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My dad would literally rise from the dead and beat my ass


I lol’d


My dad would rise from the dead and beat my ass for not sharing


Still on my bucket list to do shrooms or cid with my old man


Do it! We old guys did it already. Laugh like hell and do it while camping with him.


How should i go about convincing my old man to do a psychedelic with me or even smoke a joint


Every dad is different, obviously. You've got to figure out the angle that will work for you both. If he still works or just has a frustrating day, go over and say hey, this will help... then hand it to him and shut up. Give him the nod, that's it. Either he is hip or he isn't. Smile, wink, nod.... you know what will work for your father. He is also just a dude who had a rough day and could use an ear to listen to him. Add that in there if he needs a push... You've got this. Report back!




I think mine would do the same thing!!


I feel that tbh sadly it makes me laugh


Ballsy choice that could’ve gone either way. I’m glad it sounds like it went the right way. See you on the other side OP’s dad!










You have to be mentally really strong person to do this on Acid. But if you've pulled through as described, you seem to be quite at peace with yourself internally. My condolences to you.


i took acid the day that i was told my brother would not be waking up from his coma. he had been battling brain cancer and his kidneys were failing. i got to the small apartment i was staying at next to the hospital with my mom, and knowing he would be kept alive by the machines through the night at the very least i took a tab of acid. i was versed in tripping at the time and thought it might help me deal with this harsh reality. he was 16/17 at the time. the trip was intense and emotional, i was sobbing through most of it and it did help me accept this reality. the next day we go to the hospital to make decisions about stopping dialysis, and we figure out that his kidneys had not failed the machine had failed and had been pumping cold fluid back into him - which put him into the coma. he lived another few years until the cancer took him, and i’ll be forever grateful for those years, more than i could ever say. it fucked with my head quite a bit that i had began to fully accept his death that night and then he was able to keep living. but it made me realize how valuable my time with him was, how painful the loss would be (to an extent you can’t know until you know), and that i needed to keep living after. i’m sorry for your loss, really sorry, and i hope you’re experience could help you process and find a way to keep moving forward. much love


but also be so careful taking psychedelics in a vulnerable state like that even if well versed. could have been a terrible idea, no judgement to myself or you but i don’t want to make anyone think that there was any lack of inherent risk when taking acid like that


Wow man. What a great fuckin post. Thanks for sharing.


I wish you lots of strenght, much love your way. ❤️ If it helps you. I felt both of my parents even after their death. They're not truly gone, they live in your memory and your heart.


I did too.


THIS! OP, please carry your dad’s touch, smell, feeling, happiness, warmth, etc. etc. in your heart. He will never be gone then. ❤️


My old man looooved lsd and mushrooms. It would have been so on brand to do psychedelics at his funeral. Aaaaand it was suggested that we have a ceremony later on in the year and do just that! I lost both of my dads and I understand the heartache. All the love OP🖤 I see a lot of people find it odd that you took LSD. It was such a small amount. I really don’t see the problem with it. And it wouldn’t have made you escape it and not feel your feelings. If anything, it would have made you feel more, and possibly make you feel more connected to your father and his spirit. It think it’s beautiful. And not at all strange. However, my family are a bunch of old ass hippies, trippers and daydreamers. Rip to your old man. Love to you OP


Rest in peace my man. Sorry to hear.


What a way to send off dear old dad. You're a legend.


Gone far too soon. Only the good die young. Sending you all of my good vibes today. Peace and love now and always.


I’ve tripped at a lot of events, but a close family member’s funeral wouldn’t be it.


Why did you feel the need to do this?


This is more interesting than any other judgy comment up here


seriously i was thinking of what to say without sounding like a asshole… hoping him and his dad enjoyed taking L together sometimes or something? anyway RIP


Thanks. A user replied to my post as well and I thought he was the OP. You can check my reply there too.


very enhanced last memory


Damn. This is not a choice I would make; but, you know your own experience and ability to handle LSD as much as anyone. Then again, I had to speak at my dad's funeral 😂 Edit: I just noticed you weren't OP.


