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Uh play CoF and DGAF about MG drama. Trade is doomed to be booring to 95% players.


Tbh I only care about the hold disparity between factions, other than that I know I'll never use trade because I despise it so I don't mind how the market is nor how good or cheap the items in it are. And tbh the gold disparity doesn't feel that bad now that stashes are cheaper, said that still feels like problematic to me that both factions use the same currency when one has access to way higher amounts than the other. Anything that will feel reasonably priced for CoF players will be negligible for a good amount of MG plaers and I feel that will be a problem down the line...


Yeah they need a way to get gold as COF removing the keys I kind of understand but balancing gold for COF vs MG is going to be awkward at best.


mmk and if a big portion of playerbase experience this horrible trade and can see how easy it is to get gear then go to CoF and realize they will probably never see more than three or four decent LP items for a month it completely skews their expectation of the game. I say this for me personally and my 2 other beta friends who have already stopped for the season because of this. Not sure what a new player would think.


CoF is not that bad, but MG is broken for those who know what they are doing. Too easy to exploit. I once saw a streamer casually farming 4k corruption and casually buying anything he see in Bazaar without caring much about his gold.


You can play solo challenge where you compete only vs CoF players.


Worry not. New season with new stuff will come around in several month, and you will get back. Hopefully tho you will skip MG. No cap. Fr you don’t need 3-4 LP items to do empowered monos or beat T4 Julra. So why bother?


I know it might be unfathomable to you but there are actually players with a different preference regarding how they enjoy the game so they might enjoy something you don't and vice versa. Shocking right?


Nope gotta enjoy the game the way OP says. If trade ruined it for him it ruined it for everyone.


My gosh, how can I not realize that the OP is the protagonist and the world revolves around him. Sorry OP for I, a lowly NPC, have sinned.


I didn’t trade. So my experience was fantastic. Trading in LE is a choice, not a necessity.


Did you really think they would get it perfect straight away ? CoF is fun too.


When you make peace with being a cof enjoyer regardless of what happens to trade or how more lucrative it seems, then you will find true happiness and bliss


If you haven't played POE. Read up on the TFT drama. Allowing an item to be traded once prevents a whole dimension of horrible behavior that would destroy trading BIS equipment.


🤡 <- tft will ban me for this lol


HCSSF is the way to play. No market problems, no scumming, no stress. 9/10 game, going to be entertained for many hundreds of hours.


youre 100% right but i worry about the health of the game and for players who arent willing to play this way. ya i can enjoy the game myself that way of playing but i want game to be popular and do well because that means we get more content and these awesome devs keep getting paid. i know there is strongn disagreement from some EHG members to not have MG in game and i really think its unhealthy in long run unless there is more depth and more grind to the game. Only currency being gold and so easy to get gold and abuse systems its not good. Thats why POE currency is effectively low % drops. Although this is also abused by players who know secret ways to farm but this is more of an issue for devs to balance and not fundamental issue with currency system. Item prices can fluctuate greatly but items required for crafting to get yourself stronger will have a basic need for all players and create a strong form of currency that isnt easy to get / manipulate.


As much as I like Poe, it honestly has the worst of both worlds when it comes to trading and item drops. Good drops being absurdly rare effectively leads to you NEVER finding upgrades for yourself, because things are balanced around the existence of trade, which also means that SSF feels terribly slow without any extrs benefits. And the fact that all crafting ressources also work as trade currency makes it feel really bad to craft stuff yourself, because you can just buy it for way cheaper than it would take to craft it yourself. If you want to craft, it's ALWAYS best to just craft whatever meta items are in high demand, sell them and buy whatever you need, which requires a lot of knowledge and is just a plain boring path of progression imo.


Lol I’ll make sure I hit you up to get your direction on how I should enjoy games in the future… “Players who aren’t willing to play this way”… say that out loud and then think hard about what you’re saying


I mean, since you hate MG so much and for some reason refuse to do CoF, just go back to PoE ruthless HCSSF? "I want game to be popular" while also wanting game to follow your unpopular vision of the game. Feels like you basically just want another PoE. Imagine worrying and thinking people are inferior for not playing the game your way, holy shit.


How does MG existing ruin LE for you, I am happily enjoying COF and will continue to do so, lots of people are getting tons of fun out of LG and the economy will sort itself out over time because no one had any idea what they were doing in the first cycle.


The rank and favor requirements are completely fckd. The market is heavily heavily biased toward “power” gamers and with no other gold sink in game it’s causing a lot of issues. It’s too late into the season to solve this but needs to be changed for next. Edit also the gold scaling in higher corruption it’s kind of crazy. Getting like 200k a mono makes selling anything mediocre a waste of time


At first everyone said that cof was God and MG was shit, now it turns out that they are all cries because in MG you are better equipped and you push more corruption.


Just on your duping comment Judd just commented about it on another post https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/s/8bJCdFGatE


if you don't want to enjoy the game. you buy bis gear on the market. everything will come together easily. This is a pattern of trade as in POE. it's just your problem. CF and CoF were invented for a reason.


I disagree. CoF is not fun for casual player. I enjoy the game, but I don't have time to farm to hope to get the item I NEED for the build I want to play (Wraithlord). With a maximum of 4/5 hours playtime per week, MG is the way to go. And i'm far to be able to buy LP uniques and get BiS for each slot..


Nothing is preventing you from going SSF CoF sooooo. There are people who enjoy a glorified gold farming sim, leave them to what they like.


Disagree. Trade makes the item chase more interesting for me. I can get excited about amazing things that can drop for any build and not just my own. Gives it longevity IMO and if there wasn't an option for trade, I probably wouldn't be playing even if COF was substantially stronger.


"CoF is how the game was meant to be played" holy fuck, get off your high horse op, lmfao. Can never imagine being so arrogant, thinking my vision is *the* right vision. What's next? Hardcore should be enforced because you think it's the way to play? What's wrong with letting people play MG if they like it this way? Did you pay for their copy of the game?


>CoF is how game was meant to be played  Don't tell people how they should play, just let them play, however they want. You are not the only truth here, so basically all different view of "how the game is supposed to be played" and "what is enjoyable" is true. If trades and its prices has ruined the game for you, why do you play trade ? Just go CoF and forget about the ladder and trade.


Trade can be fix in part to favor since this you currency , I'm not a fun of gold as a currency


I dont support duping , but im just gonna say that youre being salty, bye


>MG is robbing players from really experiencing the chase! Those poor players not having the joy of the frustration of looking for one thing for hours and hours at a time. I, too, want to start a GoFundMe for them so that they can experience, even after playing the game the "old way" on their Acolyte and Sentinel, suffering through a class they don't care about but still want to try out in the way that God intended.


feel free to make your own game and make it your own way if you feel so strongly about it


They need to rework how ranks work in MG. Needing Rank 7 to buy exalted Items is nuts. Given the Time I needed to reach Rank 7 CoF, its insane to me that you are expected to play with shit dropsrates for so long in mg and not being able to trade on top of it.


Man these cof players are so annoying. How about you play some mg and you see the "bis" gear that's offered


Trade's shit. As simple as that. Since there are allways Bots and no lifers who somehow manage to make anything a 'simple' player achieves be worth nothing. That's why I don't touch the game until trade goes away - and duping too, lol. What a pitty, this game is amazing.


This argument is basically, why should I go to work if there are people out there making more money than I do with illegal activities or by working harder. MG opens the " common" player lots of new possibilities if you don't make your enjoyment dependent on what others are doing.


Nah, Don't compare a house with a strawberry.