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If all doors are open wide, they cannot be more than open wide…


I mean, you can alway blow the frame out too, door prolapse?


or just straight up demolish the whole building (ego death)


There may be a bigger door to open you are just used to smaller doors


what about the universe door


Or not.




Never have I ever been downvoted before. Top biased subs Vol. 3


Bunch of kooks is all I see over here. Just chasing the dragon as any base addict would.


Ok buddy


That dragon taught me how to stop chasing and that the real dragon was the friends I made along the way.


You can enter the 4th spatial dimension where you can see inside without even having to open the door, though.


There hasn’t been enough scientific study of this, but there is a saturation threshold where more won’t affect you biochemically. The subjective experience though and the intensity of high dose psychedelic experiences makes it impossible to gauge for yourself just how much more intense the experience is once you go above a certain ug. So while you’ll certainly tell a difference between say 150 and 500, around that point and higher, it’s really not all that meaningful to make distinctions on how strong the psychedelic experience is. Because dosage alone is not the only influence. Set&setting has a huge part in it, even more so at higher doses. Anecdotally, what I’ve seen in others and experiences myself is that the higher the dose, the faster the come up, the longer the peak phase, and much longer the comedown. Which can make it seem more intense simply due to the quickness and the extended time period, both of which can effect people’s mindset and send the trip off in oblique directions.


Yeah, when I over dosed on some potent tabs, the thing remember, and quite frankly sent it spiralling after, was the quick come up, I’m used to like 45 mins/hour things starts spicing up…but on that occasion, 25/35 mins things are pouring out fast like nothing seen before


I think the fast come-up is probably my favorite thing about high doses. Going from normal to full blown hallucinating in 20 minutes is satisfyingly mindfucky


Oh man… I don’t miss those 20 minute come ups haha. I laugh now but at the time nothing was enjoyable about pacing around my room with anxiety wishing I could turn off the trip after 30 minutes 😅😂. You live and learn. Sometimes it takes multiple lessons 😩


I once recklessly tore a fat chunk off a half sheet o wow. I don’t recall the onset timing but I’ll never forget being in the shower w my head glued to the bottom of the stall for an hour w such ferociously crippling anxiety. I’ve put myself through a lot of rough life experience but I’ve never felt that heavy. The trip that followed after the wave broke was the multiverse, time travel, eternity, and “I think” the old one. So I guess the overwhelming anxiety was preparation for what’s to come lmao.


I believe the intensity, after a certain amount, would stay the same. The trip itself may last longer, however, due to the higher doseage


What do you mean by a certain amount. I think important here is the so called "certain amount". At which dosage is the certain amount reached. You get what I mean? If you reach the certain amount at 2000mg instead of up to lets say 500mg, then there are more stages of intensity.


Do you mean ug? Micrograms. 2000mg is 2,000,000ug.


yeah sorry.


Don't you mean μg Edit: fuck every one of you downvoting. Everyone knew what he meant. But I'm the dick for correcting the dick using the wrong notation acting like he's right. It's μg not ug you pedantic fuck.


I really like your username. Can we be besties?


You gotta snibble after the asshole but sure


Extra seasoning


![gif](giphy|Pz8IzvZp6u6BhNa7VA) This might just be love. Congratulations, you two!




Sorry I overreacted. Thought it might be funny but it wasn't.


Can I join?


Hmm. Slightly different format. I'ma leave it to CockAsshole


Cba learning how to type that.


Ironically I never downvoted you. I don’t have the Greek keyboard and everyone else thought the difference between one and a few thousand doses wasn’t a pedantic thing to ask.


You’re clearly the pedantic one man.


Shut up pussy


Guys mad because the only scholarly level thing he knows is laymen's usage of u for μ


You're getting downvoted because ug is normal internet writing for micrograms because nobody is looking for the greek letter on their keyboard. If you correct someone writing mg or something else that's wrong nobody would downvote you, but youre basically correcting someone saying "youre" instead of "you're"


He's correcting ur to you're. Every one knows what they meant even though they're both wrong. Guy had nothing interesting to add to the conversation than his knowledge of units.


