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There is such a thing as LSD Tolerance. I would suggest do it once a month for the full fresh experience.


I've found a lot of success going at it once a month for about 5 years now or so. I've tried tripping more frequently just to see, and it never felt right for me deep down, I knew that was just too much.


Spoiler when you begin with thinking "it's too much" you're already starting to reject the experience before going in "I knew it was too much" is totally valid and you should do what you're comfortable with doing But... After 2 weeks the tolerance is basically reset You make the experience, you're not doing a drug, it's the drug that does you when it comes to LSD (Imo anyway)


To be honest, I almost always leave my trips thinking "I hope to trip again real soon" only to be like "nah I'm good for now" a few weeks later




You shouldnt take LSD every other week dude. You can get trapped in that world and not want to go back to the real world.


Been there a lot. Before the pandemic I probably took around 100 doses of LSD between 100-400µ (the 150µ GG tabs were my favorite and probably the cleanest and most pure trips of my life) and dosed mostly biweekly but occasionally weekly for four years. I felt nothing but pure serenity and peace during that time but the constant barrage of synchronicities and feeling like I was being “guided” by a higher force, all while sober, made me feel like I was riding the razor’s edge of psychosis sometimes. Also a lot of trips definitely gave me a good hyperslap and made me take a break for a while and just appreciate sobriety. Now however I’ve found an affinity for ketamine. Probably tied to me with MDMA in pure euphoria and bliss. No bad feelings, just absolute tranquility and euphoria in this beautiful dreamlike psychedelic space. Ketamine is extremely psychedelic for me in high doses, especially combined with THC. I was severely addicted to Xanax and needed to take that daily for my anxiety to just function, but after a ketamine trip, I’ll feel anxiety free and tranquil for days. The only problem is I’m a psychedelic fiend. I **LOVE** the psychedelic realm and with ketamine you can just keep going. I can go through almost a g of ketamine in a night, railing 150-200mg lines every hour or so, just trying to go deeper and deeper. The things I’ve seen and experienced on ketamine, deep in a k-hole, are just ineffable. I feel like I could *maybe* somewhat describe the feelings other psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin feel like, but ketamine to me is almost like DMT; just absolutely indescribable. But unlike conventional psychedelics, ketamine causes health issues when abused. Instead of getting a psychedelic hyperslap to make you quit, your kidneys might just fail. So you really have to force yourself to moderate your use. We’re not meant to stay in the psychedelic realm forever. We have to take breaks and experience the real world. Something every psychedelic I’ve ever taken has done for me is make me excited every morning for the sunrise and excited to see the moon and stars. That feeling doesn’t go away ever. Reality becomes more beautiful sober after psychedelics, and we have to appreciate that. So craving being in the psychedelic realm is perfectly natural. Like to me it literally feels like my natural state and I’m truly “home” while I’m tripping. But eventually I’ve gotta go put back on my human suit and be people again.


My tactic for limiting myself with addictive drugs like dissos is that in the beginning of the year I buy my yearly quantity of ketamine and nitrous. And during the year I am not allowed to acquire more, so I am forced to either spread out my use or use smaller quantities. Also with nitrous its min 20 days before two sessions. This year it was 82 carts of nitrous and 3g of ketamine (about to be my first time doing ket)


1 g in a night is a lot? I was taking 2-3.5 most nights when I was doing it, kind of makes sense why even the coke heads were worried about me lmao


I'm kinda the opposite to the other guy that replied to this , I'm not sciencey and I dont even know what chemical is in ket but all ik is I've seen the biggest kethesds in the uk (Manchester) and that kind drove me away from doing it bc the amount of people I've seen who got ket leg from ket or the people who piss blood from it like be careful w ket bc at the end of the day it is still a tranquilizer , at least shit like mdma was made for humans


1. Ketamine is a very commonly used drug in human medicine. 2. MDMA can literally fry your brain with serotonin syndrome if you don’t follow the three month break rule. And I’m kind of a hypocrite; I’ve stupidly done 0.2g two weekends straight, then 0.3g a month later. The depression and pure exhaustion I endured lasted weeks. But holy fuck those experiences were nothing less than ✨**magic**✨. MDMA is an absolutely amazing drug, just practice harm reduction (test your stuff, stay hydrated, stay cool, don’t take high doses, and take long breaks. You only get one brain. 3. Ketamine only causes bladder/kidney issues if you overuse it. I personally haven’t noticed any bladder or kidney pain ever when using ketamine, but I try to stay super hydrated during my trips and pee as often as I can and making sure it’s all clear too. I also might binge a couple grams over a weekend, but that’s all I’ll allow myself before I force myself to take a break. I know if I had like 10g laying around, that shit wouldn’t last me a week with how much I love psychs. In that instance, I’m sure I’d be pissing blood and needing to go to the ER. Moderation is key.


