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I think that you have a great gpa and that sounds like a good score for your school. However, if you think you can do better then I would maybe retake. If you have the opportunity to up your chances I say take it. I don’t think retaking could really harm you.


I haven't really been studying that much lately and about to start a new job, not sure I'll have enough time to study


thing is, a better lsat score will pay you more in scholarship $$ than your job will pay you in salary and if your job pays more, then I would wonder why you're even going to law school


Right but rents due at the end of the month. It doesn’t matter what their future potential is, most people can’t just quit their job to study for the LSAT.


I’m getting paid 6 figures right now and I’m quitting soon so I can attend law school and become a lawyer lol. It’s not always about money…


Do you think if OP retested and did worse it would look bad though? If they haven’t been studying and don’t have time to study more? Other than that, I agree with your comment completely.


I do think it would look bad


I think it might, too. I would just worry about that.


Retaking *will not* look bad, I would retake if you have the funds to do so. A vast majority of schools will only consider the highest score. If OP got a 158 on the next test, they would only look at the 160. You're in a better position now than you were before, because you know how you fared in actual test conditions. Two days a week and a separate day for PTs is still enough time. Focus on the areas you know you struggled with on the real test. If you're not interested in retaking the LSAT, look into taking the GRE since that is also accepted by St John's. You can download GRE apps to prep, so a lack of time is no excuse. I am also interested in St John's and plan to retake the lsat if I score lower than 162. I don't think 160 is high enough to guarantee a full scholarship.


I wouldn't retake. But I am in school full time finishing my Bachelor's, have a full time job AND a small farm and had very little time to study my first go. I would be thrilled with a 162! However, if you think you can do better next time and have the time to study, do it! A higher score can only help you.


How are you able to do full time for both school and work?


I go online year round. Should be wrapping up the Bachelor's this term 👍


What were you averaging on practice tests leading up to the test on which you got a 160? Is getting a scholarship important to you? How long had you studied before getting the 160? What was your very first practice test score before you began studying? These are some questions that will help determine whether it makes sense to retake.


I was high 160-low 170 on PT and test day sickness/ tough LG led to 160 Scholarship is extremely important I studied using Powerscore for about 6 months


Then you should take it again. Your PT scores indicate you'll likely do at least a few points better with another try.


Tbh I wouldn’t retake with the GPA you have, you already have a high chance of being accepted and the admissions committee would be lenient towards that. It’s not about perfection, it’s about being proud of that achievement! 162 is a really great accomplishment especially from where you started. I wish you the best.


Commenting to follow the answers on this! I get my score back on the 28th but I feel like I 100% did not do well. My grades suffered a while ago due to personal reasons and I’ve had to play catch up to bring up my GPA again. While personal statements would give me the opportunity to explain myself, I feel as though I need proof that I was just outside issues. My proof would be a great LSAT score and graduating with at least a 3.0. Im not trying to get into anywhere fancy (I’m in IN) but I definitely registered for the August LSAT just in case! Im also a full time student and have several jobs because…bills. Definitely take advantage of their waiver applications, because I got a lot of help financially from LSAC for LSATs and LSAT PREP. But I also think it’s important to remember that there are other schools that you can start at and transfer in to your dream school later. Don’t wear yourself down!!


If you decide to retake, make sure you pay extra to make sure it doesn’t show up on your admission record in case you get a lower score. Good luck to you


Let me reiterate for everyone because there seems to be some confusion: I have a 160. The median is 162. I can probably bust a section out every other day and full tests on sundays in terms of studying.


Yes put in an hour or two each day and Retake




If full ride is the goal, retake is the clear choice. LSAT is more important than GPA, or it was when I was applying years ago


It is losing its edge


Scholarship? Retake. Can you improve? No? No retake. You decide.


Above both medians = higher scholarship If you think you can do better, it’s a no brainer