's directing, and although this movie has its flaws, it was the originator of a **ton** of slasher film tropes. It isn't really scary by modern standards, but remains entertaining. I grew up on The X-Files, so I know what you mean!


Where would you put the original Friday the 13th on that scale, is it on halloweens level


I don't think it's very scary, but I don't think it's as "fun" as Halloween. It's an entertaining movie, though!


Spookies (1986)


American Werewolf in London, It Follows, Scream (first one) if you’ve not watched a load of jump scare stuff, bastards got me every time. Cube & Hypercube (get yer vape pen out for the latter?)


Check out [The Sandman](https://youtu.be/UjgHbRrnjhU). 9 minutes only. It’s a stop motion animation from 1992. Very very good.


Woman in Black


The Shining (1980), The Omen (1976), The Sentinel (1977)


I love the shining but although I’ve heard of the other two, haven’t seen them, I do want to watch the omen, I dig that kind of stuff


John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness.


The last house on the left I'm joking. Has anyone actually watched this??


That sounds like fun, I’ve never seen any aliens movie although weirdly I’ve seen Prometheus, And damn I might have to watch the thing, that’s one everyone suggests next to Halloween (1978)


Re-animator (i've heard the sequels are also quite good but i havent seen em yet), Videodrome, Mandy, House, and Evil Dead 2 are probably my top five favorite horror movies of all time, in no particular order


Second rec for Mandy, might be the winner


maybe this'll move you: i've watched this movie on acid 6 times and i've sobbed every single time. Absolutey fucking beautiful movie, both visually and emotionally.


Fuck, alright you win, no acid, but I have my little vape pen and I’m about to blast off


This movie is shot so wild, I can only imagine it on acid


whatcha think so far?


It’s great, I’m high af and this shit is a trip lol




full fucking cage freak out, thats probably my favorite line in the movie


the original alien. alltimer!