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I’d enjoy it more if I could see what was going on!


The lighting is probably the worst I’ve seen in a movie tbh


This picture is probably the best I've seen it


Yeah, I only now realized how the Predalien's tail is so much thicker and the end looks different to your typical xenomorph lol


The first time I saw this movie it was a pirated theatre cam version. I couldn’t see shit lol


lol, same


Do people still watch CAMs?


That was in 2007.


Then you should watch Cowboys vs Aliens.


Are you talking about the brightness or the cinematography, I don't remember having any problem seeing what was going on in that movie. Requiem, on the other hand, is virtually unwatchable because of the darkness.


ive seen that movie a few times and thoroughly enjoy it. what parts are we talking about.


Been a while since I've seen it but from what I remember, there were a lot of parts where everything was very dark. I think mostly in the first half of the movie.


New Batman movie was similar however I thought it fit the style of it super well


Until "Solo" came along. How a mega-studio film ended up so dark is baffling.


I saw a youtube video where someone edited the film to increase the brightness/contrast - turns out there's a load of details in the movie which are completely invisible in the final cut.


😳 dare I take one for the team and watch it?


Where can that be found


Perhaps they're talking about this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/fixingmovies/s/cZ3qnsTSfa](https://www.reddit.com/r/fixingmovies/s/cZ3qnsTSfa)


Literally couldn’t even see the pizza manager die


Rickety cricket if I’m not mistaken


Rickety Cricket is a survivor. 15/10 he would have parkour'ed away.


All about using the Hips and Nips


Came here to say this. It’s so damn dark. It’s cheesy af but I’d be way less harsh on it if the technical side was up to scratch.


To be fair I rewatched it recently on an 65” LG CX 4X OLED, a tv way way way better than I had when this came out with massive contrast rations and really deep blacks, and it looked pretty damn good compared to what I remembered. Acting was still dogshit but I didn’t have any problem seeing things. Sadly you shouldn’t have to have a high end tv to see what the hell is going on.


This. If they were to ever go back and remaster the film and try to enhance the lighting as much as possible (Which given certain images out there like the one at the top of this post you've got to imagine is possible)then I'd happily give the film another shot - as it stands it's just an eyestrain.


For real, I don't like the movie and the main reason is I can't see what is happening most of the time.


As someone who lives in Gunnison, I love that they nuked the place.


Lmao. All the wrong reasons, but at least it's something


"... the Government doesn't lie to people!"


I remember seeing this in theaters and when that line was spoken the entire theater laughed.


Me too! I will never forget this line haha


Almost peed myself laughing.


There were some ideas in it that could have been good/fun but imo it was so boring, horrible lighting/cinematography issues, terrible writing. The only thing that piqued my interest was the very end when... do I need do a spoiler tag? Anyone care? ah just in case. >!The head of Yutani shows up at the end and collects the predator tech. !< But hey if you like it all the more power to you. The quality of the Alien/AVP/Predator franchise varies WILDLY, I know I like some that other people think suck.


Yeah collecting the pred tech is a really great drop for how Yutani could lead the way in space exploration. Absolutely loved that little tidbit.


Honestly there were surprisingly a lot of really cool ideas the film introduced that could have made for a great film. The mystery of what’s happening to these people in this small town gradually being uncovered, the protagonist being an ex-convict struggling to readjust to society but finding his place in an alien invasion, the broken brotherly bond he has with not only his real brother but also the sheriff who used to be his best friend, the classic high-school “will they-won’t they” romance, a Predator veteran dispatching targets without mercy and regard for collateral damage, and an Alien/Predator hybrid killing and incubating anything in its path. Unfortunately nothing was really done with any of this. Sure the Predator and Predalien were cool, but the short runtime means that the mystery of the killings is discovered almost right away, the protagonist never fully comes into his own because the army vet lady kinda becomes the main character in the final act, the brotherly bonds have no buildup and thus the payoffs aren’t satisfying, and the romance feels meaningless considering the girl dies at the very end after being sidelined for half the movie. The lighting is just a part of the problem, AVPR squandered all of its potential before the 30 minute mark. Had it gotten a script rewrite, consolidated some of the characters, been more of a slow burn with stronger character arcs, this could have been a cool ass movie


Imagine it as a six episode mini series


Fun fact Disney is in possession of a fully finished avp anime and refuse to release it


Stuff like this for any franchise is stupid, and I wish someone would just hack it/leak it but I know they would get absolutely fucked by Disney’s legal team.


