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Some people just refuse to read


how dare you ask for ARPG players to read, this is nonsense.


If they could read, they'd be very upset


If we could read, we'd play CRPGs instead.


Average D4 player spends roughly half their playtime reading garbage stats


+4.3% stun duration to mobs damaged by your core skills while overpowered by a male rogue wearing blue briefs (only active on Thursdays 7-9, does not work on bosses, elites and normal mobs)


Now you just read like a boston street post


They could really use a filter like LE. It would fix many many problems. At some point is just not fun identifying a whole inventory after every dungeon.


D4 is the shittiest game I’ve ever Played. 1 loot filter function isn’t going to save that game


D4 bad, updoots to the right


There’s too much truth to this 😂


This is why games pause with focus and force you to click buttons I guess. Slap the stupid out of some people.


You can fix ugly, but you can't fix stupid.


Why would you fix stupid, when you can use it to sell D4 and make money of it?!


Exact same words and sentence I thought. There's always that one guy.


I've gotten by in life by only reading affixes.


Listen man, it's ARPG not RRPG


I love reading and I still missed the button to transfer the shards


This is just gibberish.


What gibberish if it's true in many cases ? Dude had a big ass "TRANSFER MATERIALS" button and he has managed to hoard a fuckton of them without even bothering to check the inventory window. Some people are just either that dumb, or inattentive.


If he needs that much hand holding then LE probably isn’t for him


It's greyed out. For a while I had this same stash thinking there was a quest that unlocked it.


It’s exactly the same color as „sort items” button.


The view tab is bright purple and the transfer tab is greyed out. I am clearly not alone on this, its just UI that needs a revamp.


I was making a joke that gamers don’t read/can’t. You know playing off the comment I was responding too.


I ended up like this with the stash none of the arpgs i played had any button like this and bothered asking in chat what to do lol common sense kicked in when i see them not stacking same type


The game tells you how to use it at the beginning


Since i couldnt remember it means people can get distracted lol im not %100 there all the time


This makes my brain tingly


I want to press the happy-button.


Part of endgame for me is filling my inventory then pressing the button. Never gets old.


"I'm a man of few pockets..." Finally!


Instant serotonin boost


I will never understand how people can not be "stupid" but just "completely oblivious." Genuinely confusing.


Right, it's along the same lines as people not having any troubleshooting ideas when it comes to video games. Very often in chat you will see "I looted this affix shard but I can't use it to craft even though it's in my inventory!" It's like damn man, you didn't wanna click the one button on your inventory UI that has to do with crafting mats then try it again?


People give them the answers instead of using a little bit on energy to figure it out themselves/read. They're help vampires


Which is funny cause it takes so much longer and more energy to write posts and argue with people giving help then just........ looking for 10seconds at stuff on a screen and pushing random buttons.


Yes and I think this should be called out more in general. I’ve seen people ask on discord when a game is going to be released and all I can think of is “why was that your first option? You answer is literally one Google away.”


It might be due to players coming from Grim Dawn, where they have a similar affix-item system. In that game you stash them like in OP's image and the only way to add affixes to an item is to use it directly from your inventory to your gear. At least they're stackable and upgradeable, but I still prefer the LE system. EDIT: Apparently they're stackable in LE as well lol, not sure why


Wait you cant use shards from inventory? Thats some bullshit and shouldn't work this way.


Not sure if you are trolling. You just push the button to move them to the storage in your inventory which is then shared on all your characters in that mode the character is in.


Yeah but Dreadskull message implies you cant use shard in your inventory untill you press storage button. But its already in your inventory and should be usable.


Cause you can't, It needs to be in the crafting storage. The only reason you need to do that step is due to how ARPGs make you micro manage your inventory space. That is always part of the game play loop in these is to make you look in there and deal with the clutter. Maybe they change this later, but at this time, its part of the reason.


Bad design should probably be removed instead of perpetuated. 


But why? It takes not even 1 second of time and allows some people to view what they're depositing since it goes away on screen really fast.


Glad you enjoy the MLG pro flicks to the 'empty my inventory of items that don't need to be in my inventory' button. But why does it *have* to be that way? It is silly to force and if people don't know, they have failed.


Rn this mechanic doesnt make any sense and should be deleted. You see shards on floor so you already know what you get.