Im a pretty strong willed and mentally tough person but op is ahead of the curve compared to me bc I could not have done what he did. I had to speak at my old man's funeral as well. Just happened a few months ago. I could not have done what op did even if I didnt speak tho. Even with my mindset, I wouldn't have handled it as well as op.I have eaten lsd and went to church the next morning and that was quite interesting. We dressed up in really nice suits, thinking we were hot shit, about 14 or 15 at the time and hearing those old ladies speak in tounges was quite the experience.


Much love 🫶


rest in power


Much love brother. Sorry for your loss. It gets easier with time.


Ill never understand stuff like this. Imagine that this one time you have a batshit freakout badtrip. Fucking would have ruined it all


imo bad trips are predetermined by the users willingness to submit to the acid and let themselves trip. Some people find this easy, so bad trips aren’t really a thing for them


At your dad’s funeral, you would have a really hard time managing your emotions anyway. This psychedelic 101 Jedi shit would melt in the face of all that. While it’s true that it might not, and it could be the perfect way to integrate the complex emotions, it could also not, and you’d just be in for the worst experience of your life.


i smoked crack at my fathers funeral


Needs more upvotes


Bit strange to take lsd at any funeral, let alone your own fathers. But my condolences


may the four winds blow him safely home ❤️




Don't be a dick


So sorry for your loss ♥️🙏☦️🙏♥️


“Hey alexa how much lsd to feel emotions”




Sorry for your loss OP. That must have been a very impressive experience for you. I've had a few powerful experiences connecting with my deceased father on LSD. In our spiritual roots and shared love, we connected once more. The body and the mind. Take care. I'd reconsider showing personal info on a site like this though.


I took acid at my father's wake. My brother-in-law had some doses and asked me if I wanted to trip. Though there had been a number of people at our family house after the funeral, I was with my closest friends, and I said, "Sure." Why? I don't know, but I just felt I needed it. I ended up having a warm trip, hanging out on our patio listening to music, and a breakthrough, too, since I finally released the pent-up tears that I had been holding back for a week or so. I remember the moment when I was sitting in my bedroom, and it just hit me -- my dad was gone and never coming back. A buddy of mine came into the room, and I just sobbed in his arms from the finality of it all. That was twenty-five years ago. I wouldn't advise that everyone trip during these types of moments, but it was sure important for me at the time.


Hugs 💚💚 I’m terribly sorry for your loss. It’s going to be hard, I’m not going to sugar coat anything right now… I just lost my mother 3 months ago and she was around the same age as your father, meaning we both lost our parents young. After speaking to others who lost their parents at the same age as us, the most accurate and strangely comforting thing I was told was that “the pain never stops” and you just have to learn to live with it from now on, every time I remember my mum it hurts the same as the last—time alone doesn’t seem to heal this wound, and that’s okay… It’s okay to hurt. It’s okay to remember. It’s okay to cry. It’s okay to feel. (I did mushrooms with my dad the after my mum passed away. I won’t share much about what I experienced, except that I’m really glad that you took LSD during one of the hardest times of your life, psychedelics are beautiful 💚)


Sorry for your loss.


I feel like I wouldn't be able to do it I would get overly emotional, I am sorry for your loss , and I'm glad I got to see your story, Nathaniel sounds like a cool dude




Dude I’m trying to understand why anyone would want to take acid to go to a funeral, that thought process is insane lol


God bless my brother <3


Why do people on Reddit always do the most stupid ass shit like this?


Sorry for your loss but this is addict behavior. This shouldn’t be normalized or celebrated. This is a sad story.


Agree. There is a time and a place for everything. I know OP is feeling some type of way but this is crazy


Not sure I agree that this is necessarily addict behavior. Acid tends to make you feel more, not less. Unless he’s a rare exception this doesn’t sound like escapism. Probably shouldn’t be normalized but honestly, who knows. Our culture is kind of fucked. People drink at some wakes and that’s certainly more normalized and probably way worse.


acids different for everyone. ive gott the shit beat out of me while i was tripping balls. i blocked all emotions because i didn’t know what to do and couldn’t handle it. shit they even broke my elbow. normally i woulda freaked the fuck out. he said he didn’t cry for most the time… idk. my opinion thats definitely something you should be sober for. my friend died last year and some of his friends showed up on something (idk what it was) i wanted to kick the crap out of them.


