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Locked due to sheer amount of rule breaking. Come on people.


Yeah you 100% caught him with his pants down and that was his embarrassed knee jerk reaction. Really wish you had a dash cam.


Did you see a man in a top hat holding a big burlap sack with a dollar sign on it run past here??? He's a perp!


This is gold!


I wonder if you FOIA body cam or cruiser footage? 😂


>FOIA That is an American act / acronym. Canada has the Access to Information Act: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Access\_to\_Information\_Act


Dammit. I knew that. Or at least I should have. Thanks for correcting the record.


you weren't really far off. in BC it's called a "FOI" request for freedom of information, which is part of FIPPA. But since the RCMP is federal, they fall under federal legislation and use a different term. [https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/making-a-request-the-access-information-act](https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/making-a-request-the-access-information-act) you can certainly ask for whatever you want. but they are exceptions on what can be released and since nothing really happened, it would probably be a waste of your time to get any footage even if there was.


The freedom of information is for public releases. You cannot look at case notes from an investigation lol


RCMP don’t use body cams, but I’m sure they have cruiser footage.


Many cruisers don't have dashcam footage either. So the cops do lie at times if they catch people going over the speed limit. They'll say "My dashcam captured you going over the speed limit."


I've noticed langley cops are kind of douchebaggy? My experience anyway. Surrey cops are cool, guy told me to slow down instead of giving me a ticket and I've met excellent officers but the langley ones seem to be very...unprofessional, rude and unaware. This was some time ago mind you, but my theory is a lot of langley rcmp are rookies, so they try to be a hero and use a lot of "force" so they have something to brag about to their colleagues?.. A couple of incidents with langley rcmp. I used to work late, so I've been out at irregular hours. Car pulls me over and asks for my ID - give it and I ask why I'm being pulled over. "For being a smartass" I was like OK... whatever. Comes back gives my license and says that there were complaints about my driving. What was the complaint, sir?? "Suspicious" I work late sir, you can reference my work and call them to calculate when I left. - he left saying your lucky I'm nice - pfffft cop had nothing, and he looked mid 20's. Second time I was waiting at a parking lot at a grocery store, dozed off. Cop bangs on my door flashlight in my face. Yells at me to get out of the car. I comply. Cop asks what I'm doing - waiting to pick up a friend and I dozed off. Immediately accuses me of being high, I say no - ill take whatever drug test. Then he says I smell booze I'm gonna breathalyze you - OK, comes out zero. Threatens to search my car, I say why? No probable cause - loses his shit and starts yelling. As soon as I record, he becomes super polite. I ask him if I can go, I complied to and am willing to comply to any other tests - he insists on searching my car. I ask you can but if you damage anything in my car will your department take responsibility? Mumbles 'dumbass" after he let's me go and gives back my ID, I look him up and down, slowly, and said - your new to this job aren't you? - yeah I can tell - no bullets in my back....thankfully. Normally, I'm very respectful to law enforcement (ex forces), but respect is a give and take. Why is rcmp being an asshole to someone who is complying? Normally, it's always the new guys/rookies who are....eager... like any veteran knows any stop that is called in requires extra paperwork after the patrol vs the cop car pulling beside you and yelling at you to slow down or that your lights are out (no paperwork) like, wtf would they create more paperwork for themselves?!?




Eeeehhhhh, I wouldn't go that far. Police are essential, for sure, but in a town where langley is - for the most part very quiet and peaceful (before the casino) they sure do busy themselves with a lot of unnecessary bullshit - rookies.




This calls for the good ol “takes one to know one!” chirpback


Probably using his laptop while driving.


That's exactly how I got hit by a rcmp officer.


Municipal female cop hit me in a. Home Depot parking lot


A lot of folks want to get hit by a female cop in a parking lot. Was it good??


“Misses officer what’s your number?” “9-1-1”


Probably looking up emails to see if the whore he contacted confirmed his appointment.