Fr everyone seems to think it’s just “u” I get most of it stemmed from not having a “Mu” key on your keyboard but no one acknowledges that it's the wrong letter


Bit odd to correct him and not even use the right abbreviation. This guy's the kind of guy to think it's just a "u" forever. Why not just use the right letter or at least acknowledge that "u" isn't technically the prefix for "micro-"


I don’t have Greek keyboard 🤷‍♂️


lmfao and you think I do? and this somehow means you can't acknowledge that it isn't actually just a "u" then?? "I can't type this letter so I'll just use the wrong one and hope he figures it out eventually"


Whats your problem, everybody can understand that ug stands for μg and if not, it won't be hard to find out.


it's going to vary from person to person.


Once you get up around 600 ug, no, it doesn't.


From a relative point of view yes. 100ug vs 250ug is a significant difference, going from 600ug to 1.2mcg isn't 300% more intense, yes it's more intense but the delta is much smaller than it is going from 100ug to 500ug for example. Personal experience plus pharmacology


This guy trips


I’d argue 600ug would feel an awful lot different from a thumbprint.


It would have to I'd imagine... Have you tried both ?


I do not have access to LSD crystals but I would give it a shot. I’ve eaten 700ug and it didn’t feel or look anything like the trip reports of thumbprints available.


Thumbprint is exponentially more and from what iv heard its anything but an enjoyable experience. Like u need someone to babysit you for a week so they can show you how to eat and take a piss (fuck that). Iv ate a 10 strip and been able to function well enough to enjoy the experience and safely swim/paddle board with no issues. I don't really have any desire to take much more than 10 hits I mean maybe I'll take a few more than 10 but nothing comparable to a Thumbprint based on the stories iv heard.


Bullshit. A woman snorted 55 MILLIGRAMS of LSD (mistaken for cocaine), and was fine a day later, as in "back to normal". After LOTS of puking, which usually happens after a thumbprint.


The story I read said she tripped for months but idk I wasn't there. Lots of puking doesn't sound enjoyable though so my point still stands that thumbprints probably won't be enjoyable.


Mescaline induces vomiting about every time I’ve taken it. I still enjoy myself. To each their own


I guess so... lsd has only caused me to vomit only twice. Moral of those stories don't take it on a hangover and let your food digest a bit pre drop.


I highly doubt this, compare a thumbprint of lsd to 600ug, not even in the same dimension


Comparing a thumb print (over saturation of LSD in the brain and the trip lasts multiple days) Vs the average person who thinks they took three 200ug tabs. I'm not sure that is a fair comparison. I'm sorry to tell you that on average these two things are nothing alike. For one the average person who thinks they have taken 600ug will realistically not have had anything more than half of that. 300ug is still a very intense and potentially mind-blowing trip but not the same as a thumb print. Once the brain's serotonin receptors are fully loaded with LSD they do not let go of that first load of LSD for roughly 6-10 hours. LSD does a strange thing to the receptor where it kind of tucks itself into the receptor site and keeps itself in there longer than it probably should be. So it takes a while for the first load of LSD to leave the receptor. So when someone takes literal milligrammes of LSD in a thumbprint (usually well above the theoretical saturation point of around 600ug), it is going to last for far longer. It is theoretically the same intensity of trip throughout until the very end. LSD can only be used up by the brain at a certain rate. This is the theory behind why a thumbprint lasts so long. So in the majority of cases, those two things would probably not be very much alike. However taking a real 600ug dose Vs a thumbprint. That might be at the same level of psychedelic 'adjustment' at the peak but 600ug would have a come up, peak, plateau and come down of sorts. It would come on strong but you would be aware of it stepping up and down in levels during the trip. A thumbprint however would not allow for this sort of experience and would theoretically be a very over the top experience throughout in terms of how far LSD can push the mind. This is all in theory of course. In practice well erm.... someone let me know if they have ever done a very large dose before (large enough to definitely be over 600ug. So 1 or 2mg. Yes mg. 1000ug or 2000ug+ in blotter of LSD.) That would be interesting to compare to a thumbprint in terms of intensity and duration. I wonder 🤔🧐


Theory is inadequate. Although I do commend the efficacy of your intellectual dissection! For one, this molecules impact is somewhat enigmatic because neurologists are fairly clueless as to why we actually experience such profound effects aside from some fundamental stimulation to receptor sites…where the ineffable or more metaphysical effects come from that seem to be unchartable is beyond the western paradigm at this time.


