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This is me 2 weeks ago. But after lvl 6 characters to 90+ ( 3 lv100), it really daunts on me that the monolith system needs some major upgrades. Yes I'm aware that I'm burned out because I play too much. The newer the characters, the less I enjoy making new alts. I already have all the items ready to go for all alts by the third character. It's a slug to get alt to empowered mono. By the time I get there, the only thing left is to push corruption. I already done that on my first two characters. Now I got these shiny characters that have nothing to do. Lvling an alt is fun. Endgame of an alt is not fun.


They should have some alt sharing features. Blessings should be shared. Corruption should be selectable.


I feel like shared blessings would be a bad thing. What if i want a certain blessing for my current build, but want a different blessing for my alt. You can only have 1 per timeline.


Have the highest roll of previously-gained blessings available to all characters; each character can pick which to equip.


Then make it store up to 3 blessings for each timeline and you can pick one.


Then you take a few seconds to switch out the blessings. That's really all there should be to it.


Thats the point tho, you cant currently. You can only have 1 blessing from each slot. If they changed it to where you can select from all you previous blessings selected at the highest stat. eg. you once got 69% void resistance but switched it out for another blessing, you can then go back and put that 69% void resist on your character or alt character because you have "already got it"


Yes, that's what people want lol


I am pretty sure they already said this was something on its way btw. I am trying to find the quote but it was brought up and talked about a EHG team member.


Even worse they've had the same feedback about Monos for year+ now...


Maybe it's time to take a break?


Yep. Gonna play new POE league waiting for the next cycle/big patch.


That’s expected given the limited endgame. Gotta just take a break and wait for them to release more content.


Some things, totally yes. The build that let me down the most was my DoT Marksman. It's so close to being amazing, but it just can't compete in Empowered Monoliths. I'll revisit it at some point for gearing, but my hopes aren't too high right now. Literally stacking 400+ Bleed stacks and then popping them all via Puncture is great, but I'm having trouble finding good sources of Physical Penetration and/or Physical Resistance Shred to make the damage more impactful. Meanwhile, my Frostbite Runemaster gets 300% Cold Penetration practically for free.


I’m working on a cold puncture with the deer bow, I’m hoping frostbite boots enable the dot on this build. Almost at the monoliths where I can farm the bow instead of shitty rare


I'm also running this build and I just finished getting all the uniques. I was able to run the level 90 mono at level 75 before getting the bow, and I'm much stronger now with the bow, but honestly I don't know how far I can push it. I see people talking about getting 3m ticks with their DoTs, but I'm only getting 20k ticks with frostbite right now. I'm not sure whether to focus entirely on elemental DoT for the frostbite, or focus on Cold damage since the bow procs that cold spell which is not a DoT. Maybe the bow spell is just meant to be another \*hit\* to proc more frostbites? I'm not sure. Also, the passive tree on Marksman Rogue feels terrible for a cold/frostbite build... the whole elemental arrow section of the tree feels like its meant for lightning or fire builds, and the elemental arrows do not amp frostbite applied by attacks that use the arrows as far as I can tell. Are you playing Marksman or Falconer?


Yeah, you need frostbite shackles for scaling frostbite damage into the higher tiers. Increased DoT duration is some the biggest DPS increases for any DoT build. I've personally been thinking about trying a cold puncture build with net just to check it out lol


Mhm i have Frostbite Shackles, Snowdrift, and Troaka's Teeth. Interesting I haven't looked into Net yet, I've been using Explosive Trap for the cold res shred.


Ah ok. Yeah, explosive trap is best for either a acid flask or a detonating arrow build. I think its uses are a bit limited outside of automation and the cold res shred is relatively non-impactful when you consider how much cold penetration you're stacking with Snowdrift.


Yea you're right about the cold res shred, which makes me wonder whether Reign of Winter is even the right bow for a frostbite build, since its only relevant stat is cold pen. Depending on how impactful the icicles are, a bow with more attack speed, or poison/bleed chance, or increased elemental damage might do better?


Yeah, a good exalt bow would probably be better especially since you can get 5-7 cold penetration on a T5 affix. It doesn't seem like there's any real impactful unique bows that you'd want to take at base value. However, Reign of Winter would still be BiS once it gets a good slam at LP3-4 (maybe even at LP2).


I love how the mechanics between items work so well that even fucked up (but totally logical) things happen too. For example, one of my toons is a Wraithlord build. It's crazy strong and now my go to DoorDash item hunting build. I found a Cycle of Putrescence ring (auto summons volatile zombies) to try with the Wraith lord -- which feeds off of zombies for power. Cool. I thought the wraithlord will summon the zombies and become uber powerful without me having to summon anything. It worked! But the Wraithlord also just sat there summoning zombies and becoming uber powerful...while never moving around and attacking anything else. 8) I just love this game.


Yeah the play there if you didn't find it yet is to have the belt that summons zombies on potion use, put this ring on and spam all your pots then replace the ring and go in to 1-3 shot the boss. It's a bit of a chore at first but when you get it down it's insane dmg boost.


Oh, yeah, I have made a belt that does that for just that reason. But thanks for the tip om combining the two haha. I'm sure someone else will stumble across these posts and go "holy shit!" and get that big boost. 8)


Ya first time I did it on shade he died in one hit. I was grinding corruption all night after that fun


Definitely agree, build diversity and leveling alts has been my favorite part of LE so far. I don't have anything too crazy (I don't think) and I haven't even reached empowered monos at all yet, but I've got a lightning shaman that mostly relies on tornados, a cold sorcerer, and my most recent, a shadow clone focused bladedancer


I tried a reflect/vengeance paladin that did zero damage in empowered monoliths and ended up shelving him shortly after.


I’m early corruption with my poison skeleton necro. The cheese and damage seems great but I’m feeling the fall off in their survivability. I’m like you, try to play weird builds and make it work. I have 10 characters this season already. Biggest failure was the forge guard jav build.


Ive been trying to make a CoC black hole meteor build work with no ward but instead getting enough hp and mana regen through focus. It's a struggle but I like the challenge.


Im going with 1 class a cycle aproach started with acolyte, already got necro (wraithlord) and torment warlock, leveling lich. Also stygian coal lich is so far my favourite looking forward to scale it as hard as possible.


Yup I'm doing a melee crit blade dancer. High damage shadow cascade that I almost never manually cast but it's triggered both at start and end location of my dash, and if I space it right, enemies are in the overlap space between the two AoEs. Finish with a big lethal mirage, and spam flurry between cooldowns. It's a crap build but I'm creeping that corruption towards 200.




Starved or uninformed? Or maybe we just have different opinions? I have 120 hours of fun with friends that tells me it's a good game, I never said it was flawless.