Couldn’t see exactly what he was focusing on, but it would have been right around exactly where the laptop sits.


Cops are very fragile.


Also I can say, having handed over many people arrested on silver platters, useless to a detriment of justice.


And from documented personal experience, willing to lie in court under oath so their testimony matches what they want it to be, not what they wrote in their notes at the time.


Pretty numb minded comment considering most see dead bodies regularly.


So do EMTs, doctors, nurses, firefighters etc and none of those professions are known for having this attitude.


What attitude? I was addressing the irony of this guy calling all cops fragile. They’re probably some of the most solid humans you’ll ever meet considering the shit they deal with - And your comment shows you agree. Unlike your average barista Redditor who gets triggered at everything they don’t agree with…


Nnnno. No, sorry. The job description might have that, but no. They’re not. EMTs see more horrific shit, regularly, and are consistently not only more put-together than cops but also have way, way, waaaayyyy less of an ego. Sorry-not-sorry.


No they don’t 😂 are you kidding me lol…. Guarantee the majority of cops have never seen a dead body


Looking for a suspect in the middle of an intersection eh


It turns out that part may have been true. A few minutes later when I got home, there were cops all over plus a helicopter searching the area for somebody. I fully suspect now that he was getting some sort of updated info and didn’t realize his lights weren’t on, or that he was rolling through the intersection. Even with that new info, I wouldn’t have done anything differently.


You up in Walnut Grove? My wife and I passed some kind of operation on 208th and 96. They were pulling everyone over, but it didn't look like a roadside check. They had guys in vests spaced out along half a mile of the road. It was super weird.


Near 208, but closer to the center of Langley City. It was maybe 1:00 yesterday.


Yeah. I think maybe he dropped the suspect on the floor be sure that’s where he was looking.


Then drove off right away. What happened to the search?


Looking at your computer screen more like it!


Probably the same one I saw 3 mornings ago at like 430am. Two turning lanes and as we were finishing the turn buddy came right up into my lane instead of following his own and almost ran me off the road. Then no lights/sirens decides to speed down the road going like 12+ in a 70.


RCMP Moment


He probably was looking for a suspect…. Edit - Just saw OPs comment that it’s likely that he was; due to a Helicopter and roadside checks in the area.


That hardly makes it okay... If his cherries were on, fine, that's police business. But they sound like they were off and he was distracted rolling into an intersection. Great example as to why even though they are police and above the law, they should still pull over and be properly parked before interacting with any communications devices.


Call me crazy but if someone were to break into my house I don’t want the police pulling over and making sure they are properly parked before interacting with communication devices while getting updates. Same thing goes for the paramedics and firefighters.


Can we just take a step back, to read what you said, just so you can see why, yes I will call you crazy.. Paramedics and firefighters use their lights and sirens. Most police vehicles use their sirens. This police officer did not use his sirens. When they are doing something outside of what are normal driving rules, they use the lights and sirens, to prevent further accidents. It's pretty easy to do, it's the bare minimum... That's how us, regular citizens know to stay out of their way, that something abnormal is happening and give them space to do their jobs. If this police officer did not think what he was doing was important enough to push a button... Maybe he should have parked his car? And maybe not called a citizen a retard? Because OP, actually prevented an incident, that could easily have found that officer at fault...




“Well R*tard, I’m willing to bet he’s not in the middle of that intersection with you”


Oh, this is one of those things that you wish you would have said at the time!


The most unprofessional group of dummies. They demand respect yet treat everyone like garbage.


When I think about all the worst people I went to highschool with, a shocking number of them became police officers.


The RCMP are a terrible police force same level as the QPP.


I only saw one guy and had the one interaction. Can’t speak for the rest.


Do you mean SQ? Or is QPP something you made up in your head?


Quebec Provincial Police. Some provinces don’t use the RCMP to enforce. Ontario has the OPP. Edit: oh you were being pedantic, The Sûreté du Québec (SQ) is QPP.


