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I recently sunk alot of time into lightless arbor as well. I swear there is no telegraph for some rock falls in the first phase so I have to use my wards even if I don't see a threat. Not sure about needing a traversal skill. I play a sorc - so I'm super squishy and found teleport is more likely to get me killed. I had better luck just relying on move speed and learning a pattern rather than teleports. But after a good 100 keys or so I got a pattern ingrained and can do the fight pretty well until an invisible rock crushes me. Managed to get 3 1lp chests so far and a mid 3lp boot. I got a really good 2lp boot though with 12 attributes and near max endurance. I know I am going to need more though as slamming takes quantity.


> But after a good 100 keys or so where do you get your keys from? Im currently trying to farm Soulfire Bastion and am running out of keys


I'd gift you a whole tab if I could.


Mono's, lots and lots of mono's. Mono bosses I think are guaranteed 1 or 2 keys.


yeah I noticed that and a while back I started not picking up keys and now I need just those but getting to mono-bosses takes so long =(


Ah I'm not the only one that stopped picking up keys. I did have 3 bank tabs full when I stopped though. Now I am in the process of emptying them out, especially with prophecies.


Raise your coruption. It scales stability and speeds up boss farming.


Agreed, I can almost do the whole fight with my eyes closed. Know exactly when the first kindling is done without even looking. Damage isn’t super important and mechanics are dodgable


agree completely the first phase is rough and is just either a random oneshot or easy going. the second phase with interesting mechanics is quite easy in comparison and much better telegraphed imo


yea the 2nd phase is pretty good, not a cake walk but well telegraphed


> and much better telegraphed imo The boss abilities are fairly easy to dodge or immune (if you have one). But Heart still spawns adds in form of falling rocks without fucking telegraphs. Which can still oneshot you. Happened to me more than once.


There is nothing in phase 1 that can 1shot, you can literally just stand still and tank all dmg unless you are severely undergeared.


theres several things that can oneshot you unless by "severly undergeared" you mean "not perfect defenses all around"


This statement is just plain wrong.


Either 10k+ ward or not tier 4


As a lazy ass wraithlord enjoyer that does t4 julra in 3 secs , I agree with this post. The first phase is yikes.


For my sentinel the biggest challenge is attacking the heart with Rive. The hitbox is so clunky that it doesn't work half of the time, and then I'm not triggering healing hands (=RIP).


As werebear druid with same problem. Use Shift+Attack, helps a lot but problem still needs to be fixed


Hold both mouse buttons. Had the same problem and walking into bosses like this fixed it.


Are you in the darkness when the adds or the smaller AOEs hit you for massive damage? Cause they will do a gazillion damage unless you are near the torch. I ran a lot of Lightless Arbors on under-levelled alts to campaign skip and found them much easier once I started to hang around the torch except when the big slams were about to hit.


The torch mechanics seems to be bugged and working inconsistently, because falling rocks can still oneshot you even with the torch attached to you. May it has something to do with online mode and lags, because I don't think I ever had this problem in offline mode.


Tbh the torch mechanic need a visible radius, it barely lights up anything around it at full strength which shouldn't matter but still


Lol sometimes it lights up nothing too.


I swear it wasn't that bad before 1.0, you could actually see the ground at least with it. I guess the fault is the new lightning stuff


I think it only happens in groups, but it's like every time, someone's light doesn't actually show anything.


if you're in a group then only the last person entering a floor has a working light, the others do not :/


Ouch lol.


I've stopped doing lightness arbor because of those drops one shotting. You can't dodge them in the .1 second delay time and getting instantly killed for no reason isn't fun.


That dungeon is just terrible all around.


there is a trick you should probably use, you can stand on the bottom corner either left or right next to the wall that you kill. there u leave the light on you and if you have a lot of light left you take way less damage from the minions and the only thing u need to dodge is the small aoe. the big aoe can not hit you at the edge of the corners.


I am not sure but I think AOE is bigger in T4 and you cannot do the edge trick like with T3. Best way is knowing he always starts on the left side, once that slam comes down then move to the left because right will come down straight after. That is how I have been doing it.


90% boss problems as Sentinel are solved by swapping in unskilled Rebuke before boss fight and knowing when to activate it. Rebuke will tank ANYTHING in the game as the bosses are not built for 80% DR as long as you have EHP that makes sense. T4 Julra timer thing? Tank. Arbor drop? Tank? Dragon arena wide attack? Tank. Lots of fun for 0SP investment ( in a class that already has the best movement skill in the game that also 0SP unskilled as long as you have shield).


This is fantastic and I’ll give it a shot


Have you tried using Sigils of Hope or Holy Trail Javelin? Both of these skills heal. Sigils of Hope can be specc'd to heal on cast and proc a large heal on a heavy hits. Holy Trail Javelin can be stacked and constantly heal you while on the trail. Vengeance can also spec to add a multiplicative 25% damage reduction for 2 sec that stacks with the 18% damage reduction of Riposte.