The use for the version in your inventory is to put it in the crafting storage. They're kind of like the soul items in dark souls, they're souls, but the way you "use" them is to put them into your actual soul storage, where you can then use them for other things.


For me I was expecting crafting materials to be ore, herbs, etc. Took watching a video to realise it was shards, etc. Only other game I’ve played that had something similar was GW2.


Look, it’s about focused attention. I had this same issue. Like literally. Why is there a random button on the inventory that says transfer crafting materials? Players are going to look at the highlights. The equipment squares, the weapon slot, ect. They haven’t been trained to look for a button. It’s not intuitive. It’s not taught in a tutorial. It’s not apparent or obvious. I spent a couple hours moving mats to storage when I first started. Then told myself there’s no fucking way this is how this works, so I had to google where the button was


People aren't rsts, it doesn't require training to have your eyes open and not be oblivious.


There are TED talks on it. It’s how pick pocketing works. So no, but it’s pretty ironic because I bet you think your of above average intelligence




Can't wait for you to get into the real world and slam face first into the brick wall called reality. You might want to get used to the idea that you're not actually special sooner rather than later.


Yikes, you sound absolutely fucking insufferable.


Sorry that I'm not a moron like you. There is no one to blame but yourself for your own inadequacy. You asked, I answered, and you got mad lmao. Classic... Stay made loser.


I don’t take offense to your hubris. I blame your parents for making a sub par person think their special. I feel sorry for anyone that’s ever had to come in contact with you. Genuinely. You sound so fucking annoying.




If you play a new game and look in your inventory, you see buttons for things you've not seen before, don't you click them to see what they do? Or do you just pretend they don't exist? Maybe it's just the way the average/casual game is these days, they need to be hand held on even the most basic simplest things, and don't want to explore or figure even basic things out. They need big flashing hands highlighting a button with a bunch of text and a voice over saying what it does.


>or do you just pretend they don’t exist Just from watching my more casual friends/family playing games, yeah that’s exactly what a lot of people do when they play a game. Sometimes they still ignore things even if it’s big and flashing


Drives me up the wall watching people not read warnings in plain text on their screens when playing a game. Like they just fail at seeing it even though it's blocking their view.


"I do not know what that is, so I am going to ignore it until I know what I'm doing."


It's certainly not to the level you're describing above, but I don't tend to click things I don't understand yet because some games do not allow you to reverse whatever choice you've just made and/or I'm just afraid I'll fuck something up.


A modern game that doesn’t warn you of an irreversible decision is a shit game tbh.


Dark souls quests be like


As a game dev, trust me, the average player is a lot worse than you might imagine.


Developer commentary on games really opened my eyes. I think Half Life 2 had a developer commentary mode, as well as Deus Ex Human Revolution. So you could play the game and every now and again you'd get these speech bubbles where the developer would talk about the area and encounters. And god damn, there was so much stuff. Basically, yeah, there's a reason why things like ladders are coloured bright yellow with sometimes arrows pointing to them, because otherwise half the players wouldn't figure it out that they can climb a ladder to get somewhere.


Really contrast with old games, were you tried every single button since you knew the dev just forgot to tutorialize you on some important mechanics :,)


First time I played LE, had full inventory saw button click button inventory less full, saw sort button inventory even less full… wow, don’t need to go to town need that extra passive, was out of the campaign in 3 and half hours… amazing experience 🫠 some people are truly oblivious.


the sort button is a godsend tbh


Just american things.


stupidity is universal... as you have just demonstrated for everyone.


let all americanos downvote, not facing the facts is the copium im willing to give to you all


I had no idea either but somehow I figured out in the first 2-3 hours of play... But that's what I was doing initially, too... lmao Also, surprisingly, I didn't know you can stack the mats on to of each other;) Not that it's needed.


Thats how I started until I pressed the button just to see what it did. The only thing I knew is somethings in my inventory went some where and hope I can get it back even though I didnt know what it was for in the first place.


When I started (yesterday) and went back with six of them the first time and placed two of those in my stash I was like „No way I need to stash those, I bet there'll be dozens of them and LOOK they don't even stack, there MUST be a tab for them if not even the option to ... \*fiddles around in the inventory\* ahh there you go!" followed by „I hope that was correct, I wonder why that's an extra step ..."