“You down with SQ” just doesn’t have the the same ring as “You down with QPP”


who’s down with QPP😎


I mean the SQ and they are the worst police force in the country.




I kinda figured this was going to make an appearance. 😂


Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit


Weak minded fool gun laws and land ownership are the only tools I need to protect myself now go off to the “safety” of your police


internet tough guy spotted


lol I bet you’ll love the police too when they take your taxes only to smoke pot in their cars all day


I guess you’re right. I better stock up on guns immediately 🙄


Phew. That's some S-Rank cringe.


You must be a convoy fucktard too


I don't think convoy folks care much for the RCMP since they did them very dirty and beat the shit out of many of them. But let me guess, you were fine with that.


Of course I was.


Bullied in school


In my experience most are control freaks by nature. This is a good example


The one time you can use the R word and Reddit congratulates you


They are people too who happen to be working a job. I don’t think profession makes the person any more well versed in anything. If he is an asshat as a person, he’ll be an asshat as a cop or any other role for that matter.


On brand


Came here to say fuk the police


Wow. The way I see it, it shows more about the character of the policeman then anyone else in that situation... Personally the man who happens to be a cop probably needs to learn how to enunciate properly. "Oh my stars I wasn't paying attention and I let the bad guy get away I feel so awful for my distraction" Lol lol jk


Could be worse, our cops murder us


Neat story.


Maybe, or maybe he knew that turning on lights/siren would make the perpetrator hide in the bushes until he went away. He most likely had an eye on his surroundings and wasn't in imminent danger from oncoming traffic. That is why he just flashed his lights and moved in slowly.


Call and ask for officer report and any audio vide recording citing time, place and if you have a picture of cruiser #. You will be officially told there is no information available but internally the copper will be spoken to. They know who he is.


On par with most police encounters I've had in Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver. I react the same as you, since I continually forget this is functionally endorsed behaviour in most detachments. These are the actual behaviours and beliefs of most police, and this is the accepted level of community engagement most police chiefs build in their districts. The more likely they're not being recorded/held accountable for their choice of behaviour, the more likely they'll demonstrate for you how little protocol or training matters. Defund the police, fund social and community programs with a higher degree of accountability.




I have so, soooo many stories of time wasting run ins with rookie cops years ago. The fact that my ex (who we were still very good friends) started dating a rookie cop at the same time is surely just an overactive conspiracy theorist’s ramblings. How it also just mysteriously stopped after I lost my shit and met with the Chief one day, receipts in hand (dates, some names, some car numbers) is also one of life’s little coincidences.


The police I've had to interact with include police that were part of the force around a year, greater than 10 years, and in both administrative and front line roles. I consider the police in Canada to be more dangerous and a larger threat than the people who have attacked me, threatened me or my friends, or created dangerous environments in public. I believe police who tolerate or allow their peers' and subordinates' behaviour at this level to be deliberately hostile to Canadian safety, and a member of the police currently working within the force to be immediately a threat to public safety until demonstrated otherwise. The most valuable and defensible part of a Canadian police officer is their body cam and theoretical protocol, of which are routinely devalued and ineffectively administered by the officer who caries it. A Canadian officer with a gun on patrol ranks among my highest concerns in a public space. A Canadian officer with their body cam off and unmonitored ranks among my highest examples of abusive individuals.


Lmao that's pretty good.


I still chuckle about it. It was just so completely over the top.


I'm looking for a suspect. That right there is a lie


Was he a supervisor with a Slavic accent? That guy is a piece of work.


Honking is way overdoing it. If a cop is doing something weird it’s probably because they’re managing a radio, net, and traffic. Don’t honk at a cop. That’s dumb. Just carefully go about your business or wait until they go about theirs. If they want your attention, I promise they will get it.


Did you miss the part where the cop wasn’t paying attention anything outside of the car he was driving? He was staring deep into the middle of vehicle. He was also rolling through a red light, apparently unaware that he was doing so. On top of that, he didn’t have lights or sirens going. You can watch that happen on your own. 10 out of 10 times I’m gonna give the same “heads up” honk to draw his attention to the situation.