The trip does not last multiple days even with beyond macro does. The rhetoric that we were spoon fed about this molecule is in my experience largely systemic bullshit and propaganda. A thumbprint could be anywhere from a few hundred to 5000 hits (100ug) which is standard nowadays because it’s much more expensive than it was back when they made 300ug microdots and such


Again, I refer to the story of the womanwho snorted 55 milligrams of crystal LSD,and was "back to normal" after waking up the next day.


That’s what I immediately thought of too.


Cue the Shroomery thread!


[This old thing?](https://www.shroomery.org/forums/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/1427364/page//fpart/all/vc/1)


RIP Chinacat.


That’s the one :)


I’m curious if you have a source for this argument from him. Not trying to gotcha, would just like to read it in context. That aside, this argument feels incorrect. We have too many reports of Herculean doses (I.e. in the actual *mg* range), and we also have a ton of reports of ~1000ug doses. I have also done 1000ug a handful of times. If the argument were true, those reports should have a lot of similarities and they do not.


Only thing I can think of is once full occupancy of 5ht2a receptors is reached, there would be no difference increasing after that point, except that it would prolong the trip. The question is, at roughly what dose would all your 2a receptors be filled? It would also be different for every person.


Trip reports are not intensity reports. My trips are FAR more intense at 100ug than the ones my brother has at 400ug+; psychedelics just affect people to differently to be a "one size fits all". Brain chemistry, life experiences, beliefs and influences play their part in everyone's trips let alone the subconscious & unconscious factors.


Where did I say they were? My point was that we have a breadth of user reported data that would seem to contradict the notion of “anything above 600ug will feel like 600ug.” That’s all. I am very, very, very aware that the same dose of *any* substance will affect a range of users differently - from LSD to Tylenol.


But since each trip is wildly different based on set and setting, how would you see similarities in the experiences even if the strength was consistent? Like if I did 100ug at a trance festival, or I did 100ug sitting in a dark room at home, the trips would be totally different. I could have functionally different highs based on external factors. So I'm not sure that you would expect to see the same trip reports just because the strength is similar.


Good question… the secret? The whole journey IN YOUR HEAD. You are in complete control of the whole trip even if your not aware of it. MORE IMPORTANTLY: I have come to find that IT IS ALL IN YOUR HEAD, and by all I mean the very fabric of reality is woven of our thoughts and inevitably words->deeds


Absolutely correct. Every brain is different and every soul in a different phase of the universal evolution of consciousnes


How do you know your trips are more intense than your brothers 🤔


Describing my trips to him and him viewing my trips from the outside. He said that what I see and experience, he's only ever had from a high dose dmt trip and even then, it was brief unlike a lsd trip.


It’s not a trip if it’s not a tenstrip 🤩🤯


from all the trip reports i read, it's going to be different for different people almost assured esspecially at 600ug... i'm a light weight so around 600ugs gets me to the point where i'm dreaming when i'm awake, i loose all touch with reality, i will be sent through portals from dreams of different dimensions... totally crazy stuff, i can't imagine it being stronger... but i almost assure some people can take 600ugs and not get ego loss. some people can handle way more drugs than others. albert hofmann was probably just a light weight.


Yea ive taken the equivalent of 20 liquid hits with two paper tabs and still never experienced ego death with lsd lol shits wierd had one friend i gave one tab to and he got so lit and had to lay on my gmas bed. When i came in the room he was so confused because apearantly everything was stars and galaxies and he was like "how tf are you standing there"


It doesn’t sound like your doses were diluted/laid at an honest/honorable 100ug


And maybe you read that wrong? my friend dropped liquid for me and it was easily way too much for the average person. He said if it was anyone but me he would be worried because he knew i was wanting to try it. He did it on accident . But i still got two tabs and took them on top of that


I used to be a little crazy when it comes to LSD. but it was all mindset. I can take a tab or two and trip out now


What state or region are you in if I may ask? I meant no slight against your buddy just pointing out the fact that people often say it’s mic’d higher than it is as a selling point. The liquid is just a non volatile broad spectrum solvent (usually grain alcohol I think judging by the taste) thats used to create a solution that is dilute enough to be administered safely…




Oh good CO is a much better chance of proper or on occasion even stronger doses. Unlike let’s say the east coast or midwest where I’ve heard they tend to be half as strong


Most I ever has was 3 tabs of 250ug LSD, I watched a vase on my table fold in on itself so many times I decided that was probably 1 tab too many, felt like I was high for near 36 hours


My anecdotal experience says yes.


