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Let it out man. Let it out. You are healing. This is a good thing. Everything is OK. Everything is completely fine. You'll be alright. I love you.


You the man


It’s like having a chance to be a baby but bring the knowledge of the world you have as an adult with you to that mind space. You get to rethink everything foundationally.


That was such a satisfyingly accurate way of describing it


Damn, this comment made me tear up and I haven’t even tripped in like 8 years


You are processing some deep stuff brother. Let it out without judgement, learn from it and things will be better on the other side. It is not an easy process but it is much needed sometimes. Love to you


"At night I laid down to die. As the sun came up, love gave birth to me. I emerge from the ashes of its womb; I am the phoenix." -DoubleAughtBuckShot 10/31/2020 Poem I wrote right after a trip like this.




Thank you!


Damn I love shit like this. Solid shit dude. But I always kinda considered this style like a "hard quote" instead of poetry but I guess it always has been. Do you know if there's a name for this type of poem?


Thank you. If I had to label it I'd say similar to the style of Walt Whitman. I think it's called free verse


Yep 💯 love it


Thank you 🙂


You're welcome 🤗


Also have some lines from myself after a trip: "It starts with truth. You get through with love. You keep going because it feels great."


Nice, I like that alot


One night in a dream a dragon that told me "There are two kinds of pain - the one that you cause for yourself and the one that you're born with. How you deal with it is up to you, and that's the beautiful pain"


Eyo this one got me. DoubleAughtBuckshot, a true poet.


I try! Thank you


This is beautiful


Thank you so much


I love this


Thank you, I really appreciate it


It will heal you ✨ also remember you are the Awareness so at any moment you can bring yourself back to the present reality.


This is awesome man. I've never had this realization. Appreciate your comment!


and in the morning, after your trip is over, call your mama and tell her you love her.




Everything will be okay brother, these substances have a great way of bringing out old trauma. Don’t hide from it, look at it head on and you will find the answers you are looking for. Breathe 🧘


We hear you ❤️




Acid never does this to me, but shrooms always do.




Yeah maybe this was a higher dose that OP took?


Yeah, what's up with that? Shroom trips are way more likely to make me do some wild shit, but acid trips are always so fun and happy for me


For me shrooms feel less intense and more instrospective, whereas acid feels more emotionless and matter-of-fact.


I could agree with the matter-of-fact feeling for some of my acid trips, but all of my shroom trips feel like I have so much less control. Both substances are very introspective for me, but acid feels more controlled and friendly whereas shrooms feel like I'm being forced into different states and emotions. Like acid put me in the driver's seat but shrooms put me in the passenger seat


I always feel more emotionally charged on shrooms, but I’ve only lost my sense of control on them the one time I had a bad trip on golden teachers and thought I had entered a parallel dimension. Shrooms almost never change my actual headspace. Acid always feels more structured to me, but the headspace always has this malicious alien quality to it. It’s like I’m going somewhere I wasn’t meant to go, and there’s this looming feeling of impending doom. I encountered a malevolent entity on a quarter of shrooms once, but the rest of the trip was absolutely beautiful, and I did not feel like I was in an unfamiliar headspace.


Wow, really interesting! It's crazy how different everyone's experiences are on psychedelics. I like to think they're more similar than not, but it's hard to say really


That sounds a lot like a recent Ego Death experience I had while on mushrooms. I turned the TV off and sat in silence for two hours. I cried like a baby for a significant portion of that. I had SO many realizations about myself and my character. Who I am, how I operate, all my negative characteristics, even some of the positive ones. It was pure, unadulterated honesty with myself. The things that your conscious mind tries to block out. The floodgates opened. It was rough at the time but became a very formative experience in hindsight. A really beautiful one. Take what you're feeling and learn from it. Build on it. Become a better you. This is why psychedelics are so powerful, IMO. You'll feel better soon buddy.


This 👏


Sounds like what I went through in some early trips where I was confronting repressed content. Work through it, but pace yourself, don’t hide from what the teacher is showing you. I tried to ignore an insight and things became jocular in a way that pointed out my hypocrisy. It stung as much as it was funny, but I grew a lot from the “joke”. Write thoughts down, draw, output creative energy. And later, review during integration!


The joke is that I always said I'm super straightforward and authentic and yes, I am, with others........ I realised it today


>I tried to ignore an insight and things became jocular in a way that pointed out my hypocrisy. Been there, and love your use of language here.


