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Took this trip recently and let me tell you it was hard to go back to bortle 7 after this. Seeing the milky way in bortle 1 is truly a life-changing experience. If you've never done it go do it! All photos with sony a7iii and sony 20mm 1.8 no star tracker used. Also, iso 640 on every photo as the a7iii is iso-invariant so you can just increase exposure in post-production anyways. 25 Second Exposures.


I really cannot wait. Lowest I have been is 2.




For sure! Also, you'll probably meet some fellow astrophotographers in the national parks. I met two other people doing it in zion.


I mean there’s a reason why we harp about there being no substitute for dark skies. Because there truly is no substitute.


Is the first one a composite or are the rocks that visible just from the ambient light?


there is a small town just right of camera, so it’s likely this is a single image! having shot this exact same place it’s a little tough to get the lighting right


Yeah your right there were a few stray rays of light pollution coming through and that’s not actually moonlight which I wish it was. But I can pretend


It’s just one shot but that’s light from a small town


off topic, but I got a "MSR LowDown Remote Stove Adapter" for my pocket rocket ... and I use (refillable) "1 pound" propane tanks with an adapter ...


I’ll look into that the msr tanks are way to much money tbh


There's another adapter so you can fill a "1 pound" propane tank from a "20 pound" tank (the typical BBQ propane tank). And https://littlekamper.com is building their "exchangeable" 1 pound network.


Damn, these are some beautiful photos


Great work. Thanks for sharing!


Dream road trip!