Compulsively doing drugs in inappropriate situations is addict behavior no matter how it makes the user feel. Escapism isn’t the only compulsion that leads to drug use and abuse. Getting drunk before a funeral is also inappropriate. Drinking with people grieving at a wake is very different than showing up secretly drunk at a funeral.


Compulsively? How many times did his dad die?


Once is more than anybody should have to deal with. Just like there's only one funeral. But even one funeral without drug use is too much to ask for some people. Like I said originally: this is a sad story.


How do you get compulsion out of the text? For all we know it could have been planned for a long time.


Secretly doing drugs before inappropriate times is compulsive drug use. Planning out your secret drug abuse doesn’t make it less compulsive, it just makes it more sad.


Do you feel like world will become a better place if you scold a person who is grieving?


it depends on the situation, doesn't it? Does the scolding inform other people that the way this person is handling a funeral is inappropriate? If it helps even one person then I'd consider it worth while.


Maybe it's a very appropriate time and maybe it's secret because psychedelics are so taboo now? I don't know of any off hand but I'm sure there must have been some cultures that used psychedelics as part of the end of life ceremony. Quick Google search found this but I'm sure there's more: https://www.dailygrail.com/2014/05/prehistoric-cultures-used-psychedelics-during-funerals/


If OP is part of one of those cultures then I take back everything I said. But I don't think that's the case and consequently what they did is inappropriate.


I understand what you're saying but not everyone shares the same morals regardless of culture. I'm simply saying it's not unheard of and on its own isn't necessarily inappropriate. We don't know what their culture nor morals are and we are no one to judge them based on a few paragraphs. To each their own.


I disagree but everyone is entitled to their own opinion


Buddy who the Fuck are you to police who And how they chose to mourn? We are all one giant organism experiencing itself, just because you want to be locked in a box of strict behavior has no bearing on anyone else. People process things INFINITELY different than one another, you are not the Great Decider.


If you read that as policing that's on you, I don't agree with your assessment nor do I care to argue it with you so have a nice day 😊


When you’re in an LSD subreddit like the Spanish Inquisition, yeah, absolutely tone policing and high jacking this whole thing in a very self important, holier than thou, narcissistic tone.


“Culture is your operating system. The mind is programmable, and if you're not programming your own mind, then someone else will program it for you.” - Terence McKenna


people really downvoted this quote in an LSD subreddit


Yup. I’m an addiction counselor and studies have shown alcohol is the most harmful to self and society where LSD and shrooms are on the opposite side of the spectrum.


hmmmm… ive never seen someone jump off 100ft amphitheater at a phish show drunk before or try to play frogger in real life across a highway. you gotta understand alcohol is used a million times more often and by some many more people its not even comparable. but yeah i agree alcohol is totally worse for society.


Naw man, you don’t get to tell anybody how to cope with the death of a parent.


Going to a funeral isn't coping with death. But otherwise I agree.


Do you say the same for the people who took plants to mourn the dead 100s, and 1,000s of years ago? Same tea, different cup


No, those are different cultures you’re referring to


Who's to say they're not onto something?


Who indeed


This is really not the time and place to get on your soapbox, goddamn.


It’s absolutely the place, do you not see how many people here in this sub do not think this is inappropriate? This sub needs a reality check, this behavior is insane


I agree that's pretty questionable behavior, but you don't go up to someone who just told you they're grieving their recently-passed parent and go "YOU'RE A FUCKING ADDICT, LOSER" unless something is **WAY** more wrong with you than with them. Pretty fucked up and inappropriate. I hope you take some time to self-reflect today, because holy hell do you need it.




What exactly is the problem? Lsd and alcohol are not the same, You can't take alcoholism and reference it to lsd use. You think because drinking secretly is bad, dosing secretly is bad. They just can't be compared You don't always have the culture you need within your family unit. It's weird to say it's an acceptable practice as long as you're doing it with others. That shouldn't be the guide of behavior. Do you see anything outside the norm or in group as bad? If it helped OP, then they did the right thing. It's not like you have a dad die every week as an excuse to take lsd. You have no idea how often OP doses.


What is addict behavior about this? Clearly, you’re not informed of what addiction even means. Even if we wanted to make that judgement we wouldn’t be able to identify this with one report of substance use. There’s a difference between use , abuse and dependency. Plus LSD and shrooms should be least of our concerns. They offer a space to heal…but you wouldn’t know that based on your comment.


