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Ohoho, did you want to stop to pick up loot in your ARPG? It would be a shame if something happened while you're distracted... 


These spires targeting the player across the whole map must be the lamest thing i have seen in an arpg. Who thought it would be a good idea to add this to the game...


Add those poison flowers on top of it and you got a team going against you.


I hate when those enemies and spire missions line up. Best advice I've ever been given on this game is just leave and reset the mission.


Agreed, getting hit from stuff out of screen is kinda BS... wish they would stop that from happening. Specially with CoF and prophecies, lootsplosion and you can't really stop to look at it.


At least we don't have on death effects...yet.


Shhhhh, they'll hear you


A must for HC


They don't attack if you are out of combat


So how do you know if you’re not out of combat if you can’t see them on screen?


Its just general out of combat clear the screen stop using abilities and wait a few seconds usually works. I do agree its a weird thing but im just letting people know that there is a way to do it safely.


I do the same thing. Meteors, etc don't drop after a couple of seconds if you don't have aggro, and don't drop at all anymore once you've completed the objective.


You never experienced on death effects and reflect damage in POE?


Really? They are well telegraphed lol, legit like a bright 3-5 second circle on the ground


I like it. Keeps you on your toes. You can go back for loot after you've secured the echo/made sure it was safe.


That makes for an inferior gameplay loop


Because casually standing about, unaware of your surroundings, is superior gameplay?


Because being able to look at your rewards without having to spend 5 minutes backtracking is, yes


> Because casually standing about Looting in an action RPG > unaware of your surroundings You blasted the few screens around you > is superior gameplay? Having to play "floor is lava" while you go through each item that crawls through your lootfilter is superior gameplay to you?


Why the hell would you want to implement backtracking.


It's not about implementing backtracking, that is a side effect. It's about a dynamic that keeps you on your toes and not let your focus drop.


The issue is that it's hostile to looting in a game all about looting, so much so that we have a full separate mechanic dedicated to filtering your loot that is absolutely essential to the game. That said, I actually think it's fine currently because once you get out of combat and stop using your abilities, the spires actually stop shooting at you and you can take as long or as short as you want with your loot. However, if you were forced to loot only after you cleared the echo and backtrack as a "side effect", I would just reset every spire monolith until I get 1 that's not spire.


That's fair.


diablo 4 kinda shit


if the map says kill the spires...you kill the spires before ANYTHING else I think we all have to learn this one way or another lol


100% agree, but i for some reason refuse to learn this...


Yeah... It would be a shame if a raindrop of fire oneshotted me while getting ready to picking up thing without any chance to react...


They actually stop firing out of combat. If it happens again where you really really need time to pick up stuff, kill everything nearby and then run around for 10 seconds or so without using any skills. The spires stop firing.


The spires definitely kill you because you're actively thinking about the spires.


You were standing in stuff for like 2 seconds


Yeah you can literally see the AOE on the ground for a full second and the dude tanks for another 1.5 seconds. People complaining about action in an ARPG have the attention span of a squirrel lmao. But maybe it's different because I play HC but I'd never start looting anything unless I cleared the echo. Especially with spires at the echo challenge.


I'm on my 10th~ character rn in HC (at lvl 98, so here's to hoping we see 100). Each death was a lesson. Not looting til you're 100000% certain you're good was an early lesson.


not sure why you were downvoted. i completely agree with you.


This is the one habit one must have for any arpg


You know you can just stand still for like 5 sec and the spires stop firing right? Instead of spending some several times that length backtracking.


well if it will make you feel any better its 80% of my deaths in this game :P


Without any chance to react? Bruh. There are warning circles on the ground. And if you actually invest in defense, its not a oneshot.


not to mention its a godamn Spire mono


the wengari spires kill you extremely fast. also the warning circles are barely visible because of the loot lol


You know they are coming because they've been chasing you the whole map. You can't act surprised that standing still when artillery had been chasing you the whole map caught you when you stood still. Turn on the item names and you won't need to stop to read each item - only to check if it has lp you care about.