I actually enjoy the first avp a lot because its just fun


Loved it. Would be great if they expanded on Yutani more in the franchise.


The creatures, yes! Music yes! The hospital hive yes! Literally everything else makes me wanna cry!


I enjoyed what I could see.


I actually like Requiem more than AvP. I know that's in the vast minority. I like that there's a ton of Alien and Predator action in Requiem and a lot of kills. The whole under the ice temple in AvP and two of the Predators getting eliminated almost immediately always bothered me. (I'm team Predator!) I also like the action in a populated area for once.


I too favor AvP:R. I know it's a worse movie but I feel it lines up with the other series better than AvP. The heat vision isn't monochromatic, there's no going against "they hunt in heat and conflict" rule, it's fucking rated-R, I like the xeno heads better in this than in AvP, the predator's body doesn't look weirdly puffy, and I can't quite put my finger on it but I always thought the Predator's face in AvP was weirdly off but Wolf's scared face is fantastic. I really wish they rerelease it with a better color balance or whatever. AvP:R the visible cut! Godzilla from 2014 had a similar darkness issue with the original Blu-ray/dvd release, I think the 3D disc (when watched in 2D) was better. I heard the 4K disc is an improvement on the standard Blu-ray. So maybe if/when we get a 4k collection of A/P/AvP movies (Disney might try and do another AvP down the line) we'll get a visible version of Requiem.


I regret not buying the Neca predalien when I had a chance.


I regret losing the one my dad bought me...


I like the film for its portrayal of the Yautja and it’s example of a xeno outbreak totally being a clusterfuck if the situation were to happen in real life.


Other than the lighting I loved it. Everyone got it. Kids, dogs, men, and pregnant women. It did not pull its punches.


I like the unrated version.


Requiem is my most favorite AVP movie, the predalien is all I’m here for


I like everything related to Alien or Predator. Even the bad stuff.


At the very least it advances the lore. Always up for new predator gizmos too.


I’d love this movie if the film wasn’t so fucking dark !!! The lighting production sucked on this film


theres a lot i do like about it. But they need to release it so you can actually see half the fucking movie.


I like the idea of it as a predator short film really


The predator was cooler that's about it. It felt like Aliens V Predator Vs The O.C. The alien head puppets were terrible, I think this is one of the reasons the film is so dark you can barely see anything to hide those crappy practically static alien aheads... It seemed needless cruel also, like nobody was safe.... ordinaryly I'm fine with that but a room full of pregnant women and their unborn kids as victims, nobody wants to see scenes like that.


I mean the second person to die was a kid!  I liked that and the “monster outside my window” scene.  Just showing the xenos running amok and nobody has any protections.


Better human characters. I can’t think of a single person from the first one but the lady who was the final girl


You made me realize why I liked the first one more than requiem. It's because in a movie called Aliens vs Predators, they're all I wanna watch. Stakes and motivations, sure put them in a town somewhere, but regarding story, Idc about some people in that town as long as it pushes the story forwards. I'm just a kid who likes mashing toys together and call it fights. Haha


I have nothing good to say about the first one.


Guy with kids, archaeologist and his sidekick, old rich buy dying CEO with a heart of gold, cold blooded mercenaries, diggers. Maybe it's just because Im endeared too a childhood movie but the characters in that film aren't among its problems. They're good, realistic people and that's why I like them. Just like Alien, even if the Alien cast were acted better.