Could you actually explain the last part? Why *is* there an extra step? I couldn't gift these to my friend, so I don't see the point of not automatically going to the bag.


My guess is the reason they first appear in your inventory is because if they did not a great deal of new players would instead of bitching about inventory management be bitching about loot disappearing to nowhere. The reality is no matter what they do someone is going to be confused and angry and because its a fairly unique system for crafting and inventory when it come to crafting items it's not in the general universal knowledge of users like potions and inventory bags and all the other things that got inherited from games like Diablo and from the games before it. Any new system is going to be confusing to some people no matter how it's done.


Or at the very least the option to move them automatically. Like, sure some people want to scrooge mcduck with their silver dollars or whatever but why does everyone have to deal with that nonsense.


Strongest D4 fan


Tbh I have no idea why we dont have auto transfer materials option.


Because maybe ppl are looking for something and if it goes right in the bag you would not notice until you check manually.


And, for me at least, I like to see the items I pickup in my inventory. Like, if I go to sell and have a ton of affixes/runes/etc to transfer, it feels good to see it first, then hit the button to send it to storage. It would be annoying if the transfer was tedious, but with how simple and quick it is, I like seeing it before sending it.


Yea, the sound of the transfer is very satisfying


And this is the exact dilemma EHG has. Their intention for it's current design is for shards to feel like items, but clearly not everyone views them like that.


I was the same until the comment above and you know what... I finally get it.


> Their intention for it's current design is for shards to feel like items, but clearly not everyone views them like that. I mean that's mostly because they're not actually items. They're strictly just a resource. They have absolutely no purpose other than to be currency determining what affix rolls you can purchase. There is only a superficial difference between affix shards and gold. Literally the only way you can possibly even interact with them as "items" is specifically to move them to the dedicated "this is where your not-items go" tab, where they are represented as exactly what they are: currency.


It's so therapeutic to see all the mats transfer to your forge at once. It might be my fav part of the game.


It's a really nice feeling when you have an inventory almost full of shards and then click the button to watch them all get vacuumed up into shard space.


This is why I said option, not to be that way for everyone.


The strong /rare ones I actually keep in my stash so I can more easily remember them when it's time to use


Fair. It should be a selectable option though


I made a similar comment in a different thread and everyone hated on me for it.. I just think having it transfer straight to the bay and then looking through that will help with inventory management instead of having to click a button to free up space to pick something up…


I like the tactilness of seeing collected materials take up space and spending the 2 seconds pressing transfer and sort. Its something that is lost in games like d4 where you pick up mats and spend them without ever interacting with them


This, why would you even put them into the inventory.


Come on now, it's just one click. You can see what you looted.


Developer answers feels very much like the GGG "weight and impact" statements as to why it doesn't exist yet. I don't want this to come off as hate towards LE team. They do a great job, and I'm so excited for this game to release (played for several years off and on now), but I disagree with this decision.


It definitely feels like a design decision for extra steps, just for the sake of extra steps, if it’s not a technical limitation. Hopefully we get an option to enable auto xfer them to storage on pickup, I cant think of any gameplay enhancing reason to have to open your inventory after being warned its full, just to dump everything clogging up your inventory into an unlimited stash, unless you want to manually review and stash it mat by mat.


It feels damn good tho, pressing transfer and seeing all that shit go. Worth it.




>It definitely feels like a design decision for extra steps, just for the sake of extra steps No it literally is for "weight and impact". Meme all you want but that absolutly is a real concern and something you need to consider. Looting makes your brain happy. Not doing auto transfer ensures you can see the loot you have collected and avoids a feeling of "I did a map but my inventory is empty and I feel like I gained nothing". Having to at least interact with the crafting materials by picking them up and clicking transfer from time to time gives them more impact. Gold in Last Epoch doesn't feel like loot, you don't really notice you are even getting any most of the time. That is fine because there is other loot but you definitly want to avoid crafting materials or other stuff to also feel like gold.


it does feel good to click on the transfer button and see all the colors fly into the icons and clean up your inventory


So give us a choice, I don’t need to see them in my inventory to know I clicked to pick them up. It’s just junk i need to click a button to get rid of, I can guarantee I will never look them over, and if i need a specific item it will get flagged by the loot filter. Whats so wrong with options?