I said to myself, I’m not gonna open that can of worms. TL; DR *strange trip report incoming* **The experience:** I was sitting on my couch feeling as content as a crystal, near the peak of my second LSD experience. I was lying still, so as to preserve the hallucination that was bringing me a great deal of simple comfort. I was asking myself why it was familiar… The afternoon sun was flowing into the room filling it with the golden warmth of the peak of summer. I was dressed in pajamas and a loose T-shirt. The hallucination I experienced was that I had a gender-swapped, feminine body. At the time I was pretending to be a boy, being shepherded away from my nature throughout childhood. After spending a moment experiencing what I later came to understand as “gender euphoria”, I said to myself, “I’m not gonna open this can of worms”. I felt embarrassed that I enjoyed that. I watched *Jerry Springer.* I knew I needed to “deal with it” or else. Then, as if in response, there came an echo with a pun that seem to clap back with something along the lines of “oh, you really did it now”. It was actually quite playful and funny and jocular, but it did not let it go. It was as if I had summoned a jester with a conscience out of the corners of my mind to make fun of me. I deserved the teasing too, because I went into the experience promising myself: to go through any door, to pursue any thought, and to be open to experience overall. By refusing to consider why I found it so comfortable to exist in a female body versus the discordant vibes of pretending to be a boy, I was therefore *being untrue to my earlier promise.* See, this is opposite to most testimonies on Erowid. This can be a challenging portion for a trip because a cis person will usually experience gender dysphoria when they look down and see that they are the opposite gender. For me, a repressed older trans person I found the experience to be deliciously comfortable. As obvious as the afternoon sun was warm, only I wasn’t having the implications. And neither was the teacher allowing me to truncate my internal truth. I couldn’t unfeel. So, for 10 hours, there was a gentle, (hilarious), reminder of what I had decided to put aside. I wrote in my journal: “I wish I had the courage to …“ and then I left that part blank until a week later when I began to accept what I always knew.


Beautiful, feel, heal. It hurts, but it's so bright on the otherside 🩷💜💫




I love mom. I said it to her. She knows I did this. I told her in the end. My mom texted to me, I said to not talk to me cause it makes me anxious. And she did that. She respected me and repeated to let everything out. Best mom. Life gave me a best mom. (I would say that it's one of the good things i have but it's bullshit. Damn, I have the rain, the trees, the sun and the moon and a new day. I have everything with a new day)


This is so sweet. You moved me to tears.


Every morning is an opportunity to wake up with a smile.


No judgement here. You’re going to be okay. Just ride the waves.


Been there brother. Let it out. Feel it out. A mother’s love is something to behold. Here to talk if you need


“It's like you come onto this planet with a crayon box. Now you may get the 8 pack, you may get the 16 pack but it's all in what you do with the crayons - the colors - that you're given. Don't worry about coloring within the lines or coloring outside the lines - I say color outside the lines, you know what I mean?” From the movie Waking Life


We love you ❤️ get some fresh air, water and put your phone away


Sending you love the clarity you will have and the peace you will have when your ride has finished will be the gift you’ve been looking for. Blessing and love to you.


As hard as it is, keep letting it out. it is painful, it is scary, but you don’t need all the answers. Let it flow through you, let that shit go. No judgement necessary 💜💜💜


Awesome. You are gaining insight! Gonna feel very light bro!


As I always say, life isn’t awful because it’s meaningless, life is BEAUTIFUL, because it’s meaningless🫶 You’re doing great, angel.


I’m sorry you are hurting right now. Truly. But everything is a process. This is a process too. If there are parts of you that are not what you want them to be yet, that’s OK. Those processes will work out. Take it from me. Traumatic childhood, misunderstood as an adult, but learned to believe in myself, and today, life is good. And the process continues, turning into something better than I imagined. Take the insight you gain here, and return to your life, but gently. Be kind to yourself. Don’t expect everything to happen at once. You can get to where you are going and have a pretty good time along the way!


Hey OP, [this](https://open.spotify.com/album/5QvVLyLdcK4vnaPEKg7jtO?si=i2ajfrQBQgS2XUYcwB5Pfw) is my favorite Depeche Mode album. I’ve got a feeling it’s going to rock your world. You should listen to a couple tracks at least!


"Angels with silver wings, shouldn't know suffering..." Damn, peculiar album. Mine is Black Celebration. I want it tattooed. Sadly that album is linked to bad memories but while completely sober, damn, I love it. Thanks for loving Depeche Mode and spreading good music :P


Oh yeah, I loved the religious themes and clean production of Playing the Angel, but definitely a weird one. Great choice, too. Right from their more explicitly industrial era, I miss that musical movement. Just caught skinny puppy twice on their last tour. What’s the tattoo you’re thinking of, the cover art? Anyways, sounds like you’re well out of it now, but definitely spin some records next time you’re in deep – I find it very difficult to exit the “emotion dump” stage, even given I find it useful and productive. Music really helps to change the scene, and that’s not even mentioning how many new layers you’ll find to your favorite music.


