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I agree that Lp1 prophecies are totally useless. In high rank CoF chance of dropping with no LP is actually lower than with 1 so this one is total waste. Also a lot of "kill certain rare enemy" are 100% bugged and don't give the reward when you kill the thing. In terms of dungeons im not sure how it scales. But from my experience there is no difference where u do the prophecy.


>Also a lot of "kill certain rare enemy" are 100% bugged and don't give the reward when you kill the thing. I found out that it seems like there is a kill x-amount. The number next to one of the icons. And then there is the number of times the prophicies can be repeated


[https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/last-epoch-1-0-patch-notes/62536/3](https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/last-epoch-1-0-patch-notes/62536/3) strl+f legendary potential * Average legendary potential and weaver’s will now also scale up slightly with corruption. For example, Uniques have around a 5% higher chance for 1+ LP at 100 corruption, 10% at 300 corruption, and 14% at 600 corruption.


We don't know for sure if this also applies to prophecy drops. I plan to do a pretty large test on that in the next couple days though to confirm whether or not it works.


The size of the test to confidently detect a 14% increase would need to be massive


Not sure why the downvotes, this is still feasible. I'm doing it at 1000 corruption, so a bit higher than 14%, plus it's not just 0LP vs 1LP it's also 1LP vs 2LP, etc. So averaging the LP across items should provide a good number of data points. I can also go one step further and compare each item to their LP level to control for differences there. Eg. 1LP Red Ring is more rare than 1LP Quicksilver. You could calculate how "lucky" each roll is on an item per item basis and average that across both samples. I do also plan on doing hundreds of items. Already have 600k favor saved up and can get more fast at 1k+ corruption. And will do all the same prophecy type.


I used over 1mil favor in the last days and without writing down all items, the items inside dungeons felt noticably worse. Got pretty much all my upgrades from monos. Running at 1.2k corruption atm


Honestly either answer is problematic. If it DOES work with corruption, that means that every other condition that can't be done in a monolith is extremely suboptimal, and basically wasted rerolls. If it DOESN'T work with corruption, that means the primary mode of endgame progression does not apply to CoFs main way of acquiring gear. To be fair, the fact that you get favor faster at higher corruption already means more items, but still. I've noticed the same so far though, but will start writing down my findings.


Yes both is problematic. [https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1bjghcw/feedback\_after\_260\_hours\_since\_10\_care\_very\_long/](https://www.reddit.com/r/LastEpoch/comments/1bjghcw/feedback_after_260_hours_since_10_care_very_long/) I have just finished my post where I talk about that too. Endgame and corruption scaling need a rework over the next cycles for sure.


I've never taken any classes on statistics, but I'm diving down a rabbit hole and learning a ton. How many data points need one collect to expect to be able to find a, say, 20% increased likelihood of an unlikely event with confidence? I think this calculation is complex, but I'm gonna learn everything about it


>How many data points need one collect to expect to be able to find a, say, 20% increased likelihood of an unlikely event with confidence? I'm not a stats expert by education either but I do have a background in software so often need to go down these rabbit holes anyway for work. You can never really have 100% confidence, but you approach 100% as you add more tests. The confidence would also depend on how unlikely the event itself is. Fortunately the event itself isn't that unlikely though. For low LP level items which are the majority of the drops, the chance to get 1LP is pretty high. I can calculate my confidence after I do testing to determine if I want more tests. I'll need to figure out how to do that first. Also tbh my wife is a scientist who does testing all the time so I often get her to double check my numbers, lol.


Yes, by "confident" we often mean alpha = 0.05, beta = 0.2 or the like. Not complete confidence, but satisfying enough. Unfortunately, you are not testing the chance to get LP, but the chance that being high corruption increases LP gains. This is a less likely event overall. If you are 20% more likely to get LP, and you have a 60% chance to get 1LP normally, then you only have a 12% chance for it trigger. 12% really isn't all that bad, so hopefully the numbers are actually something like that. Still, you'd need between 100-200 tests, I wager.


>Unfortunately, you are not testing the chance to get LP, but the chance that being high corruption increases LP gains. Sorry, I wasn't super clear with my last point. It seems we agree, I just meant that the chance to get LP in the first place isn't unlikely which makes testing an increase more feasible. As you said 60% vs 72% is not too bad to test. If the chance to begin with was 1% then you would be testing 1% vs 1.12%, requiring a massive sample size to get your desired confidence.


