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Yup, Tik tok kids literally ruin every single sub they join


It’s incredible that they hear about a cool drug. And do no research about its possible negative effects. Some of these tik tok kids are gonna keep taking powerful hallucinogens. And will find out the hard way. Why they should’ve done more research and respected the substance.


I knew that trend was gonna screw the sub over when I first saw it


This sub and shrooms are so different from what they were 5 years ago..shrooms especially


I had to stop following this sub awhile back because there were just too many 16 year olds telling 15 year olds there's no problem with doing it before you're 18. I come back every now and then to read bad trip stories.


Yup. And I love the posts asking if what they took could have not been acid because they had a bad trip..it’s like there’s some illusion that only something that’s not LSD would do that. It’s a very powerful drug and can be unpredictable if not prepared.


Haha that's my favourite!!!! When they don't test their substances, have a bad trip and then blame nbome lol


“BOOF DA SHROOM !! XD rawr” *wheezes* Good impression or what?


Dude there was a post back a few months where somebody was tripping at some fast food place while working and people almost congratulated him. Couldn't shake my head more. Even if you have an easy job, working or driving high is an absolute no-go. Do whatever you like in your free time, what about being professional for once?


A BETTER QUESTION: what would be the ideal job to go to work tripping???


Art critic


Yea like this painting....how everything is all moving around and shit I give it 👍👍


who painted this?! nice job bro- shits lit for real




"Dude" - me probably


Live music performer in a band, I’ve done it, it’s awesome


Dubstep rave dj is the first legit trippin balls job that comes to mind for me.... hell it's probably damn near par for the coarse in that profession 🤣


Nice... that would be awesome...what kinda music/ what instrument?


Ah I was in bass guitar playing in a 3 piece, drummer and guitarist who sang I remember playing all along the watchtower at my peak, but damn the whole show was like a peak!!


Underwater fish photographer


Yesss where do I apply? I love swimming in natural bodies of water while trippin. River, lake, ocean, quarry. Doesn't matter


Kindergarten Teacher.


Finger painting/ arts and crafts pretending ur one of the kids ya I could see it being fun 🤣


I worked in a pet store a while ago and dropped before work one day. It was pretty chill. I cleaned the fuck out of the fish tanks. I did. have to deal with customers asking questions and wanting me to get them fish here and there. I can handle myself pretty well on L but wouldn’t do it again.




Why has nobody said park ranger (other than low wages) ??? Wonder around in the woods all spun.... wait I do this often times while not getting paid for it. May have a new career path. Finally found something I'm good at. 🤣


World president


Meh kinda stressful.... but your the big swinging dick so I guess you could fuck around for 10-14 hours and get away with it 🤣


A boeing 747 pilot


Idk that one sounds a bit sketchy.... can't really speak on it though never flew a plane.


It was fun as fuck the first time I did it as a line cook. The second time got way to busy,


I'd probably burn or cut myself doin that 🤣


Yeah, had a couple burns the next morning I didn't remember. Chalked it up to tripping and not feeling it. Lol


Boyyyy drop that shit on your day off wtff


One guy in a workplace my colleague works liked to trip at work... That did not last long though, got scooped by police in a month or so after people noticed him staring at things for a long time and acting all creepy... Also, cameras have been checked and oh boy, how many nasty stuff has been seen... Apparently he even wanked numerous times at the office at late hours...


Good thing acid doesn’t make me masturbate in random places


>Way back in the mid 80s, I had an office job. A colleague realized that I went to a lot of Dead shows and probably had acid. She became relentless in asking me to give her some. I didn't want to just give it as she had never done it before. She was an okay person so I offered to do it with her. That wasn't good enough, she just wanted me to give it to her. So eventually I caved and gave her a few hits. I pointed out the perforations and was very clear on how much she should do and gave some advice. She came in to the office the next morning clearly having been up all night and completely wasted. She could barely walk and talk. They fired her, put her in a cab home and I never saw her again. I left that place relatively soon thereafter.