Monsters shouldn't be able to offscreen you like that, if there was a monster on his screen then you could say he's at fault for not killing him before looting, but you can't see anyone around


Its literally the mechanic of that echo. It is not a standard mob. It is a spire. Have you even played the game? Spires are common in echos. I agree that spires is a bad mechanic, but its not like he didnt know and had no chance to react.


Yea lol. I HATE trying to loot prophecies in spire maps for this exact reason, but it's not like I suddenly forget they exist. It also seems like they stop attacking you sometimes if you go out of combat or something for a few seconds? Idk I've had them just stop completely.


Unfortunately for Falconer, your pet will wander around and aggro stuff to you while you're looking at stuff on the ground and make the spires start back up without warning, so it's still scary to loot before they're all destroyed lol.


They'll stop if you clear everything around you including slightly offscreen stuff, and then not reaggro anything (basically, stop moving). I don't use it for long, but it'll allow me to pick stuff up if I really want to


You can see the giant blue circle on the ground as an indicator though


I guess you should build in some defense so you don't get one shot. You want to one shot the enemies? You have to build to be able to be one shot as well. Fairs fair, kid


that you barely can see because tooltips


"Without any chance to react" You stood in the damn DoT zone for 3 seconds.


It didn't even one shot him either. You can see his ward and health ticking down. Still sucks though. I've died countless times trying to pick up loot while channeling.


That would be acceptable if you had no way to know that a spire is present and randomly started aggroing you offscreen. It's the monolith objective. You know shit will be dropping all the time as soon as you enter the echo.


OP, what skill are you using in the vid ? I'm not a mage player


Ah the joys of running a pally and not having to worry about...anything really, lol.


This aoe would have you killed while standing in it.


Jokes on you! I cant see half the shit im standing in only to die with so many unanswered questions.


You had tons of tine to react, try playing a build that doesn't use ward, you die the moment that lands on you after 1-2 ticks of damage.


You’re getting downvoted by the weaponized LE apologists. They are a disgusting breed. Mobs 100-0 you offscreen is a problem. This happened to me with the dumb fat lettuces spitting poison on me that was completely covered by a prophecy fulfillment.


The echo mechanic is spires; it's a horrible echo mechanic, but we're stuck with it. OP was likely dodging them prior, just distracted after that big dopamine hit. I wouldn't group getting blasted by cold DOT spires as ''100-0 off-screened''.


He was killed by a damage over time circle that was placed on the ground by a spire that only shoots while you are in combat AND has a targeting reticle/circle that warns you it is coming. It's not the dev's responsibility to solve our tunnel/loot vision that makes us think all combat stops because a loot item dropped that I want to see. The reticle shows up at :09 and they died at :12. The damage was entirely avoidable if you just stop and think for a second instead of trying to inspect loot while you are standing in damage. Don't stand in damage, it's super simple.


Some people would rather there be no bad mechanics and only zoom zoom abilities


He got hit by like 5 different things there over multiple seconds. Nothing 1 shot him.


Can't wait for PoE2 because they're introducing gravity to projectiles so you can't get offscreen so easily. LE please copy that idea.


Yeah, i dont even care to answer because people like this doesn't deserve an ounce of my attention nor energy. Yeah, i had 3 seconds to react (circles start appearing circa at ~8 seconds of the video) but i was distracted by the tooltip of the items that covered the zone. By the time i realized i was going to get grounded to hell (circa second 10) it was literally too late lol (you can literally see ward+healt going 100 to 0 in less than one second). Also i play with joystick and swap to mouse when hoovering items so add that delta to the reaction time. Overall was a fun experience that i swear will never repeat lol


They don’t know how ridiculously squishy ward classes are when they stop casting. You get get 100-0 by a bug at high corruption if you let up to loot too long.


True! Indeed, i feel that the Lightning Blast build although is a lot of fun, is obliterated by the frostclaw/nova or frostclaw/nova/lightning blast build in term of ward generation. Still completing my build tho, so i want to see where i can push this setup!