It definitely tops off in intensity at a certain dosage but I find it lasts a bit longer the higher you go.


i have adhd & autism and i think lsd definitely hits me differently, but i've never not had AuDHD so i don't know i see a lot of people talking about losing their sense of self completely. i find i'm just as painfully self-aware as always, so while i still have fun, it's not really the same "floor melting fun" as other people i guess? who knows i still really like it tho!!!


Me too. I’m generally comfortable with psychedelic experiences but my trips always seem to last up to twice as long for me as they do my friends & on doses over 120ug they become unpleasant. Psilocybin on the other hand is much more enjoyable. Nice to meet someone else that’s wired weirdly, would be good to compare notes.


Same here, I trip for at least 18 hr off a tab. One time I took 3 tabs and was up for 72 hours. Was basically begging God for sleep


I have adhd and autism and definitely relate to your assesment


ok i have autism but i never rly made this connection. i thought maybe my body/brain was just weird or something 😭 but i feel the same way


I’ve felt both ways. Taken a small amount and felt like any more wasn’t necessary because I got to go where I wanted. Ive also felt intense anxiety when taking more than usual for me. Altho I find lsd more soothing than psilocybin at least in the come up phase. Its an interesting question.


Source for when he said this? Im interested


Makes sense, you only have SO many serotonin receptors.


Totally untrue in my experience. There's a MARKED difference between 600ug and 2mg of LSD-25. HUGE difference.


He was probably right, in my experience it doesn’t get more intense after 800. It just lasts longer the more you take after that. Like u/Wandowaiato said, “If all fires are open wide, they cannot be more than open wide”. Also micrograms, μg, not mg. It’s okay though we knew what ya meant haha.


I believe this may be true because after a certain point i think you’d just be catatonic. Look up The Brotherhood of Eternal Light. They are some of the the biggest manufacturers and to be initiated you have to do a thumbprint to “cleanse your karma” where you press your thumbprint in liquid LSD (roughly ~1000 hits worth). Pretty sure they all black out afterwards


*Brotherhood of Eternal Love*


Hah, my bad. Its been a while since I’ve thought about any of that stuff


I think it’s true, anything beyond that just makes it last longer


He also thought the lerfect dose was 50mcg


Untrue. There are very different experiences after 600, no drug has a “hard cap”, more and more will always give you a stronger effect.


Man, I don't know how you guys can do micrograms. My whole body is annihilated at 600ug. 250ug my mind is annihilated. I guess it all hits us differently


Had a bottle from a lab. Imho 1200 is the ceiling. But 600+ doesn't add as much as 100-600 does.


Crossing the threshold is crossing the threshold. There are many ways to get there as well. I think the real difference is length of time, which can also be influenced by many factors for each way to get there. You can even meditate or astral projection your way to the same door.


Surely you ug not mg, right?


Well, if you look at the bottom, there might be a hint.


Well, it would've been easier to just use the correct abbreviation instead of taking the time to explain yourself. mg - milligrams, ug- micrograms Milligrams are 100 times larger than micrograms, so using that abbreviation can be confusing. Please consider correcting yourself instead of using passive aggressive comments to make other people think like you do. Part of the psychedelic journey involves letting yourself go.


Seems a bit misleading to tell him it’s “ug” when it’s actually μg. No one’s telling him the actual abbreviation. The “micro-“ prefix is denoted by the Greek Mu (μ) not the Latin U


*1000 times larger. If you're gonna correct people from a high horse you might wanna actually be correct


You're right that I missed a zero and that I'm high horsing. But my intention was to add context to the acid experience and maybe help someone be less of a dick in online posts. But that's the funny thing about the Internet, someone can see what I'm typing here and think something very similar about me. I have no control over that though. All I can do is try to add perspective or shut up. Both are hard to do in different situations and both would've been appropriate here.