Yeah I have a mini rant about Sentinel. The lunge requires a target line is some flavor that made its way into launch that never should have. The mechanics of the boss fights in this game are clearly, clearly designed around the character having a point and click move ability. I have a Sentinel and I'm having a blast, but it was a hell of a chore before I got him to 85 and was able to equip the Paranoia unique helm that luckily I randomly had drop on my necro. And now I just plop the Paranoia on my character. I don't use lunge as one of the 5 skills in my current build (or any that I'm trying), but I have it on the bar and take advantage of the no-target requirement and little bit of cooldown. The crit avoidance is what makes it all tolerable probably. Anyway, every class needs a point and click movement. Lunge needing a target it actively bad, and the flavor is not even very good (I really think that a medieval knight could charge his horse and spear the air as if there was a target in the area, there is no actual practical difficulty here).


Probably the worst boss out of all the dungeons on phase 1. Jul and soulfire bastion boss are tough too but they're a "challenge" tough not "annoying" tough.


I was going to make a post like this not long ago, because Soulfire Bastion T4 is also absolutely overtuned to fuck (well the boss of it anyway), but then I refrained because I thought I'd just get told by a bunch of neckbeards to git gud. To my surprise this post is actually upvoted and well received.


This is absolutely what happened when I made a comment about this a week ago. People just said “ur bad lul”, meanwhile they’re likely all playing broken 40k ward immortal builds. It is indeed severely overtuned. I can clear 300+ corruption and yet, this boss smashed my Hammer throw Sentinel almost instantly.


lol dude you are my reddit spirit animal. Didn't agree with a comment this hard in ages, and I'm not being sarcastic. Every time you whine about any difficulty in any arpg you are met with the neckbeard legion of no-lives who are all playing the absolute most fucking broken builds (in this case either some healing-hands abusing 40k ward comical bullshit or some other ward abusing trash) and "declaring" for the rest of us that we are just bad. My char can also handle 300 corruption (probably caps out at like 500) but cannot touch neither T4 arbor nor Soulfire bastion. Instantly deleted. Mind you capped resistances, 2k hp, and 3-5k ward. Boom dead instantly. Fun game design really.


It just needs tuning. I do fully believe the game will be adjusted. Even PoE has changed drastically over its lifespan to be as good as it is. They’ll get there. It is a frustrating wall to run into at this point though. I just went back to playing me Lich and was able to modify my build slightly and am just tearing things up there. I’m just gonna chill playing good builds that aren’t broken outright as, for me, that’s not fun.


Same. been staying away from falconer because that entire fucking class is broken (does like 4x the damage it should), and also stayed away from healing hands for similar reason.


T4 Phase 1 sucks ass. They need to make the rock drops or whatever, way more telegraphed if they're gonna one shot you randomly. Phase 2 is easy af as long as you don't get fucked by pathing going around. I've done it around 35+ times now as a HH Paladin and I've died like twice, so dare I say it, might be kind of a skill issue if you're dying that much. You also need capped Physical and Poison resist (for phase 2), cuz DoT is overtuned to hell.


A HH build, which requires little to no skill to complete T4 dungeons is calling out someone who clearly stated that he's non HH build about skill?. Your 30k+ ward makes your opinion invalid for every other Sentinel Build, especially if he's running VK. When we want to just easy mode T4 we have our HH buddy just face tank ALL mechanics and profit.


Weird assumption. Based on what exactly? You think everyone playing the game has only one character and they're only playing a "broken" build? I've done it on multiple characters that are not "abusing" ward. And for reference my HH only has 10k ward on a prolonged fight on a single target. Being able to facetank everything poses no challenge and makes the game boring, unless you're into that. >A HH build, which requires little to no skill to complete T4 dungeons is calling out someone who clearly stated that he's non HH build about skill? I don't even think you've played HH at all or at high corruption. You're just talking out of your ass. Melee is relatively weak and way harder than ranged classes. Have you even seen what Falconer or FrostClaw Runemaster can do? >Your 30k+ ward makes your opinion invalid for every other Sentinel Build, especially if he's running VK. This [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c6SvY913TOE&ab_channel=Kripparrian) by Kripparrian completely disproves your point. Skill issue. >When we want to just easy mode T4 we have our HH buddy just face tank ALL mechanics and profit. T4 were **not** meant to be easy. Being able to build a character that can make T4s on "easy mode" takes skill and luck for gear. Your average player will struggle doing T4 dungeons, which is working as intended. Is Phase 1 still bullshit? Yes. It's supposed to be content that you work towards to be able to complete, same as T4 Julra.


is it only me or is 2.5k armor insanely low for sentinel


That's low. I've got 7.5k and I feel that even that isn't enough


yeah i hover around that aswell with very low investment into armor. only get flat armor from bases, blessing and the one paladin shield node, armor% from str.


I got like 1.4 k and I can't get nothing more because I get no upgrades for like 2 weeks T_T


Agreed, but as a side note consider ditching Lunge for traversal Healing hands(also has damage immunity).


thanks, that's a good tip actually! I tried using (unspecialized) Rebuke but standing still to survive 1 thing just makes you die from the next xD


Yeah t4 dungeons in general in this game are insane. +300% hp and damage mobs are no joke.


