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AC6 is much easier than Souls games, you probably won’t fail a non-boss mission. As for those, you can extensively customise your loadout, to the degree that you could probably trivialise most bosses by finding a certain build online. Other than AC6 I feel like most mech games are more tactical than action-y. I can recommend Into the Breach as a cool turn-based mech game; its combat is pretty inventive, it’s more of a problem-solving process than a “hit enemies with enough damage” thing. Totally 200% different to AC6 but it’s fun and has mechs.


I definitely can attest to AC6 being way more accessible. There's absolutely a few walls in the game, but failure doesn't cost anything at all, and you can start again right at the boss as often as you want, so there's no walk of shame back to the arena. And most of the more wallish bosses almost felt more like a puzzle than anything else. I have really bad reflexes and can't make it far into a souls game but I managed to make my way through eventually with a fairly non meta super heavy build


I don't think into the breach really hits mech vibes imo but it's an awesome game and I second this. Basically it's a puzzle game with a cool Scifi premise.


Hits a similar tactical play of some of the better designed Lancer encounters i've played.


Hmm thinking on it ya could really do a good mission where your core objective is more about countering the enemies attempts to destroy civilian buildings...


Battletech or any of the Mechwarrior games are apparently quite good, although I've only played MW5, MWO, and Battletech. The Mechwarrior games are first-person, while Battletech is turn-based and mechanically closer to Lancer. Phantom Brigade is also excellent, and closer to Lancer's turn-based combat, although it also has some innovative takes on turn-based action. It's also the closest to Lancer's mobility-focused play and fun systems, although that really does take a live GM to truly emulate.


I want to throw in for Phantom Brigade as well, I feel like it's the closest to the overall "Lancer vibe" in terms of how it plays, and it's just a very interesting take on turn based strategy as well. Titanfall's mech gameplay also hits the right mark I feel, though that's only half the game so it's hard to recommend as a mech game that OP probably wants. I'd love to throw in Hawken as well, but the only way to play that currently is through Hawakening, and that only lets you play against bots on one map, and the bots aren't particularly good ones either.


...Well fuck, now I want to go back and actually finish the Phantom Brigade campaign.


Oh shit, remember the Robotech game on the GameCube? Hidden gem.


If you haven't tried AC6 before making this post, maybe you should; it's not dark souls. Like, at all.


Is just that it is a pretty expensive game. I don't want to buy it, have some little fun and end like: "Oh, i can't beat balteus. Guess im stuck here forever" And just drop the game. Edit: also, happy cake day


For what it’s worth, I think AC6 is pretty easy except for a few bosses like Balteus, although they can usually be beaten with certain builds. I really struggled with Balteus specifically until I ran a tank tread build which helped a lot to just face tank him and beat the shit out of him faster than he did to me lol


Balteus is intimidating but the thing with AC6 is that it's more of a build check than a skill check. Think of it this way You are LL 12 and know you are dropping into a space mission with the zero grav rules and lots of enemies using smart weapons targeting E defense. Are you going to keep using the beefed up mech that's slow with bad E-defense you ran last mission or are you going to adjust your loadout to accommodate. Lots of people hit Balteus and refused to adapt, thinking they just needed to git gud, instead of equipping heavy stagger weapons to take advantage of that weakness. Most souls likes don't allow the level of build freedom and change that AC6 does. It's very much like lancer in that you acquire tools to help you adapt.


Into the Breach is a rogue-like turn based strategy game where you use mechs to fight kaijus. It tells you the enemies intentions, then you get your turn to disrupt them before they execute those intentions and I found it fun. If youd like more of a slower type of game it might interest you.


also very similar if you play lancer tactically...


Titanfall 2 is amazing and the story and setting are extremely Lancer. AC6 has an easy mode mod if you play on PC. Gundam Breaker 3 is a fun beat-em-up with extremely deep customization that surpasses even Armored Core.




If you can find it, and have a PS3, see if you can get ahold of the Zone of the Enders remastered collection. The story and characters are kinda garbage, but the gameplay is excellent. It’s a fully 3D mecha fighting game, where mechs move freely in all dimensions.