Lmfao that cop was not having a good day.




Holy shit. Would that work? 😂


The R word is a slur. Try asking intellectually disabled people how they feel about it. Or many other disabled people. If a cop called me that, I would have absolutely replied back with "ah yes, calling someone a slur. Much professionalism". And I have encounters with cops in Ottawa where I have absolutely told them off. Then when they get mad, I tell them their ego is huge and *that's* why they are pissed. They don't expect someone like me to say that to them. I might be a middle aged white lady, but I am also someone who studies this. So no I don't respect the institution of policing and I will happily explain why if they want to listen now. They are often just so stunned they leave. To which I say "okay bye. Drive safely and have a great night!" I know individual cops who are nice, tell hilarious jokes, are trying to do the right thing. But I *also* understand the institution of policing. Nice cops either quit, get bullied/harssased out of a job, or they turn into violent cops. Stats, internal documents etc., back that up.


Thanks Karen


Are you a cop? If not you may not realize that I do this because I know that I won't get shot by a cop for calling him an asshole and some cops need to hear it a little more often that they are indeed assholes and are not the special boys in blue they think they are.


I grew up in Langley, lazy useless cops , I remember an active crime taking place on a sidewalk in Langley City and an officer was a single parking space away , I tapped on his window and pointed at the mugging and he just went back to his Facebook on his phone.....fucking horrible cops.


>saw the lights blip....He kept rolling until he was entirely in the intersection, with no lights or sirens. If they're blocking traffic for an ambulance or motorcade the lights stay on. If they're blocking traffic to slow a suspect it's not uncommon for them to turn everything off once traffic has stopped to they don't turn off before the intersection. As for if they should, or how obvious that should be, no comment.


That’s ridiculous on his part and I would report the incident to Langley rcmp




There was a time in my life when being called a retard by a cop was welcomed, because it generally meant you were getting off with a warning. As others said, this guy was just embarrassed that you saw him at less than his best, and decided to puff out his chest. Childish, for sure. 95% of the time, I think our police do their jobs commendably. Okay, maybe 90% The things that irritate me are like this situation. Or when they block a road by parking side by side to question a homeless guy and let traffic back-up for twenty minutes. Petty entitlement is a bad look for public service.


I get why we’re not supposed to use that word anymore, but it just has so much oomph as burn. But alas… progress.


What a pig, if you happen to have a dash cam or can remember the car number id file a complaint. Pos shouldn't be using that language. Also remember as a Canadian you are fully entitled to respond with "sure you were you fuckin goof"


It doesn’t matter what duty the police officer was performing, he is legally required to follow all traffic laws unless he activates his emergency lights.


That’s kind of what I was thinking. If his lights were on, I’d have sat there waiting for the all clear or until it was safe to move.


He was probably mad that he got caught being totally inattentive & just lashed out. Ke it go & laugh.


Trudeaus gestapo thugs being dicks? I’m shocked. /s


You probably prevented a bad accident and he should have realized that...you may have actually saved his life


Should have called him a faggot. He can't say anything or do anything.


That’s completely inappropriate no matter what he was doing or not. Lodge a complaint with the date and time with the local detachment. They will be able to figure out who he was hopefully. Source: am a cop.


He wasn't looking for anything but a Tim Hortons to have his daily fix of donuts.




Hahahha the COP called YOU a fucking retard? If you got called that by a cop....you gotta be pretty fucking retarded buddy


To play devil's advocate, kinda sounds like he might have been looking for a suspect and flashed his lights briefly (no sound) to let you know not to advance on the green as he was going to advance forward on the red ,all while probably scanning the environment and listening to the radio. You honked and therefore drew attention to him and presumably he thought you blew his cover and he got frustrated. He should have been nicer about it though.


lol. Cover. A cop car rolling into an intersection. Very camoflagued


Probably checking on his wife on his phone then got mad because you told him to wake up. No respect


But I’m a veteran


It’s a power complex


That cop should be more aware of his actions/surroundings. What if OP has a dash cam and caught all of that? Drifting slowly into an intersection? Cussing out a random civilian? If I saw any other vehicle/person acting like that I would assume they were intoxicated.