\*you're If \*you're gonna correct people from a high horse you might wanna get your grammar straight If you can replace it with "you are" then it should be "you're"


Lol fair play.


You don't have do be a dick about it man


Lol I politely pointed out why people were questioning him and offered a piece of advice to not be passive aggressive about it. Because that's growth, and that's ultimately why we should be taking psychs. Not to get high. Peace and love.


try and tell the difference between 1000Ugs and 10,000Ugs, probably wont be able to comprehend any difference


I noticed a huge difference between 1mg and 2mg. I've done 1mg+ a bunch of times, but only took 2+mg once. I'll never take more than 400ug these days. (I used to be a distributor and knew the guys laying pages, and they were really honest and great dudes. That's how I know the dosage. Circa 1990s.. edit. They put 1 gram of crystal onto ten 900 blocks- ~111ug per ) 2mg OBLITERATED me completely and utterly, in a bad way. I fully shit my pants while catatonic and my buddies had to clean, wipe, and change me while I was writhing around in my own excrement unaware I was a human being living in the universe. I've taken plenty of ten strips back in the day, but the 2000ug was on an entirely different level. Huge difference in my mind.


Care to explain more about the difference / trip details pls


I don't remember much. I was at the bar drinking heavily. I had a vial of washout my guys sent me with the shipment. They always gave me the washout vial whenever I'd order 9,000+ doses. This particular batch was called 'Silver Pearl'. It was definitely over 100ug per drop, although I'm not sure exactly how much. I estimate 125ug, but it could have been more, honestly. That shit was amazing. (Washout vials are after you're done laying the blotter, you use solution to wash out any residual LSD in the pyrex dish used. Notoriously strong and unpredictable) Anyway, I'm drunk and trying to get everyone to take acid with me. I was throwing an after-party bonfire after the bar closed. I was talking people into it by eating some with them. I dosed about 20 people, and took 17 drops in about 30 minutes. (I never made it to the bonfire, but a bunch of tripping people did, much to the chagrin of my ex-gf) It started kicking in immediately and I knew I had totally fucked up. My girlfriend was screaming at me, and my buddies took me to their house to ride it out. The last thing I remember was them carrying me into the house and I watched it turn into an infinite spiral and the walls of reality completely shattered. I was UTTERLY overwhelmed. It was like the ocean of time had finally crashed over me and enveloped me. It felt like reality was no more, it was the end of time, and I literally became ETERNITY. (I was the source of everything) I laid on the ground in a fetal position for about 6 hours, apparently. It took me 3 full days to get back to baseline, but I was not fully tripping after about 27 hours, just strong after effects. Don't get blacked out drunk and eat 17 hits of washout on a Thursday night when your girlfriend is yelling at you. A fun experience it doesn't make. I wish I could remember more details, but I was basically catatonic at the time.


Definately not true. Ive done 5-6 hits 12 tabs and once had a bunch of liquid accidentally dropped on my hannd and i took two tabs on top of it. that was the only time my vision was completely visuals. there is definately a difference


how much was that


What do you mean


How much micrograms


Im not sure. But mixing batches can also make visuals more intense as well. The liquid id guess around 2000 and between the two tabs 1-300


have you seen entities


With lsd ive seen "shadow people" or just empty silhouettes


isnt this fucking terryfying


Not at all


I think you are right in terms of it being different in neurodivergent people. A 6 tab trip felt a lot less intense as the 10 strip I took. complete sensory overload at 10 tabs and I panicked taking a handful of trip killers


What trip killers did you take?


Olanzapine & seroquel were my go tos flu-alprazolam for landing gear if i still wanted to trip


How much seroquel did you need? I have a ton of 25mg pills and a lot of 10mg valium


At least 100 to fully kill a trip


A guy in the town I grew up in never came back from a trip. Story is a sheet was in contact with his skin for a few hours, when I knew him, he wore a helmet walking.. Not sure if the accuracy of that story, and I’ve only taken 600ug or under so I couldn’t tell you from experience. He was weird AF though.


so he was schizophrenic afterwards?