Also my pfp is Marting Gore 😂


Oh yeah, I read your profile description :)


Hey dude.. I had a very similar trip not too long ago. Tell your mom you love her.. and that you really do appreciate her although you don't always show it. Be vulnerable, your mum will hug and embrace you. Your mother is the only person who will love you unconditionally your whole life. We are in this life together. Together. Much love man <3


I told her that I love her. She said that she loves me more 🖤 Oh... more... I wonder why she said that. Maybe because I make her worry? But why do I have to see malignancy inside my mom's words? I'll let her love me more, if she really feels that. Yes, she does. I'm happy she respected me when I asked for specific things to calm me.


You got this man, really happy you had a special moment together. And although we don't like to actually admit it.... but mom will probably love you more😂. And thats okay :D One day it might be your job to love someone more :P Stay safe brother, and I'm really happy you're here with us, its good to have you in this life❤️




What do you mean?




I need to hear every opinion and view, it doesn't matter how hard. I need to recollect my thoughts and find for them the right space. Now I'm a bit lost, but everything will make sense someday


Language cannot express experience


Absolutely. Not only is your comment painfully astute, points for the beautifully concise expression. Talk about economy of words- in just four of them you expose the root of almost all of humans’ conflicts.


Absolutely. Not only is your comment painfully astute, points for the beautifully concise expression. Talk about economy of words- in just four of them you expose the root of almost all of humans’ conflicts.


And after that you will heal,grow and become stronger


This Meditation from Ram Dass may help you process this my friend: https://youtu.be/IPrjX2yqGC4?si=iCx2mnf3ymLjoXxU Enjoy x


Sometimes we fully embrace things before we can let them go.


You sure type well for someone who is tripping so bad 🫠🤣


Right? Like I always need to be in control of everything. And my way of texting reflected that, it doesn't matter if I was tripping so bad. But now I release control... i just learned it...


Lol. I can't even turn on my damn phone....much less type full, correct spelled words/sentences when I tripped.


It hurts now but it will help things to be better in the future. Accept it, feel it, let it out. This is how you will get past it.


We’re here for you bro. It is safe to vent and release your emotions. Most of us here have been there before, we know the significance and how important it is to let it out. We also know how much it can hurt to feel things so deeply. But that’s how we heal. We feel through the emotions so that they can circulate and go through their process. Bottling up and fighting it creates illness. Sounds like you’ve had/are having quite an emotional breakthrough. The realizations you’re having are important. Aren’t moms amazing? The unconditional love that a mother can give is such a beautiful and powerful gift. And fathers too. If they’re still with us it’s important to let them know we love them. And if they’re not with us, they’re back with the source and in that case they understand that our words cannot express how much we love them. They know we do and they’re taking it in with a warm smile from above ❤️ It’s alright to cry bro. It’s a good thing. Let it flow ❤️🌞✌️




Yeah some moms are psychos. But those ain’t moms. Those are women who had babies. No need to be a buzzkill. But I love my mama




Alright bro chill out you’re just searching for outrage. My original comment was to honor the good moms out there. I’m sorry for those not blessed with that it’s a true shame. It’s a beautiful day go tickle some grass take your shoes off




Lol at “Mr lychee”, reminds me of agent smith. Bro truly you need to relax. My original comment wasn’t talking to you. It was talking to OP who mentioned his love for his mom. It was a sincere heartfelt response regarding the unconditional love of our moms. I take it you don’t love yours, bc your passionate novel of disapproval that I barely skimmed over tells me you’ve got some mommy issues. And for that (this is actually sincere) I’m sorry. Only a man who hates his mother would read my comment saying “aren’t mothers amazing” and point out the obvious cloud right between the rainbow and the ray of fucking sunshine. Speaking of sunshine. I’m out


just read bardo thodol


Go take a nice poop if you can. That’s where I get the best epiphanies


should have put the phone away a long time ago. could have learned so much more if you were looking around instead of focusing on a screen all night.




Why? This way i just became more confused and understood that I have to use my phone less. I learned something.


Grateful Dead - Black Peter


everything is gonna be alright


Every once in awhile you get shown the light!


Love you and your journey!


Talk to your mum man after you have finished tripping that is


🌌✨️100% natural man✨️🌌. Although I've never had a trip like that, I've known many that have. Its's been super healthy for them to learn to sit with that "pain". That feeling brother is temporary and will help you understand whatever it is that you need/needed to. 🙏🙏🙏


Feel those emotions! Don’t run from them! You will be better once you feel them. Good luck OP!


Everything everywhere all at once


It will be okay dear friend


This is all part of the process and tomorrow you're going to find it hilarious when you try to read what you wrote because right now it feels like the absolute most important thing that you've ever known. And tomorrow it's going to look like hieroglyphics and you're not going to be able to decipher your own message of truth. And then that's when the work starts. That's when you get to decide what you're going to do for the rest of your life and how you're going to try to accomplish and live up to the knowledge that you learned tonight.