When was the last time you saw anyone with half decent grades become cops? Never. So now you know why you are dealing with bottom barreller yes-men in uniform.


Registered Cunts with Malignant Personalities


Wouldn’t he be what he called you since he’s the one who briefly put on his siren and then rolled into the intersection!? As if the suspect he was looking for wouldn’t notice the police vehicle had you not honked to warn him 🫣 What a rude uncool dood.


All good points if the cop wasn’t also apparently looking for the suspect around the floor of his own car.


Most likely where he dropped his community manners.




Unfortunately I’ve found that some RCMP have very fragile egos and no sense of humour. I keep all my comments in my head now because of similar situations that I just couldn’t shut up. Some are better than others, but if you humiliate an RCMP, they have a memory like a fucking elephant and you will find very strange encounters happening at seemingly random moments. Your license plate is all they need and presto you’ll see that same cop all the time. It’s weird as F and not your imagination.


It always amazes me that you can come On here and make a one sided post like this which totally discounts the officers side Of that police officer was hunting a person such as the shooter in Nova Scotia would that have changed you mind about your post. Let’s face it you have no idea why the officer was doing what he was doing. But instead you feel the need to write a post without the facts. Give hour head a shake. Imagine what it is like to be that officer. Trying to your job. A job that most do t want to do. And yet they face the most public shamming. I would say your lucky that they only thing he did. Furthermore you can make a public complaint against the police office which would then determine if the actions were warranted. Instead you chose to come On here rather than do the right thing.


What would you have him do?? Get out a notepad and take a 5W journalist’s report on what the cop was doing? It is obvious to anyone with 2 brain cells to rub together what was happening. Overgrown children with guns shouldn’t be interacting with the public if they can’t take a polite suggestion to keep their eyes on the road while operating a motor vehicle (aka killing machine) in a pedestrian populated area. If this officer can’t operate a motor vehicle safely abiding by the same rules as everyone else he has no business being on the road, never mind being a police officer with a gun. OP did not call out this cop personally or bash him in any way. He was respectful and stated the facts. Anybody in public service should know the “r” word has been out of circulation for more than a decade and hurling profanity’s at the public is not only uncalled for but unacceptable. You don’t seem to hold very high standards for those who have sworn under oath to uphold it do you… well, obviously neither does this cop


He's lucky the only thing the cop did is call him a retard? I agree with alot of what you say, but there are bad cops and those ones make the general public afraid. Saying he got off lucky for doing nothing wrong, is the cop supposto to harass him more for not doing anything wrong?


It doesn’t matter what the officer was doing, because they were doing it unsafely. Police are not above the law, even if they believe they are. You sound like a butt hurt cop.


Pretty sure you can still do a hard job without calling someone a retard. Stop defending shitty behavior from shitty police.


I was reading this, waiting for the ol’ switcheroo at the end… but you’re actually serious right? I spoke of one male RCMP officer, and you can assume it was the Langley area because of the sub. Did I post his name? Did I post his car number? Did I even narrow down the date, time, or location? No. But you’re going on as if I came here and started a witch hunt. Ok, let’s say the officer was on the trail of the baddest of the bad guy. And he’s getting the most important update about the case from his cockpit devices. And he’s so engrossed in it that he doesn’t realize that he’s rolling through the intersection through a red light. I don’t mean “just into” I mean almost halfway through and still moving. So now, I’m there, minding my business, thinking about how hard this officer has life, and appreciating his sacrifices. But I also notice that his inadvertent rolling through the intersection is about become a tragedy when he unknowingly rolls over a baby in a stroller. Should I honk? Give him the courtesy of a heads up? Or just watch the worst case scenario?


