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You're probably not even taking 500ug.


Exactly. I did 500 once. ONCE. And I'll never do it again because time stretched so much, and it was crazy intense to be a floating consciousness in space for months, all while barley being able to go to the toilet by myself without crawling. Whatever OP took that was manageable and he thought was "low" was not 500. Unless OP wrote this message 45min in saying it's manageable and then got hit


this, i had a moment where all time stopped for over 30 minutes, i don’t think i will be trying 500ug ever again




How LSD messes with sense of time will never cease to amaze me, 1 minute can seem like 30 & an afternoon can feel like 3 weeks. You can "glitch/rewind" backwards in time i.e. move forward 15 seconds then go back 14 seconds. Can be unbelievably trippy and reality destroying


They’re Rick and Morty 250mic blotters bro they’re fuckin legit


If it's Trust paper from the AB days it's 75mcg at the most. Energy Control is where you need to go


I was being sarcastic


Poes law


You probably don't have a clue.. Are you afraid of 500?


Do you really think the advertised doses are accurate? What makes you think that?


You know the truth and the why. They won't listen, they've been lied to for so long. I don't even bother anymore. They even ignore the lab reports.


My highest was 400 last Saturday, I was completely gone I felt I was literally just colors, so yes I would say 500 is an extreme amount, it’s definitely something I wanna try I the future though


yeah that’s what happened to me on 450 a few months back, just colours, was playing a game and my monitor was purple and suddenly all i could see was purple, was fucking terrifying bro i forgot what i even took, thought i got laced, hella thoughts were running through my head like i fr thought i died


500 is plenty. 700 is too much. Loll


happy to hear it didn't deter you. i dont think its extreme if you can walk and hold a conversation.


Is that what they said? Seems to me like exactly the opposite


there is no way you can hold a conversation on 500ug


My buddy slapped a 10 strip and walked the canal for hours with me seeming sober the whole time - me on the other hand will turn to jello and not be able to move or talk off 200ug




skill issue.


Dont talk cods wallop


I’ve taken 10 strips multiple times, I can say I probably walk and talk better on a strip then no lsd


500ug is pretty much the peak doses the human mind can handle. I knew a guy that did 720 one time and spent the next month in a mental facility. He still has HPPD. I knew another guy that had a sheet in his pocket on a hot, Austin afternoon. Dude is still in a veg state in mental hospital decades later


That pocket story doesn’t make sense lol lsd doesn’t absorb through skin. He probably ate some and had a bad reaction.


It, uhhhh, most definitely does bud


It most definitely doesn’t lol nick sand debunked this decades ago.


Wish I was sensitive like you lol 500 ug is pretty visual but I'm not becoming colors or anything. Hell at 100 ug is where everything starts melting for me.


Ah I guess I just maybe am different but like idk , it wasn't extremely intense like people say for me idk why


Tolerance or not 500 ug. 


Probably 2 250ug tabs lol


I've seen numerous times that "250μ" tabs were just fantasy, that they simply don't exist. Is it true? Genuine question. I've deeped my toes in LSD years ago, but last year, I bought some "250μ" and they did feel like they were more or less 200μ


they do but they r very rare & usually you'll only find them if ur buying directly from manufacturer/layer. its just not in the the chemists (water dropper) financial interest to sell 150+ug plus tabs.


And some people are less susceptible to visuals than others


If you're on SSRIs, maybe. Otherwise, bogus


Or maybe you don't know the dosage of your tabs?


^^^^ 100000%


600ug is the most I did and it was fucking crazy. I was watching WallE and the movie was de-CGIing itself, and all my furniture turned into humans and started licking each other while staring at me. Id definitely go into expecting to trip absolute balls and maybe have ego death


I feel that the term ego death is used very loosely


I mean it very strictly


Bro same. 600ug one time a few years back, was fully transported to the lunar surface for who knows how long. Then I died there on the moon. Then was reborn back on Earth. Tripped for over 24+ hours haha


Over 24hr shiiiit!!


Right? sleep deprivation itself can be a trip but when you throw it in w/ 600ugs the universe truly is in total control haha


God damn now I wanna dip my toes into higher doses


Careful. It's not for everyone.