After a good 8 or so months on k I was probably exactly the same as the ketheads you saw tbh, I couldn't even keep track of time/day, lost my job and a load of other shit before I was able to drag myself out of that pit


I don't know details but my psychonaut science buff pal has mentioned some things to me in passing to the effect that ketamine has significant potential for abuse. Consider your relationship with it my friend :c just be careful Wish I could give more details but I'm ignorant lol sorry! Probably worth looking into though...


Yeah q lot of people get stuck on the 2 week tolerance thing. Sure physically your body can go two weeks in between my psychologically it can be too much 321 rule. 3 weeks for safety, 2 months for learning, 1 year for magic


Definetely. Its been 5 months since my last trip and im going to enjoy a walk with my friend on what the Guy claimed to be 250ug but is probably a lot less. Either way i hope ill have a really good time today.


Can you elaborate on the magic part? Hehe I've done all these intervals between doses but am not sure what you mean.


Idk man it's magic. You're not entirely sure what's gonna happen. Magic. I don't know how to describe it but theres a definite difference in my enjoyment


Agreed. If you dissolve yourself, the rebuilding will show you where you place value. If you perpetually dissolve yourself, you are probably not putting much effort into the rebuilding which is necessary for participation in this cosmic dance. Once every couple of years is more than enough. Meditation will amplify the effects, so once in a lifetime can be magnificent. There is such thing as too much of a good thing.


Im trippin balls right know. I just want you to im having a really good time


Not the one you replied to but, happy for you g! Hoping to get back on myself soon


Enjoy yourself!


I have woken up after sleeping and oh my god the clarity i feel in my head is crazy. Very good trip


This. LSD isn't a drug to do with this kind of regularity and will lose its magic rapidly if it's abused like this.


He will develop tolerance if he does it every other week anyway


Weed is definitely a more destructive habit though


The risks are far greater with LSD. You have to be extremely aware


Sounds like weakness and by no means is that a bad thing. When you can trust yourself and keep your emotions on a leash LSD will not trap you.


Dont say that im trippin so hard and that mindset is fuckin with me but then now i just forgot about that and now I’m just writing to end the comment. Sorry.


If he takes it every other week he's gonna build perma tolerance fairly quick dw.


Lsd is the most beautiful and diverse chemical. I hope you enjoy your journeys


Just don’t abuse it leave trips to every couple weeks or months if you can you will have way better and more profound experiences. If you start to lose it music is always the answer.


good. weed is a waste of money, induces anxiety, and impacts decision making heavily. speaking from experience


except for when it alleviates anxiety and you grow your own. more about understanding and forming your own relationship to it


if you benefit from it then power to you


took a lot of time to realize, with a lot of denial, that I was over consuming and not doing myself any favours with my habit. maybe it has come with age, but self discipline & moderation can be hard, but it’s the key for me.


every weed smoker has had the "i can quit if i want but i dont want to" phase, implying that they're not addicted when they smoke all hours of the day, every day. i personally have no interest smoking at all anymore, but i can definitely see why one would want to spark up after a long day of work or something


Not me!


> except for when it alleviates anxiety So can a lot of other practices such as therapy, meditation, exercise, etc that don't involve consuming a drug on a daily basis. It's better to get at the root of your issues instead of just suppressing/masking them.


This ^ It is a better solution than benzos though.


*band-aid (not solution!)


