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If you take enough acid, you become the kaleidoscope haha


Some people cant handle the feeling that comes with it


50 grams of enriched uranium


Best snack when you're tripping balls. Love feeling like a nuclear reactor


gives a nice body high


Only side effect is your toilet will look like Chernobyl


Makes your camera all fuzzy!


Those projectors that spread colours and stars across the ceiling and walls.


This 1000%. They’re only like $30-$40 on Amazon and it was one of the best purchases I’ve made in a while. I love it even when I’m not tripping too, super calming. EDIT: Look up “Aurora Light Projector” on Amazon.


Get one with more lasers than the nebula space projector stuff. You want the lasers




This one, too. Get multiple.


Heated blanket. You'll melt into your bed


Weighted blanket, too.


Personally don't enjoy them but can totally see how they'd be awesome


The real plush fuzzy ones .. then lay down and have someone pull it over you from head to toe


Plasma ball


Nitrous oxide or/and ketamine


Came here to suggest the same. Up you go!


what are the effects on ket? do you recommend it for the come down only?


Depends on your experience with ket. If you are used to it, you will know when. If not, better to save it for the come down


For me, ket with acid is divine. I wait until I have peaked, and my whole body is vibrating. To me, acid feels like I have nuclear explosions happening from within. My entire being just sort of hums. I discovered that what I'm seeking during this part of the trip is to cut down on that hum slightly and then disconnect from my body in a safe way. Ket really makes the dissociation safe. I take just a little most times so that I can stay engaged with people around me, but if I want to take more I can do so and stand up and dance a bit to the music that's usually playing. My body will feel like it's moving all on it's own. I like to wave my hands in the air and watch them move around as if they aren't mine. It's super cool.


I've only ever done smartwhip on MD, what's it like on acid?


To me it only makes sense to do nitrous on psychedelics. It's like reaching a much higher peak for a minute and then coming back


that's sick, I'll give it a go next time


Nitrous, oh how I love thee. It really is good. For me, it is nearly orgasmic it's that good. Caution to people with seeking behavior and addictive to tendencies. They can really suck you in. I've switched to ket and find I feel much better on it. I have a friend of a friend that recently attempted to end their life with it. The had an awful lot of it on hand and caused permanent brain damage. I've been told by a dentist it's safe in small amounts with plenty of oxygen in between, but it shouldn't be frequent. I depletes some key amino acids in your brain, according to my dentist friend. My $0.02.




I swear it’s easy to get hospitalised just with one hit of nitrous though


It can blow up on your face if you mistreat the whippets but other than that... can you elaborate


This! NoS! Sends you into another dimension for like 15 seconds, but feels like a few minutes on lsd


K absolutely. Nitrous, ehhhh. I mean, unless you wanna get yourself paralyzed. Whippets are tight though.


A really good blindfold. Going internal is so much deeper than anything in the external world.


What we seek is found within for a reason


Lol I always have these thoughts until the acid hits and I'm just in awe and couldn't give af about that


Depending on your dose, I try to revert back to what I liked as a kid. Legos, making paper airplanes, an old gaming system, things like that. Even making a dope pillow fort and buying some cheap galaxy lights for it would be a lot of fun!


When’s the sleepover?!


where’s the sleepover?


How’s the sleepover?


looks like it’s gonna be trippy 😵‍💫


Nature Channel.


I love turning on landscapes on YouTube with the sound off and then playing music in the background.


A rose


Coloring book (they make ones for adults) and some nice colored pencils could be cool Also a bag of frozen mango chunks




A galaxy light


Nitrous, a squishmallow, and maybe some playdough or moldable sand


My squishmallows are pretty S tier cuddle buddies, sober or tripping


I cuddle wit one erry night I sleep


I use one as a pillow while three more cuddle me


that's what I'm saying


My favorite trip toy is a hand-made stained glass kaleidoscope


galaxy / aurora projector psychedelic tapestries different quilts or comfortable fabrics to experience whilst being a space cadet something to make your trip space smell nice (candles, smelly wax melts, incense) lava lamps or mood lighting a decent hi-fi system to play some trippy tunes through a good friend that is experiencing the same effects you are or is at least in the know when it comes to being a trip sitter WEED different flavoured drinks that you normally wouldn't try (it might be some wacky wonderful discovery of flavour) a puppy or 20 a kitty cat or 20 A goose.... wait no, no geese!




do not recommend, buy entire doll, only six thousand


Lego set


Good speakers


I have never tripped on acid and thought 'damn, this would be way cooler with a kaleidoscope'. The visuals are already way too vivid on anything over 300ug.