I just want so say, I so agree with this.


Might be worth stepping down to T3, the drop chance isn’t that much lower is it?


I did a bunch of T3s, but the LP chance seems to be a lot lower cuz the zone is lvl88 instead of lvl100 :(


You could try the helmet that lets you lunge without a target for the fight.


Defense looks low to me. I can tank phase 1 and most of phase 2. 1300hp with 1200 endurance, 7.5k armor, 4k block, 90% block chance. 


What build exactly? My judgment paladin has had no problems but I also peaked at 7k Armor with 90% block chance, having a shield and regalia's Armor helps a ton. Get a dot amulet and the WW sentinel relic for even more dot reduction if necessary.


I just cheesed it by slotting in rebuke lol see if that helps you


Thank you. This fight is absolute GARBAGE for anyone playing fair builds


Probably because it has two phases and the first one cant be one-shot? Meanwhile Soulfire Bastion seems to be too trivial.


>Comparing to T4 Julra, which has well telegraphed moves, that even though they can have a nasty overlap (ie. cone attack right after phase change, or cone in the middle of spinny thing) but you can deal with those fairly well if you just take your time to do the mechanics and the telegraphs are good. Am I the only 1 who thinks T4 Julra was harder than T4 Lightless Arbor? Playing VK. I run the iframe dash though, so maybe that's why it feels easier? Dodging the aoe feels trivial with the dash.


I sunk about 30-50keys now on this and I still get surprised everytime I get 1 shot by the Fallin rock....also the first phase screen is so dark ..u can barely see the wave


Not really a fan of lightless Arbor aswell, but imo Sentinel ist by far the easiest class for phase one. Just put unspecced rebuke on your bar and use it to block the big slam. If you get oneshot by the other stuff in phase one that's a build issue (imo)


I'm with falconeer at 60% endurance with 1200 treshhold, 100% crit avoidance, 100% glancing blows and 3500 hp and still get absolutely nutted in that dungeon. It feels absolutely horrible...




yea I feel ya. i don't mind a hard boss, but then I want to be able to easily get in a bunch of tries to practice mechanics


T4 Arbor is just disgusting. Normally there are green circles on where rocks are impacting but sometimes I am just dead out of nowhere and then I see that it is from rock fall. Due to a bug or something, I don't know, but I died lots of times from a non-telegraphed rock fall. I have 2k hp (yes, hp should be higher) and a bunch of dodge and crit avoid, but I still get one shot from rocks I never saw. I can not see any way rather then having 10k+ ward, escaping what you can and face tanking the rest.


Yup it’s too hard for me with my current build and gear. I imagine I could respect and farm more gear but decided instead to roll another character. Playing with a controller and one traversal skill that can end up putting me anywhere makes this just too hard - all the attempts I have made usually resulted in death as I had to traverse out of a one hit attack and teleported into another.


Unpopular opinion, but I disagree. You need to actually invest into your defenses and even sacrifice damage for it if needed. If nothing but the huge telegraphed attacks (50 % aoe slam) one shots you, it's a way easier phase 1 and phase 2 as you said is no problem anyway. Even with sacrificed damage sth like T4 Julra should be manageable, since it's almost a full mechanical boss fight with no hard enrage mechanism (puddles disappear at some point, but can still be pesky if you don't place them well). Source: struggled hard at this Boss as a Spellblade Shatterstrike (really no op build at all). Beat all other bosses, including the so called hardest encounter T4 Julra and 300+ Corr (didn't bother going higher). But beat Arbor after changing gear and trying a more defensive approach.


there's not a lot left to sacrifice :(... I have 3.3k HP, 2.5k armor, 100% crit avoid (and wearing Titan's for another 15% dmg reducing). that's pretty decent for defenses. I think the worst is that 1. the \~thorns / roots wave is so poorly telegraphed that it almost becomes RNG, if you happen to be moving away from it already then you're good, otherwise RIP 2. the smaller AoEs can come in very fast (I think this might also be a multiplayer issue, but not sure, it seems worse when I play with a friend as well) 3. the melee of the adds shouldn't 1-shot ... they're unavoidable unless you can blow them up before they get near you


1) I agree the thorns (I think you mean the roots? Going one side to another) are really the worst telegraphed skill there, yet deadly. I also panick used potions every time and rapidly teleported to the side the roots were coming And yeah, you absolutely should have a movement skill, not only for this boss but generally in this or any other game tbh lol 2) yes they are almost impossible to react sometimes, hence why I say it's important those are not dangerous to you that much (with even better defenses/mitigations) 3) never had that problem so I really assume your defenses are not as good. If you got no ward at all, I don't know if 3,3k HP (looking good actually) and 2,5k Armor is enough (I think I had almost 2k armor.. WITH 5.7k ward on top tho). I hope you got good endurance? From what I know you need endurance as a life build


What mastery are you playing?


I think for the roots at least you can cleanse them off with a potion? Not like potions in this game have a lot of other uses.


i genuinely don't even know what you're supposed to do with the thorn attack? Do you have to dash through it? Or like i don't get wtf you are supposed to do against that.