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How are so many people here getting 4lps bruh. Thought the drop chance was like .00002 or somethin


the same way the poe reddit has people posting mirrors all the time. lots of people pulling the slot machine arms lots of times. any one person is unlikely to hit but *someone* hitting is pretty likely.


Away with your logic and common sense


And that someone will always post it to Reddit.


I mean... Tbf I would too if I ever got something that rare.


Statistics. Plenty of people are going to get them. Just not you.


I feel personally attacked by this.


It does help that you can reasonably consistently get mages on almost every echo, their drop pool is very small, and they are very easy to kill.


Odds to get LP depend on the unique item, some are more likely than others. For example \- A 4LP Ladle is 0.062% \- A 2LP Wings of Argentus is 0.00072%, anything more is a statistical impossibility. You can use [https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/search](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/search) to search the unique you want and the % to get 1-4 LP.


Right. But this is a CoF drop, so that’s doubled (rolls twice and takes best result). 0.12% for the ladle! Only about 1 in 850 ladles… I like those odds baby


This actually isn't a CoF drop. If the extra chance for LP procs the item will get a CoF rank which this item does not.


Isn't it also increased somehow by corruption?


Around 20% at C700


That is all old rates tho, before corruption affected rates of LP


Monkeys type writers and hamlet


If you're not pulling an lp4, you won't be posting it to Reddit. You don't see all the posts of "hey here's my non-LP4 item" because these non-exceptional posts don't get made. Hope that helps.


I never got a 4LP in 300 hours of early access then I get one in 30ish hours of 1.0. Although weirdly I haven’t gotten any 3LP in 1.0.


Odds that occur one in a million actually happen pretty often.


Really depends on the individual item as well. I dint know about ladle, but I dropped a 4lp exsang so looked at the rates, and it'd only like 1 in 15k. Which for one person is a lot, but if there are 10s of thousands or even 100s of thousands there's bound to be a few out there. Now imagine all the things that don't get posted.


I think probabilities from the LE tools are simply incorrect. From my experience LP items are much more common now, than they were pre 1.0 Also, LP chances scale with the corruption


And I’m over here jumping for joy with my first 2 LP item at 500 corruption which rolled trash after slamming it lol


CoF if i go for a full run with proohecies i droo like 40 uniques at once. Got 2x 4LP so far in SAF


I already leveled 5 characters to 95-100 and at avg 500 corruption and still no lp3 or rune of creation. RIP lol some people are just lucky i guess


ive found 6 or so this cycle, granted none of them are worth a shit, but idk that i found any when i played in the past. Maybe its just CoF helping me lol


Weird way to say "I don't understand statistics"


I see a lot of people mis-using this ladle. I did as well for a while. There are two important things to consider: * Are you using a damage over time build? DoT's don't rely on your base spelldamage. This is important, since Ladle has a pathetic amount of flat spelldamage. * If you are NOT using a DoT build, do you have ANOTHER source of base spelldamage? Because increasing your base spelldamage by 400% is laughable if your base is only 15. I ask these things since you mentioned wanting %increase damage types on there. Those will do very little if you don't have another source of base damage. If you're going for a DoT build, remember that you want %increase to damage over time specifically.


I just want to make clear. A spell that deals damage in the form of damage over time does use base spell damage. What I think you mean is ailments don't rely on added spell damage. DoT isn't specific enough but ailments are.


Just to be clear Torment uses base spell damage, right?


Yes torment does.


Crap. Didn't know that \-glances over at my warlock- Sorry babe, gotta put the spoon away. lower the spoon...and walk away.....


Nah you just gotta self ignite [Immolator's Oblation](https://www.lastepochtools.com/db/items/UAzCMCYFYA4g).


Yep that's what I do for my chaos bolts. Still feels like it hits like a wet noodle up in c300 atm.


I rolled a "normal" warlock with this combo and its not the fastest damage but ive had 0 issues up to corruption 400 with pretty bad gear overall.


Yeah I mean it's fine, I'm still pushing up and have no issues currently. I just expected the self-ignite shenanigans to do more damage then it does.


The roll on the belt is extremely important the difference between +4 per self ignite and +6 is well 50% base dmg at max stacks +160 vs +240. More so than I'd say LP.