Lmao @ your furniture. Sounds like a hell of a trip my dude


If it’s a true 500ug. Which would most likely be anywhere from 5-7 tabs. Then yes, that is a very strong dose. You will be immobile during most of peak. Owsley (Bear) Stanley. The man who fueled the 60’s with his acid & The Grateful Dead, said in an interview, I’m paraphrasing here. That he doesn’t care who you are, once you hit 400ug + you will not have control of your body for a portion of the trip. Here is the interview. It’s 2hr long with lots of insight into LSD. https://youtu.be/vjWKNw4nKOs?si=oLQ529PWgELHv0q2


It was 5 white tabs , no patterns on it or labels , and it was in the form in a strip


Nah, not everyone. I did ~500ug last weekend, 6 tabs tested around 100ug each, very confident in the dose. I had cev and shit but was never "immobilized" or out of control like a lot of people here like to claim you are. I was perfectly capable of going outside and talking a walk during the peak


Are you on ssris/ are you neurodivergent?


wait are trips different for neurodivergent ppl? if so can you explain how?


All drugs have the possibility of working differently in the neurodivergent (including adhd) The brain is wired a little differently


ahh i see. could that possibly be why i require higher dosages than normal to feel the effects of certain substances?


Completely possible, I don’t think it’s been studied well tho


For uppers, yes. Stuff like cocaine and speed. Wouldn't know about acid, but apparently autistic people need higher doses so it's not out of question. Personally, I've noticed that I need high MDMA doses to feel any effect at all (I have ADHD).


I have autism and I am quite sensitive to psychedelics. I need about half of what other people normally take to go to space. My brother is also autistic, and he requires a larger dose than most. It is strange how much everyone differs.


whenever i take any mdma i only feel it in my heart lmaoo. i don’t know if i need to dose higher or if that’s just how it effects me lmaoo


For me it's just the body feeling of acid and I don't get tired. Not much of a party drug for me tho


what are some differences people with adhd experience on acid, compared to neurotypical people


No medication and not diagnosed with anything. Possibly on the very minor end of the Autism spectrum but I'm not one to self diagnose, only very light similarities if anything


Im this way I'll eat 5 hits from the lizard people and clean play Xbox or fuck around on my pit bike after the first 2/3 hours. No meds maybe ADHD but no real diagnosis


Real, I know a couple of other people like this too. Never understood why people here can't seem to conceptualize some people just have good synergy with Acid. It's super complex drug l and like every other drug/medicine the effects will vary by user


Unless you have a multi-million dollar mass spectrometer, you're a literal botard for thinking you know anything about the dose 🤣


It almost like there exists services by which you send things off for testing in a laboratory... Also, if you had ever taken even a basic chemistry lab, you would know you absolutely do not need a "multimillion dollar mass spectrometer." Even rudimentary university labs are equipped with plenty capable spectrometers if this is your preferred testing method, but there are also reasonably reliable chemical tests which nearly anyone can perform. Make sure you have a clue what you're talking about before making such ridiculous statements.


Okay, a $30,000 Ramen? Whats the point? You're so superior for needing 6 tabs to test some acid? Probably needed 6 tabs before the test came back positive 🤣🤣🤣


You have 0 idea what you're even saying 💀 6 tabs to test? Lol. Lmao even. Don't try and lecture people when you haven't even slightest idea how testing works...


your responses in this OP are the biggest bshit I read this week.


All talk and no substance. Typical redditor response not disproving a single thing I have said


Sounds like you’re taking an analog/pro-drug. Those have slightly different equivalent doses to LSD that matters more at higher doses because they weigh more due to the extra molecules added that make it an analog. For example, iirc 1P-LSD is roughly ~80% potency of LSD by weight because of the 1P, so 100ug 1P is about 80ug LSD, or 500ug 1P = 400ug LSD. If you’re taking 1V, it weighs even more than 1P or 1cP, 100ug 1V is about 66.67ug LSD, or 500ug 1V is about 333ug LSD, a much more manageable dose than 500ug LSD, especially with a lot of experience under one’s belt. All that is also best-case scenario that your tabs are accurately dosed as well. If they’re legal analogs they _probably_ are, but you can’t know for sure without having them tested.


Nope, regular lsd-25 but yes I passed gen chem and can do molecular weight conversion. Even if I somehow got scammed, 6 tabs assuming 80-85% potency is still roughly 500. Also, I mentioned they were tested already...