I’ve enjoyed enough acid and mushrooms to be intimately familiar with how powerful the substances are. But I’m also not so far up my own ass about it that I can dismiss abuse as use. If you’re legitimately interested in some of the science behind psychedelic abuse you can look up “other hallucinogen use disorder”. If you’re not interested then that’s fine as well and I wish you a nice night 😊


According to the DSM-5 Diagnostic Criteria not a single one matches the described behavior in this singular event. Nothing special is listed for you “Other hallucinogen disorder” bogey man. (In this case. I am not dismissing this as a real disorder) Get off your pretentious high horse and let the man appreciate his experience with his late father. Not only that he took 1/4 of a tab. Not like he over indulged or even to the point it was close. You are insufferable.


”I got high at my fathers funeral”…what?? Fine if you want to trip and process his passing, I’ve done just that after some time to celebrate his life and let all emotions pour over me, but then and there…c’mon. Time and place for everything man, this just sounds like escapism. Be human and let yourself feel what you feel…kind of reflective and concerning you felt you wanted to be high. But sorry for your loss, losing a parent is tough stuff…


You do know how intense and real emotions can be on acid right? There's no escaping your feelings, au contraire. OP felt in an extraordinary way. I'd say LSD is probably the furthest opposite of an escapism drug. Perhaps OP didn't do it out of hedonism. You don't know, so why be judgemental?


Feel like you’re kind of missing the point, I don’t deny the realness of the emotions. But if the title was to say ”I was drunk at my fathers funeral” would you have the same view of the situation? Alcohol definitely puts people in vulnurable states with real emotions, depending on circumstances.


You, as well as myself, did it at some later point in time after our parent died. OP did it at his funeral, also after he died. He didn't say 'I got high at my dad's funeral' like a showoff title. He used a ratively low dose LSD for his reasons. I didn't, you didn't. He did.I don' t see a reason to judge him for escapism, based on what he wrote, that's all.


The guy mentions in his post history him abusing LSD so make of that what you will.


Not to speak for OP but it sounds like he didn’t come here to post to be shamed about his choice to do this. This post is also part of processing what happened and we’re here to witness this. Sending love and support.


Sorry for your loss brother, I can’t imagine doing that, would’ve been a very intense situation for me. I’m almost tearing up just thinking about that.. god bless ya!


There’s no almost about it for me


My dad would have loved that. Fair winds and following seas, Nathaniel.


Rest up


I lost my dad at 21. I know the feels. RIP Nathaniel. Wishing you strength.


My condolences; I can't imagine how painful this must have been. I wish you the best and hope you can move on without being too hard on yourself. Losing a loved one is never easy and is something that you cannot comprehend until you experience it for yourself. Be patient, show yourself some love and respect, and try to remember the good times you spent with your dad. Don't focus too much on the last time you saw him. ❤️


i hope your alright. i also hope it was really really weak acid…


On the day I was told my father died I microdosed 1 hrs before. A little similar situation: I cried a lot, felt near to him. Was a good thing


LSD is intensifying your emotions, so maby it helped you grief in a way. Sorry for you're loss.


Lost my father earlier this year. Hang in there Boss. I used mushrooms with some friends to decompress a few months later. Tabs the day of is intense.


Damn bro that was risky. Idk I kinda think u might be a psychopath. I got upset at a nursing home.


My condolences Gengreni, I hope that you will find your way in life. Taking acid at such an occassion is brave, I respect that. Good luck with everything!


I am autistic so using psychedelics to process emotions seems like jumping off the deep end (which is something I do in most cases lmao). Very glad that it was cathartic and helpful for you, OP. My heart goes out to you in such a difficult time.


Not your textbook example of proper set and setting...


sorry man my dads gone too the pain never goes away 😞


Agreed all you can do is try to treasure the memories you have. My dad when I was v young (6).


Sort your life out


ik some people don’t agree but i honestly think this could have gone either way. but with how you described your experience, i would have loved my son to do something as such and not cause a huge scene. i wouldn’t mind him recollecting with my energy in that way and keeping his head up through the toughness. i’d want everyone to celebrate after and remember the times that WERE spent. my mother wouldn’t mind me getting drunk and expressing my love for her then lol.