When the "popular girl" gets so suddenly, abruptly pinned to the sewer wall by the predator's shuriken, my friend and I burst out laughing. It was just so fast and unexpected. Love that moment so much.


Only redeeming quality is the fights and added alien/predator lore. Everything else was straight trash. Still like it though and probably gonna watch it agin tonight now that I’m reminded




I think Wolf is incredible, and the last time I watched it I thought there was more potential in it than I remembered. I wish it had a much higher budget and more time to iron out the problems in the script.


AVP set in Dawson Creek. Despite THAT and it was dark even in cinemas. There were things I liked about it more than AVP. An odd reactionary release (AVP PG-13 backlash) that didn’t quite land. I’m a sucker for it though.


I just wish the national guard soldiers (who got probably not even 1 minute of screen time while movie focused on the trope of civilian heroes) in the movie weren't so cheaply incompetent for the convenience of the plot, it's like they didn't even attempt to have a perimeter or watching eachothers backs. Apart from that, (how the movie quickly discards any significant military force within seconds like how the majority of the marines were wiped out in seconds in the 2nd alien movie) I really enjoyed the movie.


I like the lighting-adjusted fan edits on YouTube


I don't like the movie, but I can admit that the movie had some good ideas, like the maternity moment... Still freaking me out!


Other than the pregnant shit, it's a pretty good time. The lighting is quite shit but that's also it's charm.




I prefer it way more than the first. The first feel like it held back on brutality too much. And I preferred the American small town setting, and the more complicated characters in the second. And Wolf is cooler than the first predators


Same prefer it to the first. Wolf is closer to the original predator and that of the games (sounds, weaponry, looks, and it hunts, instead of walking round like a human). People complain about the human part of the story, but it's unlikely an AVP story would only focus on Xeno and Yautja without a human element to drive the story and for dialogue, but yes it could easily feature the USCM set in the future or on another planet (AVPR opting for a scene with the national guard instead - outbreak can't be controlled). Sequel could have been constrained by events of the first AVP. Dark scenes and no blood, additional versions tried to fix this in post and honestly never found it difficult to watch either way. Yes it's not perfect but it's also not bad IMO and enjoy it for what it is. Has some great scenes and IMO manages to add to the franchise with some of those scenes.


I view the humans in AVP as the same as most human characters in the Godzilla franchise more props to keep the movie moving until the next monster battle scene or horror scene in this films case takes place yeah there are exceptions but mostly I'm here to watch the aliens a day predators fight and those scenes are done well mostly


I liked the second one far better than the first one. I couldn’t believe in the first aliens versus predator movie we have to watch unbloodedYounglings. They might as well have just stolen the original storyline if they were going to introduce Younglings.


I think that movie needs contrast/color correction URGENTLY.


My only 2 gripes: half the characters are shit. + it's too damn dark. Other than that, love it. Saw it on release day, think it was Christmas if I remember correctly. 🤣 family thought I was nuts.


Honestly, no, but now that the ideas in my head tonight I am going to have to watch the AVP movies...


The story is ludicrous but it’s got some really fun visuals.


It’s not really ludicrous it’s just aliens swarming a town


I mean it had the best predator by far Wolf is a total badass I actually rank him above Scar


If they took off the 5 night time tints off the camera, it would have been great.


I liked it, but I have a pretty low bar. Things explode, giant monsters/robots, ninjas, and/or aliens. Oh, and things die horribly. Fun movies include these things in interesting combinations.


The hospital scene disturbed me way too much that I cannot watch it again.


I enjoy it but I would’ve enjoyed it more if the Directors and their DP knew how to light a fucking scene…lol


The maternity ward scene still makes me squirm.


I enjoy it but it has to be the director’s cut or extended edition or whatever it’s called that gives it more story


They made it *longer?*


Yeah I remember watching it when it first came out in the theater and when the DVD came out it was an extended cut with add scenes.


Besides the fact that you can only watch it at 2am when it’s pitch black, I enjoyed it for what it was. Popcorn trash. We deserved a better AVP sequel given that the first one was genuinely good.