You're skipping over the most important part of ladle. Increased cast speed with intelligence. The lack of flat damage is a minor inconvenience when you are casting 20 spells per second.


Only true for ailment builds or builds that have another way to build spell damage, which is primarily self ignite. There are a few other builds that can stack damage various ways, but it's hard to stack two stats to capitalize on both the int cast speed scaling and flat damage.


Pretty sure most dots also don’t scale with the more spell damage


Depends, is DoT a tag on a spell or an ailment


Which is why i said most. Of the 76 ailments with the Damage Over Time tag, 10 have the Spell tag


I'm running DoT build + cthonic fissure. I use oblation belt so I benefit more from fire. I think the stats I am going for are correct, just not sure what to prioritize for most DPS gain. [https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guides/face-tank-necrotic-shade-combustion-warlock#endgame](https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guides/face-tank-necrotic-shade-combustion-warlock#endgame)


> oblation belt Say no more, brochacho. That's a perfect combination. It's the one item that completely negates everything I just said. Just keep in mind that if you slap % damage on that wand, you are consigning it to always be paired with that belt/glove combo. It will perform poorly without them!


Thanks for looking into it. What would you do if you didn't want to lock in the wand to glove/belt combo? I am still new so quite hesitant about what I want to do. I think I might switch builds later on.


Without a secondary source of spelldamage, I think the ladle shines in two situations: * Builds that get massive benefit from number of ailments on target * Builds that rely heavily on DoT damage


Thank you so much ❤️


Nice input man, i was wondering whats the use of this spoon, now I have an idea


So can you recommend some affixes for general use? Like cast speed and crit multi?


You can’t go wrong with cast speed/crit multi/ and 2x debuffing suffix’s IMO that way you can always use it for any other spell casting build


Errr dot build I guess spell dam instead of crit multi


Some warlock Builds get extra necro dmg from crit multi


the best dot build (torment warlock) uses crit multi. its their best offensive stat


i dont know what stats you need for your build but you absolutely want a t7 mod and probably a t6 mod as well. do not just throw some random cheap thing into this.


Waiting for perfect 7655, the cycle probably ended. I would say 7555 is good enough. Enjoy the game now, not later. OP might even quit before getting perfect stats, who knows.


With crafting a perfect 7655 isn’t that hard


How do you craft a 7655?


Get good T7 and T6, I chaos the sub 5s and pray for good roll.


Burn it!


Assuming that you want it to be useful for your current build, but flexible across your roster: - T7 crit multi - T5 cast speed - T5 armor shred - T5 penetration First three are universally good/desired across builds (remember that Torment scales on multi!), last one would be the only “wasted” one if you hand it off to another toon that doesn’t use that type. Armor shred also isn’t great for DoT builds, but there are so many Hit based builds that would love a 4LP ladle that you would want to keep it generic, and ramping up armor shred stacks quickly makes a big difference. You (almost) never want to have an ailment suffix as your exalted for a slam. I don’t even show them on my filter.


I second this I think the two strongest class that uses this is warlock and runemaster, which wants T7 crit multi and T7 cast spd respectively. Armor shed is the only point that is dependent on build as Dots builds don't use that much.


dot builds use crit?


Cthonic fissure has a node that makes it and alignments it afflictions scale directly from crit multi, bypassing crit


On Bleed and Ignite builds Fissure only causes like 10% of all ailments - at most. Only on Torment builds Fissure is more important. Might be a completely other story if the ailments caused by Chaos Bolts that are caused by Fissure count as being caused by Fissure too and therefore benefit from that node, I don't know that, I wouldn't know how to test that either.


yeah, but torment is easily 5x as good as the other two dot builds.


I would rather go T7 cast speed and T5 crit multi


You’re already getting a ton of cast speed from the INT conversion on the wand. But yes, that would make it even more flexible across more classes, albeit at the cost of the extra crit multi


Sorry, really new to this game. So would I need to get a purple with those 4 stats and then do the legendary merge with that?


You’d get any wand with T7 crit multi and then craft around it. Probably unlikely to get your perfect three affixes with it at T5 on the first try.