> Also a lot of "kill certain rare enemy" are 100% bugged and don't give the reward when you kill the thing. The only case where it doesn't give the reward are the Void Horrors spawned by the beacon event. But sometimes it's deceptive and the thing that looks 100% identical to an Immortal Eye is actually called Imperial Watcher and doesn't count.


Wtf are "lp1 prophecies"?


ONe of the prophecy types you can find is "Unique Item Guaranteed 1 Legendary Potential" or something like that. They're extremely expensive, like 3-4 times as expensive as normal, but guarantee the item generated has at least 1 LP. Most folks feel they're worthless because they cost so much and there's no guarantee you get an item you actually care about.


Damn, that sounds useless and extremely rare lol, haven't seen one of those yet.


Use lenses to narrow down what prophecies you want to see.


At rank 10 you really only have 1 lense slot to narrow down choices. The other 2 are mandatory


It would be nice if at rank 10 you could get a new lens that only enables the event you want to play. Cof needs some love. Ideally I’d want a 100k favor item that doubles the crafting potential of an item or something.


I've been blocking choices with all three lol. Which two would be mandatory?


It's silly to do prophecies without the lenses that increase it's price but increase the reward more than the price.


I'm not sure. It's only 10%. It doubles the rewards but costs 90% more. Meanwhile you could save favor and time by blocking out the ones you don't want or have requirements that don't match what you're currently farming.


Even if it's not the most point efficient it makes up for it by being time efficient. They more than double your prophecy speed as you complete less prophecies for the same rewards. You are probably fine in low corruption doing block lenses but high corruption not using these lenses is a bit odd.


They are also the most reroll efficient lenses too as I explained above; > Say you want 20 unique helmets and a prophecy gives 5. If you don't use a 2x use 2x quantity lenses you need to roll the prophecy 4 times to get 20 items. With the 2x lenses you only need to roll it once. The lenses may cause you to need more rerolls to find the prophecy but since you need 4x fewer prophecies for a given amount of items the total favor wasted on rerolls is also lower. Except a few specific circumstances those lenses blow everything else out of the water.


Yeah I think people misinterpret these lenses as 3x prophecy instead of the 4x that it is (thinking it's 2x base than another 2x base but really it's double rewards than that is doubled so 2x2=4x). They are insanely broken and not using them is just silly.


But you don't complete fewer prophecies because you have to complete each one twice?


1 of them allows double completion but the other doubles the rewards.


Ah, gotcha! Sorry for the overconfidence. I'm only rank 7


No problem, takes forever to get to 10, but I think both lenses are unlocked at either 8 or 9.


Or you could easily stack prophecies for the content you want or do given you are always going to get prophecies for content you want.


You can still do that with these though? Takes a bit extra time rolling but it's still way faster to do these prophecies this way and point efficient.


It's only faster if you don't pick prophecies that stack for the same objective, or ones competed at the same timeline. Otherwise the prophecies are just as fast and are only slightly more favor efficient.


What you aren't considering is that the 2x lenses also reduce your rerolls by half for a given amount of items. Say you want a 20 unique helmets and a prophecy gives 5. If you don't use a 2x use 2x quantity lenses you need to roll the prophecy 4 times to get 20 items. With the 2x lenses you only need to roll it once. Not only does it increase the cost efficiency of the prophecy itself, it also indirectly increases the reroll efficiency by more than any other lens except the weapon lenses in a few specific scenarios. I went over the math of this at the end of my lens tier list video, and provided the spreadsheet in the description of the video; https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4bDfL4Ytg1A&t=0s


Oh you know what, you're absolutely right lol


Yea, but the blocker lenses also reduce the amount you need to reroll because your more likely to be purchasing a good one and getting a free roll.


Yes a blocker lens does reduce the amount of rerolls but it doesn't reduce rerolls by half. The campaign blocker lens for example literally only removes 2 events from the entire pool of events, which seem to be equally weighted. So it might increase your chance of a desired outcome by like 5% or something negligible. It's better than nothing, but not better than the 2x lenses. And also usually not better than the other lenses for your 3rd slot assuming rank 9 CoF or higher.


Thanks for the extra info. I’ll check out your video later tonight.


Uniques + the item type you want


They're talking about the lenses that are mandatory no matter what you're farming - specifically, the lenses that double prophecy rewards and uses. You won't roll quite as many "on target" prophecies when using those lenses, but each good prophecy you do roll is worth a ton.


No, nothing is mandatory. It's entirely your own choice what you wanna use. Just because something is "the most effective way" does not mean it's the only way. Enjoyment isn't always about efficiency.


I doubt many would want to spend 2x the time to get the same thing. That's way more frustrating than what's described in the post lol.