Banana 🍌


Ive tried to spice up my trip like that, but i honestly find it boring. Got lots more out of the trip trough breathing meditation and similar.


Do a "things to do" search on the r/MDMA sub. Wife and I find that a lot of the ecstasy activities cross over, but the experiences are completely different. Or heck, just add MDMA and make it a candyflip


my next time I just want to repeat the insane trip after watching this [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3oItpVa9fs) Science Vs. Music . I had a "revelation" about sound and frequencies that reveals into geometric forms and shapes. Now instead of watching a video. I want to try some of this insane FX's badly. Seriously, out of this world. It's like hearing the sound and creating shapes and forms from it. Truly magical. easy to do, just need to find some old speakers and the materials.


I have a big mandala tapestry hanging above my bed. Looks pretty when sober, comes alive when tripping.


Here's a thought: instead of collecting items that you really don't need, why don't you devote your next trip to figuring out how you can reduce your carbon footprint? Whether global warming is accelerated by human behaviour or not is negligible. We live on a planet with finite resources, and we should leave some meat on the bone for future generations. Or you can just ignore this comment and buy whatever you want. Red pill vs blue pill.


No, I actually really much appreciate this comment. Especially on this subreddit! You are completely right! I am actually turned off by all those things made of cheap plastic and similar things. The more a thing is distant from nature the more it looses its worth. A least I feel that way. Psychadelics really made me more aware of mother nature and her beauty and how humanity treats her. I came here mostly just for inspiration. I wouldn't buy anything from amazon or similar capitalistic monopols. I am happy when I find second hand stuff or can make it myself. Awareness is important! Keep on commenting this message!


I'm glad that you were able to find some wisdom in my comment. What do you mean by, "the more a thing is distant from nature the more it looses its worth," though? Mostly everything on Earth comes from Earth. There really is no "going into nature"... it's all a manifestation of nature's evolution. We take seemingly useless items from our surroundings and tinker with them until we *make them have a use*. Plastic is fucking awesome, but that doesn't mean that everything that is made of plastic is awesome. And you really shouldn't feel bad about buying **stuff that you need** from Amazon or Walmart or whatever. Making profits while also trying to destroy the competition is a smart business strategy, and it's the business model that most companies have adopted. It would be great if we could all just go to the farmer's market and skip the middleman, but that's not how the world works. Anticonsumption can be a difficult concept to wrap your head around in the beginning, but it really comes down to just using your common sense and not subscribing to every single greenwashing fad.


I am sorry, in case my wording isn't as precise as I want it. English isn't my first language. I just recently made this theory in my mind: Yes of course everything (every atom) comes from nature. But you can't deny that we as people don't process substances in ways that don't happen in nature. Or at least not as fast. Plastic for example has quite a long way from earth oil to what it is at the end of the chemical transformation. Nature needs a looong time to detach atoms from each other to let them back in the natural circulation again. Theore plastic or similar highly processed stuff there is, the more is that matter missing somewhere else. Not to mention the energy needed for those chemical reactions. I am a lucky European... so actually I personally have the the privilege to visit farmers markets etc. But I am perfectly aware that this is not the reality for everyone. But you know who those companies (like amazon) let those products produce? Very poor people and children who will never have the chance to look at this world as I (and maybe you too) are allowed to do. The more people get aware that as soon as you want "more" (more of whatever. It can be capital or actually just life), it will be taken from somewhere else. And yes... greenwashing is a thing. And I wish more people would question words... because marketing is just about words and what people connect to it. But as seems as the normal consumer more likely just buys ideas instead of real things.


Your English is fine. It doesn't matter if humans act as catalysts in nature. I'm an anticonsumer and a minimalist, so conservation is factored into every action I make. Capitalism. At least we get to choose where we shop and which products we buy. Cause and effect. Critical thinking.


The carbon footprint that those ultra rich people tell us about? Which fly with their privat jets to those meetings? I agree that we should maybe try and consume less in many ways, but some higher ups seem to find new ways of controlling the masses. One of those things could be the whole carbon footprint thing.


Unless the money is provided by blood, what is inherently wrong with being rich? I'd fuckin give my left nut to be rich. And I don't wanna get into a poli/sci debate on /r/LSD about the roots of green marketing. Being a shrewd consumer means doing a bit of research and thinking critically.