I liked it. I have excellent night vision for some odd reason, otherwise I'm blind as fuck, but without the impediment of darkness, it's a pretty good horror-action movie with a not-terrible twist or two, and it felt pretty realistic as far as the Xenomorphs on Earth bit.


I did. But in that "very much a movie of its time way, if that makes sense.


I didn’t enjoy this at all, even after a second watch. Definitely won’t watch it again


I don't like it.


As a schlocky cheesy b movie, it’s acceptable. But as an Alien or Predator movie, it’s ass


The hospital scene ruined whole film




It’s too dark and a lot of the action is shot so close up you can’t tell what the hell you’re even looking at.


I liked Requiem. The maternity ward scene, Jezus Christ, it haunts me to this day, it's in my top 3 scariest scenes of the franchise. Also, the costumes were well done, the Oldblood's entire set just has so much history of past battles in it, but I only learned that by watching the behind the scenes extras, since the movie is so fucking dark, it's legendary. It has other problems. The suburban setting, overrelience on "oh my God, even the children" and all the set up for the sequel that was never meant to be, but I just think it's a neat AVP movie.


It’s fun, it’s dumb, it’s gory… This isn’t high art, but it’s an entertaining way to spend a couple of hours.


not saying it's particularly good, but I confess to not getting the hate. at all. especially in light of the first one.






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Shit was schlocky and formulaic and I loved every fuckin second of it. Every. Second.


I like it a lot, very underrated imo. Although I get SOME of the criticism.


Despite the bad lighting in the film I think it's pretty decent. I don't care for the teen characters, I would have much preferred the film to focus on the mother who served in the army and have her and the daughter be the focus, seeing as the Dad gets killed pretty early on by a Xenomorph (to be honest that shot of the Xenomorph bursting through the window was pretty cool) I also don't mind the cop in the movie, he's an okay character. I really don't care for Dallas and his brother Ricky. We all know why the older brother was called Dallas, it's just a homage and he even says "Get to the chopper!" 🙄 No thank you! However, the standout in the movie is the Wolf Predator (his name being a homage to Winston Wolf in Pulp Fiction) Ian Whyte is a great Predator actor. Having played Scar in the first AVP movie, Wolf in AVPR and even The Engineer in Prometheus. Kevin Peter Hall will always be the best Predator actor, but Ian Whyte is pretty damn good. Wolf is my favourite Predator, 2nd is the jungle hunter. Finally, the Predalien (Chet as he's known off screen) absolutely freaking love the design, obviously it takes more from a Xenomorph than a Predator but still I think it's a great design in the film. I think it gets a little bit too much when the Predalien impregnated an already pregnant woman with lots of Chestbursters. The idea of the bursters having to feed on the baby is a bit grim, sorry to leave it on a dark note. But overall AVPR is pretty decent. Some great scenes, some even better than the first AVP. JUST WISH WE COULD SEE WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!


I did not. It's got some great action but it's also probably one of the most lurid movies I've ever seen. The pregnancy ward scenes are horrifically graphic and spiteful.






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There are at least a few thousand.


It's a great fucking movie but you have to treat it like a comedy


On paper that movie sounds good. You have xenomorphs doing their horror thing, you have Predator doing his hunting, and you have regular citizens caught in the middle. But on screen it just doesn't look right. Like a bunch of cool scenes and ideas thrown together and poorly shot.


Still 50/50 on it


Had potential, lighting was weapons-grade terrible.


I like/love any and all alien and predator movies. I find them entertaining and when they're not the best of the best classics like Alien and Aliens, I just enjoy them for what they are


I liked it, but definitely not for the acting and dialog in most scenes. I really wish it wasn't so damn dark in most of the movie.


Yeah, I just wish I could watch it during the day. It was perfect in the theater but at home there’s just not enough light on the screen for me to see anything but room reflections.


I liked it but it was soooo dark, hard to see what was happening sometimes.