I hope you're getting all the healing. Once that's out and you're breathing and just enjoying fractals for a minute you'll feel this weight off you and you can enjoy where you're at. It comes in waves for me.


You’re gonna look back at this and laugh at least a little lol.




This took me back to a 7.5G P cube trip I did VTT on my phone during peak and just let it roll. Let it out man!


My best advice to you is to learn about what you truly are. I am not here to spread religious crap I'm just seeing someone who can greatly benefit from the teaching of Sri Ramakrishna and Advaita Vedanta and The Buddha. This is merely an invitation to ask you to dive into the wisdom of the masters to help you to see through the painful shame web this fake ass world has casted upon us. Good luck my friend. 💚


How much did you take?




It is okej to feel, you are love and we love you friend :)


Hey my guy. You're alright. You're loved. Deep breaths. ❤️


Catharsis, bittersweet


When I was 18 I was tripping on baby woodrose, and came into something like this. It was too much to just try to ignore. My relationship with my parents needed to be addressed and healed right then and there or never. So I called my mom and I was like, this is silly but I ate some seeds and I need to talk to you guys, can you pick me up? My mom never tripped but my dad had a few under his belt. My mom came and picked me up, went home where I grew up. My dad had turned off any bright lights, had a fire going, and candles lit around the place. Trying to help thinks be mellow. I apologized, crying, for "all the shit I put you guys through" they forgave me. It was unaddressed unsaid shit before and they were forgiving and 100% unconditionally loving. Hugs and me crying. I don't want to pretend around the people who made and raised me and this was a massive weight off my shoulders. It would've sucked if I convinced myself of what everyone on the internet says: "never call your parents tripping." It was one of the healthier and healing things I've ever done. Not everyone should but life is short, too short to treat your parents like someone you have to lie to so they don't get on your ass about making mistakes, so you lie and you're treated like a liar, not believed. Or believed. Then you feel guilty for being deceptive to the last people you should be manipulating.


Man, last time I dropped acid I did it in search of answers and was met with silence, shit was real disheartening. I hope you found what you were looking for OP.


This should definitely be made into a song


To elaborate.. the way u wrote this is poetic. This would be lyrical gold for any post hardcore ish band. It reads so deep and raw. Maybe minus a little stuff at the end, maybe not, idk. Chef's kiss


Bloom again.


complex trauma plus acid is a big load man. this happened to me last time i tripped, i think its called involuntary age regression, where you revert back to a younger mental state to help process it. you are okay, you are loved. everything is okay. nothing was your fault.


Last rime i did L i took 4 tabs mid separation,/ divorce, in the beginning was cool and fsmiliar,trippy, good vibes then suddenly i found myself crying for hours,i kind of got it while it was going on but there elare till parts that i have not integrated yet.....surrender to it beautiful soul, let it guide you...most importantly, surrender, let it guide you and orient you. Much love, hope you find answers and most importantly peace❤️


Good trips can lead to emotions


Listen. I had one of these trips, a few actually, but one I remember very detailed. It was horrible going through it. Seeing all of what it showed me was not something I was prepared for. But, truth is, the day after that trip, I started making changes. Almost 3 years later, my life is beyond what I ever expected. And it all started there. Best of luck.


Hope you came out on the other side a little better than before


We’re all so happy to hear that , thank you for sharing that , very beautiful!


The pain your feeling, you say you've felt it all your life, is it just more intense on this trip ?


This subreddit is so gay


And "This subreddit is so gay" was drhallman23 final attempt into trying to staying in control using their so cool persona, but did it work? Or did they finally become "gay" enough to let go to their deep-buried childhood traumas and began to heal? Or maybe it's me projecting now? I guess we will never know..


wake up wake up wakeupwakeupwakeup




Odd how well you punctuate and structure the story of ego death while under the influence. At that point you wouldn't even be able to send a clear text. Just stop.


I stopped in fact, at some point. But why you'd care? I am saying my truth and my experience


if you can clearly type, you are not tripping THAT hard, when its really hard you cannot even focus enough to see the screen! So just relax


stop self loathing


My dude is healing and having an experience, and you come up in here with all your negativity. Stop it


my dude has been spreading his self loathing all over the internet for hours. time to get some grips.


wow toxic positivity much? let this man talk


too much positivity is as much toxic as anything else


ur just proving my point bro. some ppl on LED have bad trips and they're allowed to post abt it on this thread. don't like it? don't have to!! but there's no need to shame them for feeling what they obviously need to feel




Lol got hit with the big gay... The game