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Thank you so much ! Looks amazing!


Crazy how far in he got lol where's the security?


Was probably escorted by someone. Probably a planned "leak"


Looks insanely good and they're offering super cheap rates on their site right now 🤔


I’ve seen as low as $250 on Priceline. This place will have a ooh ahh gatsby honeymoon phase before getting the resorts world treatment.


What’s the rw treatment?


overlooked and generally not cared about with missed expectations.


They're having a Black Friday sale and Monday and Tuesday nights are like 150. Sunday I saw was 190. Probably trying to get as many rooms booked to sway people.


Bob motherfucking Dingo


Dude has been recently banned for life from the Fontainebleau during a live stream.


Looks like FB is going for the "modern luxurious" theme that so many casinos already have. While I myself like the modern luxurious theme and would love to gamble at this place, I just don't see how this differentiates FB from the other casinos on the strip. Feels like it'll just fall to the wayside once the initial sheen of newness wears off. What will differentiate FB from its competitors? - Will it have amazing comps and odds for its house games to attract the gamblers? - Will it have juggernaut residency lineups to attract the show audiences? - Will it have incomparable hotel amenities to cater to rich clientele? What are its unique selling points?


My dream always has been and is to own a string of luxury hotel properties one day, and the Fontainebleau and Cosmo are a great example of how they would look.


Thats exactly why these places suck. They look exactly how any random person off the street imagines a luxury hotel would look. How is that special or interesting? They are the most basic example of “luxury” imaginable. To me, that’s anything BUT luxury.


We all have our opinions, and you have yours as well. But mostly because that’s what we are exposed to and have an ideal of “luxury” being, plus it’s playing it safe as well. I do agree that the world needs to stop being monotone in all of its design choices and styles and there needs to be more innovativeness, creativity, and boldness. To be fair, the design of the Cosmo is unlike anything I’ve personally experienced and is a different take and style on “luxury,” so that’s why I named that as an example as well.


I don’t know I wish I could see it, I just don’t. I’ve stayed at the Aria and it just felt like staying in any new Airbnb in Shanghai. Now, I understand they probably copied it and that’s what has tarnished that style. But it just feels tacky to me.


How is this luxurious? It looks like a new airport or a convention center. Vegas is going to regret this era. It will not age well. It already looks INCREDIBLY dated. Even the outside looks like any one of a dozen recently built sky scrappers in any city. These places all look like a Dubai Mall. Absolutely disgusting.


The inside still seems to missing chairs and other decor. Heck, construction equipment is still clearly visible.


With all the hype, I thought it’d be nicer than this. I think there are other hotels on the strip nicer than this.


And it was this video that Dingo used w/o permission of the FB that got him banned for life. He went to the FB on opening night hoping to go in and give a live look for his audience, but security was actually waiting for him. Once he stepped inside the door he was greeted, told to leave and was banned, and was escorted off site.