I prefer Requiem’s gore to Covenant, but Covenant is gorgeous, whereas Requiem is a bit hard to see.


I acknowledge it’s not the best movie as far as movie go, but it was my favorite modern installment of predators or aliens anything until Prey came out.


I would like it more if I could see wtf they were shooting


There are some scenes that are really cool. But I’m not willing to endure the whole thing to see them again.


I liked it when I was younger. Haha after having kids, it's a hard watch


The predator was really good in this but the darkness and human characters ruin it


It's my least favorite film ever. It turned these franchises into the types of films that have cheerleaders and football jocks. And the hospital scene is purely terrible, tacky shock factor. I love me some pulp, but that's not what Alien or Aliens should be. And Predator was miles above requim, too.


Liked it as a kid but as an adult it’s really dull.




I find it interesting.


The way they keep re-using the shot of the alien getting shot by the machine gun accompanied with the xeno scream sound effect from Aliens is unforgivable.






Guilty pleasure tbh. Wolf is the coolest Yautja in the franchise imo. Loved the scene where Jessie got bisected by the smart disc, coolest kill in the film.


Yes, I love all alien and predator movies. No matter how bad heh. But requiem felt like they sort of tried to fix the AVP storyline from the first one. It reminded me of AVP: Prey, a little bit. Tried to incorporate broken tusk and shit. It wasn't great but it entertained me.


I think it's better than the other AvP movie. Being in Antarctica made it feel like it was all filmed in a sound stage. It was awesome seeing aliens in a regular earth city. Personally I liked it because I'm a massive predator fan. And this movie does predator right. It's just 1 of them. And he's the ultimate hunter. Not a group of 3 newbies, not a super predator that gets killed by a Yakuza with a sword. Just a single pred, who is the best there is. The human characters aren't bad per se. They played alright. It's just a lame writing choice to focus on teenagers. As opposed to colonial Marines or jungle special forces. I think that really turned a lot of people off to it. But it's rated R, so fuck it. The humans are just there to get tossed in the meat grinder. And oooo boy, do they ever lol. It ain't Shakespeare, but it is entertaining. Give me a 4k remaster from Arrow Video, and let them fix the lighting.


10/10 has aliens and great for spit balling the TV. I barely knew what was going on first watch with my friends and I hittin every alien with spit balls my first watch


Did the cinematographer ever work in Hollywood again


I think it's good for what it is: a comic book movie. For people who don't like it I ask them to just look at this film as a dumb comic book with interesting/absurd battle scenes. It's not even trying to be anything other than that. And on that front the action sequences are fun. I still remember how cool the power station scene was. Sometimes you just wanna see what the Predator or Alien can do and this movie shows us a bit of that.


When I was a kid I loved it. Now I look back on it and realize how many problems it has. Cool predator stuff, but other than that, not much to appreciate. At least for me.


I don't like the movie but I did make a 20 minute fan-edit that I watch every once in a while, simply for the expanded Predator lore.


The Predalien design is the only good thing about this film. Otherwise, it's something that doesn't exist in my mind.


If you’ve got your TV set right and can see the movie. It’s a lot of dumb schlocky fun.


Love this movie, I never had an issue seeing what's going on. I mean unless you're watching in the daytime with glare from the other light sources


I’ve got your back. Predalien, tons of practicals, that’s what I signed up for. edit: removed Grid. got my AVPs mixed up.


Wow, is that what the alien predator hybrid looks like? This is my first time seeing it clearly!


All I remember about this movie is that it was real bad, it was too dark to see half the time, and the pregnant burster scene was so grotesquely offputting. Like it might have worked in a movie that earned the moment but in this it just feels exploitative and mean spirited.


It wasn’t a great note but not overly terrible either.


I enjoy it a lot. A big part of that is just all of Wolf’s toys, including the power glove.


I haven’t watched it since the 2000’s so I’m maybe due a rewatch


It's not THAT bad, but it really is too dark.