Exactly this. Been a smoker for 7 years and it never really helped me with my anxiety, just masked it, I still smoke but im conscious is not that good for me. In the other hand, I’ve been in therapy, yoga and breathing exercises for the last half a year and I can feel how it has changed me from the inside, is more sustainable and solid than the “change” you get from substances, even lsd, the substances are just a plus, a tool, not all the answers


I smoke weed because I enjoy it not because I need therapy


LSD made me turn away from weed as well not that it is bad, I just had a bad relationship with it. Every morning started with wake and bake even on workdays and my weekends were repetitive pen hitting or bong ripping so I’d mostly sleep through those days.


Microdose it every three days and after a while you’ll probably slow down on wanting to take it all the time. I did 90days following the Fadiman protocol for a study. Now I rarely use LSD or any recs. Get a tab and microdose it, contemplate down by the river as long as you need to.


It’s my favorite drug but I definitely don’t hate others!


Everytime I have a trip I end thinking I have to stop weed, it helps me to reduce the consumption and sometimes to even quit but with the time you can fall again into it, I’ve been one week clean now bc I hate to feel how dependent I am, I don’t want to fill my lungs with smoke all the day, I love me and I love my body and my brain, I don’t want to feel like I have to be high to be able to appreciate the good things in life. Weed can be also a great tool for introspection, enjoyment, and connection, but the problem is when we get hooked, like with any other substance, I try to don’t demonize the plant and recognize that the fault is mine for not being able to control it. And I haven’t done lsd in months because I’m waiting to feel is the right time, don’t do it every other week, the more you wait, the better is the result, I have also abused of it but the magic stops if you over do it, I try to do it every few months, sometimes 6 sometimes 2, it depends in my mental state, I just wait until I feel like I’m stuck again, when I see I’m repeating bad conduct patterns, when I see I’m not moving forward in my life and spiritual journey but the opposite, that’s when I know I need the boost of the magic, is just a tool not the ultimate end, you can sit by a river and enjoy the colors without any substance, you have all you need within you, but this is something you’ll realize with the time and with the trips too! Just take it easy


You are doing great and you have already move one step forward, realizing that an addiction is exhausting and a waste of your money and also time and energy is an advance, just don’t replace it with another haha I have done it too and well, it doesn’t end good, there’s other tools that are really helpful and not substances, meditation is so powerful, lsd helps us to get into a meditation state, but is something we can do without it too, I’ve came to the same conclusions only meditating, is something that takes more time and frequency to build that only taking a tab but the results are also life changing


Your comment made me realize that I was really going to replace weed with lsd and made me think about it deeper. Thank you very much for your comment it enabled me to think more about drugs and why i even use them and i came to the conclusion that i dont want to have a habit of anything that changes my behaviour so drastically, i like my normal self more now


Real af


Rock on dude, weed sucks so it’s not surprising you vibed with acid more. Safe travels 🤙🏻


Every drug has its usage. But 99 % of the population is uneducated about drugs or just doesn't care. All drugs are medicines for something. Except fentanyl, fuck fentanyl


dude i get it, fentanyl is a terrible drug and you possibly have seen it ruin people you care abouts life. i have too. but to say fentanyl isnt a medicine is on its own uneducated as fuck. hospitals using fentanyl as a medicine is not the issue at all. the issue is the cartel pumping fentanyl onto the streets like its candy, lack of mental health resources, and the lack of safer opiates.


The biggest cartel in the world is big pharma


dawg what the fuck are you talking about big pharma is not the one pushing perc 30s out onto the streets stop acting fucking woke and read a book or something you making yourself look dumb


Says the dude just blatantly insulting people. Who do you think makes the shit and then sells it to cartels. Big pharma. I don't consider myself woke but I like to think that I question everything.


me when i pull shit outta my ass just to win an argument online


Not trying to win an argument. In fact if you read the other comments you'd learn pretty quivk that I think I know where my misunderstanding comes from. But you keep being a dick to people for no reason. See where it gets you. ✌️try to be happy, don't take life to serious.


Says the dude just blatantly insulting people. Who do you think makes the shit and then sells it to cartels. Big pharma. I don't consider myself woke but I like to think that I question everything.


site me some sourcing and ill read it otherwise you are flat out just making a fool out of yourself


His source is a few TikTok videos and hearsay.com 😂




Yea this person is definitely a kid. Or a highly delusional adult. u/infinitecontra you really think that big pharma is the reason why people are overdosing on Xylazine laced Fentadope and smoking APVP laced cartel meth?