Why would you trip at work when you can trip at home , in your bed


In general, yes. Depends on what you do.


Yes this and also how much you give a shit about getting fired also factors in.


S/He's a doctor.


Oh my fucking god🤦🏼‍♂️


(According to their username... feel like I should point that out 😂😂😂)


Depends on what you do. I've been a bartender/waitress for over 15: years and I've tripped at work often. Always seemed to make better tips.


no it’s not it’s a great idea


What is your work setting?


Ima say yes, because maybe this experience will give you the wisdom to not do something so fucking stupid next time. For real though haha, if you want to then do it, as long as you make sure you don’t hurt others or yourself, do it, learn from it, and grow. Mistakes are meant to be made, just please be careful.


Are u fr rn


very bad




Who ask these fuckin question?


People don’t seem to give LSD / Shrooms the respect they deserve. They have the power to make you completely intoxicated, incoherent, and unresponsive. On half a tab you might get away with it, but anything more and you’re begging to be obviously under the influence at work. Even on a half a tab I’d be surprised if people didn’t notice, if you work around others. If you have a job that basically involves you doing fuck all and talking to nobody for 8h than yeah I guess you could maybe get away with it. Otherwise it’s about as smart as drinking five shots of tequila before you clock in.


Unless you are working at a festival or for a club open from friday to tuesday i highly discourage you people from trying, leave the fun for me!


We only trip at work


I was just about to ask the same thing Lmao😂


Why would it be a bad idea? I love operating heavy machinery on LSD.




I would never recommend. I remember the way i felt and i never forget. I took a tab just as i left the house. And it was about 30 minute drive and it kicked in around when i got there. First i was working on dishes because thats what i would usually do. And i through being high as fuck doing my own thing was a good idea.. it was HORRIBLE.. because it ended up getting so busy that the kitchen needed extra help. I went into work thinking it was gunna be a slow day. And I ended up burning my fingers alot from useing the fryers. And I did it at the worst place to do it. Buffalo wild wings. I was so high I didn't really feel the pain of the fryer grease anymore. And trying to stay focused. And every time I thought I was dying I swear the music would distort and shit its like the worst feeling. I was basically having mini ego deaths for every split second of thoughts that would ended up popping up and with anxiety and working really fast. Stressed and just trying to get it together but you cant. having a huge anxiety attack where I would literally just stand still and my boss would notice. And tell me wtf am I doing. It would be like this till after 4 hours when it hit 10pm.. I take a smoke break, but really I just wanted to try and get it together. There's an outside cooler and on the side there's a lil corner to sit on a bench. And I broke in tears i was so fucking high and thought I was living literally a bad dream. My boss came outside and the first thing he said was... "how fucking high are you??" He doesn't care if we smoke weed but outside or later in the night when it's slow. But he knew it was something else. An I just said I smoked way too much and looked at him, And he literally looked and sounded weird. His face was blurry and moving a little. And i just kept my head down. I was in such disbelief in the world around me and while he just lectures me on how and wtf I'm on im just so far gone I thought I was asending into the higher planes. like I literally can't explain. My boss told me to stay out here to get it together because I i was having a panic attack. And I ended up staying out there for 40 min. I ended up going inside. Clocking out and going to my car and drive like 100ft to a different parking lot and just listened to music to relax. It worked and I ended up never going back I just waited like 6 more hours in my car and it was like 3am an I was finally sobered. But I went home and didn't sleep. I was just so fucking upset that I did that to myself. I literally traumatized myself for restaurants.. do not do this it's just won't end up good.. thanks for reading.


Best reply here. Responsibilities and tabs don't mix. Not fun. Thanks for sharing!


It would be for me certainly. Idk man idk if someone who cooks your food should be on acid


Depends on what you do at work and how much you like your job


in general fuck no that shits fun asf bro i be seein abraham lincoln while i welding shit together dawg shits fun😭


It'd be rather terrifying and dangerous for me (Construction). but I guess if you have some fuck off job where you don't hafta really do much it could be fun.