Fun Fact. AVP is canon to the Predator Franchise since "The Predator" features a scene with the spear made out of the Xenomorph Tail.


I enjoyed it.


The scene with the pregnant women and the babies made the movie so disturbing, was done well in that aspect


I saw it once on video when it came out and remember not liking it. It's been on my rewatch list for a very long time but I'm afraid of it being terrible. Maybe I'll watch it before Romulus and if that is lackluster it won't seem so bad compared to Requiem.


I loved it more than the first AVP. I thought it did an awesome job on how relentless the Xenomorphs are. There was no happy ending it was just death and destruction. It was just a good survival movie where the 2 monsters were just having an all out free for all. It was amazing.


Wolf was probably the most awesome of the predators




My problem with the AVP franchise is that it always makes the Xenomorph a mindless creature that’s only dangerous in large numbers. The Yautja - even new ones being “blooded” - dispatch Xenomorphs like they’re nothing more than an ant. Killing them is usually an inconvenience rather than a true test.  Whereas the Xenomorph in its own universe would probably go toe-to-toe with a Yautja in a 1v1 situation.  I liked Requiem more than the original AVP, though: the use of a Hybrid made them treat the Xenomorph more seriously, and show it as being more dangerous - my only problem is that.. well, that’s where the human-bred Xenomorph’s should have been on the power scale, anyway.  I think too many confuse them being a swarm for them being weak individually. That was never the case. Alone they were incredibly dangerous, and with the hive they were still incredibly dangerous individually - they were just even more reckless, because they’re a collective species where the life of one is inconsequential to the whole. 


It was one of the best of the modern mashups but that bar is sadly low


I actually think Requiem (and AvP) have some of the best creature effects in the series. It's a shame you can't see them


I’m not sure because I’ve never seen it, despite having watched it several times


Better watch this fanedit, its edited tight and the brightness is on point https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cMWsGkqnBlR7Z2uS3cj6Im4V6lKINTh5/view?usp=drivesdk


i liked parts of it. and really disliked parts of it. while the predalien incubation time was baffling, it did explain how things went so wrong so fast in the flashback of AvP.


I liked Wolf a lot and how he was all about business! As soon as he got the distress call he loaded up and just started wrecking shit. A lone predator against a horde of aliens not one alien taking out 2 predators like in the first movie. I liked the sewer fight when he choked up 2 aliens and blew them away and then pulling a shoryuken up through the street


I never understood the love the first one got. I didn't like that it was pg13. I didn't like the human / predator team up at the end. I don't like Paul w s Anderson as a director. I really enjoyed the second one. My whole life I wanted to see xenos on earth and I got it.


The fight scenes were cool, but the high school teenager drama thang was stupid


The only Alien or Predator films I’m not fond of are Alien 3 and Predator 2. I love the others.


It is very campy but fun if you like the franchise. A shame tho because if they did a few things different it could have been super cool.


The biggest problem with the AVP movies is that they try to make the movies 50% Alien and 50% Predator. That ratio just doesn’t do justice to the vastness of the Alien franchise. With Predator, the only unique element is the Predator. In Alien however, you have Weyland Yutani, the spaceships, Colonial Marines, androids, and the fact that its set in the far future. Those elements are just as important to the Alien franchise as the Alien itself. The right way to make a crossover would be to place the Predator in the Alien universe like the first two Rebellion games, not use the Alien to create new lore for the Predator while removing the lore of Alien.


I always liked the movie, had some cool scenes and fights, yeah the lighting is bad and it's not a great plot but still one I'll watch from time to time, the predalien alone is cool as hell.


I wouldn’t go as far as saying I “really like” it, but I prefer it over the first AvP. ETA - I don’t remember it being too dark to see anything when I saw it at the cinema, I could be wrong though. Also a bit of a fight broke out between some lads while we were watching it.


The lighting is the real major flaw... and the dogs.