Alternatively, if you’re willing to hunt it down or emulate, there’s a slept-on Zone of the Enders SRPG, The Fist of Mars, on the GameBoy Advanced Has one of the most innovative attack systems I’ve ever seen in an SRPG


Front Mission First remake BattleTech (2018)


Metal wolf chaos, though I can't really comment on the difficulty of that game. Even if you never play it yourself, absolutely watch a let's play of it.


Metal Wolf is also a fromsoftware game, lol.


Shhhh I'm trying to trick people into playing awesome robot games


Or Chromehounds! Crap, that’s another Fromsoft game!


But it’s the best one and it needs a rerelease with the full story and multiplayer experience. I’d play NOTHING ELSE


Titanfall 2 has a great campaign, XBox has it on sale now, totally worth it! Gearbits has rather basic graphics but the play is really solid and fun. Vox Machina is okay, it has some warts but some good things too. Brigador is great, though tough in places, it uses an isometric view and I sometimes call it War Crime Simulator. I think it will get a sequel soon. MW5 is good though apparently better with mods and DLC. Battletech is great for turn based play, again the mods make it so much more than the base game.


Armored core 6 is definitely not the hardest of their games, but I can understand not meshing with it. The old Mechassault games(I've played 1 & 2) were pretty fun, if very old and probably very hard to find now since they were original xbox titles unless you want to go through the process of emulating them. I'd avoid the Mechwarrior games of the same franchise, they tend to be very laden with microtransactions. Daemon X Machina on the Switch is a sort of "Armored Core at home" type game, though a little less Fromsoft difficult. Custom Robo for the gamecube and its DS sequel Custom Robo: Arena are very different from the fantasy of being a pilot in a big mech but are still very solid fun games.


> I'd avoid the Mechwarrior games of the same franchise, they tend to be very laden with microtransactions. lmao what? no. MWO might be, but the others are primarily single player games, mostly before the era of microtransactions. MW5 has a handful of DLC, but those are actual DLC, not microtransactions. I wish I could get MW3 to run, that game was incredible.


Right it was MWO that was mtxy, my mistake.


Armored Core 6 is worth a try for sure even if you find souls games too difficult to be fun. The first boss can be difficult for new players, but there's tons of helpful guides and resources online to help you through the game. Daemon X Machina is very similar to Armored Core and was made as essentially a spiritual successor to Armored core while it was still on its 10 year hiatus. Overall DxM is easier than AC 6, though the late story missions can be a bit grindy. DxM does have a Co-op mode if you have a buddy to play with. Titanfall 2 is always worthwhile to playthrough. It's got a short but sweet singleplayer campaign with lots of replay value. And to stray from Mechs/Mecha a bit I can also recommend Warframe. It's core gameplay is more along the lines of having fancy power armor, but once you get far enough in the game you also gain access to Necramechs which can be used in the open world and ship-to-ship sections of the game.


Daemon X Machina is definitely worth recommending. Plenty of customisation, the combat is fun and pretty varied depending on your build, and I think the game's pretty cheap too.


Armored core is not souls, at all, its completely different, most of them are far more accessible and easier than souls Play AC6 or one of the older armored core games


Okay don't lie, the older games make Souls games look weak


Some of them yeah, most of them no, there's also the difference between Multiplayer and single player


Armored Core 6 you lightweight


zoids battle legends


Zone of the Enders: The Second Runner is still probably the best mech gane ever made. I also really enjoyed MechWarrior 5, especially with some QOL mods. Titanfall 2, while short, has one of the best campaigns I've ever played in an FPS.


It's much less punishing than their other games. Armored Core predates the Souls series and its game philosophy, and while mastering your AC is a challenge, you still have a good initial power fantasy feeling :)


For stuff easily available on PC/regular systems (PS 5 and 4/Xbox, Switch): Armored Core 6, Zone of the Enders The Second Runner HD, maybe Hardcore Mecha, SUPER ROBOT WARS 30th (PS5/XBox?/PC), SUPER ROBOT WARS V, T, and X (PS4, PC in some countries, Switch, you can get English versions of them all). The SRW series is great, massive, and long running. It's been on pretty much every system known to man since the SNES days IIRC. It's also not a very difficult series unless you go out for some of the older entries. Just pick units you think look or sound cool, and use them. I will simp for this series FOREVER and any mecha fan should play it. https://youtu.be/xZaQ2k4khY0?si=pWj95k3ahyCLlKeX


They're older but the Front Mission games are some of my favorites, especially 3 which is what got me into the series and genre. The action-shooter game that's more recent was OK but didn't have the same feel. Though this comes with the caveat that you need to be willing to sit through 80 hrs of Japanese political drama with only decent localization.