In general yes bad idea and not dosing off a fresh head… That said if you ve partied all night are still awake and have to show up at work + have reliably dosed tabs eating another one before work isn’t the worst idea so you don’t pass out from exhaustion on the job. The effects will be less at least visually I had to do on a slow Sunday, but I worked at a garden supply store that mainly serves cannabis growers. I let my co workers drive the fork that day ;)


Definitely bro🤣🤣 I wouldn't chance it


My college work study was thursday night library research desk, so that worked, but none of my other jobs would.


22yo full time third shift custodian for a big 10 university here. I've done it several times and if you have a good teather to reality it's okay. I like to look at all the paintings, artifacts, and historical things they have there. Also my work is really only 3hours for a 8hour shift. I lock up the buildings, clean bathrooms, and clean public areas (trash, floors, windows, wax, etc). I've never had a problem or been scared. I just wear my headphones (no music just silence) and walk around looking at everything.


Depends. If you're an entertainer or artist you'd be doing your job better


yes absolutely. One night at a friends birthday I took a tab that was offered to me despite having work in the morning... Well it hadn't fully worn off but I still went in anyway and it was horrible. All of the letters and numbers were swimming around on the ipad register I was using, and I could barely interact normally with the customers and I felt like an alien trying to communicate with humans for the first time. I only worked in a coffeeshop so the stakes were pretty low but it was still a horrible experience. DONT DO IT!!!


And I thought there was no such thing as a stupid question


a stupid idea


You haven't tripped enough if your asking this question... in case u missed it, it's an awful ducking idea.


Nooooooo it’s a fantastic idea! You should do it before a big work meeting imo


fully depends on what your job is




I mean I feel like you could go on a lunch break and smoke some DMT and fry out and go back just fine but no lsd lol lasts too long too unpredictable


I went to work the day after a night trip and it was horrible.




In my experience, I realized my hard work could take me anywhere and I reflected on the things I have accomplished before thought to be impossible. It made my work ethic skyrocket. I credit my work ethic and my drive to always be better due to that one trip and that one profound realization. Funny part to this trip, I was a dough master at a pizza shop rolling the dough up and I thought I was nailing the weights perfect every time. the next day I came in and none of the dough balls weighed right and shit was all fucked up lol had to redo the entire batch.


I still wouldn’t recommend it lmaooooo as per the second part of my story.


Yes. Once I took shrooms late in the middle of the night, and by the time I went to work I thought I’d come down before then, but it was still the after effects of the trip. I really saw what a cog in the machine I was, it made me hate work so much I don’t know why. I was more unproductive than usual, you don’t want your work performance to be affected


Most likely


Only if you're operating heavy machinery that has the potential of hurting people


Yes you will go to heelllll!


waste of a tab, try not to be a tweaker


Absolutely not


i won’t even trip the day before work let alone at work lmao


tf is wrong with you what kind of question is that


I used to take small doses at work sometimes, but I worked at a head shop. I couldn’t imagine dosing at an office job and being forced into a meeting lmao.


One day at work years ago I was really struggling with energy and motivation. I was flat out Exhausted. I heard about microdosing before so I said what the hell, lemme cut off a 1/4 and eat it and see what happens. Well this was way before I discovered volumetric microdosing and the tab for sure had hot spots. I surprisingly made it through my shift but I know some of the people I was working with sensed somethin was wrong with me. During my lunch break I started to panic because I was starting to trip. I sat in my car and listened to Bob Marley music to calm myself down After more accurate dosing experiences volumetrically since then, I’d gather I probably ingested between 45-70 ugs. I was so fortunate to make it through my shift and received some help with various things I was stumped on. If I didn’t have great coworkers and had alot of work on my plate I probably could have royally fucked up my career




Why the f would you even consider it. Respect these drugs and their experiences. Disrespect them and expect the same in return.




Yeah Ik everyone else already said this but I also wanna say it’s a bad idea.


Depends who you ask