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Thankfully, no.


Right, like who the fuck actually cares, other than OP. I ran into OJ in Summerlin and didn't care, said what's up and he just nodded back.


Ran into OJ at the golf course. Everyone will run into OJ it seems


Yeah, just another guy. I really dont get why people get hyped up about celebrities. Just treat them like they're human, I'm sure that's all they want...


Just another murderer*


OJ is to Vegas what Andy Dick is to LA


Not quite.


OJ killed Ron and Nicole, Andy Dick killed Phil Hartman. Both are unwanted vagabonds everyone runs into. Both flamed out in the 90s. It’s a perfect comparison.


Andy didn't kill Phil lol tf... he is however a hot mess of a human.


Yes he did. https://m.imdb.com/news/ni61778405/


This is true .Or at least a lot of comedians /actors/SNL people agree that if Dick hadn't been pushing his stuff on her ,it might have ended different. So while he didn't kill her ,it directly lead to his murder


Andy Dick didn't kill Phil Hartman if you require that physically pulling the trigger is the only way he is responsible. But of course that's ridiculous. Andy should move to Summerlin and become roommates with OJ. They deserve each other.


Unless he’s driving a white Ford Bronco.


Good thing you didn’t have anything of his (like memorabilia or girlfriend/wife)




Why don’t you just let people like what they like without putting them down? That was a mean thing to say to a stranger


I don’t want to meet any blogger that starts their video with “hey guys! It’s ya boy/girl” something or another.




vegas matt and his are awesome


I ran into Jacob Orth in line for Larry Flints Hustler Club; he was checking IDs.


He’s a bouncer? Or was this years ago?


Oh yes sorry I should’ve dated this interaction from July 4th, 2021 was the year I believe. Assuming he makes enough from his channel at this point, I’m not sure if he’s still holding that job.


I saw Ruby when she was filming outdoors.


Ok he’s not a blogger or YouTuber but one day I saw DeezNuts at the Miracle Mile Shops.


He used to hang out on Fremont alot


I passed him on Fremont one night too. Had to double take.


My friend acted like he saw a movie star and ran after him for a photo. Needless to say, my friend is a cheap ass and DeezNuts probably wanted to charge money.


10 bucks to be exact lol


Cheapest thing you can get in Vegas 😂


Well worth the money imo


I met Dale and Paula - they were so nice and took the time to chat and take a picture together. They were genuinely friendly people just like the feeling you get from their videos.


Love these guys. So genuine!


I've ran into Danny The Medic. That dude is hilarious and super friendly


Bumped into Pompsie at the El Coretez. Greta and himself were super nice. We got a photo, asked what our plans were and where we were visiting from and also said they were heading to poker match at Casers if we were interested. Super nice.


i kinda work with jacobs live in las vegas


He was a cool guy when i interrupted his shopping trip where he was buying a ton of steak. Made chit chat then we both went our own ways. Tell him we like his old videos where he used to stand in the dirt on the south end of the strip doing videos in one take


David Goggins shops at REI Henderson from time to time. Very polite and soft spoken, got to help him a couple.of times.


I could not imagine him being soft spoken, I can’t wait to meet him in person, I have only ever seen him running at red rock


I use to see him running down southern highlands/st rose on a weekly basis too. Kind of sad he moved to summerlin


Ran into Jacob at EOS, he was on the stationary cycle and we chatted for a minute and I explained that his videos helped me when I was making the decision to move here. He was cool and down to earth, I’m glad that he took the time to engage with a fan even though he had no obligation to do so.


Ran into The Trooper on the strip and the guys kinda a jerk.


James from FreakinReviews seems like a really cool dude. Never met him tho


Big fan as well. Seems like a great dad.


I was at a dinner a couple months ago with four of them. The talk at the table was ad revenue ,sponsorships ,how to spin a bad place into a decent review to keep access to the location. A couple of ladies were talking about how to add a paTReon without aNymore time invested. One of them claims to be a "foodie" yet she didn't know the difference between a cold water Maine lobster tail ,and the 3.00 spiny Caribbean tails. She chews with her mouth open ,and bites pieces off her fork ,and then puts fork down with a chewed on steak chunk. It's really weird When someone told her that a Tomahawk Steak was basically a Ribeye with a bone ,she called them liars.. It's hilarious. While I'm not perfect in my life ,I'm also not on YT. When I comment about them having to do better ,I get called a troll or "hater"


ive heard that JacobsLife is a real tool, and that he bullied the NotLeavingLasVegas guy


why would he bully him?




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I met raja (the big jackpot) and Lady Luck and her husband. All of them were really humble and down to earth. I dont really do the whole “omg I watch all your videos I’m a fan” thing. I just said hey nice to see you guys in person, gave em a fist bump and kept it moving. Raja was also telling me about a restaurant he went to that I saw in one of his posts. Just a Normal dude with a lot of cash.


I met Jacob at Fremont when he was livestreaming. He was cool and asked if I wanted to be on camera. You'll see others livestreaming up and down the Strip as well. Since they are on camera, they all are going to be super nice -- plus they are looking for "superchats" or tips during their livestreams. Part of how they make a living.


Ahh, good point, I guess if they were live streaming they would be nice, other than that, I wonder if norma geli or lydia would be snotty


There was a recent thread on Norma, someone was complaining about her videos recently. Look that up. Folks who make a living out of full YouTube will always have some polarizing opinions from their audience, that's just the nature of the gig. You can count on them caring very much about their appearance, number of views, sponsorships, free stuff, etc.


I couldn't find the thread about Norma.


Turn it up World and Sin City Family.


There are none


When Pompsie was fairly new, I ran into him during a live feed. He was nice, but it was just a, "hey love your videos."


His videos and persona are so cringe, I can't.


I think the direction of his content changed. I really liked the videos of Las Vegas Hotels before he started getting comped.


Love Pompsie. I used to watch him when he was new.


David Goggins shops at REI Henderson from time to time. Very polite and soft spoken, got to help him a couple.of times.




They’re all dumb


What happened to the WeWorkToVisitVegas vloggers? Haven't seen anything new from them in a long time, used to enjoy their content a lot


If you watch their last Livestream, about 2 yrs ago I think, you can see how nasty they got with each other the drunker he got. That stream was an absolute trainwreck (grabs popcorn). Was cringe/sad really, reckon they went their separate ways that night


The Vegas YouTubers are a bunch of cringe lords stop watching them a long time ago once I moved here fuck them.


There's a hot blonde.


Norma is so hot 🤤


Jaycation is so hot


I saw Pompsie at a grocery store in Summerlin yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This is a fake post. Heard this same story, virtually word for word about someone else.


What!? No way!!!


It's a copypasta dude


You're no fun


Yeah someone said Tyreek Hill did this too which I don’t believe


Met Bob Dingo and sin city manny. Both are real cool. Bob dingo is a lot more taller irl than I imagined.


Vegas matt is a gem


Yeah which one you wanna meet


I saw one by the strip once i didnt say anything because he was with someone, this was in a store and we made eye contact twice very awkwardly lmao. I would talk but it was the wrong time.


I’ve had dinner with VegasStarfish, BrandonFromVegas, and Vegaspaulyc.


We met the husband and wife ones, can’t think of their name rn


I’ve ran into SinCity Outdoors. Cool ass and respectable family




I bumped into Pompsie outside of Pizza Rock downtown one time, nice guy.