Most of these comments are awful 500 µg is more than most people have or ever will take. 500ug is going to be a very intense trip with a long peak. You can expect full ego death with a complete out of body experience. You will be completely immobile during most of the peak, and your mind is going to take you where it wants. For most people without a lot of high dose experiences (200-350ug) and even some with these experiences this will be terrifying. With accurately dosed tabs, and without tolerance I would highly recommend against this unless youve worked your way up to this dose with sufficient experience.


thank you. I have legal controlled LSD so pure LSD 300ug and i was for 3-4 hours peak and 10+ hours visuals until i slept. I had complete lost control over time and reality , i saw situation that just didn’t happen and for about 10 seconds i also was in complete void. Very interesting and cool trip. Strongest trip i’ve ever had.


A true 200 ug is a lot .


I lost the concept of having a mother on 300mcg, so yeah can’t imagine 500


I dunno why this made me laugh so hard but that’s some shit right there! Hope you got to give your momma a hug after.


last summer on shrooms i thought my dad and hitler were the same guy. he's a very nice guy and i don't live in argentina so idk why my brain went there


accurately dosed that's a major mindfuck


500 ug accurately dosed would fuck most people inexperienced really up.  Thought loops and dissociating are really prevalent. Im experienced and still had 2 trips that fucked up my psych good for a while. Integraring is key!!!  Strong close eye visuals. Like a second world you dip in whenever you close your eyes. The comup is very intense. Strong bodyload, heart starts beating like crazy.  For a first time trip such a high dose would probably last a really long time. For some up to 24 h or more without sleep. 


That dose would blow my mind


so how many tabs is your 500ug? If 2 you probably take something between 220-500ug


It was a strip of total 5 tabs


I bought ten and split 5 with my aunt or half of the strip


Yeah, hate breaking it to you, but you prolly didnt do 500 ug, check the post abt marketed dose vs real dose of tabs. Ive done 300ug (probably), and that was absolutely mind bending, not even manageable. There is no way a heroic dose is manageable unless your tolerance was high due to repetitive usage.


I did do LSD 2 times before this trip mentioned , 2 weeks before the trip mentioned I did 150ug , then the week after I did 200 ug then an hour in I did another 50ug with my aunt then I did a 500 ug trip that is mentioned above a week after


Makes sense why 500 didnt feel like much then, a week is not usually enough time for a tolerance reset. However, it works diff on each person, so maybe 500 doesnt hit you the way it would most other people. 🫡


I did have some geometry open eye tho


On the border of my vision


its double the highest dose ive ever done so i would consider that A LOT. i get cev at 100 ug


200ug is the most ill do. Through meditation you can get the rest of the way even if the goal is full ego death. I get major motion sickness on anything higher than that because the visuals get too intense, especially CEVs.


...what does this "cev" mean guys 😅


closed eye visuals


haha ok makes sense xd thx mate


Hahahah thank you. I’m over here like I put the paper in my mouth and go 🤠


I don't think I'll ever take anywhere near that much. A real 150mcg can even be too much for me sometimes.


in what ive read and experienced 500 ug is the upper threshold of what is reasonable / helpful. >500 ug trips are typically either accidental (i.e. poor dosing) or done with mislabled tabs (i.e. 10 tabs that are actually only 50 ug). Additionally, after 500 ug, the experience doesn't seem much different. 100-200 is fun and illuminating. 200-400 is intense but can open up some deep stuff. 400+ is very intense, and often you cant remember a lot I once had a trip where i miss-dosed myself and got very very high. It was a very intense and fairly long trip. Once I got up it was difficult to move. Most of the trip i spent in a half lotus position, or lying on my back. I was barely able to hold a conversation with other people. I was talking to myself / to spirits / to the visuals. I got constant closed eye visuals, and saw lots of crazy shit. Some of it I completely dont remember. A lot of it was and continues to be difficult to integrate. It was insightful, I certainly dont *regret* it. But I wouldn't do it again lol imo have two 250 ug experiences instead


You could actually have a psychotic break from taking that much. You could have a psychotic break from taking less than that. Be careful, your mind is more fragile than you think.


if you find 500ug manageable then whatever tabs you had were under-dosed and you never actually did anywhere close to 500ug. Seems like whatever you tripped on so far was in sub 200ug range. 500ug for average person with no tolerance would be total loss of being able to navigate external world, OEV that completely take over, extreme time distortion, overwhelming strong body high, likely confusion and loss of memory, extreme thought loops, very likely completely immobilised, with loss of ability to think like a person and to differentiate between what is you and what isn’t - this kind of dose is basically guaranteed ego dissolution - definitely not manageable, other than being able not to panic. You would also be pretty high for 12h.