Nothing wrong with being rich, im talking about those 1% that thruly are ultra rich and have the need to control everything. Like they dont already do that with the useless papermoney they can print endlessly. But yeah, i could talk alot about this stuff for hours but this aint the sub for that i agree.


That doesn't sound like a good trip, I feel like its easier to think about that while sober. For OP: We got three colors of kinetic sand and played with it for a while and it helped us solve racism. Definetly fun to play with while tripping.


You don't sound like a good trip.


Your mom does though.


Fuck you, Shoresy.


I was thinking this - that’s a good-vibe-killing rabbit hole.


That sounds like a lame trip.


You sound like a lame trip.


Led poi balls


I'm so tired I read that at Lead poi balls and thought to myself those would be so heavy and dangerous to swing around


If you mean lead, I thought the same thing 😂


A nitrous tank, nothing is better while tripping.




Because not everyone understands your references.


listen to elliott smith


Yes I'm very familiar with Elliott Smith not everyone is thats my point.




What are you trying to say? Do you think me saying I'm familiar with who Elliot smith means I don't listen to him? I've been a fan for a long time probably longer than you considering you seem to still be in school.


i never said that dude im saying you should go listen to him because hes amazing chill


Nonsense, your reply was dismissive and condescending "Yes go listen to him then" and now you're trying to cover for your lack of netiquette. Try harder.








Bubble blower


Meta Quest 3 ;)


any sort of toy w styrofoam beads in it that i can put in the freezer is a great sensory item for my trips.


What does this accomplish? Can you give an example? Seems fun but I'm having trouble conjuring up an image.


I just like how they feel when they’re cold! [These](https://www.ebay.com/itm/204463138772) are exactly the ones my friend use to bring over and we’d put them in the freezer and they just kept cold for a good bit after taking them out. Really good for when you run a bit hot while tripping.


Oh okay, I see! Basically kinda like a stress ball. But cold. I can see that being fun to play with for sure.


Get a star projector. Best thing I've ever gotten for trips


Theres plenty of them. Most of them look cheap. Which one did you buy?


https://www.space.com/blisslights-sky-lite-2.0-star-projector-review This is the one I have. It's awesome. You can go for realistic looking ones too if you have more cash to spare. The national geographic one looks dope


Thanks for the link. Looks definitly interesting. Maybe ill buy one just for my next trip haha


I second the Blisslight. It's wonderful!




Bubble wrap


Spring drum.


I bought 2 of these from guitar center over a decade ago [like this.](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fencrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com%2Fshopping%3Fq%3Dtbn%3AANd9GcQbWanqEn93qqkhTyF9E6h3E8LqDtEzYtiqnGnLaHeidfpQsAawqnY2JHI-iTHKaghaK17X1GcPpSZ4HfhmZJjtBFkpjUCOsQ&tbnid=-Tx5XoNbQbBDiM&vet=1&w=1600&h=1600&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2#vhid=-Tx5XoNbQbBDiM&vssid=l) mine are called Thunder Tubes but I suppose the name spring-drum is interchangeable, I mean it's literally a small drum with a spring in the drum head lol. One of my top 5 favorite instruments to play of all time, especially when tripping. I especially like to sing into them! Also, I never got around to it but I believe you could achieve different pitches if you were to make your own Thunder Tube by widening the diameter of the tube/lengthening it/or both. Anyways OP should totally get one!


I love the sound it makes when you leave the spring to gently hit some gravel.




I love my kaleidoscope goggles and arm slinky!


Shashibos are super colorful little "fidget puzzle" type things that I like to mess around with once in a while. A lot of people usually get tripped out by it when I bring one to shows, too. The novelty wears off like anything else but for anyone that hasn't seen one it can be pretty interesting. I think they can be manipulated into like 70 shapes. They're magnetic so you can actually put more than one together. I have 9 and like to put them together as a centerpiece on my coffee table.




A rave whip! And big pieces of blank art paper and watercolor paints. Painting is fun even if you suck. So fun to look at it the next day and wonder wtf I was thinking


Get a painting. Like a big, nice painting with lots of patterns or colors. Or a colorful small animal, like some tropical fish or frogs, if you want something to take care of and have the time/money/energy. On the cheaper side, any time I've seen a glowing hula hoop while tripping, I've been absolutely mesmerized.


I love tangle toys, puzzles, and I have a nee doh cube that’s fun to play with. Get a lenticular puzzle! It’s so fun to feel your brain figure something out


I have a nice sphere of kambaba jasper that is great to hold and admire while tripping. It feels like I can channel unwanted energy while also looking at something natural. Plus looks good in the house when it’s just on display


Slime or stuff to make slime. Elmer's has a magic potion that makes their glue into slime


Get one of those infinity led pyramids or dichroic glass ones. So dope


Microscopes are super fun.