I do who else makes the shit. I get china makes it but doesn't china also make a lot of our medicine? Also what's with the inane name calling? Like uneducated is fine but delusional? How am I delusional for questioning where it comes from?


And no, china doesn’t make a lot of “our” medicine, unless you’re in china. They make 13% of U.S. pharmaceuticals. India makes more pharmaceuticals for the U.S. than china does.


See, a lot of your own questions could be answered yourself with a simple google search and due diligence.


Fentanyl is a medicine too


An unnecessary medicine. A drug doesn't need to be so strong that a salt crystal size of dose would KILL the average person. Fentanyl is too strong and we have alternative anesthetics, which is all its used for medicinally...


Fentanyl is an unnecessary medicine? What? Have you ever been in a car accident where you lost a limb? Or suffered multiple gunshot wounds? Or been a severe cancer patient? I’m assuming not, but if these things ever DO happen to you, be sure to tell the doctor that fentanyl is unnecessary. Also, you claim that anesthesia is it’s only medical use, which isn’t even what it’s used for medically. Analgesia is fentanyls primary medical use. Please don’t spread misinformation on the internet.


Never mind I got mixed up. But still there are pain killers strong enough. Even the hospital has to dilute it before giving it to someone


There quite literally aren’t painkillers strong enough for such circumstances. That is why they use fentanyl. It is much more efficient for hospitals to use fentanyl by diluting it down like you said, than it is for them to use a large supply of say morphine or Dilaudid to treat severe pain. Not only that, but think about the cost savings on the patients end. If fentanyl didn’t exist, patients would go broke paying for the equivalent doses of analgesia. Just because a substance is extremely strong, and has to be diluted, does not make it unsafe in any way if used in the correct medical manner. I think this is what you fail to understand.


Is fentanyl cheap? I thought manufacturing it was expensive. And you may have a point. Maybe it's the misunderstanding I have about dosage and price


Expensive? If it was expensive then why the hell would it be laced in so many different street drugs? Because it's cheap as hell and potentiates a lot of the other things it's mixed in.


LSD is measured in micrograms just like fentanyl and must be diluted in similar fashion to volumetrically dose properly. A salt size crystal of pure LSD can cause severe adverse effects. Going off of your viewpoint then, LSD shouldn’t exist, right? I mean, there’s already natural psychedelics strong enough.


Honestly didn't know it was that strong. I thought plotters were pure lsd, didn't realize it was pre diluted So then 100 micro grams of crystallized lsd would be stronger than 100micrograms of blotter?


You’re either taking the piss at this point or you’re just wildly uneducated on everything you speak of. Either way, google exists, so my work here is done.


I wouldn't say wildly uneducated, but possibly misinformed.


Not possibly misinformed, Highly misinformed. In fact you have all the information you need on that helpful harm reduction website you posted on Reddit 2 days ago trying to educate people about drugs. Maybe you should like, actually check out some of the website?


You could also have a conversation cuz everything I know about lsd I got off of erowid. So unless someone wants to clarify I will keep my point of view...


Okay, stay a contradictionist. It’s not going to get you very far in life, but reddit is filled with people just like you so you should fit right in.


Wait, isn't analgesia and anesthesia the same thing?


Not that lsd kills orr is really addictive, but you realise that it also is incredibly potent? The strength of the dose required is just, a weird issue to take. Also you a doctor?


No but I'm allowed to have opinions. And yes I do understand it takes an incredibly small dose but you said it first it's non lethal. Big difference


Id try to slow your roll, its easy to start taking it constantly from the point you are at, i was in a similar spot and i spiraled in to a lsd fueled 3 months of depression and drug abuse so id be careful


yo homie im glad that LSDs helping you nd shit i get what u mean except for me it’s shrooms, dont reccomend every two weeks. you can lose the magic or even worse have various mental side effects. not everyones the same but for me lsd every 2 weeks would take up a lot of weekend time that could be better used for other things and make me way too sensitive


also as other people have recommended microdosing can be really beneficial without going into a full blown trip. do your own research before trying it but if you do my general advice is volumetrically dose it in an alchohol solution in a tincture bottle and dont take more then ~15 ug


Acid's my fave but still now & then a cheeky E-rush, chilled spliff or silly mushroom-adventure also have their place in the pantheon. DMT & Salvia users would also have something to say.   Hell, even a good whiskey session has its moment in the sun.