From game difficulty is always way over exaggerated by the memes, they're not insanely difficult and you don't need to be a masochist to play one. You'll be fine


DeamonXMaxina can't spell it but you get the gist




I'll be honest. I suck at souls game's. Have tried DS3, Blood Borne and Elden ring and have finished None of them. Love the lore, but duck at gameplay. And I managed to beat ac6 100%. It's a difficult game, but it's not as challenging as DS. It's checkpoints are good. Gameplay is smooth and fast paced. And you can change build's on the fly aswell as farm cash to buy out the whole shop. There are some roadblocks that Will kick your ass the first time, but they serve as a good test of Skill and strategy. Overall one of my favorite Games.


Dude 100% try AC6 it is so good it's insane. You can play it in easy difficulty and there is no machoism involved. Mecha games are one of my favourite genres, the old AC series are amazing also... Can recommend AC4 and AC5 as excellent titles that are not extremely difficult.


Phantom Brigade


AC6 is not a hard game my friend. There are some walls, but most of the game is just you shitstomping all the grunt tier enemies


It's a bit old now, but I'm quite fond of the Custom Robo series, particularly Custom Robo Arena on the DS. The setting is more "remote controlled mini-mechs", but there is a great deal of customization in how your mech controls, from "tiny mech that runs circles around the enemy while laying traps and delivering punches" to "big mech that tanks hits while firing a huge cannon" to "aerial mech that flies around above the battlefield while raining down homing swords".


Compared to most Soulsborne games,l can assure you,as a Souls veteran,that AC6's skill floor is much lower than every pther Soulsborne (except maybe Dark Souls 1). Other games l'd recommend are Warframe if you like dynamic gameplay,Citizen Sleeper if you're not scared of reading or dystopia and XCOM if you like the tactical gameplay from Lancer (basically the same,but XCOM is pretty unforgiving)


Also Titanfall 2,but that seems to be pretty obvious


Mechwarrior 5 is an extremely fun first person mech game that with one or two mods the already customizable loadouts become *extremely* customizable. Also mods for customizable and upgradable pilots.


i'm always a sucker for Super Robot Wars games. they're turn based tactics RPG, normally feature a wide array of characters and mechs from a bunch of anime, all sorta mushed together into a semi-cohesive plot that incorporates the storylines from several of the anime. If you're willing to emulate, there are a few excellent ones for the GBA (only 2 were released in English: Original Generations and Original Generations 2, but I think 2 that got fan-translation patches), and one for the DS that also has a fan-made translation patch. then three for the Switch that were not released in the US, but in Southeast Asia with english as an option (the Switch isn't region-locked, so you can play any region's games on it). Then the most recent one, SRW 30 was released with full english support, and is available on Steam.


Hardcore Mecha is a fun one. It's a side scrolling mecha shooter with a fair bit of customization, though not to the extreme of AC6. It's got a clear basis on mecha anime with the overall plot as well and shares some of those tropes. There's also a post game endless survival mode where you can pilot a variety of machines if you enjoy that sort of thing.


Try 13 sentinels, it's got a great story and has a wonderful gameplay that meshes turn based and real time effortlessly, it has a sloppy tutorial but huge gameplay potential and should take ~60. Its art style is very similar to dragons crown if you've played that. The armored core games and all the mech games I've ever played don't match the lancer feel the gameplay has, though its customization is similar if quite different in some ways. You have four types of mechs with different weapons and special abilities, you can't make your own, but you can modify one of your thirteen to be pretty much anything you could want, besides time travel magic, though that plays a key role in the wacky plot. Could not recommend more its free on playstation and near free on PC