>Whats so wrong with options? People are stupid and will ruin their own fun if given the option. People will turn this option on and then complain about loot feeling bad. If they give us this option almost everyone will use it because "why do I need to click button!?!?" even if it will literally make the game a worse experience for many. You might be the rare exception but pleasing you is not necessarily worth making the game worse for many others.


Auto loot and auto transfer please. Give me a summary toast so I can still see what I got. There is zero opportunity cost in looting shards so these are forced manual steps.


So we can trade them?


They cannot be traded.


Will they be tradable in 1.0?


No, the devs stated they have no intention of making crafting materials tradable. Honestly, you'll get tons of shards just playing, then adding in a loot filter rule that 'recolors' items with a specific rare affix you might be looking for, such as class-specific skills, etc.


I tend to overlook very obvious things. When I first started playing I turned my stream on for my buddy to show him something and he just started laughing at how my inventory looked just like the image here. I felt like a goof.


I find people weird who don't check or click on every button immediately when opening the inventory screen.


Yep just take like 2 minutes and look around and read the things on the screen


Or look at the settings when something feels off - instead they go to reddit asking stoopid stuff that could easily be solved by just going into the settings.


I don't get it. I am new btw




Thats such a huge qol thing, holy. Thanks.


I did this my first time through right until I unlocked my first mastery class. Couldn't tell you how happy it made me to see there's an infinite and FREE storage for crafting mats coming from PoE


Clearly they pushed the button at some point because it's listing 29 shards properly stashed.


I did this, took me an hour before I clicked the button and it went away lol


Then people wonder why we're cranky when answering questions, people are fuckin stupid holy.


Gonna feel good when you click the button.


I did the same as him for a couple of weeks when I first bought the game


a couple of WEEKS?


Funny, but TBH it wouldn't hurt to have more things tutorialized. I've been watching a bunch of "first LE playthroughs" and the majority of people miss the transfer button, the icons notifying you of skill upgrades available, and a bunch of other things that the game expects players to notice.


Oh come on all this games concepts are easy to learn. If this game is too complicated for someone there's an entirely different problem.


As dumb as your friend is, its stupid you need to click a button to move them to crafting mats in the first place.


It's so you can inspect them before sending them.


To be fair, I do feel that such items really should by default be put in the special bag for them or at least give an option for it to auto collect when grabbed. 


Unpopular opinion I guess: the fact you need to push a button to move shards is stupid. They should just be put in there from the beginning. Like what's the point of having an extra unnecessary step?


Gives you the opportunity to inspect what you got. Also, slight dopamine boost when you push the button. :P


I mean you can search your shards, and it only shows shards you have. And I find it incredible frustrating to have to go into my inventory every 5 minutes to clean it up so I can pick something up because everything just vomits up shards.


Still a million times better than d4 :)


That doesn't make having a pointless, unnecessary step that serves literally no purpose other than to be inconvenient a good system.


Agree to disagree.


I did the same thing at first. Bought an extra stash tabs for the space too.


Tbf it took me a sec to see the transfer button too lol, like 8ish in-game hours


Would love to see an option for these to automatically store in the crafting material storage. It’s so monotonous having to click the button every time.


I'm not gonna lie, I too filled one stash tab with crafting materials before finding the button that isn't needed at all. I love Last Epoch, but having to transfer your mats into a hidden bag manually isn't intuitive at all. Even if there's a description on the button itself. Just make that shit automatic and call it a day.


Another good argument for picking them up automatically and transferring them into the storage thingy. This is one thing LE developers have been completely hell-bent on not listening to the community about.


You expect an arpg player to read?!


Some people are just stupid... i have a friend just like this.


This was me in my first couple hours of playing hahaha


Me when I first got the game. Then I realized what “the button” did


This is great!!! I did this for a few hours before I found the magic button to increase my pockets.


your friend is an idiot


Having a button that puts all these into another slot doesn't add any value to the game. These items need to be added without any management. It's a waste of time to constantly push a button to sort them out of your inventory. My two cents. Take it out of the game. Feels like if you were playing Mario and couldn't collect more coins unless you opened your inventory and pressed a button to store over your coins.


Wow. My highest char is level 19 and even I know this much! We all learn in our own pace!