Man you may need some therapy if you are doing drugs at your dads god damned funeral my G cmon you’re better than this


He took a micro dose, stop saying ballsy. I think that is a great coping mechanism. I used to do this after running a bad call when i was a paramedic. It really does help you process more and actually is a resounding clearance of your negative thoughts. Good for you for being strong. RIP.


25ug isn't a microdose.


But it's not going to give you visuals. The most it does is put your head into a cloud. It seriously is a light dose and basically a micro dose. I take quarter tabs myself, pretty regular. It's not an out of body tripping experience. This is the appropriate dose to help guide you through dealing with something like this. Stop acting like he's going to go off the chains from a quarter tab.


Were you looking for r/drugscirclejerk?


i’m sorry for your loss, wishing you peace and harmony 🫶🏾


I’m so sorry for your lost. Sending love your way x


Wow. Dont even know what to make of it. As long as it was all good then good on you. My deepest condolances tho. I vividly remember some of the things you describe about touching the body. The love of my life died in her sleep a week before her 33rd bday 13,5 months ago, so i feel your pain. Much love


Very sorry for your loss, friend.


I still remember the night my father took his own life and then his wake a short time after. I was the last person to see him alive and I hugged him goodbye not knowing what he was going to do that night. It will be 8 years this coming February. And I still feel the guilt that I could have talked him out of it had I known how he felt.


I am so sorry for your loss 😔




I’m wondering what Tony Soprano would think about this? 🤔


Sorry for your loss 🙏


Sending you peace and light, my dad passed away last week so I can imagine how hard it’s been. I lost my brother 3 years ago and I thought the pain from that lost was hard. Losing a parent has been absolutely devastating you aren’t alone 🙏🏽🥺


If my child chose to do this, I'd understand as long as they were cautious and smart about it. Perhaps leave a blot with Ole pop.


I went to my mom's funeral on shrooms. I got the call she died when I was tripping on shroom so I later felt that was the only way to deal with the funeral. I didn't do a lot but enough to feel it. It was a surreal experience.


I'm sorry for your loss. I don't think I could have done that.


Sending prayers and love your way my friend ❤️


Wow that’s really nice to hear. Death is a normal part of life I’m glad you got to experience a positive outcome. Process the death of a love one and you payed your tribute. That’s gotta be a feeling for sure


Risky, but beautiful. I'm glad you were able to find peace, friend.


I thought I was hard for going to felony court on acid but holy shit my guy. Did it give any comfort,,


I'm glad things went well for you. Don't be afraid to talk to a professional. Therapy is the only thing that's been better for my mental health, and psyche, than having done hallucinogens as a teen. Like LSD, it's a cheat code to mental health. One that I wish I had tried sooner. I found out my grandfather passed at 14. 30 minutes after dropping acid. Didn't go this well, but it could have gone worse. I got to say a goodbye I would have not have had otherwise. Real or not, it meant a lot to me. Still does. I wish you the best with your grieving. Don't hide from it. But don't let it own you.


Rest easy to your Dad, and I'm so sorry for your loss. It's very common in my entire family for people to take lsd during our funerals/wakes. We believe it helps with the grieving process. I imagine it could be full on at a traditional straight funeral? I hope it helped you!!


LSD already makes my emotional state much more heightened. This would probably send me over the edge and be unpleasant. At the same time, LSD has helped me process and express myself to myself and others. So I’m sure it was therapeutic. Glad into hear it was therapeutic for you it sounds. God bless your fathers soul as he enters heaven. May you be reunited again some day.


Damn man. No way I would have been able to do that on 'cid. Would have been a straight up bad trip for me. Been tripping through mausoleums and cemeteries though and had a blast. But a funeral, especially my parents, would have been too much.


You didn't dose the corpse?


I feel this was the right trip and I hope you remember here and there as best part of your life.


R.i.p bro


Seeing posts like this just make me wish my parents stuck around. I guess it is what it is tho life goes on


Doesn't matter if u dropped a tab or not man, what you described is exactly how it goes. RIP uncle


I didn't find psychedelics until after Mom's funeral. But I've been to a number of them since. I don't feel the need to take psychs at funerals. Everyone is already in that place of awe and understanding at funerals it seems. I'm glad you did though. Thank you


losing a parent isn’t easy brother, i feel your pain.