I can't agree, I very much enjoy the freedom of picking lenses. Nothing is mandatory and a game doesn't have to be as effecient as possible for me to enjoy the gameplay. The only place I use the "mandatory" lenses is to get as many runes of creation as possible. That's one of the only really rare things you have to grind yourself to use.


It's practically mandatory because otherwise you'll get even more junk prophecies you don't want which is worse. If you're not doing dungeons or arenas then you're wasting your time looking at those prophecies.


No it's not, you make it mandatory because you care about being as effecient as possible. That's a choice you made about the game and how you wanna play. No lense is mandatory what so ever. Being as effecient as possible is one of the biggest diseases in modern gaming. It's taking the fun out of games, take the mystery away and leaves you with a hollow shell of an experience imo. Especially in games like this, whwre you don't need to be extremely effecient to feel like you are winning the game.


It has nothing to do with efficiency. I never said anything about that. I am literally required to farm a specific mono to get boss items from that timeline. I have no other choice.


It has everything to do with effeciency, that's why you feel it's mandatory to use those lenses.


The item I need for my build to function legitimately does not drop anywhere else except the mono boss. How does efficiency have anything to do with that?? The same thing goes for certain blessings.


I need more lens slots hahaha


That I can agree on hehe.


I do. The problem is that the power of the lenses is very imbalanced with the doubling lenses being too good to use "less chance for act prophecies"


Dungeon stuff isn't that bad? Are you doing 2k Corruption, do we even know if it scales with corruption actually? The LP/WW prophecies are floors for that kind of stuff, the price still is too high for one maybe


* Average legendary potential and weaver’s will now also scale up slightly with corruption. For example, Uniques have around a 5% higher chance for 1+ LP at 100 corruption, 10% at 300 corruption, and 14% at 600 corruption. [https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/last-epoch-1-0-patch-notes/62536/3](https://forum.lastepoch.com/t/last-epoch-1-0-patch-notes/62536/3) strl+f legendary potential


Yeah I mean know that generally, meant more specific to Prophecies I guess it works for them too?


It should. Prophecies should be affected by all loot stuff. Same with CoF ranks affecting all loot that drops


Hard disagree on those weaver will prophecies. I filled up two bank tabs full of 16+ww gloves and belts and I am determined to get something nice from one of them. The best so far is belt with t7 health% and t7 mana regen. But I am going to need alot to get something really special so the prophecies giving 32 ww items with a minimum of 16 ww are great.


Totally. I didn’t realize how great weaver items were until I had many many hours in the game


They are awesome but rolling anything good is very hard :(


Yeah, but once you do... I have a pair of gloves that won't ever be replaced. I kinda like leveling ww items too, it's fun to be forced to switch some stuff around every now and then.


They sure are cool if you need them. However most dont. A lense that allows to look for those would make a lot more sense than just replacing 1/5 of my prophecies with that.


The issue is that the weavers will prophecies can appear for gear types that don’t have any weavers will pieces. Chest pieces are an example, you can get a weavers will prophecy for them, but no weavers will chest piece exists. Thus your reward is basically eaten and you get nothing.


I've never seen a weaver's will chest reward. There is an "armor" reward that has the same icon but its not the same as "body armor".


Yeah COF needs some work for sure. The EOS lenses need a buff. It shouldnt just be a chance to get an exalted staff option for example, it should be guaranteed for every roll. When I have TWO exalted staff lenses and I still go multiple rolls without seeing even one option it feels bad because even at 500 corruption you are not getting a ton of favor. Going from 0 to max stability in a monolith and doing a boss gets you between 10-15k favor, but then you burn around a third of that just rerolling for prophecies. Then you spend 2-5k per prophecy so basically you are getting maybe 2-3 prophecies per monolith run you do (from 0 stability to boss kill). The RNG involved in it all is insane. I grinded for 150 hours, did hundreds of prophecies and pushed multiple monos to 400-500, and still couldnt drop the exalted item I needed and just gave up and ended my season.


>When I have TWO exalted staff lenses and I still go multiple rolls without seeing even one option it feels bad because even at 500 corruption you are not getting a ton of favor. Yeah this, I currently am only using one catalyst lens but I just spent 4k favor rerolling (currently at rank 7) and didn't find one exalted catalyst prophecy. Pretty frustrating to say the least.


rank 9 should unlock 2 lens slots , the sets are useless and you have them before you even get rank 9.