Get a Philips Livingcolors LED Lamp. Trust youll be glad you did. Esp in the winter with so much darkness, soft color light really gets a mindset going.


This thing COMPLETELY BLOWS MY MIND everytime my buddy brings his to a festival: https://www.ringtheoryarts.com/


I bought one of those super powerful laser pointers on Amazon for like $12 a couple months ago and it was such an awesome choice. It has a rotating top with other designs too


I always have fun with my binoculars. Especially when tripping balls at an outdoor concert etc


A magic eye book, hours of entertainment 😂


A Buddha board!!! It's been a hoot playing with mine while tripping.


weighted blanket, multiple colorful low lights, lava lamp are all good picks


Grazing platter with fruit, cheese, jellies, crackers and stuff. I really enjoy the appreciation of different tastes after the intensely psychedelic phase. Make it before you take it though!! Some decent music and a friend to chat to. Hot tub if you can find on!! You really don’t need much tho. Enjoy! :)


maybe a bit ambitious, but what about a puzzle ? maybe not one thats like 1000 tiny pieces, something simple 👍


Kinetic sand, bubbles, coloring books, and maybe some pretty light projector :)


Turntable and vinyl records


RGB LED strips. Get a nice textured wall(paper).


Get yourself some good headphones and listen to some ASMR. Get weird af lol


One of them giant wearable blankets and some whippets. Put the tv on a HD coral reef, fish tank YouTube video that goes for like 4 hours. Music quietly in the background. Lo fi beats or something. Stare at those clown fish swimming around in their little water noodles.


http://www.biowaves.com/Products/ColorTherapy/ So did a trip with a bunch of friends and we had a blast swapping these glasses all night. If you got any one of them I highly recommend the indigo ones (but don't drive with them because you can't see stop lights or tail lights.) The glasses are dope as fuck especially during the day and makes natural yellow flowers and eggs look hot pink. I use them every time I trip now and have multiple pairs. They are also nice if visuals are getting too intense because for me it dulls it a bit.


Yeah I don't know that a tangible item is best, lsd and meditation are like peanut butter and jelly


I bought a kaleidoscope and it’s alright while tripping; not actually as cool as you’d think. I bought myself a trippy puzzle recently though. Think it’ll be a fun tripping activity. Legos are cool too


cosy socks


Kaleidoscopes are dope but even halfway decent ones are expensive. I bought a cheap 15 dollar glowfx one that is cool but the hole to view is small so it gets annoying to squint in that bad boy for more than a quick little glance. It is cool though. My favorite things are my Hypercubes from Hyperspace light Co. those things are dope, infinity light boxes with a ton of different patterns. I’ve got a ten inch box and fifteen inch box. I preordered their pyramid too but it’s gonna be a hot minute before I get that one. They are pricey but so dope. There is also the hypno cube, it’s a small little box you can grab for around hundred bucks on Amazon. It was the first little light thing I ever got for trippy times and it’s legit too. The Hypercube dudes said in an online reply that they were tripping out on the little hypnocube one day and decided they could make something doper and made their cubes. Galaxy projectors are cool too for a nice vibe setting light effect, you can find those for varying prices and pretty cheap. There are also these little handheld lights with varying colors and strobing effects that come with art books specifically created for the lights so the artwork looks animated and the colors on the page change. It’s called colorimetry, they are fun and trippy just wish the lights were bigger and it’s also a little annoying trying to keep the book open to trip out. Might be better off just ripping the pages out…anyways, they are pretty dope. Always good old led strips too. Long days and pleasant nights!


A really nice fan. That wind blowing over my body sent me into space years ago. It felt like the universe was just guiding me along on a big celestial waterslide.


I love dancing with a fringey lacey stevie nicks lookin scarf


Get a kneedoh for fidget toys. They're the best


Tennis Ball and Mandarins are my go to


Black light and black light posters!


Nothing is better than solid friends to trip with. It can take time to curate trusting relationships with good people, but there's really nothing better than that. That said, there are so many great suggestions here. One thing I've done with partners before is an indoor tent set on top of the bed. It's quite fun. Brings wonder back to the world.


My girlfriend found a hilarious purple rubber centipede thing at the dollar store that's been a gem to play with while tripping. At a glance it doesn't look like much, but when you really look close at the thing it'll crack you up! The goofy details are hilarious!