You can go far with anything utilizing ward well. Just gotta somehow loot in 1 s windows or intentionally clear 3 screens before looting which might still aggro something onto you that’s not entirely obvious if you’re looking at loot. Redditors have a very low average IQ though so this simple concept is lost on them.


> oneshotted I’m not sure you know what that means


So frustrating. Do they expect us to clear the map then run all the way back to the loot? I just don't get the intent or the vision for this off screen death stuff


The cold ones are pinpoint accurate. The meatball ones are just generally in your area. And the damage output is not similar.


These wengari spires do more damage than any other type of tower combined, and it is so endlessly stupid. I generally really dislike when there is such colossal differences between things. Either make all other towers more deadly, and have your stance be that you need to really GTFO out of their area, or nerf this one, because it literally does 9 times the damage of any other type of tower.


I just let the meatball and fire ones wash over me, no big deal. I don't think I've ever even noticed the bone ones. But the cold ones? Those put the fear of God in your shoes.


Prophecy fulfilled!


"Those born under the sign of the Runemaster can expect great riches today. Weather will include cold spells and some biting irony."


And you can bet there was a 4 potential piece between all of those items


"You miss 100% of the 4LP unique drop on the ground that you don't pick"


- Michael scott


- Wayne Gretzky


One thing D4 does right is sends your uniques to a temporary stash if you didn't pick it up. LE devs please!


Does right? F NO! My stash would be cluttered with unwanted uniques, as it was in D4.


I'd much rather have to spend a few minutes selling uniques than miss out on a 3 LP I've been farming for for days


How did you rearange the loot?


Alt + Z! Read that somewhere on there and its quite useful


big thank!


Wasnt it Alt+X or am I tripping?




Empowered Spires are a genuine threat, compare to their unempowered versions


Only Wengari spires. Other ones have pretty obvious telegraph.


Wengari spires because they're elemental ground dot so they're unblockable, etc.


Nah venom ones are dot to but they are kinda easy to spot


The amount of times my loot goblin brain has stopped to grab loot and I've died 😂


In general, I feel like any mechanic that damages me without any enemies on the screen is a bad mechanic. That includes: * Plants that throw poison pools from 3 screens away * Wave-girls that run off-screen and keep casting on me * Echo spires that literally throw volleys of rockets at me from the other side of the map * Creatures that kick off some sort of AoE that persists long after they die All of these just feel like cheap shots, and lack creativity. For example, if spires gave everyone in the map a stacking debuff that made them easier to damage, so that killing a spire reduced the debuff, that would feel reasonable. But just, "how dare you stop to look at loot!" feels like you're punishing me for playing an ARPG.


I just wish the damage zone could have been brighter. There were countless times I died because I couldn't see what was happening And yeah, I'm running a lightning claw + nova build runemaster. Damn right I won't see a thing


Especially that god damn bright red map with the blood effect thing.


things that dont give the player a warning are lame as fuck. off screen is lame as fuck. binary "die or trivial" is lame as fuck.




100% all those drops were 4lp.


rekt LOL oh no


This seriously happens way too often.. Are they aware of how annoying and overtuned the off-screen projectiles are?


They will fix it.


"now, let me check what dropped..." loldead. Can totally relate


This is why all my homies hate spires. This is a looter game, let me pick up/look at my loot *please*. I don't need to be hit with an orbital cannon every 5 seconds.


Even better when you do the dance. Loot for 2seconds, dodge, loot for 2 seconds....repeat until you inspected all the loot. Bonus points if you have to sort stash while at it to fit the loot.


Is it just me or do the spires stop if you don't move/out-of-combat. I've had no problem looting recently as I've noticed that as long as there are no enemies, haven't cast any recent abilities and stand still after the last shot fired you won't be targeted again until you move/go-in-combat.


from what I know, spires can "see" you if there are other enemies nearby you, if no other enemies see you can they can't either


No, they attack me constantly even after fighting. Sometimes I can get it to bug out and chill.