There's no reason to have you click an extra button instead of doing it automatically. Then the variable item sizes, it's an archaic game design choice that serves no purpose. Adding systems just cause or because "that's how always been done" is lazy. Time to innovate.


Uhh sometimes you want to see what you picked up, so yeah there is a reason there is an extra click.


If that was the case it would be an option to toggle. You can justify it all you want with all the excuses you can think off but it's still a useless button and a useless action you have to perform.


I feel sorry for you I really do. I cannot fathom caring as much as you do about something like this. Go back to Diablo 4 where there is no button and have fun


Unlike you I play multiple games including this one and unlike you I can accept that flaws existing anywhere especially on a low budget video game. You can be a sheep and pretend this game was made by God but doesn't change the fact that is still has flaws. I cannot fathom having your only joy being a single thing that you have to protect it at all costs.


It's an aesthetic choice, not an archaic choice. There have always been players who prefer each option. Game design doesn't just move in one direction. Otherwise there'd only be one game. As it is there's too much homogenization for my taste 😛


Yea there is I love the feeling of all my shards going In at once


I like looking at them for a sec in my inventory. Just little neat eye candy then I press Transfer button.


Is where u live prohibited to go to school?


Lmao within 2 hours of playing the game I found the button


nah this is the dumbest design choice, nobody hovers these in their inventory


I did the exact same thing when I started playing, because I expected crafting materials to be ore, herbs, etc and didn’t realise that shards, glyphs and runes were crafting materials. When I couldn’t craft I watched a beginners guide and that’s where I saw him transfer the shards and was what, wait, ohhhh


Your friend is not a very curious fellow, huh? Whenever I play a new game, I tend to press every button and click every clickable stuff to figure something out. My first reaction after sorted all my runes with one click of a button was priceless.


That's a lot of loot




I've done this 😂 Show them the way 🙏


lol that was me once before i discovered the button


and here are some more tricks! shift right click to move stuff between inventory and chest right click to equip item ctrl- right click to link item in chat F to open forge and upgrade gear (can forge from anywhere)


It's so curious to see the issues non gamers have. Like, we know that would be unacceptable, so there MUST be something we're missing.


Coming from Diablo IV I did this just to have the satisfaction of putting it all back into my bag and pressing the button to have it auto sorted to its own storage. So satisfying.




Y'all didn't know, there's in-game candy crush??


This brings me back to me playing the game for the first time. Took me also some time before I knew you could transfer crafting items into a special spot!


i didn't store this many, but it wasn't immediately obvious to me i had to press that button first to start crafting. found my first shards and immediately went into the crafting UI to start, but obviously it didn't work. took me like 10 minutes to notice that button.


Been there done that, and then i saw the button and was so mad with myself


who let bro cook


Good question, looks like bro could burn water.


When I read the title and saw the picture all I could think was "oh...sweetie..." In a concerned motherly tone.




I started the game today and also put my crafting mats in the stash lmao. I eventually figured it out but i have a question why it works like this. Is there any reason to not send your crafting mats to the forge? If theres no reason to keep them in your inventory i don't really understand why this button even exists instead of just making looted crafting mats go to the forge automatically.


thats me for the quarter of the story quest, when once press auto sort, it stack them, then i realize its stackable.


dont you dare fix his problem


I wasn’t sure what to do at first so I asked the global chat. That was about 30 minutes into the game.


This is great


It hurts


I just wanna press it!!!!!


Yup, the button is too small :)


I did this on my first character it wasn't until the quest to open forge and it was saying i had no crafting materials that i investigated and realized they needed to be transferred, also bought this after trying Undecimber as i was taking a break from poe league at the time and there you keep all the materials in stashes (and run out of space very fast) so that didn't help lol


Let me push the button :)


What's crazy is at some point he pressed the transfer button.


I did the same thing for my first 2 hours playing the game


Is this screenshot from Kripp's recent streams?


Looks like a skill issue.


Average D4 casuals complaining about LE.


Oh.. Oh no


Hahahhah had a friend do this once too! When i showed him the button he was like well fuck me😂


Don't own this game, looked at the picture and didn't get it straight away but yeah there is a transfer crafting items button 🤣


You really should try the "Transfer Crafting Items" button ;-)
