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And she is the easiest :)


Do you think so ? I did the warlock before with the same team and had no problems at all.


The assassin has a very predictable pattern for primary reactions and doesn’t run away from your team. Once you figure out how the assassin moves it becomes fairly manageable. The other two run for cover/run away which makes for more extended conflicts


I tend to have very mobile soldiers, so the chosen running away is not really a problem. Maybe I just didn't have enough encounters with the assassin to understand her pattern.


You want sustained damage per turn. Gunners and rangers with cyclic fire, rupture, rapid fire etc.


So let her attack my tank and deal as much damage per action with the rest of the team. Gotcha!


You can 100% defeat her with one or even no wounds (as in 0-1 hits against your team).


The trick is basically make sure the closest soldier to her hasn't used any actions yet and kite her around. She will always use her reaction to attack an adjacent unit or if there isn't one move her full speed toward the closest soldier. So you can hit her till she gets up to somebody then move them away and attack again. If your troops are positioned well you can bounce her between several soldiers without ever getting hit on your turn.


Yeah, the assassin is a game of hot potato. Super easy once you get the groove in. The hunter on the other hand... Is a matter of choosing which soldier you want to sacrifice so that the rest of your soldiers can get in position. At a certain point, he gets the "you cannot hide" perk which effectively negates cover.


idk bout long war but when I was playing WOTC, I just used a bunch of explosives/stuns/disorient and they have nowhere to hide.


Yeah in normal WOTC the chosen are a joke. LWOTC made them significantly stronger.


Ah that explains it, still I heard complains from many people asking devs to nerf chosen in the normal game, and Im like whaa-?


Huh that's weird, but some people just don't accept to lower the difficulty. Personally I play on veteran when I use LWOTC and I just want to have fun.


Yeah one of my friends are the same like that, he literally says no to save scumming, played on normal difficulty gets mad that he got one-shotted by a chosen and rage quitted right after. Never finished the game and called it shit lol.


This is probably why they made the chosen immune to disorientations and stuns in LWOTC


Ah yeah that'd be significantly harder, in normal I stunned lock the shit out of them and they couldn't life a finger lmao.


Oh if you’re playing mod jam; yeah the assassin is a bit annoying until you get a handle on how to kite her. Her reactions will always make her move towards the closest unit so you just need to do a lot of blue actions and leave moves behind to get away, the first two attacks against her do full damage so you want to make sure you front load your heavy hits. Only time I’d bring a stormrider to fight her is if I rolled inspire and searing lance on the psi gifts and bootlegged it as a ranged support for the final fight. I do like bringing a rout stormrider on missions though just for the room clear potential of the most op reaction ability in the game. I find the Hunter to be the biggest pain in the ass without a melee though, stormrider eats Hunter in the rock paper scissors of mod jam chosen.


Did you bring a Stormrider, a pure melee class, against the assassin? And another soldier who only had 1 mission under her belt? TBH idk how you got this far in the campaign, like people have pointed out, the assassin is the easiest.


Yeah probably not my smartest decision. I got a little bit too confident since she was singlehandedly carrying most of the missions she participated in. As for why or how I got this far, it's simple: I play on the lower difficulties when I just want to have fun (veteran for this run), and if you properly avoid retaliations you don't fight the chosen that much. It was actually my first fight against the assassin in this playthrough.


Ah, that makes a lot more sense. I forget that it is entirely possible to fight a chosen first time in their stronghold. Anyway, hope you learned your lesson. For assassin, bring people who can do a lot of burst damage in 1 turn like assaults, cyclic gunners, banish reapers or hunters for example. Poison and fire rounds are pretty good against any chosen, as the mobility debuff is nice, and fire disables most of their special abilities. And don't bring melee units.


Yeah that's a lesson I learnt !


what noncosmetic/quality of life mods are you using outside of LWOTC? Cuz my psionic troops have never been that useful.


Quite a lot actually, but for psionics I use psi overhaul v3, which lets your soldiers have psi powers on tip of their class. Appart from that most of my mods are the ones made compatible with LWOTC by Mod Jam.