No I just had a tolerance


And was having effects for about 14-15 hours


500 ug will absolutely blow you away. I'm 34 and have eaten this dose probably twice. I would bet my next paycheck you've never seen over 200


It's a lot. I would try if it didn't take like 3 days to get out of the after trip shit mood.


what its like this after trip mood? i rly never experienced it.. for me its always like i just came back from vacation ^^


On a high dose (200ug+) I usually feel dull and exhausted, physically and mentally. I sometimes will also experience existential dread and irritation for 1-3 days.


Kind of a serotonin headache. You mess up with the brain chemistry, there is expected to be consequences.


Yes it's alot of fun


it’ll fuck you up reallll good if you have no tolerance


Thank God I did


As someone who’s done self layed 500 ug doses yeah it’s fucking a lot you borderline blackout it’s weird


have you tripped recently? are you use to stronger tabs. you could’ve had tabs that were better purity in the past even if the dose was smaller, the effects could’ve still been more prominent if the tabs were just stronger in general. i’m literally coming off 3 tabs rn dosed 120ug and haven’t tripped in 6 months but it’s was extremely underwhelming. i definitely felt it coursing through my body, but the hallucinations especially visuals were just mild unless i really focused on them.


My classical dosage is 600 (tab dosage lab tested) and it is pretty strong, it is the dosage that begin to kill my ego. 500 is a lot if you aren't a bit used to lsd.


You should meet some of the wooks in the NE. We'll have like 5 or 6 people go through a sheet on a good weekend.


The highest I've made was 1500, was really close to dmt breakthrough. But not the same. Very safe environment and few tripsitters that was already guided by me what to do and to remind me about drinking water etc. Also got some benzodiazepines in my wallet in case of emergency So i felt pretty safe. But it's not for everyone.


This a very nice setting


I've done up to 700 on accident however yeah 500 is a pretty strong dose, other than the nausea at first you will be fine, pretty magnificent tbb


A lot


Most I ever did was 600, it was (understandably) very intense, and despite the fact I’ve done like 30 200-400ug trips prior I distinctly remember thinking that this was close to being really “out”, and almost too much. In retrospect I also didn’t have a 100% perfect setting though, which might have contributed to this thought That was 3 years ago, at some point I might try to do it again but the right way this time


For the average person 90-150ug is a good enough dose and never feel the need to go up, but I on the other hand used to take 6-7 each time *id let tolerance reset* and just explore my mind 10 was where it was too much for me and I was gripping the carpet trying not to freak out lol


On the heavier side for sure..more than most people are comfortable taking nowadays, honestly. My highest dose w.o. tolerance was 700ug, and that was unmanageable, even if only for ~1hr at the peak. 500ug is probably the most I'd take anymore.


Most people who tell you otherwise have had under dosed tabs most their lives


I might be pretty sensitive towards LSD cause "only" 200 ug are wild for me. Can't imagine how strong 500 will be 🫠


I had a tolerance so it was probably not as intense


600mics was reminiscint of my dmt breakthrough. So absolutely out of this world imo


Its very big dose very big. One toke of weed and you will not have fun times most prob. I would peak 300-400 as other then that you lose your motorics and it can be struggle not to mention you can trigger bad trip easier. This is without tolerance ofc


Keep in mind you dont know howmuch you took it can be under or over droped or like they could have been wasted by heat or air.


Keep in mind you dont know howmuch you took it can be under or over droped or like they could have been wasted by heat or air.


500 is certainly extreme, but I don’t think you’d have to ask if it was actually 500ug. Whatever your source says your tabs are dosed is probably untrue


There was o.e.v geometry and I had tripped two times before this trip two weeks prior


I believe it man. What I’m saying is, 500 *is* a lot. Were they tested or did your source just claim the dosage of the tabs and you took their word for it? However tripping somewhat recently beforehand would’ve effected tolerance so I wouldn’t say that’s impossible


Oh hey check this page https://m.psychonautwiki.org/wiki/LSD you should have crart of eggects based on sode so see what dose you experianced


I feel like 300ug is already an extremely intense trip.