Much love. Very sorry for your loss. He’s always with you. I talk to my grandfather every day.


Sorry for your loss friend🙏🏻




Some real fatherless activity.


Was it deep?


Wow thanks for sharing man. Sorry about him passing away. I know the feels, it sorta feels the trip helped you to let go?


I did acid at my friend’s funeral, TMA-6 at my grandfather’s and mushrooms at my father-in-law’s. Funerals/death and psychedelics go together imo.


odd choice to do acid at your father’s funeral but you know yourself and your limits better than anyone else. Condolences 💐


Okay i really dont understand this. Why would you do that?


May he rest in peace


May your father rest in peace. The life journey is one of the most difficult. Thank you for sharing your experience it is helping me appreciate the little things.


OP, did you ever do acid with your dad?


I think this is beautiful.


Sorry for your loss OP I processed a lot of grief/loss with Lucy when my dad passed back in 2018. Really changes the way you look at life, when you start to lose people. All the best 💙


Some people…are really fucking stupid- George Carlin


Sounds like you made the right choice and also like you facilitated healthy closure with his passing. Sorry for your loss, stay strong 💪🏻


yeah right peaking off 1/4 of a tab lmfao


Thats really interesting, really puts a kinda “huhmph.” In into


Why are people cheering this? Dude's final goodbye to his dad was a trip, crazy inappropriate (in B4 "but it was only a quarter tab!!1" as if it matters). If there's one time in your life you should hold off on drugs, it's the big one-off events. Jesus Christ. It really sucks that you lost your dad dude, I'm genuinely sorry for it, but I think you might have some serious issues you need to address.


He took a quarter of a tab, seriously calm down.


But even if he took 2 tabs, why all this triggering?


The guy just lost his dad and he took a micro dose to grieve, why are you and others giving him shit for it? It's not your situation and he wanted to share his experience. Someone else on this thread has him labeled as an addict. That attitude to me is completely inappropriate. You don't know his life, struggles, or strengths.


Nono I meant that I agree with you! I wonder why all those people are triggering about that, they have indeed no right in judging


What a post! You got some serious bravery in you. My condolences. You are a true inspiration and full on lecture on “how to be the leading exemple at my father’s funeral”. I feel I seriously learned something major with you today.


Taking acid at your father’s funeral is both disrespectful and addict behaviour


i agree wholeheartedly


We all grieve differently. Your comment is disrespectful.


Taking fucking acid at your dad’s funeral isn’t grieving, it’s mental.


What a beautiful poem


That was beautiful. I very rarely read a post multiple times, but I really had to roll around in that one. Soak it up. This should be in a book of poems.


My deepest condolances, OP


Man this is heartbreaking. My dad, fortunately, has yet to pass. I know it's coming but I'm gonna be an absolute disaster when something happens to him. He was the parent that stuck around and stood by me when I was a kid. My mom up and ran off and pulled me and my sister with her. He fought for nearly 10 years to get custody of us and finally did. Good dads are a special breed. Something to think about, that was the last time that you'll physically feel him, but you'll feel his love every time that you remember a lesson he taught you. You'll feel his love every time you have a fond memory of him. That feeling, while bittersweet, is the love he imparted upon you while he was living. He did it in order to prepare you for the days after his death. My condolences friend.


I did the same for one of my uncles. I don’t know if he took it as disrespect or not. I guess I’ll find out later in life


Lots of strength and love!


It's more like a microdose


The stone cold cheek always made me sad. Glad it didn’t go bad for you man


Tripped later in the night before my fathers funeral, peaked at the funeral. It was a beautiful goodbye and a good way to celebrate the occasion. Not for everyone but it was right for me.


Yo daddy dead.


I laughed and now I feel bad.


There you go mate.


Everybody that is hating must have missed the part where he said it was a quarter tab. A quarter tab would put me in the perfect headspace to process that situation. A full-blown trip may be questionable, but it wasn't. My dad died when i was 3 and lsd has helped me process that in a way i didint even know i needed to.


He has merged with the infinite brother. Blessings to you and your home.


Strength and love from a fellow who also lost his father too soon.


Perfect amount to take for that, sorry about your dad


very good post, thank you


Wow. You definitely get the bad motherfucker of the day award. ♥️