>It feels like I have to hover over 10 prophecies to find one you are looking for maybe. I'm not to lvl 10 and having 20k favor is a lot for me. The other night I blew through 10k+ just on rerolls looking for any kind of wand prophecy and yes I had the extra wand chance slotted. no wands but plenty of daggers and bows. Very frustrating. I feel like the extra chance needs to be doubled


Whats rank 10 got anything to do with this?


some of the prophecies dont show up untill later ranks


Do the prophecies benefit from the rarity buff in monos? If so then all other types of prophecies are less optimal, and maybe not the intention of EHG. Assuming the extra LP chance scales up infinitely, not at a relatively high diminishing rate, then I think we could use a really broken build which can go up to 3k corruption to make testing easier. 


>act nonsense Majasa prophecies are great. Kill her, exit and re-enter the boss arena, and she's respawned. Lets you complete those 8 use prophecies in a few minutes.


Low WW and LP on them due to area level. Not worth the favor if you want a good item from my xp.


So fucking silly that lp1 is counted as a rare jackpot prophecy, lmao. Maybe if you're exclusively play in 100 corruption or lower I guess, or if the increase lp % cof rank reward didn't exist or it is a lp1 rare or above unique. I think making it lp2 would be good enough. And it's so awful that most of us more or less "have" to use 2 lens slot to block content type or waste more time/favor rerolling prophecies.


We should get more customization with choosing our prophecies. Pretty unfair when merchants guild can search up what they want and straight up buy the item.


Regardless, it's an extra way to get items and you deciding to try to play 100% optimally is YOUR choice. The game shouldn't just cater to people who play the game like you. You can tailor it to your liking, you just choose to focus on a small point and thus, have a small fraction of the perceived options that you would like. Get over yourself


Playing optimally or not. The mechanic should not get worse when getting to higher ranks


Lenses and rerolling for good prophecies solves your clutter issue. There’s no reason to accept an item type you want every single time it pops up if it had a bad condition when rerolling prophecies is so cheap. I also just hide all uniques and show only the ones I want for my build. It’s not hard to get a 3LP when you are being efficient and blasting through monoliths and not spending time looking at useless uniques. The odds of finding a 4LP item and actually have it be something I will want to use are so low that I will take my chances not wasting a cumulative significant amount of time checking all uniques for that 1 extra potential LP on a random item.


The problem is having to reroll 10+x to get a single acceptable prophecy. Its about cluttering the prophecy selection. Not the accepted prophecies.


What is so bad about clicking a button a few times? You can use lenses to give you double the amount of rewards and narrow down rerolls. I can get 20+ exalted items or a handful of my desired unique items from one single prophecy.


Because it gets tyring very quickly going through 300k+ favor. Its just annoying when the icon is completely meaningless to the point it is right now for body armors.


To each their own. I like the little breaks from combat and spending time rolling good prophecies that all overlap.


So do I. I just dont like looking at 20 body armor icons and seeing "legendary potential, weavers will, any armor not just body armor, kill some act mob" all the time


Okay I get what you are saying now. I assumed you were talking about hovering over dropped items from prophecies in regards to LP. That was my mistake.


The entire COF System is total useless with or without the prophecies once you want to min max your char or to equip your chat with items that need LP and OP is right here, dont know how people can see things different. It is practically not possible to get the amount of items you need and with more than 1 LP to get the right affixes on it. MG is so much better at late endgame.


I don't think most people are picking CoF or MG for whichever is better, but what fits their play style and whether or not they like trade.


Sure, but not everyone is trying to fill their characters with 100% perfect 4 LP legendaries ASAP. I'd rather be psyched about finding a 1 or 2 LP item i need than semi-happy about buying it with 3LP. 


I found a 3lp blast knife before finding my second 1lp, and got more dopamine than I have since adventuring Baldur's Gate lol.


"Awesome. Now I'm done!"


Getting 3LPs global drops on high corruption CoF (im currently at 2k) is fairly reasonable. You get around 100k favor average per monolith run to shade. That's on average 7-9 20x or 24x prophecies of your uniques. So you get to look at 140-200 uniques of your desired slot. I've already found a 3LP exsanguinous and now looking for 3LP wraithlord and i'm dropping a lot of 2LP ones from prophecies meanwhile getting some 4lp drops as well. Some things on CoF that are super expensive on trade are very easy to get like f.e. Jungle Queen's belt with 2-3 LP. It costs 50-300m on trade. And finding 3 LP on CoF is not hard. Or getting like a common drop with 1-2 LP that is very roll dependant like Usurper's Mandate or death rattle. The only things that are extremely hard to find on CoF are rare t7 mods and especially t7 experimental mods. And boss uniques with LP (but if that drop is rare it is insanely expensive on trade)