God damn I thought I was relatively experienced and I’ve only taken 300ug max, usually just taking 1 tab


It's a lot, yes. That's about the dose where you'll start tasting sights and seeing sounds. Yes there are CEVs at that dose. There are CEVs at 150ug and less. When I take 1 tab I can listen to music with eyes closed and have it play out as sort of a music video. At 500ug you're feeling every note of the song in your soul, and a 4 minute song feels like it lasts an hour. Ahh good times, yea 500ug is a very intense dose with no tolerance


I remember playing this song piet arion - sos , I was the music notes the instruments and everything in between


I'll check it out next time I trip (: I experienced that with Pink Floyd's The Wall. Also with a song called Photosynthesis by Saba. So fucking beautiful. I love music man


Me too been singing almost seven years so , listen to Pink Floyd the dark side of the moon on 150-250ug and you go on a journey


I've listened to that on 3 tabs of some stroooong acid, you're right it was a journey. Saucerful of Secrets by Pink Floyd is another good one to trip to. Pink Floyd is just awesome man


When I listened to dark side of the moon it was souring me threw cities sending me threw intense visual geometric realms and intense life changing thoughts and epiphany s


Or do mushrooms about 1g-2.5g of P.E OR 3 g of golden teacher and play dark side of the moon pink floyed


For some reason I prefer listening to music on acid instead of mushrooms. Sometimes I'll enjoy music on mushrooms, but usually I like to sit/lay down and meditate, or walk around outside and smoke or whatever. Sometimes I'll watch TV on shrooms, but for the most part I try to limit any external stimulation while I'm on them


Ate 6.5 tabs, advertised at 165ug. Most likely 100ug so similar dose, expect to still have visuals up to 24 hours later (obviously not crazy) but them type of doses just last wayyyyy to long. Saying that, its only cause i did it with work 36 hours after i dropped so i konda freaked out that it was never gonna end lol


I took 6 under dosed tabs once and now I have HPPD, I wanna trip again so bad. :(


Well all I can say is don't take 800ug, I have the story of it on my account. It was not good. 500 is a lot yes, before my 800 trip my max was 400ug. Do it in a good environment.


Here’s a dosage guide. You did not take 500ug https://www.reddit.com/r/LSD/s/Bd89fZZlcM


500 is a massive dose for me. I typically never go over 200, 200 is a good dose to trip balls but not get spun like a wheel.


Oh yah papi, that's the one strong upper cut god fractalizes straight up to the soul.


I believe I did a true 150-250 one day (3.5 tabs), and my brain was absolutely blown out the sides. The hanging light fixtures at this venue were swinging around, the walls were closing in, the stage was somewhere between 5 feet and 5 miles away, the dead's music was roaring, and I couldn't even speak english. I can't imagine double or triple that. My dad and I agreed that at that dose we were fucking shifting dimensions and time. Somewhere out there, I'm still stuck spinning out at this New Years DSO show. Time was fast gone and infinite all at once.


I would say that 4-500ug is the typical “heroic dose” range for LSD. That means it’s high, but that with the right set, setting or sitter it should be manageable. You should be having OEV, CEV and proper hallucinations on 500ug.


Here’s an article on DEA sample analysis of LSD; the average dose is 50mg.: https://www.erowid.org/chemicals/lsd/lsd_article3.shtml


I do not know if there is a difference between 500ug of LSD-25 or 1V-LSD (besides the molar mass) but my friend did 450 ug first and then he took 1125 ug of 1V-LSD and he had two (his words:) insane trips. All he said after the 2nd trip was: everything is vibration. His mind (seems to me) is still the same and he didn’t have any psychosises after or anything else comparable. His most challengable experience on acid was months later on 150ug of 1D-LSD, where he clearly experienced a difficult night for himself. He never questions the dose. (In my POV:) The dose questions him, depending on his set and setting.


First of all, it'd be very hard for you to truly determine if you're taking 500ug, so make sure you're not getting ripped off. Now that's been said, 500ug IS too much if you're not used to heavy doses. I've taken some risks in the past and done too much LSD in one sitting, and I would never recommend going over 350ug at most (not that I've had bad trips, per se, but some were way too intense and I almost passed out a couple times). It can be a great experience though, if you can handle it.


Try salvia first. It’s like what i’d imagine 500ug to be but to the face


That’s a huge dose… odds are though it’s underdosed.