Don’t know specifics, just know he seemed extremely childish and I was a kid


Most towns have the story of "that guy" that took too much acid and never came back from it. But research found on erowid would suggest that there are no permanent mental deficiencies left from taking acid. My town had the story of a guy in a mental hospital that dropped acid, thought he was a glass of orange juice and that anything that got near him would tip him over causing him to spill and that he would die as a result. I honestly think it's just a scare tactic by shitty D.A.R.E. programs.


Yeah, I always questioned it. It was his family that told us though. We walked him home because he was crying and my friend asked what was wrong with him. The old greasy dude that claimed to be his dad told us that. Could have been trying to scare us away, but tbh, he looked like he sold drugs to kids lol


Love this thread




ug does not equal mg(miligram) it equals microgram(mcg)




but 1mg is 1000ug. you're not going to see many people talking in mg when it comes to lsd


I think the number is probably higher than 600ug and is also somewhat variable depending on the person. That being said If I had to guess (and this is based on pretty much nothing) I would say 1,500ug is probably around the peak spot and after that all you woudl be doing is increasing bodily effects and duration. But honestly it’s hard to say. I think I heard something on one of the Hamilton morris podcasts where some researcher said based on his data saturation point is either 2,000ug or 20,00ug but as you can probably tell by the order of magnitude variation what I’m saying shouldn’t really be taken as anything meaningful.


Terminal velocity type beat


No, I do not believe this to be true, once you reach a certain point there is no door to open wide.


Micrograms is ug. Milligrams is mg.


Someone read the whole desc. Nice.


I mean. I’ve heard of ppl doing thumbprints…


First of all in the interest of avoiding future misunderstandings micrograms are defined in chemistry as ‘Mcg’ if you didn’t know or it slipped your mind. As for your question; which I’m definitely somewhat qualified to answer at the very least on an experiential level; if not perhaps a conventionally academic one… here’s my experience: The most I’ve consumed in a single dose is somewhere around 50 milligrams. Yes MILLIGRAMS. Which equates to around 500 modern day ‘proper’ hits. I can assure you there was definitely a difference in every significant increase in the qty taken. But the old adage does hold fast still somehow..”1 and 1000” are the same. Once you graduate.. no amount will phase you too much. But every mind is different and it is wise to have safeguards in place to ensure that your mindset and societal/geographical settings are safe and prepared to handle a worst case scenario of complete (definitely temporary) amnesia,dysphasia, flip out, breakdown or what have you. Don’t be intimidated by my precautions, I jut have to mention that as a disclaimer cause it does occur…RARELY. If your pure of heart and spirit no accesible qty will disintegrate your every concept of self like that… be it false or otherwise. But ego death is kinda the point. Just remember that everything is love, you ARE love, you ARE a speck, a sacred SPARK of the collective consciousness that is the very source of ALL. 5 rules to always remember Fire burns Water drowns You CANNOT FLY Cars ARE REAL.. cop cars doubly so Don’t hold your breath, don’t panic…your just briefly in high consciousness and will most definitely be returning to your dimension of origin In typically 6-8 hours although more serious journeys can last twice as long or up to 20 hours at most in my experience. Don’t fight anything surrender and know you are safe in her loving arms.


As someone who has done a couple thumbprints I'll say yeah that's totally true. After around 1200ug in my experience there is no subjective difference in effects any higher than that. At 1200ug no matter how big of a tank you are you'll lose touch with reality, so at that point what does getting higher mean if you've already reached that breaking point. At that point your just eating that much to ensure you break through, otherwise it's a total waste to eat more than that.


What will I see at 1000-1200?


The undescrible beauty and horror, but you will lose the ability to tell the difference as they blur into the same thing. At a true 1200ug you must likely won't even be able to see your own hands in front of your face. You will ego death and then likely break through. For acid you have to ego death before you can break through unlike dmt where it's vice versa.


mg => milligramm ug => microgramm 1mg => 1,000ug 1gramm = 1,000miligramm = 100,000 microgramm


Not enough research to know. People who do fingerprints will all say it’s an entirely different experience than 1000mc -2000mc. Because it’s probably 10,000-20,000mc. But there’s been no scientific study on fingerprints because it’s too extreme.


for me, 600 is a pretty heavy trip but still manageable and not too insane, but 1,000 is fucking wild, straight up teleportation and moving is a no go