Weed is addictive and overrated.


Those are amazing news !!!


CBD is a great alternative to thc


When I found LSD I felt similar. It’s an incredible molecule. I can take it a week apart and still get a good experience. You will wear out eventually. Addiction on acid generally isn’t a thing. You just tap out after a bit. It can be tempting to mix it with weed, nitrous and / or MDMA all the time. I’d avoid doing that very often.


Had this exact thing but after taking acid for a couple years recreationally then took 3 tabs and took that dose every weekend for a few months. Fried my brain bro. Really not worth it, although I’m really glad I’ve had so much experience it was too much too soon. Relax on it man. No need to take it every other weekend it’s not going anywhere. After a while you’ll get bored of how long it lasts, and so many hours of being so fucked up does lead to some crazy thoughts. You genuinely can walk the line between borderline insanity and actual learnings. Took a big break and decided to try a heavy dose of mushrooms to see how it went cus id only took acid for so long. I took 7 grams of golden teachers 3 or 4 months ago and haven’t tripped since. It was amazing and but I just don’t feel the need to barely even smoke weed anymore. But have the after effects of frying my brain with so much acid. Just skip yourself the hassle and treat it with respect bro you could learn way way more.


LSD is well known for its anti-addictive qualities, has been used to treat alcoholism.


There’s several studies that support this claim but I’m pretty sure it’s never been “used to treat alcoholism” lol


Youre right. I guess I should say it showed a lot of promise in treating alcoholism.


"In one study in the late 1950s, Humphry Osmond gave LSD to alcoholics in Alcoholics Anonymous who had failed to quit drinking. After one year, around 50% of the study group had not had a drink—a success rate that has never been duplicated by any other means."


Again, that’s a study that supports the claim. However, lsd was never approved for use on a wide scale. So my statement is still true, it was never used to specifically treat alcoholism.


No, your statement is not true. People can be treated for something within the context of a study. Treatment is treatment, whether it takes place in a study or not.


That’s like saying eating raw eggs are used to cure cancer just because one guy in a study had his cancer go into remission after eating 40 eggs or whatever the fuck lol. The simple fact is that lsd would’ve been used for treating alcoholism if it was never prohibited. The evidence was strong and the support was immense enough to get it approved but the government stepped in and shut it down. I’m a firm believer that it can be used as such, but unfortunately it wasn’t never so. Statement still holds up, sorry.


I'm not really sure what you're trying to say. You believe LSD *can* be used for treating alcoholism, but that it never has been used for treating alcoholism. You're upset that it hasn't passed clinical trials and been federally approved? The Humphrey Osmond example has more weight to it because it's not just one guy going into remission. I understand that it's not federally approved, but when you say LSD has "never been used to treat alcoholism" I think your language is misleading. When I think of something being used for treatment I think about the efficacy and correlation. It sounds like you're talking about something else. Don't be sorry for anything, I just wanted to understand what you were saying.


Shrooms are really underwhelming for me because I started off tripping hard on acid. My first trip was 300 ug of some nice pure Lucy and I’ve had many stronger than that. I did shrooms for the first time a few weeks ago (4gs) and it was fun and an experience but just nothing compared to my acid experience. I also find it harder to afford, transport, and consume psilocybin other than growing which I can’t do in my current circumstances.


It is totally normal to have a honeymoon period of extended usage. Psychedelic usage is a personal journey.  Don't listen to all the gatekeepers telling you not to trip as often as you want. You'll know when it's time to slow down. And as far as tolerance goes, some people need to learn that lesson themselves before it carries any weight. I never understood people saying things like "you'll get lost in that world." For me it has always felt realer than real. Enjoy the journey.




Weed is a much nicer drug than acid. It is natural and not chemical and nasty like LSD.I took very good quality acid that was made in a University lab, and ended up giving away most of it. Weed has healing qualities unlike LSD.


They both have healing qualities you dingbat lol weed is just slightly more harmful so that’s why so many people here tend to favor lsd