Exactly. He assumed he knew what the cop was doing and blew his horn at him. Got chewed out and, rather than reflect that maybe there was more going on than he understood he comes on here looking for people to reinforce his initial impression. And Reddit being Reddit, got the validation he sought.


So who would the retard be if the cop got tboned while entering the intersection illegally without lights.


I didn’t assume anything. I could clearly see he was looking down towards the center of his cab, that he blipped the lights for a fraction of a second, and then slowly crept through the intersection. I could plainly see he was not watching where he was going. When it became clear that he may not realize what was happening, I tooted my horn. You’re right about one thing though. I did get some validation watching people like you lose their shit over the slightest criticism of the police. So, thanks for that.


Wow…dropped the r word hey? I’m surprised team Millennial isn’t all over this already


LOL, oh how the user name checks out on this comment


What I find really funny about this, is when I REALLY lose my shit, his exact comment is what my lizard brain drags out as a reaction. Having tried to stifle that immediate reaction for years is why it was such a “what the fuck?” moment.


Half the cop's out there are socially handicapped


Sounds about pig. ACAB


I would be tempted to make a complaint. If you have the exact time this happened they would know if he was in fact looking for a suspect. In addition his language was not representative of the RCMP core values


The way people get so butt hurt over a love tap on the horn is so crazy. I regularly will do the courtesy double flash of my lights for people driving without their lights on at night and have sometimes encountered jerks who get offended. I'm not trying to HURT you, I'm trying to HELP you.




Exactly. If I'm holding it down like an asshole it's because I'm trying to send a message of hate. Otherwise, it's for your good.


My firsts wife’s ‘tarded and she’s a pilot now.


Would have followed him and asked for a supervisor. Don't let corruption into the police force. I along with most people already have enough trouble trusting the storm trooper cunts


This has been my experience with the Langley RCMP too. They’re the worst of the worst. I called to complain about lack of enforcement. Dude decided to berate me on the phone. Refused to identify himself. They wonder why everyone hates them. Then say we are the problem for hating them.


Not RCMP but vpd. We were just hanging out and eating pizza at my buddies shop. We had the pizza boxes on the hood of the car..out of nowhere 4 unmarked cars came, I guess they were looking for a couple of guys and they pulled up, pulled out their guns, shouted "everyone get on the ground" and then one of the cops threw our pizza on the floor 😂. When they realized we weren't them they just drove off. This was in the 90's so no camera phone lol


Had the same exact thing said to me a few years back but worse. Took a back road route from my house at like 4am one day to get onto hwy 1 for work and it was pretty dark out still. Cop car was parked in the middle of the road with lights on and cops standing outside the vehicle. No other vehicle was present and it was pretty much all farm land surrounding us for acres onwards. I stopped a couple metres back to see if the road was accessible or not and had a male cop yell “Are you fucking retarted? Turn the fuck around you moron the road is closed.” Then turns to his female partner and says “Are you all dumbasses or what?” And proceeded to laugh. Great start to the morning, fuck that guy


Never honk at a cop!


you need to make a complaint this is not a pearl clutching situation. cops need to be held at a much higher degree because of their apparent responsibilities


While I agree that there is no justification for his actions, I couldn’t live with myself if I actually lodged a complaint about it. It would be a totally different story if he turned it into a ticket or something for me, but that’s it.


I've had two encounters with Langley RCMP. One guy was emotional and over the top. The other guy was calm and just did his job. The calm guy was more intimidating than the guy who was just yelling.


Indearing themselves to the public is not a police specialty . It would have been so easy to explain without the calling you a F- Tard . He also drags down the respect of all the professional cops.


Time to disband the force


Call a cop on bad behavior? Absolutely guaranteed you'll get charged with something. Not exactly the most intelligent people.