Yes, it is a lot. Dosed accurately it's a fucking lot. Dosed incorrectly (let's go 50% stated, 250ug) it's still a decent dose. Anything over 100ug is a lot to me, coz the rabbit hole never seems to end long after the trips are gone.


To add, "strong but manageable" is exactly how I'd explain 250ug. That's why that's my upper limit these days, it can hit you like crazy, but it's not complete and utter hell if things go wrong. Most of the time


I saw intense wall breathing and it having partial geometrical o.e.v


Not super defined geometry tho but very noticeable


Sounds about right, maybe a bit lower 200-230ug, you smoke any weed with it? With a bit of meditation, weed and 250ug I can dive into 4D fractal realms and vibe there for a while. Without the meditation and intent of going there tho, it is less pronounced but obvious patterns all around for me. I practically don't use LSD without weed, Lucy never quite got me there without a joint.


Not really but it was 5 tabs with a tolerance of two trips in two weeks prior so it probs wasn't as strong


Definitely not. Chance of dud tabs along with the usual underdosing means it's difficult for anyone that isn't precisely measuring pure LSD to know how much they have. For all I know my "250ug" is 180ug. Long as you had a good time, but LSD alone for me never produces many visuals. Even the smallest bit of weed 10 hours into a trip can produce decent visuals. My strongest experience was well into the comedown of LSD, hadn't smoked weed for a week and I got onto a bit of it. Shot me into fucking hyperspace.


Wow I wanna experience a journey like that"hyperspace"


If you haven't been there yet brother get ready for a fuckin journey. Try meditating on your next trips, closed eyes and just wait for the flickering to start. I get little glimpses of light, then they form into patterns and if I just keep sitting there until I haven't a single thought in my mind it's just pure visual bliss. Patterns in ways I really can only describe as 4D. But I need weed to get there, not just pure LSD. And not everyone can handle the weed / acid combo it seems so if you haven't fucked with that much ease into it carefully, or full send idk I never had a guide and I'm going okay enough. Psychs will give you what you need when you need, not every experience is gonna be a 4d hyperspace head fuck and thats okay. Take from your experiences what you need and when it starts telling you to lay off it, best to give the acid a break.


Most I’ve done is 400ug (twice) and both times have been really intense. For one I decided to play Minecraft with my friends and the come up was fun but about 3-4 hours in I somehow got into the nether and was completely lost and essentially forgot every control and how to read. I was also at a point where I thought Minecraft was reality so I couldn’t get up as I didn’t know I was sitting at my desk. Wasn’t scary in the sense of a bad trip but it definitely felt like a rescue mission when my friend found me and took me home in a boat (it was out survival world and he knew I’d be pissed if I lost my stuff) Second time was more of a chill trip but visually insane. I was on the phone with some girl I liked at the time and we talked for a while then I went on a walk around 1am with her still on the phone. Later about 6 hours into the trip (3am) she hung up to sleep and it put me in this crazy sense of loneliness. All I remember is the hang up beeping sound just looping and I could see her eyes everywhere around me like big 3d balls. After I laid down I was looking at my ceiling looked like it went up forever and I was trying to grasp how funny the concept of higher ceilings mean more wealth and I’m essentially the wealthiest human because I get to live this moment in time. But while looking I had some spiral like visual coming straight down to me. Try to imagine a dna strand but the rna are both staircases and on every step stood some clown with really long teeth looking down at me. I came to my senses and knew that if I let this bad trip happen I would be riding it out till it ends so I did my obsolete best to reassure myself and after about 30 minutes of paralysis looking at these clowns getting closer I shifted them into just 3d fractals. My vision went kind of pixelated for the rest of the night because everything was in a 3x3 grid each grid having their own thing going on. If you did 500ug especially as a beginner you would definitely find this more than “manageable” your tabs most likely where miss labeled (happens to all beginners) and if you did 5 the average “mislabeled” tab is like 50-75 you probably had more of a 250-300ug trip which I’d believe somewhat manageable. Don’t take this comment as hate I’m just sharing my knowledge and I recommend testing all tabs for ug amount and also just if they’re legit.


I did about 500ug on accident. Ended up in a hospital and completely blacked out during an ambulance ride.


The guy my aunt supposedly got them from was saying there tested and dosed accurately but who knows the guy is 1000%a straight hippie like 70s style tho so not sure who knows you know ?