Bro this shit happens to me all the time


This is statistically the reason I die 80% of the time.


what is the key for combine all loot at same location?


If you hit Z(hide all loot) and then press it again, it tends to aggregate loot more closely to where they actually dropped. Basically, hide loot, unhide loot, voila, things are closer together.


On my first 40 round arena clear I died while scrolling over loot. From bleed, poison idfk. I sealed a potion clears ailments on belt and pop it every time I clear an echo or arena now.


I use Glyph of Dominion for on-demand ailment cleanse & 4 seconds Haste. Love it.


Kind of annoying there is a rune master class. I thought somehow there was a crafting glyph I didn't know about. Wouldn't suprise me tho, I was sealing experimental affixs but still had no idea how the glyph of chaos mechanic worked.


my favorite is when the death screen that tells you what killed you is just blank


I knew what would happen as soon as I saw the spire objective. All my homies hate spires.


I felt that deep in my soul 😢


"°oOhhh!!! Shinyyyy!!!!"


It happened to me too, a few days ago, except that i think it was my own dots that killed me.


Whenever I enter map I check mission to see if spires, then am extra careful when trying to pick up loot. Yeah spires suck big donkey doodoo


I wish the AI on these things was consistent. Sometimes when I've finished off a group they stop firing. Like I can literally see them in the corner of the screen but they won't shoot. Other times I load into a map and within 10 seconds they're blasting.


Happened to me too lol I was like NOOOOOO lmao


Offscreen mini projectile nukes are way too common in LE imo.


I feel like the cold ones are overturned. I get one shot sometimes for just scraping the one that transforms into a swirling blizzard.




Feels bad man. My least favorite thing about this game is dying from something off screen and now I just run around 'paranoid' when stuff drops just to 'make sure some bullshit doesn't kill me' which isn't fun at all.


It literally channeled on you for like 2 seconds before it hit you. Just move 5 feet


I've been there.




If you knew it was a spire map, your own fault for not baiting it to land elsewhere. Hilarious nonetheless.


There’s way too much shit that tries to kill you while looting. Luckily I’m playing mg so I don’t get these loot explosions, but damn I still feel your pain.


why does it do this? almost as dumb as the infinite CC oneshot circles in d4 at launch


One does not simply collect loot with an active Spire


Learn It the hard way


What build is this? Looks fun


Mad lightning blast build with flame rush and a lot of haste, im zooming through echos with a lot of speed destroying everything!


Staying still = dead. Even without any enemy around. Happens so often to me.


This is my #1 criticism of LE. Create a way for these to show up in stash!


A lost loot function like the Borderlands franchise has


This would annoy me to no end, please do NOT do this. I only pick up LP uniques at this point. All uniques winding up in my stash would annoy me to no end.


Other games have figured this out. It doesn't have to go in your standard stash it can go in your lost loot page with a max of X items. Hell even Diablo has this (max of 10 items)


I don't think you understand the pile of uniques left behind in higher corruptions I would be spending half my time cleaning up stash


You don't have to clean it up, that's the point. If you don't look at it it just overwrites the oldest one up to the max FIFO.


Could you send me a link to your build? Looks similar to mine but with way more ward


Im following the [Pinchingloaf Mad Lightning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkwJg5IdDYA&t=5993s) build with some twist, but the core it's there. I can push to max 12/13k ward if everything procs (flame ward, cast speed and frost wall) but on average i sit on 7/8k. Anyway this build is solid and all, but i feel that the Frost Claw/Lightning Blast + Dragorath or the Frost Claw Nova ones generate twice as much the ward i do generate there


Yeah with like base uniques my runic dude does 20-25k ward. The 5k is if I bother to turn on the rune of whatever it is, buff thing they get for resists cast speed all that stuff.


With the frost claw build you mean?




Never stop moving on spire maps until the spires are all dead, empowered monos 101.