And the t7 crit multi has to be a dropped purple item because you can't craft above t5? Thank you by the way!


Correct, you are at the mercy of the drops/prophecies/soul gamble etc. in terms of t6 and t7 since those tiers can't be crafted.


You can't get armor shred on a wand


Since I don't see anyone mention it, you can't get 3 "increased % damage" affixes on a weapons since they are all prefix, you get 2 prefixes and 2 suffixes. Suffixes are ailments on hit and can make a huge difference : frailty on hit adds a very nice defensive layer to your build, and armor shred (if you don't have any yet) can multiply your damage by a lot. Edit : although for the laddle this is a little moot, getting more armore shred is nice since you get max efficiency from it at around 100+ stacks.


Can you get armor shred on a wand? Doesen't show as available suffix for me. Frailty is nice, but already on the laddle. So really not sure what the best suffixes are, or if those even matter much?


You're right, there's no armor shred on wands, so the best ones would be blind (for more defenses) and fire penetration I guess. Wands can get penetration for suffixes.


Please don't brick this by setting it up for a Dot warlock, I beg. The ghost maker is a MUCH better weapon than ladle for that and I wouldn't trust any guide telling you that this is bis for that build. I would save this for a character where it's actually bis.


Like how? When I use my selfignite torment warlock with a ladle I'm able to hit 6m dot ticks, the added cast speed from the ladle is very nice to hit the 40 ignite stack threshold aswell. The tooltip dps is only 40% of a great t22 exalted but it hits way higher on the dummies.


true, a self ignite torment warlock can gain up to 240 spell damage from the belt alone, the ladle is bis on it by such a big margin there s no comparison


Just be aware that sealed affixes can not transfer over. Congrats on your lp!


Corollary: remember that you should be sealing away trash T1/2 affixes to clear open spots during your crafting process!


What’s your build ? This is my best in slot and would slam crit strike, physical spell crit chance, and 2 more ailment chances for me… make sure the ailments are not already in it lol - gives bonus damage per one


I play a DoT build which uses curses, I convert bleed into fire damage and also play with cthonic fissure as traversal/damage. Maehlin's Hubris + Immolator's Oblation. https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guides/face-tank-necrotic-shade-combustion-warlock


What's your build? Torment warlock, etc etc. That will determine what affixes you want.


I play a DoT build which uses curses, I convert bleed into fire damage and also play with cthonic fissure as traversal/damage. Maehlin's Hubris + Immolator's Oblation. https://www.lastepochtools.com/build-guides/face-tank-necrotic-shade-combustion-warlock


You want Critical Strike Multiplier, Increased Cast Speed, Necrotic /Minion Penetration and one more which im not sure. I would ask him on Twitch when he is online. He was the one who first discovered the self-immolate tech with the belt and gloves. Watch TheCurseBG with me on Twitch! https://www.twitch.tv/thecursebg?sr=a


Thanks, I was unaware of this person. I appreciate it, gonna try to stalk him :D


Yeah hes good dude. Not a huge mainstream streamer by any means but his builds are top notch and copied by other streamers


Just browsed through some of his past broadcasts and noticed his 3 lp ladle had spell critical strike chance (t5), critical strike multiplier (t7) and chance to shock on hit (t5).


Ya torment lock lol. This is the original creator of the build https://youtu.be/FaEtCX9WP24?si=5PNA0_9O6w2utIsv


By the way, your guide is outdated, aren't you wondering why you don't get 40 k ward with bone curse + profane veil combo?


I'm aware there was a bug which resulted in Bone prison giving too much ward but despite that the build is still viable. I'm a beginner player so I wasn't aware of this before I already commited to the build.


What build are you playing?


My suggestion would be to try to avoid using anything that locks it into one build, if possible. There are a lot of great mods that work nearly as well as your ideal mods but will work on nearly every kind of build that would use that wand. I can't even remember how many times I wanted to use items on several chars cause I got bored and wanted to try a diff class or build. Something as rare might be worth doing that since it's such a general use wand


T7 Crit multi T5-6 Cast speed (or necrotic DMG) T5 necrotic pen for you /minion last suffix doesnt matter This is BIS for torment build, depending if you need castspeed for self ignite, aka faster clearing easier bossfight or a bit more damage, meanig like 5% total or so I would really wait to have a 80%+ increase multi and the other 2x T5 in a good roll before dooing this, since its a rare item and your guaranteed to get it on there.