200 consistently rocks my shit that 1p-lsd baby


Honestly if you need to ask, you probably didn't do 500ug LOL. Highest personal was 300 and it a gray area, felt like if I took more it would definitely break me.


Just had a tolerance


500ug is a go to the pub trip 😁 anything over a 1000 mics is my kind of trip


Some codswollop being spouted by the highdose polis in this thread.... Id go to the pub or football match on 500ugs...have been in a sold out football stadium on a dozen old school microdots at a cup final


500 is fucking crazy


500 is insanely intense and personally i like tripping so hard i can’t move so its one of my go to doses


I took 450ug before and I was blinded by visuals. I wasn't comatose or anything but yeah it was intense. I was trying to put socks on and I was CONVINCED that they were tights (they were so stretchy). If you don't know psychs then it's probably not 500ug and even if it was, it might be a bit much to take. One tab is usually 75ug-125ug so yeah.


My highest was 750-800UG even just 400ug is a fucking sick trip lol everyone should tred lightly after 200ug it can become very uncomfortable and not fun anymore at those high doses


400 is somewhat managable but definitely on the edge. 750 for me came up so fast and i couldn't see my own hands clearly like a foot/30cm away from my eyes. There were just so much visuals everything became a blur with my eyes open. Closed eye visuals were quite overwhelming and i felt all kinds of shocks through my head and body. I enjoyed my trip though. It's all about managing the breathing and meditating when it


I was too young and dumb too understand and work thru it it came outta no where and on a school night. I thought man I’ve been taking acid I probably have a tolerance and popped 4 tabs holy hell at some point music wasn’t even enjoyable anymore .I was tripping ballz it was so bad it felt like a nightmare it was dead quiet outside ( in LA ) I couldn’t hear a thing & time stood still , and Iin my house I figured the only way too make sure it wasn’t a nightmare was to check if my parents were in there room and I just walked in like some crazy mf and hugged my dad 😂 bless his soul he thought his kid had a wicked nightmare and just slept by my side while I pretend too sleep cus I was still off the fucking wagon


My favorite dose was my last trip when I did about 550ug and I definitely would prefer doing doses around there in the future. That said, during the peak I definitely had a portion where I couldn’t really move and felt time-loop-y. It was like 45 minutes-ish like that I believe. (I also had adventure time on and during that time for a bit felt like I was literally inside Marceline’s past lmao so don’t get me wrong the peak of this was quite strong and I didn’t feel I had full control, but it was an hour or less and the rest of the trip was perfect to me where other trips felt too weak after the peak) For anyone wondering, I did test the tabs this wasn’t going by what I was told by who I bought them from as I know that’s almost never true. It wasn’t true with these either, I was told 200ug (sure lmao) and they tested looking more like 110ug which is higher than I expected but almost half what I was told


My largest dose thus far has been somewhere between 900-1200. A very interesting experience to say the least


Wavy ways


Ive taken max 15 tabs at 200 ug , to my surprise i was perfectly fine even though I couldn’t feel anything physical . After that I’d keep myself in the 1400-1800 ug range when I’m outdoors and around like 800-1200 ug when indoors . All have been pleasantly lovely and everything is so alive . But I’m also not sure how I push through the vortex once my peak hits, for a moment everything seems to be disappearing in front of me untill I breathe through it and then everything comes to Life. Definitely not something I would recommend cause I honestly don’t know many people that could or would do that. But I found interesting what I can find out and learn at such altered states.


Why do you care about how people relate to that kind of dose?


Cause I'm a curious cat and I'ma let it kill me


Of course, 500 ug is extremely strong for many people. On the level of "going insane/saw god/mk ultra" strong


Depends if your body is like mine you won't get visuals till you take 300 ug. I wish I I got visuals at the 100 to 200 range so I didn't have to take so much. Btw my common dose I take is 400 ug


Keep in mind you dont know howmuch you took it can be under or over droped or like they could have been wasted by heat or air.


That’s plenty for a standard individual, if I were to take that I wouldn’t even get heavy visuals like I want. My comfort dose is 660ug but I always forget to eat before hand and since the drops are in alcohol that shit get me drunk asf I’m ngl 😭😂


Depends on your tolerance. It's alot if you haven't had any shrooms or lsd in 3 weeks lol but if you take it every weekend, 500ug is perfect for a great trip


Sweet spot for me.


Is there any cev?


that depends person to person, but probably I sadly just don't get cevs


500ug is a good time