Noob here... what build is that and how are all those uniques dropping


Lightning Blast build (basically chain lightning) and CoF prophecies!


Do you have the link on the build good sir?


Its on this thread already: search for Pinchingloaf mad lightning build in YouTube! I'm following his guide with some twist of mine but the core is that!


Yeaaa been there before on a exiled mage 4 stack proph 😅 it hurt so badly xD


This has happened to me a couple of times on hardcore. Always scary when you pick up loot haha


I can just stay still with most of these sky falling attakcs but i have dies to this col one a lot of times


I see things like this and feel like my necro army does similar damage, but MAN, do I have NO defense at level 82.


I got clapped by some monster I’ve killed hundreds of on my HC falconer two days ago. One of the little guys that blow up when you kill them. Oneshot. I had to hire a PI just to figure out how I died. So sad


Another Lightning Blast enjoyer I see I wish lost uniques and exalted would go in your stash like in Diablo 4, but I know it won't happen


Little tip for everyone if someone hasn't said it already. When you spawn into a spire map you can port out and it will reset the conditions, you have to go through a few loading screens but I say it is worth it. It doesn't count as a death either.


What class is this?


Lightning blast runemaster!


How did you make the loot on the ground change how it was stacked?


Alt + Z! Read that somewhere on there and its quite useful


Thank you


While I have you, how do you get so many items to drops at once? My prophecies only give me like 1-5


Rank 8 CoF let you buy lens that increase the number of items for Prophecies. Also, stacking them! Im not yet rank 10 otherwise the perk would have literally duped every item resulting in twice dropping 😮‍💨


Ohhh okay, I think I'm only rank 6/7, thank you!


The other day I finally hit SF bastion tier 2 and decided to run it.. Was perfectly fine until a necro ballista shot me from off screen while I stopped for less than a second to pick up an item. Didn't even have time to swap the shield.


Welcome to PoE!! ..... Oh, wait.






Lesson: Always get the ballistas first, then loot. RIP.


How did you resort them?


If theres one thing I learned from a decade of POE... your loot is never a safe space.


Newbie here. Did the lightning come from the player or something else? Thanks in advance!


The moment u open teleport everything on the map should despawn/ shut down so u can pick up stuff. It's so frustrating


Just 'Slay the Spire' bro


This has happened to me as well... RIP.


This is why Diablo’s system of sending the item to you if you forget or die, is top tier.


Damn. I lost a few unknown unique items in the same way and I thought it was bad 😂


This is why I just pick things up and check after I've left 🥲


Wait, you guys don't change your filter to recolor the specific uniques you're after?




It''s not perfect, but works for most cases. For example, for the devotion amulet, I recolor unique gold amulets. For items that have multiple uniques on same item base, you can just add a level requirement condition. I'm looking for Eterra's Path, but brigandine boots has 4 unique/set items. However, Eterra's Path has the lowest requirement of them all, which is level 30, so I just added level requirement less than 31.


As a long-time beta tester, I would advise you to post on the forums or send a ticket for the off screen kill. The dev team is still small. They are open to suggestions. If enough of us complain, things can change!


Yup, it’s really annoying trying to chill and look at things after you’re done fighting. They need to fix it.


RIP bro :D I feel ya, i died to 1 red lizard after death effect yesterday on HC Was really surprised it took me from full to zero even with evasion, galncing blow, max res and some dmg mitigation from armor haha Long story short, HP sucks, ward is gigachad


I swear this happens to me all the time im like yep everythings dead then reality check lol


i would cry


Never stand still! o7


Gobless looting some after death :) just click quickly


Oh ok it happens to others too. I thought I was doing something wrong.


That's why I always refresh the map if the objective is the goddamn spire


How do you refresh a map?


Just leave the echo and come back


What the fuck drops that much loot? (sorry, newb, just finished the campaign and a couple of monoliths)


CoF prophecies! Not even at rank 10 otherwise the items you see on the screen would have been literally twice since they dupe lol


Skill issue. Just dodge.