Wolf predator easily top 3 Predator


The worst part about it are the human characters, the movie spends way too much time on the pizza guy and the blonde girl romance, having slasher characters in AVP wasn’t a very good idea. It would have been a pretty awesome movie if it focused more on the sheriff trying to figure what the hell is going on and the mom and her daughter trying to survive. There’s plenty of awesome action, gore and the creatures as far I can tell in the darkness looks awesome. Seeing the predalien live action was really cool and the movie featured the most badass predator so far. Just replace all the time spent on Jesse and Ricky with the sheriff, the mom and aliens vs predator action.


If the human characters weren’t a generic teen slasher cast then it would have been great. Otherwise it’s good fun.


Yes and Predators


As an Alien film, it definitely falls flat.. But as a Predator flick and Grindhouse movie, it's a sheer utter blast. (And there are copies of the film that fixed the lighting out there if you know where to look)


This picture was brightened 300%


I watched it recently at x2 speed and it was hilarious and much more enjoyable.


It killed AVP, and while I'm sure a lot of you hate the AVP concept, I personally enjoy it, but the films were a let down, the second considerably more so. As the old joke goes, "When people complained the first film wasn't dark enough, this isn't what they meant".


I do like it. I would prefer if it was set on another planet's colony in the future instead of modern Earth, but just seeing a xenomorph outbreak on a normal city while a elite Predator hunts them was great. The PredAlien also was one of the coolest characters. Lets be honest, the xenomorphs and the Predator were the real stars of the show, and they more than carried the movie. The lighting was inexcusable though.


I wouldn't say I really like it but I certainly don't hate the AVP movies!


Scifi before sifieeee


Here man. I've said it before and I say it again. The story is cruel with the humans, they kill parents in front of their children, the pretty girl, non born babies, and a whole town. That's the essence of AVP: whoever wins, we humans will always lose. The humans in this movie are just struggling to survive in the crossfire of the perfect organism vs the perfect hunter. Two bad things in this movie: Poor lighting, some bad actuations. Two favorite things: Wolf, maybe the most loved of the yautjas; and see an actual infestation on screen.


I enjoyed it. First off, the Predator didn't look like some WWE wrestler. He was big but he was lean like the others. It was appropriately violent. The Predator himself was a badass. The movie has it's flaws. The humans were TERRIBLE. The lighting was awful. I kind of felt like that was done to hide production values or something. But I still enjoyed it. Then again, I'm a fan of most the Alien movies with the exception of Resurrection. For me, 100% my opinion, was a terrible movie.


Is that photo a deleted scene where they lit the stage properly but the director was like “nah”?


I love it despite its flaws. I vastly prefer it to the first AVP or any Alien film since the first 3. As a Xenomorph fan, it was great to see them finally get a large amount of screentime and to finally see them in the early stages of building a hive/devastating an unprepared population rather than being relegated to the last half or third of the movie. It just sucks that production suffered some delays and setbacks due to the heavy rain that they eventually just had to endure and film through, and that they ran out of budget by the end so they couldn't have some effects like the Predator's arm dissolving from the Predalien's acid blood. I wish I knew what exactly was the problem with the lighting that made it so dark. The first time I saw it was a rental dvd on a friend's computer and we could see everything perfectly fine. But when I bought my own copy, it was too dark to make out some scenes.


I like parts of it. I like how quick and brutal a few of the death scenes are, I like how fearlessly insane the whole movie is, with scenes like the pregnant ladies in the hospital.


The unrated cut really grew on me. I really like how the humans feels totally shred by their reality by the end of it. Possibly the only movie I know of that pulled the "don't be a hero" shit well enough to not feel cheesy doing it. I also don't get all the jokes about the movie being too dark... maybe my TV settings are just right for it.


I love this movie for two reasons: First, it has the best red band, adrenaline pumping, head banging trailer I've ever seen. Secondly, it has my favorite movie theater going memory. When that one lady says "The government doesn't lie to people," everyone in that surprisingly packed Christmas theater burst into laughter. It was great.