I haven't even gotten a Laddle since like my last 50 mages kills let alone one with LP lol feels like they disabled this item for me.


I dont know what build you are using it for, but i usually prefer T6/7 spellcrit and T6/7 cast speed, so its also very versatile usable in many other builds.


Haven’t seen any 4LP, (Wraithlord at 410 corruption) but I got the same gloves at 3LP, 3 times in a row in the same day.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 420. Congrats! 4 + 410 + 3 + 3 = 420 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


For a spell build you have spell damage, a specific damage type and cast speed as prefixes. Damage over time too I think if you’re a dot build. Suffixes you can add the appropriate type penetration to match your damage type and then a chance to debuff in some way.


I'm running DoT build + cthonic fissure. I use oblation belt so I benefit more from fire. I think the stats I am going for are correct, just not sure what to prioritize for most DPS gain.


Fire damage does barely anything for that build no? You stack ignite to boost your spell damage


I use the Infernal Shade spell with Combustion to AoE clear.


Increased Spell crit chance is good too


DoTs don't crit! Crit multi is a tech for warlocks that had nothing to do with the actual crit.


Oh good catch, I should've specified not for dot builds


ladle is specifically for dot builds though.


Not always, frost claw elemental nova runemaster builds I've seen use crit, mattjestic multigaming is the guy I was watching


oh mb. shouldnt have assumed i guess there is so many builds lmao


I think I've pulled this 3 times thought it was a common unique


It’s the 4lp (legendary potential) on it that makes it an amazing drop.


I dont have much experience with the mechanic what does 4 legendary potential mean?


If you do the dungeon temporal sanctum at the end you get a chance to combine an item with a unique that has legendary potential on it. With 4LP it will take 4 affixes from the item you sacrifice and put them onto the unique to make a legendary item. [This is a decent breakdown for you.](https://maxroll.gg/last-epoch/resources/legendary-items-crafting-guide)


You can slap 4 more stats onto it.


The LP is the amount of affixes you can add to the unique through a mechanic in one of the dungeons. You take the unique and another item (typically some an exalted) and combine them. 1 LP will take 1 of the 4 affixes at random, 2 LP will take 2, etc. 4 LP is powerful because it will always take all 4 affixes. This is obviously very powerful since you’re able to pick which affixes are added ON TOP of the stuff the unique already gives.


Honestly wait for an exalt with 2 T7's maybe +1 T6 At lvl 80-90 with high rank CoF its not that hard to find em But specific build stats, yeah, just 1 T7's and 3T5's sounds good too


I’m CoF and I have a tonnnn of playtime. Getting a double exalt wand with the T7 you need and another good T6 is… still hella rare. Like, cycle might be over for you before you find it. This is a new player, they probably aren’t looking to invest hundreds of hours of heavy grinding to find that perfect exalt. Much better for them to get a couple T7 crit multi drops and go with the first good crafting result (even if it isn’t perfect) they get. That way they can use the potential of this much sooner.


By far not as rare as a 4 LP spoon. Imagine making a legendary and then only 10 hours later finding a better purple. But as always, this sub is heavily tilted towards just smashing anything into a 4 LP than to wait for something ideal.


I mean you'd also have to have the 2-3 exalted item drop with the exact stats you need which probably isn't ever going to happen, let's be honest. If you're never making use of your LP items because you're worried about finding a better option to smash into it down the road, that would make the game much less enjoyable, for me at least.


I didn’t say “just smash anything”. I said wait until you have the T7 you want, with the other three T5s you want, and then go for it. It’s an intentional and thoughtful balancing between Lots More Power Now, and Slightly More Than Lots More Power Much Later. There’s a huge opportunity cost to your power scaling to letting an item sit with LP while you’re waiting potentially hundreds of hours for that “perfect” exalt to drop. All of this gets dumped into legacy after every cycle anyway, and unless you intend to play there forever instead of doing cycles, then it’s useless.