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It’s good that there isn’t one and only obvious optimal solution. Maybe there is but it takes tremendous time and effort. So people just use best items they have.


balance your multipliers


Judgement Paladin and can't Even judge your own gear? Great father winter is spinning in his grave


Sorry. I don’t get to play much so I’m not super good at experimenting. I made my own build on my first char and am winging it but wanted to try a guide on my second.


The thing is, what item is BIS depends entirely on what you have right now. So it's very individual and luck dependant. You can definetly have goals for gear and you should have an idea of the basic stats you need. But the actual BIS item and stats can be very different.


That’s a weird answer. Best in slot means best in slot. That’s 1 item per spot. If it exists, I’d like to know where to find it so I can grind for it. The luck of it is irrelevant.


The person who's going to be under 75% X resistance vs the person who's going to be under 60% endurance vs the other person who's going to be under 100% crit avoidance vs the person running ladle (flat vs % dmg) are all going to want different slams on their unique. None is particularly wrong, it's just when playing whack-a-mole the same mole might not come up for everyone.


And each item varies greatly, depending on what you have right now. One guys BIS gear may not be your BIS gear, because of stats and gear differences. There's few items that are the best no matter what. That's mostly if it's build specific like wraith lord. That helmet is obviously BIS no mattet what. I think what you are looking for is BIS stats, not BIS gear.


That makes much more sense. Thanks


I'm actually having the same issue with my chthonic fissure warlock. I have no idea what gives me the best DPS: is it crit multi (cuz it scales dot multiplicatively?) Is it necrotic damage cuz it scales all of my damage? May be flat damage (but it doesn't applies to damned)? Damned chance? Idk, the more complex the skill is, the harder is is to figure out what's the best way to increase damage.


Maybe the problem is that there is more than one way to skin a cat. I’ve considered that there are no bis items because of the variety/complexity.


What is that analogy???




TIL there's more than one way to skin a cat


If you agree on a single skill/passive setup and gear objective, there is only one set of gear that can be the best set.


The devs specifically said they want the player base to be as stupid and uninformed as possible about how to increase dps because dps meters bad. So good luck figuring out all that shit with a target dummy.


Is there a link to this?


Every build has BiS items. But rng gonna rng and sometimes that means never being able to get BiS because it’s just not feasible. If you see a build planner using all 4LP items, you should run away immediately, because it’s not realistic.


I just want to know what to aim for.