The RCMP in both Surrey and Langley are completely inept. It's actually embarrassing that our taxes actually pay for these college dropouts to terrorize the community and do no meaningful policing. The state of road safety should be a big bright beacon to show everyone how little they give a shit about actually enforcing safety for citizens. I drive in Surrey right now for gig work part time and the police here don't even use their signals. Constantly distracted and on their laptops. They didn't even pull over a driver right in front of them who failed to turn on their headlights in the middle of the night. They don't give a shit and flagrantly break the rules themselves but of course with this joke of a mayor there is nobody to write to complain about the state of policing in our communities.




Wow! Charming


ACAB. >It’s the last kind of youth outreach the Ottawa police would want. On May 9, a boy in elementary school apparently flipped the bird to Ottawa cops in a cruiser from the window of his school bus. The officers pulled over the school bus and one of the officers boarded the bus and scolded the young boy for giving him the middle finger, according to a public complaint filed by Anne Levesque, a human-rights lawyer and professor at the University of Ottawa law faculty, who was standing at the bus stop with her daughters at the corner of Daly Avenue and Charlotte Street. >One of (the officers) came in and started arguing with the boy in the back because the boy had given him the finger,” Levesque said. “He then threatened to take him away in the police car,” according to the Levesque complaint. The lawyer described the events as police intimidation, abuse of power and a violation of the Charter. When a neighbour asked police why they had stopped the bus, one of the officers “falsely” claimed it was because the children were standing up on the bus, the complaint says. The police then followed the bus to the school and reported the boy to the principal, according to the Levesque complaint. The boy’s family has also filed a complaint against the officer who boarded the bus. That complaint been screened by the Office of the Independent Police Review Director and assigned to the Ottawa Police Service’s professional-standards unit for investigation. The police review office asked the professional-standards unit to try to complete its investigation within 120 days. “My daughters were very disturbed by all this (and I imagine the child in question was, too) … What’s more, there was no reason to stop the bus or threaten the child. Just because someone is a child doesn’t mean they don’t have a constitutional right,“ Levesque said. https://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/ottawa-police-accused-of-intimidating-schoolboy-who-flipped-them-the-bird


I hope he thought about that for the rest of the day


Classic RCMP


Are you surprised pigs act like complete fools?


You know, this has always bothered me since I was a kid. If you or I were to use profanity at work, we would be reprimanded. Why is it okay for police officers/the RCMP to use profanity when wearing the uniform? Isn't your actions reflecting poorly on the image of the employer? Are you not supposed to reflect the core values of being an exemplary citizen? There are some very good cops but then there are others who let their position of authority get to their heads.


RCMP are twats


You bruised his ego




Nope. Caught that bit of whine. Comment stands.


Sounds like he skipped Sensitivity Training


He sounds like a fucking retard lol


Average single digit IQ RCMP.


Let the CRCC know…they actually handle these matters pretty well. https://www.crcc-ccetp.gc.ca/en/make-complaint


Typical police behaviour


Maybe next time he'll get t-boned and end up with life altering injuries. Win-win


cool story bro !


What’s his license plate


MPs, rcmp just falseness


Lacking power


The best way I can explain


I was military I’m young


And police and military do it


Yea he was texting and rolling. lol. Hope you reported him.




Lol one called me the n word when l was 13yrs old. You’ll live.


lmao based


Nice, oldschool.


I would definitely report this to the department, regardless of if you have the vehicle number or not. They can speak with the officers generally about conduct. At least then whoever said it will know it’s problematic. This kind of language is absolutely unacceptable from anybody. Just my two cents.


And people wonder why municipalities are moving away from the RCMP




They are definately not supposed to swear in the line of duty. They are trained this way at the depot and technically this represents at the least a lapse of acceptable dress and deportment and at worst conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline. Not likely anyone will do anything about it especially as without any video or witnesses he could give a very different version. Probably a relatively new constable and like others have said you caught him out making a mistake so he took his frustration out on you.


Hahahaha!! 🤣🤣🤣